
Desperate, uptight, and lately unkind

for Actaea



Expert Intellectual (120)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - PansexualIce Bridge Explorer
04-26-2020, 08:52 PM
This was another interesting place, one Kiela had never encountered the likes of before. Though something about this wall told her that it was no simple act of nature that had brought it into existence, that didn't make it any less worthy of respect than anything else. The rocks that made up this structure were no doubt quite ancient and the spirits within them could be felt as easily as anything else. Gingerly Kiela touched her dark nose to the closest rock, the stone cool to the touch. Briefly she closed her eyes as she breathed in the crisp early morning air, letting the silence of the lands wash over her. The north so far had been quite desolate, and she wasn't one to complain - it was giving her time to reflect on her reasons for coming here and embarking out on her own.

Where to now? She had no real goal in mind, other than finding a hint of where this continent's caribou herd had gone, and she was in no real hurry to find them. By now any herds had likely split apart, moving to more heavily forested areas to prepare for the north's harsh winter. In time she would grow to know this herd like they were her own, but she knew that would take time, and that was something she had plenty of. Kiela was exceedingly patient, and that was evident in the oversized female's gait as she moved, her gait measured but without any sign of being hurried. This place wasn't the kind of place she wanted to rush away from anyway. The wall was interesting in its own right, crumbling completely in spots that looked like they could be easily scaled, while other sections stood tall and strong, a true testament to their strength.



6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
06-02-2020, 09:21 PM

She had taken enough time to recoup from her travels and get her den cleaned out once more. Now that she was home she could focus spending her time in the North again, a place where she had actually felt like she had belonged since her birth pack. With it being the middle of winter there wasn't many available plants and herbs for the healer to collect, so she had decided to take time for her other hobby. She was good at observation and picking up differences in the landscape and in general. She was no means well skilled hunter, but she always liked to keep herself knowledgeable of the creatures near the pack. She was hoping with some scouting that she could bring some useful information back to her uncle so that he could use that information as he saw fit.

Leaving Lorenzo at home in the den her and Boris began their steady pace away from the pack's border. Their pace remained steady, but not to fast that they couldn't take in the world around them. Her photogenic memory mapping out the sights around her and allowing her to pick up even the slightest change. The fresh snow on the ground was the first most obvious sign of difference. There was other things, such as how much bigger some of the younger trees had grown since she had first been here. She would even pick up tracks within the snow and take the time to stop and look at the tracks to try and identify the animal that left them. It felt refreshing to let her mind simply work as it was meant to and for the most part it kept her occupied.

When the neared the wall, the pair was on the northeastern part of the wall. The part of the wall that faced towards the pack. she didn't at first see anyone else. She approached one of the crumbled parts of the wall, carefully scaling it and gingerly moving on top of the wall. Shortly after she would stop as her molten gaze caught the sight of another wolf not far from her at the base of the wall. It had been a while since she had really had much interaction with complete strangers, part of her was very weary and wanted to simply leave before she was noticed, but the other part of her craved the social interaction she used to get in Abaven when she was a year and a half younger.

"Hello there," her voice was light in an attempt to be friendly.

"Speech" & 'Thought'

Boris the Boar and Lorenzo the opossum are assumed to be with her at all times.

Note: I do not have a reference of her scars yet, please refer to her appearance section of profile to read about them



Expert Intellectual (120)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - PansexualIce Bridge Explorer
06-05-2020, 10:40 AM
Though this place was quite a bit different from her homelands, it was hard to not draw similarities with what she was used to. The terrain in general was familiar to her, but so far the northern lands of this continent seemed much less barren than what she was accustomed to. Already she'd run into a few wolves, and now she was here, facing an structure that was as unnatural as anything she'd even encountered. It had clearly been left to the elements for quite some time; the sections that weren't crumbling were covered in moss, as if the earth itself was trying to reclaim it, despite how relatively sparse the vegetation here really was.

Her attention was drawn from the side of the wall to something higher up, just a bit further down the wall. A female that looked not much smaller than her stood perched on the top of a section of wall. Her orange gaze locked on her, curious as to what she was doing.. though she had a feeling she herself would've eventually tried to scale the wall at least briefly, had someone not approached. "Hello," Kiela returned the greeting after a moment. Her voice was indicative of her youthfulness, though laced with an accent already that was clearly not native to these lands. "You are from these parts?" She asked after another beat. If she was, perhaps she knew something that Kiela did not about this wall. Her mind drifted to the caribou, wondering if they had to scale this wall themselves as they migrated, or if there was another way around it... or perhaps they were so far north from here that they never came here. Perhaps this stranger might know.