
Who Let You In Here?


Odette I


3 Years
Sylvia 1

04-15-2020, 04:41 PM

Odette Mooncrest


Odette jumped out of her sleep with a startle, the loud noise nearly causing her heart to leap out of her chest. It was some time after dark, perhaps inching more towards early morning? But what on earth was that sound? Then the horrendous sound of her hens screeching into the night air echoed into the dirt walls of her den, and time seemed to slow. No... No.. No! Leaping to all fours, Odette rushed out into the twilight, the brisk air of autumn nipping at her ears as she kept them perked, waiting for her ladies to cry out again. It was a horrible sound, the pleading cry of a caged and dying animal being slaughtered. It was a sound Odette hated with a passion, and yet she heard it far too often. Though Killian's assistance in guarding her coop was a great improvement, the warrior could not watch throughout the night, and it seemed these night terrors were persistent still. Commotion to her right alerting Odette to the perpetrator, stalking within the fenced in arena of her hen house. Rage flooded the fawn woman's blood as a fierce sense of protection lurched in her heart. These were her birds! No mongrel was going to take them from her!

Dashing forward, Odette plunged head first into the coop, her lips snarling and her hackles rising and her bright cerulean eyes narrowing into slits. Many times before the woman was forced to chase the attackers off, mostly running into raccoons or foxes, but tonight seemed to hold something far more challenging in front of her. Cloaked in the shadows of darkness, with only the faint light of the moon to illuminate it's frame, stood a ferocious looking mountain lion. How, on earth, did it manage to get passed her fence and reach it's filthy claws into the hen house? Odette may never know. But what the female did know, was that she was severely outmatched. Odette was a healer, a hunter at her most violent tendencies, but certainly no fighter. Slit eyes slowly widened, and that aggressive snarl slipped into a tight line as she realized what was happening. Odette was in a cage with a mountain lion, a cougar, and there was nothing standing in the large cat's way from taking Odette down and harvesting all the chickens after. In a panic, Odette called out, her voice trembling with each word. "H-hey you! G-get out of m-my hen house!"

Did it seem brave? Or was it as stupid as Odette thought it was? Her answered was revealed as the large cat turned it's attention toward the wolf, large fangs being revealed as the beast let out an ear piercing hiss. Odette had interrupted their dinner, and it would seem the feline did not appreciate the rudeness of her actions. Immediately Odette regretted it, her ears laying back on her head as her tail tucked up tight along her abdomen. "N-Nice.. kitty..." She knew the kind of pain she would be in store for, having caught the aggravated claws of her companion Cordonia a fair amount of times. Only this cat was bigger, much bigger, and would surely love to eat the wolf as well. Panic rose up her throat as she turned to flee, the cougar kicking up sand as it took off after Odette. The fawn woman, fearful for her life, cried out in hopes someone might answer her plea. "Oh no, help! Please, anyone! Ahhh!" Her scream would follow suit as the cougar leaped out in front of her, cutting off her chance of escape. Odette would be pinned between the big cat and her hen house, and the only thing she could think of was to beg for mercy.


Table by Sea
Art by Fox
Odette has a Sand Cat companion named Cordonia, and a Welsummer Rooster named Dash. Unless mentioned, it is safe to assume they are not  with her. 



Master Fighter (290)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

By the skin of my teethSnake EyesVengeanceMammoth HunterHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
04-15-2020, 05:38 PM
Dunkan Sarcova


The night was precious as all the stars were visible, the moon crowning the night with its faint but comforting light of silver. And the young Dunkan wished to have a walk and clean up his thoughts, but not only that. He also wished to familiarize more with the territory, with the scents, the sounds and anything he could save in his memory. Maybe he would need it someday, not just for being able to become one with the locations and any detail the place had, but if the case of trespassers he could maybe be able to know which scent or noise isn't part of the night. He wanted to work hard in order to become the warrior he promised he would become.

He didn't mind being awake this late as he was used to be a night lurker, most of his main thing like training were mostly made at night. Nights gave the privacy he wanted, the quietness helped him focus longer and it was overall a time he enjoyed. And thus he made his way through the grass, his blue eyes were cold as they traveled across the horizon, with his walk confident.

But some time later a cry broke through the darkness, finding its way to Dunkan's ears. Without thinking it twice he raced toward the scream, as fast as he could. Hackles rose as he attempted to arrive and as the distance, he saw a cougar threatening a wolf, a packmate. Oh no, Dunkan wouldn't allow it to harm them. If he wanted to be a soldier it was required from him to act as one even if he wasnt one by name yet. Quickly he snarled loudly and without a second thought, he would charge.

With jaws widely open he would bite the cougar's left hind leg and shook his head with savagery. He wanted it to feel all the pain. No one was going to harm a packmate, not while he was around. The cougar growled and angrily it turned around to face the attacker. The warrior let it go and walked back with a challenging gaze. Daring the cougar to come after him. Hopefully, he could buy time for the female to get out of the way.

"Hello" | 'Thoughts' | 'Your speech'

He has a male Jaguar Named Urasa and a female red tailed hawk named Kaira ,They are always around him unless told otherwise
He wears a lion skull with mane and claw bracers.

