
If You're Gonna Lie


Mercy II


3 Years
Dire wolf
04-21-2020, 09:37 PM

So this was the famous Battlegrounds. Her white toes curled around the dry dirt, narrowed eyes sweeping the copper smelling landscape. It smelled like war, making her shiver in the most wonderful way. Mercy had heard that this was the place to get into a fight -- friendly or not. She rolled her shoulders expectantly, brushing up against her teeth clad collar that sit snugly around her neck. It had been a good while since she was able to sink her teeth into someone good, and it was about time to get back into it. What better way to make her mark on this land if not in blood? It was the best way, by far. A smirk cracked her lips as she walked deeper into the land, humming softly as if she were skipping in a field of flowers. Too bad that this was neutral ground, it would be quite the place to settle in as a home, watching the wolves come and fight each other. She would never be bored, that was for sure.

Stretching herself out, Mercy found a good spot, lowering her haunches so that she was resting close to the ground. The muscles in her frame still remained coiled, ready to jump to the ready if need be. These were dangerous lands for a loner, she knew the laws of the land, and that she could be claimed. Well, attempt to be. She couldn't help but chuckle at the thought, it would be a welcomed challenge, that was for sure. Purple eyes peeked up at the night sky above her, stars just beginning to appear. Did wolves even venture out here this late? There was only one way to find out. Her jaws parted as a summoning call sounded, asking for an opponent. There was a quiet demand in her voice, an inkling of the prowess that she was. A warning, maybe, that she wasn't one to really go easy. Practice, yes, but spilling blood was all she needed, no matter how she got to that place. Hungrily she licked at her lips as she lowered her head, expectant eyes inspecting the horizon.

[Image: db3g53r-75e5e98d-3da3-46fa-988d-a5116dde...bOI7_8Kz2M]
Thread with this character at your own risk! She is rude, prone to swearing, flirting, and biting. She is unpredictable at best and cannot always be kind.



6 Years
04-21-2020, 10:31 PM

After winning her first battlefield fight with the Praetor girl Banshee was ready for the next. A while had passed since the previous brawl to all wounds to heal. Bruising, cuts, and physical strain had passed. That meant it was time to venture forth to the unholy lands once again. Banshee had some experience fighting in the past. She even participated in a tournament as well as some fleeting spars. But, the latest one really got her in a bit of a bloodthirsty mood. There was a raid coming up and she really wanted to get her fangs bloody before going up against Wolves in a much more important setting.

Almost as soon as she arrived a call was heard. A domineering voice of what seemed to be a She-Wolf beckoning battle. Lips curled upward to expose a slinky smirk as the younger babe slipped closer to the howl. Upon arrival a fierce gaze swept across her potential opponent. A massive white Wolf with a tooth necklace. The size of the stranger reminded her that of Sirius which was slightly intimidating but Banshee wasn't going to shy away from the fight. Many Wolves seemed to be going through growth spurts lately and she needed to be prepared to fight them.

The stranger held a defensive stance representing her readiness to start the fight or to launch at any Wolves prowling to claim unsuspecting loners. Banshee was excited to get on with it and aimed to stop moving at about ten tail lengths away. A seemingly good starting distance for a fight. She immediately flipped the defensive switch. Ears flattened, lips curled up to expose the might of her fights, eyes narrowed, and head lowered. Banshee tilted her muzzle downward slightly to protect her throat. A Wolf with such a murderous look in her eye would surely go for the throat. She evenly distributed her weight on four sturdy legs and then bent her knees and elbows to lower her form to the ground. Banshee's goal was to be agile and always one step ahead. Even though the yearling was rather tall her opponent was much larger. - Banshee also witnessed her Cobra moving in the distance to get a position in case he needed to delve into the action.

"Lets do this."

Banshee sprung into action. The younger Wolf aimed to run at her opponent head on. Digging sturdy paws into the earth to ensure nearly perfect balance. As there were only a few more strides to left in her proposed charged the Fatalis Wolf would quickly try to side step to her left. Hopefully as she reached that last quick stride Banshee would be able to slam the center of her chest into Mercy's left humorous. Meanwhile she would also attempt to lift her right leg and hook her opponent's left ankle and pull the limb towards herself. Banshee's motive was to potentially play with her opponent's balance. Simultaneously Banshee would attempt to bite her opponent's right portion of scruff at the base of the neck.

