
champagne's for celebrating

thalia <3



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

8 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022WealthyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
OverachieverCritical Attack!VolcanoLegendaryCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
05-01-2020, 06:35 PM

They'd won. By the skin of their teeth, but fuck, they'd won. Although she'd lost her own fight - obviously, he was cretinously old and much more experienced (she tried to soothe her bruised ego) - but her pack had prevailed. Acere could chew on that while he reported back to his viking handlers. How pathetic. Theory had finally found a moment to break free and the first thing she wanted to do was tell Thalia about Abaven's big win. She couldn't wait to see the look in her eyes. The respect. The pride. The... the something! Her blood orange gaze would say more than enough, Theo was sure.

Just as she'd promised, Theory had sent Alouette ahead yesterday to beckon Thalia to the hot springs. A cold rain had crept across the lands. The sky was blanketed in dark, plush clouds and everything was heinously wet. It was coming down in sheets by the time she made her way into the vicinity of the springs. Steam poured through the trees, thick enough that she had to squint to make her way through the downpour. Theo was practically slavering thinking of the warm water and the warmth of Thalia pressed into her side. Her mind had been so focused on the raid that once it was finally over, she had so much empty mental real estate. Much to her chagrin, Thalia had become her only tenant. She had hardly been able to stop thinking about her once the pack business was taken care of.

The clearing was empty by the time she arrived but the water was hot and welcoming. Without thinking about how difficult it would be to leave the warmth of the water, she quickly picked a shallow pool and waded in. Once she'd adjusted to the temperature Theory let herself slide down and immerse herself up to her shoulders. Oh, that's the stuff. Thalia's smaller body might be entirely covered, leaving just her neck and head peeking out of the natural hot spring. Theo thought she was lucky. What a treat, to be fully immersed in the lovely hot water as the rain poured down around them; vapor curled up around Theory as the chilly rain met the water's hot surface. Ever impatient to share her good news, the young alpha threw her head back and let out a few short, excited calls.

"theory speaks!"



Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (50)

8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipPride - AsexualUnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantVolcano
Christmas 2019
05-02-2020, 08:08 PM

Things had been good lately, all things considered. It felt like Eligos and the rest of Aerie were truly working toward building an Empire that her family, and her God, would be proud of. Still she wasn't entirely sure just how religious her older family members were, or even her brother, for that matter - it was a conversation she hadn't been comfortable initiating with them yet, as curious as she was about how well their views aligned with the ones that had been instilled in her. Perhaps that was a topic she'd probe in the future, but it didn't feel truly necessary now. Settling into the packlands further, spending time with her brother, and gathering intel on anyone she came across... well, those all felt like much higher priorities to her.

Fully distracted by her own duties and obligations, she'd found it easier now to push Theory from her mind, though she never fully seemed to leave. Thalia had never met anyone who made her feel quite like Theory did; like her brain had been taken out, shaken up, and put back in the wrong way. It was hard to tell just what it meant, but she knew that when she was surprised by Alouette - someone she hadn't seen in quite some time - she felt more excited than annoyed at the prospect of being beckoned. She had no doubt that their little bargain, for Thalia to come whenever Theory called, was long since over... they'd just been kids then, anyone, both trying to prove their worth to one another. Thalia just hoped she'd proved that she'd stay true to her word, if nothing else. The Abraxas were a lot of things, but cowardly wasn't one of them, at least not to the true Abraxas.

But being summoned now? For a moment she wondered what Eligos would think. Not only had she failed to really report to him anything she knew about Abaven, but now she was answering Theory's call, as if she had any obligation to her. It wasn't like that, though - she wanted to see her, quite badly too. They'd last seen each other during the summer, and Theory had been anxious over an impending raid. How had she fared, Thalia wondered? She believed in her friend - she decided then, as she began her journey east to meet her, that calling them friends might be accurate. Thalia wasn't sure she'd ever had someone she considered a friend before, perhaps besides her brothers, but she wasn't sure blood relatives counted in the same way.