Odette I


3 Years
Sylvia 1

04-15-2020, 08:04 PM

Odette Mooncrest

It was going to all be over in a flash. Odette thought this was a fact, rather than a possibility. Alone, Odette had no chance, her life would be ended by this cougar, her coop would be trashed, all markers that she even existed here would be gone. But then.. out of seemingly nowhere... another wolf came out of the brush snarling. Wide blue orbs flashed to him, thinking for just a splint second, it was Sirius or Killian. But the wolf that came to her rescue was none she had met before, but she could recall seeing his brown, white, and black fur at the last meeting. Sadly, Odette did not get the chance to introduce herself before they meeting departed, like many of the new comers she had noticed. But all that seemed forgotten as the male charged forward, no fear to be seen as he attacked the cougar! "Oh my gosh!" She would gasp, closing her eyes as she would await his blood curdling cries to greet her ears. There was no way he alone could stand against that cat, right? Seconds past like hours, and yet the only sound that greeted her ears was the angry growl of the mountain lion, and the sound of dirt rustling through their colliding struggle.

Odette braved the world once more, prying her eyes open to see the wolf backing off of the cougar, the cat limping on one of it's hind legs. Blood coated the ground, but the only blood Odette could see on her pack mate was around his maw. Did the cat not yet hit him? It was incredible! Frozen in her place, the fawn woman looked on as the big cat turned to face the male, large eyes narrowed into slits and giant fangs exposed to their full extend as the beast hissed a warning once more. Panicking, Odette stumbled over her words as she cried out; "W-what should I do?!" She was no fighter! But maybe a distraction? Odette looked around her, trying to find something to get the feline's attention. Her eyes landed on a pile of rocks nearby, but just out of her current reach. Was it safe to move? Would the cat turn on her if she did? What if the male had a plan already, and she just got in the way? Petrified to the very bone, Odette would stare, wide eyed and trembling, to her savior. Looking for instructions, guidance, reassurance, whatever he could spare.


Table by Sea
Art by Fox
Odette has a Sand Cat companion named Cordonia, and a Welsummer Rooster named Dash. Unless mentioned, it is safe to assume they are not  with her. 



Master Fighter (290)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

By the skin of my teethSnake EyesVengeanceMammoth HunterHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
04-16-2020, 07:55 AM
Dunkan Sarcova


He stood his ground, he won't step back and never will in any fight, he didn't care who his contender was. It could be bigger or stronger than himself, but he still won't run like a coward. And this cougar won't be the exception to this rule he placed upon himself. Winkled maw showed those long fangs which now had blood stains from the vicious bite he just sustained the feline. Loud snarls erupted from his throat, hackles rose and tail tall showing dominance to the moronic cougar who dared to cross The Armada's territory and he would make sure he pays for such stupidity.

With the corner of his eye, he wanted to see if the female had escaped, but there she was still. Irritation soon came upon his head but just imitated to send a sharp glare to the female, and making a move with his head to a side, hoping to send a clear message. Of moving away. But soon the cougar charged his way wanting to claw him in his face but in a quick move, he would retreat his head a bit , simultaneously he would grab the cougars paw and bite it as hard as he could and pull it toward him, wanting to cause damage and maybe start taking away the cat's possibilities of harming them.

But soon as he bites it down, the cougar using its free limp would place its paw to hit Dunkan's neck, causing four bloody wounds on the said region. Blood started to cover his neck and falling down the soil. It hurt but he had to stay firm if he wanted to protect his packmate. Trying to ignore the pain he circled the cat wanting to find a weakness he could explode. And he remembered the wound he caused earlier. But then he got a plan, he turned his head to the female. "Could you please keep them distracted? Trust in me I won't let it hurt you." He explained.

"Hello" | 'Thoughts' | 'Your speech'

He has a male Jaguar Named Urasa and a female red tailed hawk named Kaira ,They are always around him unless told otherwise
He wears a lion skull with mane and claw bracers.

Odette I


3 Years
Sylvia 1

04-25-2020, 10:18 PM

Cerulean blue eyes could only stare as the male battle the large cat, her gaze switching feverishly between the two. It was probably one of the most violent encounters she had ever seen, and was most certainly the most dangerous. Never before had Odette been exposed to such a predator, so when the chocolate colored wolf shot her a quick glare, his head motioning for the woman to move, she was lost and confused. Did he want her to run? Did he want her to fight? Did he just want her out of the way? Odette had always been more of a hindrance than a help. Cautiously, Odette would attempt to side-step her way off the scene, staring bug-eyed at her pack mate in search of any sign that what she was doing was right or... completely wrong.

It wasn't until he spoke that Odette sighed heavily. Distraction! This was something Odette could possibly do and not completely fail at. Turning her attention to the beast, Odette would stumble over her words as she attempted to gain the cat's attention. "Uh.. hey! Giant, fluffy, kitten! W-what's the matter, are you scared?" Of course the cat wasn't scared. If it was terrified of a couple of wolves there was no way it would wonder into a pack territory to attack some birds! Panic starting to creep in, the fawn woman grabbed hold of the closest item near her; a chunky pile of chicken dung, and threw it at the cougar! The feline, clearly able to dodge the fecal ball, turned it's fiery gaze upon the female with an expression of both mad fury and completely dumbfounded. Blue orbs widened as Odette froze in place, her face scrunching up in painful embarrassment. The fawn female would sigh heavily, shaking her head a bit before nodding her head to several more pellets floating around the ground beside her. "Trust me, cat, there is a lot more where that came from."


Art by Adillion, Table by Sea
Odette has a Sand Cat companion named Cordonia, and a Welsummer Rooster named Dash. Unless mentioned, it is safe to assume they are not  with her.