Banshee Klein vs Mercy for Spar
Round 1/?
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Extra large
Build: Medium
Mutation 1: Extended fangs - Offensive
Companion 1: Spitting Cobra - Battle
Skills: Intermediate Fighter & Beginner Healer
Specialty: N/A

Mercy II


3 Years
Dire wolf
04-25-2020, 12:57 PM

It took very little time for her call to be answered, a younger female entering the scene. A wicked grin curled upon her lips as she rose to her paws, spacing her legs an equal distance apart as her weight shifted across all four limbs. Her neck lowered as her chin tucked towards her chest, feeling the pinch of the teeth on her collar. It wasn't hard to set her defenses as she kept her now narrowed eyes on the other, appreciating her opponent. It was almost too fitting that a very pretty, albeit younger, female was the one to answer. It was clear on her features that she was enjoying the view, gaze running across the others form with a soft hum. This was going to be a fun challenge, spotting the elongated fangs that rested in the other's maw. A bite with those were sure to draw blood and hurt like a bitch, the thought making her shiver in a delicious manner. This truly couldn't be any more perfect, that was for sure. Ears pulled against Mercy's head, her lips curling upwards to expose her less impressive set of teeth. "Can't wait, beautiful," she purred in reply to the other's words, thankful that her opponent seemed to take no shits and wanted to get right into it. Fine by her, she was just as eager to shed some blood.

She wasn't wrong it would seem about her partner's idea of jumping the gun. Without hesitation, the other charged headlong towards Mercy. Rolling her shoulders forward, she welcomed the charge, not even trying to escape the slam against the front of her leg. It would most likely bruise, but the first brush of impact was just what she wanted. A sultry purr left her snarling lips, nose pointing downwards towards the smaller girl. She shifted her weight towards her own left, feeling the other wrap her limb around hers. Her superior weight was able to maintain her position, not allowing her balance to be upset. When the other went to bite her though, she was almost willing to just stand there and let it happen, wanting to feel the bitter sting of those fangs in her flesh. Shivering at the thought, Mercy tilted her head towards her own right and towards her opponent, jaws parting and attempting to find purchase at the base of the others neck. Hopefully she would be able to not only maintain a good grip, but also taste the sweet metallic flavour of blood rushing into waiting mouth. Focused on her own attack, she forgot, or cared not to, dodge the girl's bite. She could feel those fangs slice into the side of her neck, just shy of where her collar sat against her skin. A delicate moan followed the red hot flash of pain, her body shaking in near ecstasy at the feeling. It had been far too long since she had felt the sweet sting of pain, welcoming it with open arms. She was so hung up on the feeling that she didn't dare attempt another move on the girl, hoping at least that her bite would land. A mark for a mark, it was only fair, right? A completed transaction of bloodshed, and perhaps of blood lust. Despite her greater size and stature, Mercy put nothing off. She wanted to be hurt as much as she wanted to inflict pain, not caring who won or lost, just needing to simply feel alive once again.

Mercy vs Banshee for Spar
Round 1/2
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Heavy
Defensive Battle Accessory: Spiked leather collar
Skills: Beginner Fighter & Beginner Hunter
Specialty: N/A

[Image: db3g53r-75e5e98d-3da3-46fa-988d-a5116dde...bOI7_8Kz2M]
Thread with this character at your own risk! She is rude, prone to swearing, flirting, and biting. She is unpredictable at best and cannot always be kind.



6 Years
04-25-2020, 07:43 PM

Banshee's chest slammed into her opponent's upper leg and the younger gal felt a pang of pain run through her. The chest slam was a move that inflicted pain on both parties but she felt as though it was a good starter to get the fight going. It was clear there would be bruising from the slam but Banshee was more then happy to suffer for the thrill of a fight. That's what it is all about right? The sound of her massive opponent growling filled her ears and only egged her on even more. Knowing that she now had the power to inflict such pain upon another was exciting. But, to also know that she could learn how to fight someone into submission was another thing on it's own. Banshee hoped to one day be as decorated as Sirius in the battle field. She knew these early spars would be a good start.