By the time she arrived in the East, the weather had shifted, a steady downpour coming down around her. For a moment she felt a flare of irritation well up in her chest, but she tried to remind herself that Theory had likely not anticipated the weather either. The journey was a long one though, and when she reached the edge of the Hot Springs she felt the fatigue from her journey seeping into her bones, and the chilly rain didn't help. Feeling a bit less cheery than when she'd first headed this way from Aerie's territories, she trudged through the springs, easily finding Theory's scent and following it. She hadn't expected to see her swimming in these pools though - the steam coming off them made her wonder how hot they were, but apparently not unbearably so if Theory was swimming in them. Quirking a brow, she cleared her throat as she approached. "You look like you're enjoying yourself." The faintest hint of a smile touched her lips, truly pleased to see she was alive and unharmed, at least that was how it seemed on the surface.



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

8 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022WealthyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
OverachieverCritical Attack!VolcanoLegendaryCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
05-09-2020, 06:03 PM

The heat of the pools felt so, so good on her bruises. Some of them were muscle deep from Acere's ugly armor and although the herbs she'd been prescribed had helped some, the soothing warmth of the hot springs finally provided tangible relief. As sheets of water pouring down and raced across her exposed back Theo wondered if she should leave and take cover. But this was where she'd decided they should meet. She'd spent so long thinking about this moment just before she fell asleep that she didn't want to change the terms of her fantasy. It had to be just right.

The rain obscured most scents. She didn't see or smell Thalia until she was almost right on top of her. Theory quirked a smile at her, shaking her shoulders so that the water radiated out in small waves. "You should try it sometime," the young alpha quipped. "Come on, I promise it feels good even if you haven't recently sustained extremely painful bruises from coming out on the winning side of a raid," Theory couldn't help but laugh, her eyes glittering with mirth. True, she was a little worse for wear, but they had won.

"We won." How would she react? Things always felt strange between them when they parted. Theory wasn't sure what she wanted out of Thalia. Congratulations? Admiration? She struggled to pinpoint it. If she didn't know what she was looking for, how would she recognize it if she got it? She buried her anxieties deep beneath the warm water and focused her gaze on Thalia. Theo had been irritable and touchy since the beginning of the season. After confiding in her sisters, she'd found that they all felt the same way until they came to the embarrassing realization that they were suffering through their first heat. Thalia was a touch younger and wouldn't have to deal with this just yet. Theory found herself irrationally jealous. Luckily the water helped disguise the tell-tale musk that seemed to follow her around. Hopefully Thalia wouldn't notice... that would just complicate things.

"theory speaks!"



Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (50)

8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipPride - AsexualUnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantVolcano
Christmas 2019
05-16-2020, 06:44 PM
Thalia watched, interested, as Theory moved in the water. The smile was returned, which made hers only grow, far more noticeable now. "Should I?" It was hard to imagine now that once Theory had infuriated her so much, upon their first meeting. Though they'd both been kids then, she certainly didn't understand Theory any better now than she had then, though things were certainly different between them now. Talking to her was easier, with less tension... no, with a different kind of tension entirely, one that wasn't altogether bad. Thalia let out a small chuckle at her words, if only because her tone told her that she'd come out of the raid she'd spoken of relatively unharmed. She certainly looked like she felt good now, a thought that excited her more than she expected it might.

"I figured you'd win," Thalia admitted after a moment of reflection. There was no denying Theory believed in her pack, even if she'd been worried about this raid she'd had to deal with. Her words were factual, rather than gloating; warily Thalia moved to dip a paw into the hot springs, visibly wary but curious nonetheless. "And extremely painful bruises sound better than other outcomes." She bore no scars or visible maims that Thalia could see... even if most of her body was concealed, so maybe that wasn't saying much. "Everyone else fared well, I presume?" For Theory's sake, she hoped so, though the Abraxas within her hoped that Theory's pack wasn't as strong as she'd made it up to be in her head. Stronger packs could be a threat to Aerie, couldn't they? Eligos's vision was based on ensuring the world was dependent on Aerie; how could she possibly work her way into Theory's world as something she needed?

Pushing those thoughts from her mind wasn't terribly difficult. Though she wasn't immediately aware of Theory's different scent - it was largely masked by the steam coming off the springs - she did know, as soon as she slid into the hot water, that she wanted to be closer to her. At first the water felt almost too hot, but her body quickly relaxed as she waded a stride closer to Theory, and it felt more relaxing with each second that passed.



