
Mmm, Five Guys



6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
04-21-2020, 09:43 PM (This post was last modified: 04-21-2020, 10:29 PM by Tealah.)
Warning: Justice is not feeling real happy sort of friendly and this is likely to be a rather aggressively mature thread one way or the other. Be aware.

Justice raced along at a punishing pace, thick dark legs flashing through the long grasses. Aurielle might have thought it was a good idea somehow to put her as a beta but she just wasn't the responsibility type and it was so stressful always needing to be in charge of making sure that the things got done and riding herd on the fighters of the pack and she was just a fighter ok she wasn't a beta it was supposed to be tenporary and here she was getting ready for practice raids and training kids and shit and that wasn't her. She wanted to fucking scream off the side of a cliff and all the echoes would scream with her vecause it was too damn much everything. She nissed running off and doing fuck-all whenever she wanted to. She hated feeling tied down, like there were chains at her throat and she couldn't breath. The only remedy was doing something fucking stupid that didn't involve jumping off a literal cliff.

Jamming on the brakes, she skidded to a stop and threw up her head to howl, the tone starting a thick, throbbing growl and sliding up the scale into a note of frustrated longing. She was too restless and frustrated to be alone. She wanted company in her insanity.



5 Years
04-21-2020, 10:59 PM

After spending some absolutely dull months in the north the scarlet ghoul found himself in an equally dim place. After meeting a few of the natives he wasn't incredibly impressed. The beast longed for his kin. Creatures of ambition, indulgence, and regality. Those that take what they desire without looking back. No, he was not a lawless being but there was something about creating your own rules that drove him to defy those around him. Chaos was a great thing as long as it was within Balerion's walls of control. To have those beneath him doing his bidding and fighting one another was the true goal. But, as of right now he was a mere fledgling looking for any sort of entertainment.

A howl ripped through the air and stopped the melanistic Wolf in his tracks. Inky black eyes took in his surroundings before his body pivoted and began moving in the siren's direction. The howl breathed of suffering. A sort of thick suffering laced with desire. The sound was what moved his legs in those moments. Perhaps it was also his own primal desires for more.

Black eyes feasted upon the sight of the charcoal slate femme. She seemed to radiate emotion even without any sort of eye contact. Balerion could feel the rage exploding from her breaths and the urgency of her restlessness. The stranger's body language spoke all the truths he needed. Thus, the ghoul slinked his way towards her. Immediately the male invaded her personal space to stand just half a tail length away, if allowed. He'd aim to be shoulder to shoulder with her facing the same direction as if they'd been pals for ages. As he stopped moving the male would look to her with a thick smirk and arrogance radiating from his inky gaze. "What the fuck is your problem?" Cutting directly to the chase. Either the older girl was going to sink her teeth into him or perhaps even just run away.




8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
04-23-2020, 10:40 AM (This post was last modified: 04-26-2020, 09:35 PM by Kai.)
Kai wasn't quite sure what he was doing here. He, too, felt completely and utterly tied down - though since the raid with Abaven, he was halfway done to repaying his debt he had never consented to, and he should be feeling accomplished more than anything. But he wasn't, and that was why his restless paws carried him far from the north. He wasn't sure how long he'd been traveling... days, maybe? Occasionally he stopped to rest when it suited him, only to keep moving as soon as he awoke, in search of food or entertainment, or both.

The sound of a call, ringing out across the land he was currently exploring, caught his attention. It was hard to tell precisely what the voice wanted - it was female, and sounded around his age, and it sounded vaguely familiar to him - though it was laced with frustrated longing. Now, that was something he could relate to. Ears swiveled toward the sound as the tusked male redirected himself toward the sound.

Unfortunately, by the time the grey and red-marked male reached the source of the call, someone else had apparently come to investigate too. The female wasn't quite perfectly his type, but he couldn't deny her attractiveness; nor that of the male, who was quite a bit younger. Another long look cast at the female reminded him that they'd met once before, and his eyes brightened at the realization. Kai raised a brow as he drew closer, having not caught the male's words, only that he had been spoken. "Not just one beautiful stranger, but two - am I really so lucky on this fine day?" A faint grin touched his lips as he took a few strides closer, shamelessly examining the two of them.



Expert Fighter (120)

Beginner Hunter (0)

7 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantCritical Hit!
04-24-2020, 11:44 PM
[Image: 62.png?width=503&height=499]

Ahh this was so dumb, one second he had been in a tussle with another and the next he was wandering in this fern gulley. He was sick of this shit! Mika growled to himself, a good fight had been wasted but he couldn't complain seeing as he was unharmed. Simply he found himself continuing forward his eyes moving from left to right until he heard the call. He laughed a little. She didn't think that this could cause a bit of trouble for herself. However he was after all a prime candidate to humor her. A fight, a lover? What was it that this howl inticed. However on his way over his found two males had already found the scent. He rolled his eyes, great.

"And now you have a third, though you could say the same thing about yourself." he chuckled as he brushed passed Kai. His orange eyes glowing as he stared at the gray and red marked male. The striped male though did take an interest in the red one. "Woahhhh you're bright red! That's fucking rad." Mika laughed. "Hello there though little lady. You called hmm?" the end of his tail twitched. A fight. He'd love to tussle with that red one, he didn't care how old any of them were. Oh and the lady, she was quiet the striking kind. This was his kind of party.
Lan has DID and can switch personalities without notice
Mika is considered rated M
Beau may enter any threads as their partner