




3 Years

Valentines 2020
04-28-2020, 04:19 AM

Saren had found himself with some free time and that meant that it was time to do some experimentation. He found that life was a whole lot easier now that he didn’t need to spend loads of time hunting for himself. The benefits of pack life versus being on your own had become ever apparent to him. He appreciated the socialization as well as the ability to relax every now and then. Although with Saren relaxation was a struggle with his own mind and less his circumstances, at least nowadays.

What the boy had decided to do with his free time was try out an idea that he’d thought about but wasn’t quite sure how to do yet. He wanted to rearrange the plants and herbs back home into a more sensible arrangement that made it easier for him to keep an eye on the plants and harvest them when he needed to. He didn’t want to test all of his ideas there since he could very well mess up and ruin the majority of the living herbs they had. So he wanted to test things out on a neutral ground. The area was close enough that he could come back to keep an eye on the herbs so see how they did, but if the plants failed then it wouldn’t be on Aerie’s territory.

He had brought a couple of herbs to try transplanting. One plant, which had small clusters of white flowers (boneset) was already growing in the area. The other plant was one consisting purely of leaves (cannabis), Saren hadn’t seen the particular herb growing in the area yet. He had brought the two kinds to see the different reactions. His theory was that the green leafy plant would die since it wasn’t naturally growing within the area, and that the white flowery plant would thrive in the area since there was plenty of its kind here already.

Before he had left home he had carefully extracted both of the plants from the ground. Digging lightly around the base to help with the removal. He had placed his mouth around the base of the plant to hopefully pull the plant out at the root. Saren did that twice to get both of the plants he was carrying now. The walk here had been a struggle with remembering not to crunch his teeth into the stems of the plants.

Having arrived at the prairie he set to work. He dug two small holes, each big enough to contain the roots of its respective plant. He dug a little extra as well, softening the dirt around the hole. The logic being that maybe softening the dirt would make it easier for the roots to start growing again and to take hold within the ground. Picking up the leafy plant first he grabbed it at the base and placed it in one of the holes, turning his head sideways. Using his paws to scrape in the excess dirt to fill the rest of the hole, he packed the top of the dirt down so that the plant hopefully wouldn’t just fall over the first time somebody brushed against it.

Saren proceeded to do the same thing with the other plant in the second hole. He had placed the holes well apart from one another, he didn’t want one plants growth to affect the others, not immediately at least. So he placed the plant in the other hole, scraped in, and packed the loose dirt.

This was the best idea he had at the moment. He didn’t know much about the actual growth of plants so he hoped that this method would work. Most if not all plants grew by themselves without any assistance from wolves so he hoped that simply moving a plant would work and be enough. The plants should be able to figure out how to continue growing from there, right? He had no idea. In a couple days he would plan to come back to check on how the plants had grown and if they had started to die or not. Ideally both plants would live, but he wouldn’t be surprised if the leafy one died as it wasn’t naturally in the area.

If the results were at all positive he would start to implement the process in his own territory, it would take a while sure, but he knew it would be worth it. The organization of the herbs at home was what was primarily on his mind now. His stashes had been stocked and he had started a system of drying herbs to hopefully preserve them in some way. All that was left for him to do now was to start leaning in to the crafting side of things, the garden was all that was left in the way of herbs.



3 Years
04-29-2020, 08:36 PM
The brown scarred wolf was growing tired really. She wasn't used to travelling such long distances like she had. Loviat wasn't allowed to - but what she came across was rather pleasant. She kept her distance though, her lavender eyes moving over the wolf who was planting things. The prairie was already filled with white flowers but what was it that he was planting? Love curiously got closer, she was no healer so she had no way of knowing what was happening. Though she had been here for a bit watching him so no doubt he'd seen her. He wasn't much smaller than she was! Loviat was so used to wolves being bigger than her that it was a welcome relief. Out of pure curiosity she had decided to ask him.

"What were those things you planted?" she asked, as she stood full in front of him. Many first took note of her scars, the large one across her right eye. The one on her right shoulder to the middle of her chest were by the far the biggest. However she was still covered in them from head to toe. Little nicks where patches of fur were missing. A tattered up mess - but that had never really stopped Loviat not these days. "My name's Loviat." she introduced herself but remained a few feet away for distance purposes.