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

8 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022WealthyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
OverachieverCritical Attack!VolcanoLegendaryCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
06-04-2020, 10:07 PM

"Much better than other outcomes," she said agreeably, unable to keep a bit of a smirk off of her face. Her lips curled to reveal sharp, white incisors. There was a tautness in the air between them - as there always was - but Theory was in a gambling mood. She'd won the raid, after all. How tightly could she pull the cord that seemed to bind them together before it snapped? It stretched invisibly between them, vibrating with a queer energy. Theory didn't have a name for this feeling but she wanted to put words to it. Until she could put a label on it, it was a dark and unknowable force to be reckoned with.

I figured you'd win. A sharp thrill raced down her spine. Although she'd been confident in her own abilities, knowing that Thalia believed in her strength was a welcome boost to her ego. Yes, of course they'd won. Acere was a lame old man who was indebted to a slaver. There was no question they'd come out on top. Lost in her self-aggrandizing thoughts, Theory looked up to see that Thalia was very, very close to her. It was strange. Her body felt hollow and empty, like she was hungry (ravenously hungry, hadn't eaten in weeks), but she had just eaten this morning. This feeling of longing almost made her sick, especially since she didn't know how to quell it. Theory closed the gap between herself and Thalia, winding herself around the smaller female until they lay coiled, shoulder-to-hip. From above they might look like a yin-yang or an ouroboros, bent on gluttonously eating its own tail until it had its fill.

She didn't know it, but she'd already wormed her way into Theory's world as a necessity. Like water or food, she couldn't imagine the months rolling by without indulging in these visits. "We all fared well, but one of Acere's fools attempted a maim on one of my kids," she growled. It had slipped out without meaning, of course. Her "kids" were all of Abaven's youth, even if Desolate had a special place in her heart. "He can't control his own packmates. He's a doddering fool," she blew a hot breath out and laid her chin upon the crown of Thalia's rump, Theo's eyes following the line of the other girl's spine back towards the Abraxas' golden gaze. "I'm glad you knew I'd win. Maybe we ought to spar again sometime." Their bodies were pressed close but she still felt like they needed to be closer. She'd come this far. She'd closed the distance between them in the pool. As the rain continued to fall, Theory wondered if Thalia would make the next move. This was a complicated dance, much more difficult than combat.

"theory speaks!"



Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (50)

8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipPride - AsexualUnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantVolcano
Christmas 2019
06-14-2020, 09:25 AM
"Good," Thalia breathed, realizing now just how tight her chest felt. Theory's smirk was almost smug in nature and was doing all sorts of things to her she couldn't quite put into words. She'd missed her quite a bit and suddenly it became clear just how much. The distance that lay between them, however small, suddenly seemed stifling. Like something she needed to conquer, however terrifying and unknown it might be. But at the same time, it was frustrating - why did Theory seem to take the words right out of her mouth? Admittedly she'd always been the anxious type, at least deep down, but somehow Theory had a way of making her even less certain about who he was and what she wanted. From her, from life, from everything.

Just as she began to wonder if she ought to move closer, Theory did just that, sliding closer to her in the water until she was practically curled around her. It alarmed her how quickly her body reacted to the contact; usually she wasn't the type to enjoy being physical contact, not really, but Theory's touch suddenly made her body ache, like she wanted more but had no possibility of ever getting what she needed. It practically made her feel sick. It was a feeling only quelled by returning the contact, and pressing up lightly back against Theory, the best she could. But she'd have to be more brazen to get closer, not just try to stay still and refrain from floating away...

Theory continued talking even when she felt like the words were being violently stolen from her own mouth. They'd done well, she said, but one of Acere's wolves had tried to hurt someone more seriously. Now that didn't sound good. "He does sound like a fool, though hardly a threatening one," she maintained her position, sure that Theory and her pack would fare well if they attempt a raid on them again. The thought was hardly a pleasant one, no matter how strong her convictions in Theory's strength might be. So strong, in fact, that the thought of another fight actually gave her pause. "Maybe," she responded, wondering just how a fight between them would go now. Once she'd been agitated by Theory's victory over her, when she was so much younger; now, the thought of Theory pinning her down, her teeth holding tight on her skin, was practically dizzying. "I'm not sure I'd mind if you won though," Thalia finally let slip out, her words quieter than she'd expected.

