
What's the meaning when you have a broken whole

Seasonal bonus prompt



Beginner Intellectual (5)

Master Fighter (245)

10 Years

Pride - PolysexualHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
04-21-2020, 11:25 PM
The swamplands were nearly untouched by the volcano eruption. At least Eraithus knew that, ever since he had travelled through the South he had come to the decision that perhaps he best prepare himself like all Boreas fighters do. He'd saw what Domari could do to that deer so it got him thinking about himself. Something that drew out the most blood would work for him. He hummed - the roots here and the grass would work perfectly. Though since of his inexperience when it came to crafting he had no idea where to start. What would be sharp and could put on a hold? Not to mention where and how would he attach it to himself.

The male trekked through the swamp, stopping in front of the growing spindles of swamp trees. "You'd think I need a mentor for all this hmm?" he laughed asking himself this. He turned - was a fellow warrior about to stumble upon him? That's what Eraithus was hoping for at least. He sighed, who was he kidding he knew nothing of weapons. Yet he felt like it would be an excellent choice on his behalf. To fuel his addiction it could essentially gain him more of a hand in fights. Ahhh well, perhaps it was a chance to learn something new anyway.



Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
04-24-2020, 07:37 PM
Okay so... why on Earth did Acere trust her enough to watch after his kid?

Maybe it was because she didn’t eat Winter when she met her. That or he trusted the judgement of Whiskers and Ears a fair amount. Could it have something to do with her willingness to follow Winterfell into the raids, maybe? Or… maybe even the fact she had stepped in, unfortunately too late, to fight the snow leopard that attacked two of Winterfell’s members?

Whatever the reason, he was willing to let Snow come with her that day and had asked her if she’d teach him something... Yeah, uh… okay. What the Hell was she supposed to teach him anyway? Wasn’t as if the alpha was descriptive.

‘This is some bullshit…’ Bells thought miserably. He thought getting permission to leave the packlands today would include babysitting? She wasn’t even really sure how to interact with the kid properly. Sure she was trying to make small talk but it was a bit awkward.

The woman was edgy, aware the youth, and her companions, were following her.

Bells wasn’t sure what possessed her to travel this far south but…

Here they were…

She was feeling moody by the time they got to the swamp… and that was when she saw a face that was familiar. This helped relax her some; the man wasn’t bad in battle. Actually… maybe this was a good opportunity.

“Hey, Yo, Eraithus!” Bells barked to get his attention and turned her attention to Snow. “Hope you’re ready to get some learning done, kid. Come on.” She trotted towards the blue furred male with a cocky grin on her face.

“Been a little, huh? What tricks of the trade you been into since our spar, hmmm?” She wore her snow leopard cape of course and, this time, her dagger was completed as well. “Got more company this time. Guys, this is Eraithus. Eraithus these are my companions; Whiskers, who you met before, Ears, the little Devil, and Snow.”

Ears scoffed. “I’m not small…”

Bells rolled her eyes. “Yeah, and the sky doesn’t get dark at night.”

Whiskers on the other hand offered the other a small smile.

“Good seeing you again. You were pretty good the last spar. Bells enjoyed it.”
Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.


04-25-2020, 01:35 AM

His dad had let him go out today with Bellamy, and it was safe to say he'd been really excited! That was...until he noticed Bellamy seemed to be in a bad mood. Granted, he wasn't the bouncy, in your face kid that Winter was, he remained quiet and followed Bellamy to wherever she decided to go. He couldn't help but gaze in wonder at a lot of the things they passed through. He had never been this far before, so while he wasn't pelting Bellamy with a billion questions, he kept track of some of the things they passed so that maybe she would answer any questions he had about them on the way back if she decided to be in a better mood. He did like her companions though. They were fun. It made him wonder if he could find some of his own, and truth be told...he wanted one like her badger. The devil was cool and all, but it kind of creeped him out...still, he liked Ears' personality...he supposed he'd think about it later when he got older...but where would he even find one of those, anyway?

His attention was pulled from the thought of companions when he heard Bellamy suddenly call out to someone, and then he realized they had made it to a...well...he wasn't sure what to call it. He only knew about the Northlands, so what was this place? “Hope you’re ready to get some learning done, kid. Come on.” He blinked and followed after her, keeping up fairly well now that he was almost a year old. When he realized who she was heading towards, he slowed down and couldn't help but stare. The guy she was talking to had blue fur. While he had seen someone in Winterfell with blue fur, he had never really thought that maybe there were others with abnormal fur colors. Bellamy spoke to him like they were friends before introducing him and her companions, "Hello," He murmured as he listened to Bell's. They had sparred with each other? Well, safe to say he was suddenly interested in the conversation. "You guys sparred!? That's so cool!" He grinned at he looked from Bell to the blue guy. "So who won?"



Beginner Intellectual (5)

Master Fighter (245)

10 Years

Pride - PolysexualHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
04-25-2020, 03:57 AM
In the midst of his thoughts he really didn't expect to run into Bellamy. There was clear surprise on his face as he turned to her. Well it was always nice to see a familiar face. This time she had a second companion with her and a pup, nearly a yearling. Eraithus wagged his tail slightly. It was nice to see fresh young faces. Despite himself he loved children. As he turned he nodded his head to the tasmanian devil as well. Should he get himself one of those? "Here and there, I actually took down a wolf not much larger than you. Must I say young Snow you seem to be growing at the same rate!?" it seemed snow was gaining these huge wolf genes. "Are all wolves in boreas this large tell me?" he considered himself to be rather rall but it was more common to see those around Bellamy's side. It was then when Snow asked who had won and he flicked his tail.

"We'll save that story for another time young one. I actually was here to look for materials." he turned to Bellamy then. "That dagger of yours is interesting. I never in my life saw the use of a pelt either. I was wondering if I could perhaps craft myself something to use." he stared onto the area around them. Lots of twine and other bits and pieces. "Course I know you find some things, MAKING is much different but I have no idea where to start." he huffed for a moment and smiled. The blue man crouched down towards snow though that really wasn't far. It was more of just a look.

"Wouldn't it be fun to learn how to make a weapon or defense item anyway?" he grinned. "Surely you have some experience compared to me Bellamy." hopefully he wasn't putting her on the spot. His mind was trying not to concentrate on what her blood had tasted like. These days though, it seemed like he made a lot of friends with pack wolves. Despite his distaste for such things.



Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
06-27-2020, 05:43 PM
Hearing that he had actually taken down a wolf a bit larger had Bellamy grinning. “Perfect~ Guess we may have to go for a rematch at some point then, hmm?” She glanced towards Snow. “There are a number of larger wolves in Boreas it seems, though not all. I’d say just get used to meeting giants.” Hearing the boy’s question Bellamy hummed softly.

“In a spar, if you both learn something, both of you win. A way to prep you for a more serious battle…” She shifted her gaze back towards Eraithus then. “My father crafted things like this.” She explained, voice quiet as she said so. “Weapons and armor. They can be quite useful.” She glanced between the two males.

“Could make one of each, really. I find bone or stone works best for weapons, though having things like twine and such are helpful.” It was her way of saying she was willing to help teach. “Or two weapons or something. Give you both something to use.” She grinned. “You’re about old enough to start learning such things anyway, Snow.” She looked between them again.

“What type of weapons or armor would you both want to learn about making? A blade like mine, or something else?”
Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.