The yearling's attempt to swipe her opponent's paw left her with nothing. Thus, she aimed to merely spread her weight between four paws again. Perhaps Banshee' underestimated the weight of the rogue. But there was no reason to dwell, nor did she have time to. As Banshee went in for her initial bite so did her opponent. 'An eye for an eye.' They both locked onto one another's opposing lower leck region. Banshee felt her elongated fangs delve into the muscular flesh of her opponent's neck. Blood slipped into her mouth and pained her lips crimson. The metallic taste caused the babe to let forth a growl that seemed to rip from the base of her throat. Sending blood spewing from the sides of her mouth between teeth. A delightful mess.

Suddenly Banshee would release her opponents neck and lift her front paws off the ground in attempt to wrap her opponent in a bear hug, potentially wincing at the pain of her swift movements. Two front paws aimed to slam down upon Mercy's back to secure the standing position. As she did this Banshee would part her bloodied jaws to try for another bite. This time she aimed for her opponent's scruff, careful to avoid the collar. Higher then her previous bite.

Banshee Klein vs Mercy for Spar
Round 2/2
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Extra large
Build: Medium
Mutation 1: Extended fangs - Offensive
Companion 1: Spitting Cobra - Battle
Skills: Intermediate Fighter & Beginner Healer
Specialty: N/A

Mercy II


3 Years
Dire wolf
04-26-2020, 08:46 PM

The delicious feeling of pain coursed through her as the other's fangs slid into her flesh, Mercy was enjoying it far too much that when her opponent let go, a sigh of disappointment followed. It seemed to be short lived though, as her own teeth cut through fur and skin to release the flow of blood into her maw. A shiver shot through her, her tail raising as the sweet taste washed across her maw. When the younger girl growled, Mercy returned the sound, although her own sounded much more like a garbled purr than anything else. She kept her grip on the girl, pushing her nose downwards to try to press weight against her bite, hopefully holding her down as she felt the girl shift her weight to try to rise upwards. Mercy's weight pulled towards her front end as she let out a deep growl, attempting to pull the other down and keep her firmly planted on the ground, if not forcing her into a play bow. This would hopefully counter the others attempts to raise herself upwards, and aide in furthering the wound that she had inflicted. This, however, did not stop the girl from being able to bite Mercy again, those yummy fangs of hers sliding into the flesh just an inch below her previous wound, slightly closer to Mercy's shoulder. This caused the pale wolf to hum in appreciation, shoving herself into the bite as if asking for more pain. This wasn't about winning to her, or showing that she was better, but just to feel like herself once more. It had been far too long since she had gotten into a good spat, even longer since the taste of blood washed over her as it did now. She would feel the pain later, that she knew, her right side would be a little worse for ware. Oh well, the moment was perfectly apt for it, and pain was always a gain to her.

Mercy vs Banshee for Spar
Round 2/2
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Heavy
Defensive Battle Accessory: Spiked leather collar
Skills: Beginner Fighter & Beginner Hunter
Specialty: N/A

[Image: db3g53r-75e5e98d-3da3-46fa-988d-a5116dde...bOI7_8Kz2M]
Thread with this character at your own risk! She is rude, prone to swearing, flirting, and biting. She is unpredictable at best and cannot always be kind.

The Judge


04-28-2020, 09:57 PM

And the winner is...


MERCY must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out.


Banshee: 341.39
(67, 92, 42, 88 - Adjusted to 83.75, 96.6, 42, 88)

Mercy: 305.95
(37, 95, 60, 96 - Adjusted to 40.7, 109.25, 60, 96)




6 Years
04-30-2020, 09:47 PM

Perhaps with the help of her opponents affinity for pain Banshee seemed to be able to pull out the victory. Red coated the strange woman's pelt as Banshee removed her fang's from the Dire Wolf's flesh. Each fang dripped with crimson blood as she took a few steps back. Various parts of her body rang with pain but the adrenaline allowed her to ignore it for now. An eager tongue flicked against her fangs as she stretched out four sore legs. The yearling raised her head with a thick grin, "I am Banshee Fatalis of the Ashen Armada." A pause. "It was a pleasure fighting with you." Perhaps her own tone held some of that flirtatious purring. With that the younger gal turned and ran in the direction she came. Eager to patch up her wounds back home.

-exit banshee-