
Shattered in the shadows



4 Years
06-20-2014, 05:13 AM

The shadows preserved her well as she travelled into the night, eyes glimmering wickedly. Her light pawsteps made no sound as the howling wind roared on. She travelled smoothly yet swiftly, picking up her speed. Pearl white fangs shined in the moonlight, her azure orbs gazing into the shadows. The shadows gazed back at the lady, and she welcomed them with a nod. Ruffling her fur, she continued her travel in pure silence on the edge of the woods. The leaves danced in the moaning wind, how lifeless they seemed. The woods were dark and eerie, a place Aislinn could certainly call home. Soulless, the forest could easily be described. Just her. The trees weeped in her presence, yes, she was unstoppable, even her puny ancestors could not erase her past, or her future.

Painful, the empty hollow in her heart was, though she learned to live with the pain and welcome it. No healing herbs could soothe her bloodied memories or her shattered shell. No ancient spells and chants could save this woman. If she is destined to war and the apocalypse, so be it. She was a reject, no-one wanted her. No-one dared speak to her. And that was it. Just silence and solitude. Echoes of the past whispered in the wind of the weeping woods, the trees were torn and shattered themselves. Perhaps those trees had gone through a war for their life? She fitted in with the trees, torn and shattered, those are just some of many words she can be described as.
A faint smell was in the air, all those who had travelled before her, all those who died in amongst these trees. Fear was carried in the wind. No living creature stalked in this forest. The huntress travelled on, away from the protecting moonlight.

Just silence and solitude.


[Image: 4LyHbab.png]

Helios I


9 Years
06-29-2014, 12:58 PM

Helios needed to get out, he needed a release. The pack felt stifling, a prison where the only escape was his own mind, a prison of it?s own accord. He had not planned on staying out so late however, Nat would no doubt be wondering where he was and the man did not want to worry her, she had enough to deal with as it was. The man could not seem to tear himself away from this place however. He knew it was all in his mind but the forest seemed to feed upon his grief, seemed to draw him in further and further to some trap no doubt.
The wind picked up for a moment and a faint scent assailed his senses. Another life moved within these trees. Eager to no longer wander in solitude the russet man picked up his pace, red orbs scanning the horizon in hopes of finding this other life.




4 Years
06-30-2014, 01:39 AM

The wind spoke in a hushed voice, exchanging words with the trees and grass. The dark lady could hear the moaning words of nature. She understood perfectly.

Look at that dame. What a disgrace she is...

Poor girl, it really was not her fault...

I show no sympathy for that beast, she must suffer until she is dead!

It was not the first time the wind had picked on her in such a scornful way. With a deep and majestic growl, she yowled silence for the stupid spirits. They silenced instantly, fear of what this dame could do. Her abilities and potential is unknown, but those spirits would not want to stick around to find out.

Yes, that's right. Cower in fear, weak ones. Do not underestimate me...

The wind, instead, had carried to Aislinn a scent of another. She was no longer alone in these weeping woods. The solitary lady was certainly not in the mood for meeting others, quite frankly, she was at her best away from everyone else. Though the wind urged her on, following the scent of the other. What did the scent smell like? An older man reeking of others. A family. A pack.

A pack...

What was a pack? A pack was a group of wolves, who belonged together, who hunted, served, protected and loved. Her brother had promised Aislinn that if she was to get anywhere in life, a pack would be best. Now that she thought about it, she needed no-one's help. Who would accept this disgraceful mess? The wind did not like her, why would other wolves?

Her eyes opened up to a large russet man, lumbering through the soulless woods. His matching red orbs flickered into the endless shadows. What sort of pack wolf would linger in such a dangerous and dark place? But she should not be too quick to judge, perhaps this wolf is of great power and potential. Whoever he was, she would approach him. Azure orbs sparkling wickedly, the elegant golden dame would reveal herself to the traveling man.
"Greetings, sir." She spoke in a cold and dry tone, the howling wind ruffling her silken fur. How would this man react to this disgrace?

"Talk." Thoughts and voices

[Image: 4LyHbab.png]