
How Doth the Little Crocodile

Predator Fight



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
04-19-2020, 10:03 PM

Twilight claimed the land and the swamp would soon be lit only by the light of the moon. Traversing the wetland was treacherous and each step had to be well placed or one risked falling into the murky water. There were things in there that wouldn't think twice about eating a wolf and one as big as herself would made a decent meal for the reptilians in question. All around insects and frogs filled the air with a raucous cacophony of sound. From far away, it was a lovely sound. Surrounded so closely by it was giving the one-eyed woman a headache.

As she walked, a large bat flew right in front of the woman's face, a wing brushing her muzzle. She involuntarily drew back quickly. The action made her foot slip and the rest of her heavy body followed. The maned dame slid down the side of the bank and into the dark, algae covered water. Shit. Paws scrambled at the bank, but it was too steep for purchase. Giving up quickly, the wolf moved quickly through the water to a place where she could more easily get out. She barely made it. Pulling her tail out of the water, she heard the snap of powerful jaws right behind her. Spinning her soaking wet form, she just saw a large reptile sinking back into the water after its lunge for her. Backing away from the water, she made room for the beast to come onto land.

The place where she surfaced was a different patch of land than she had been walking on before. Here, she was backed up against a gully wall. Hemmed in on all sides, she had no choice but to stand her ground. No choice but to fight. Squaring her body, the behemoth lowered her head, teeth bared and a snarl on her breath as the big, black reptile pulled its long body towards her.


Coding|Alice. Art|Resin.

[Image: GreYdcM.gif]

Killian 2


2 Years
Extra large

04-19-2020, 10:31 PM


Killian wandered through the swamp with a slight rumble in his belly. His desire was for a home cooked meal but he wouldn't be so rude as to pester his friend Odette. Thus, the male found himself wandering the lands for something that could satiate him. Usually the male would take from the Armada's food stock but he wanted a hunt. Something to get him limber and his heart racing. Little did he know he would indeed get both very soon.

'Splash.' It wasn't the loudest but he could hear the break of water from his path. Killian raised a brow before lowering his form to the ground. It could have been a twirling Alligator or even a Hog so he was very careful. The large Klein broke through the brush to witness a pack mate standing off against an Alligator. She was soaked with mud clinging to her normally dusty fur. His heart sped up a bit as the male sprung into action with no questions asked.

Massive paws hit the earth as the male let forth a rippling snarl. He leapt towards Resin to stand at her side and lowered his form to the ground. They had some distance between them and the gator but he knew they moved fast. The two Wolves were fast but very large, they would have to be on their toes at all times. Killian didn't take his eyes off of the predator as his tail flagged straight out, "The skull will make a fine trophy." A cocky grin flashed before his lips stretched upward into another snarl.

The Alligator started it's assault and Killian was prepared. As it made it's way towards them the male stood his ground. He hoped to obtain the attention of the creature so Resin could potentially go on the flank. He let forth a few intimidating growls to maintain the gator's focus. 'Snap.' The Reptile moved forward with a quick snap of ferocious teeth. Killian immediately side stepped as the Gator got close, a preemptive move to avoid the bite. The sight of those many teeth sent a shover through him but he was able to maintain enough agility to escape injury for now. Hopefully Resin would be able to land a good blow or two to their enemy as this happened.




8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
04-19-2020, 11:02 PM

As the giant reptile pulled itself closer to the trapped woman, a hero appeared. A young buck that she recognized by sight and smell, but she couldn't quite remember his name. He was part of the pack, however. Good timing on his part, she mused. He spoke and the woman's lone, golden eye glinted. Her own gruff tones growled out through damaged vocal chords."If we kill it, the head is yours."

As the man kept the beasts attention, the waterlogged woman skirted around the side. It would be best to draw the reptile backwards so that they would have more room to work. Coming up behind it, the behemoth of a woman sank her teeth into the thick meat of its tail, careful of the flutes that could cut a tongue or cheek. She pulled backwards with all of her might, wide paws planted in the moist earth. Serrated teeth cut wide swaths of flesh down the sides of the tail and blood instantly began to flow. The beast hissed and spun on a dime, its wide mouth now facing her. She snarled aloud, pelt bristling and tail curling above her spine. Now she would keep its attention so that the man might attack.


Coding|Alice. Art|Resin.

[Image: GreYdcM.gif]

Killian 2


2 Years
Extra large

04-21-2020, 09:45 PM


"If we kill it, the head is yours." Gruff vocals clarified a deal between the two of them. Whatever Resin wanted from the Croc would be hers, the skull was Killian's, and the rest would be used elsewhere. The meat would be good for the pack's food pile and the skin could be made into good armor. Kill figured he could use a tooth or two for skinning knives. All in all the Croc was riddled with uses but first they had to kill it.

Resin sunk vicious fangs into the Croc's tail. Killian was thankful due to how close the reptile was getting. He was growing weary but the thing quickly pivoted its attention onto the female. The Croc lashed around to target Resin and Killian figured it was now his turn to attack. He was aware that the Croc was well armors with a thick layer of sturdy skin. But, there were a few points of weakness. The tail was fleshy but that would only enrage the beast. Killian needed to wound it. Thus, the slate Klein launched himself at the reptile. Fangs sunk into the sensitive flesh just behind the Croc's skull. It was a fleshy spot with only a layer of skin protecting the organs beneath. Killian was no expert but hoped the beast would be weakened by at least hefty blood loss.

Just after Killian connected the bite and began shaking his head to further the damage the reptile reacted. The beast began to thrash his head and Killian felt his own heart race. He couldn't help but to figure the thing may roll, even though that was more of a water move. Kill didn't want to be dull. Thus, he let go of the beast and launched himself away. He felt the Croc thrashing and the snap of fangs made his fur stand on end. But, no damage had been done to Killian just yet. - He wasn't in the clear just yet. The Croc moved quickly at the Wolf's hinds and Killian was finding it hard to find his balance as he moved away due to the mud. Hopefully Resin would attack soon.




8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
04-29-2020, 06:42 PM

The battle was moving right along. Attention went back and forth from Killian to Resin. The crocodile was beginning to realize it's mistake and she could see the hesitancy in its actions. It was slowly moving itself closer to the water while the attacks were made. Well, that wouldn't do. As Killian held its attention upon him, Resin moved to the other side of the beast, placing herself between it and the water. The dull thud of the reptiles jaws closing reverberated through her as well and she stopped for a moment, but only for a moment. Planting her paws, the giant woman rocketed forward. Since the beasts attention was on Killian, she dug her teeth into the back of its skull. The croc hissed and thrashed, but wasn't able to move much beneath her weight. With that weight, she made a balls move, throwing herself into her back. Thick forelegs wrapped about the lower jaw and she worked to hold the crocodile's mouth shut. She knew that their strength was in their bite and it would have a difficult time opening its jaws once they were held closed. With the weight of the beast on top of her and the mouth held closed, all Killian needed to do was kill it. And hopefully quickly.

Coding|Alice. Art|Resin.

[Image: GreYdcM.gif]

Killian 2


2 Years
Extra large

05-06-2020, 09:59 PM


The attention of the Croc was averted as Resin went in for her assault. Rather then an attack she managed to clamp the beast's jaws shut. Killian whipped around to watch the scene, panting, and he was amazed. The older fae seemed to have some balls that he didn't. Nevertheless, Killian knew the door was now open to end the predator's life. With a low rumble of a growl her barreled forward. The male saw his opening as Resin moved upward. He would then aim to bite directly where she had formerly, working at that sensitive spot behind the Croc's skull. Killian thrshed his head viciously to do as much damage as he could. Blood spattered as he tore into the Croc and the life seemingly faded from the beast. The Klein did not stop until the Croc ceased it's own movement. Blood poured from the wound and Killian raised his head. The male snorted blood from his nose and swallowed whatever was in his mouth. "You are a brave Wolf." His voice breathed of slight awe before he aimed to pad away from the beast. "It will take some time to drag this thing home, or is it your aim to break it down here?"




8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
05-07-2020, 12:12 AM

Together, the pair made their kill. Once flipped, the creature didn't stand a chance. It seemed as though, once the stars were aligned, death took mere moments. The scarred woman held firmly until Killian stepped back and spoke. Only then did she release her hold of the reptiles lifeless jaws. One could never be too careful with crocodilians. One snap. One roll and you'd lose an entire limb. Or worse.

Sliding out from beneath the hefty beast, the now bloodied woman sat aside, catching her breath. Only when she had done so did she answer. "Too big to carry all the way back. Crocodile meat is delicious though and we shouldn't waste it." She could send him back for Iolaire's small cart. By the time he returned, she could have the skin off and the meat ripped into serviceable sections. "Would you like to help remove the skin or would you like to run back to the Armada for Iolaire's cart?" That lone sulfur eye was fixed upon him as she waited for an answer.


Coding|Alice. Art|Resin.

[Image: GreYdcM.gif]