Theory was so close now, but still she wanted more. How close could they really get in the springs? The water felt incredibly good but somehow solid ground, even in spite of the rain, was sounding more and more appealing. "Would you mind if we got out?" Despite the uncertainty between them, Thalia knew she didn't want to break the contact between them, not any more than was absolutely necessary... and she was beginning to realize more clearly that Theory felt the same, given where her head was resting on her spine. She was trying to keep her breath steady, certain that its uneven rhythm - coupled with the loud heartbeat pounding between her ears - would be noticeable if not for the rain. Worried that Theory would misconstrue her words, and remembering just how quickly she had the tendency to pull away when things between them got too confusing, she decided to make her point more clearly - spinning around and moving to press her nose to the side of Theory's throat, recognizing all at once that her scent was more intoxicating than she'd initially realized. Breathing it in wasn't helping things at all.



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

8 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022WealthyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
OverachieverCritical Attack!VolcanoLegendaryCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
07-01-2020, 07:19 PM

"Yes, a complete fool," Theory agreed, her voice almost a purr. It felt good to have Thalia on her side. Having an Abraxas in her corner was good, right? Even as she tried to think of their relationship strategically, she couldn't ignore the quickening of her heartbeat and the sick feeling in her stomach. Was she coming down with something? Maybe Rhyme could take a look at her when she finally made her way home.

I'm not sure I'd mind if you won. Another smirk danced across her face. Was that a compliment? A rare thing indeed. "Well, I wouldn't go easy on you just because I like you," Theory retorted. The words spilled out before she could stop them, but they were innocent (and true) enough. They did like each other. That much was obvious. Wolves that didn't like each other didn't curl up like this. As Thalia mentioned leaving the water she couldn't help but wrinkle her nose just a little. It was cold out there. Didn't she know that? "I'll do it if you want to," she murmured. Why did this feel like so much more than what it was?

With a deep breath to steel herself against the cold and the bracing sensation of Thalia's nose against her throat, Theory staggered out of the warm water. The rain drilled down her back and spilled over her sides, negating all warmth from the hot springs until the steamy water felt like a distant memory. She walked stiff-legged towards the edge of the clearing and laid down beneath one of the trees. Rain poured down around her from all sides but the canopy above offered some cover. Drops slipped through here and there, but for the most part she remained dry. "Come over here. Tell me how the Abraxas are faring on the mainland, yeah? My little island creature," Theory teased. It felt good to poke and prod her like this. How much could she get away with?

"theory speaks!"



Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (50)

8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipPride - AsexualUnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantVolcano
Christmas 2019
07-10-2020, 08:24 AM
Though Thalia had cared to learn about how the raid had gone, suddenly thoughts of this Acere were slipping from her mind. Focusing on anything tangible felt very difficult. Theory was sore but unharmed, which was what ultimately mattered to her. Instead of reflecting on the raid she found herself thinking of a possible rematch. As cocky as Thalia had been at their first meeting... well, she still was confident in herself, but who was she to deny Theory's merits as a warrior? She had led her pack to victory against an aggressor. Thalia had no doubt she'd put up a fight, and could very well win if she wasn't careful - and maybe even if she was. Regardless of the outcome, thinking of such a fight was making her heart hammer wildly in her chest, echoing so loudly in her ears that she wasn't sure she'd even be able to get out her next question.

Theory said she'd get out of Thalia wanted to. "We can always go back in after," she reminded her, though wasn't quite sure what she meant. After what? After they laid together? The image was equal parts comforting and nauseating. Thalia followed her, practically obedient as she beckoned her closer and out of the rain under the shelter of a tree. Theory's words made an odd warmth flood her entire body, to the point where she practically felt her legs begin to quiver. My little island creature, she'd called her, and Thalia found herself grinning wryly. "We're doing well enough," she started, trying to think. Her mind was terrifyingly far from the Abraxas when she was in Theory's presence. Slowly she laid herself down at Theory's back, more bold now in the way she fit herself perfectly against her, letting her muzzle drape over her shoulder. "My brother Saren has returned home, which I didn't expect. I'm not sure he's fully on board with things but I do hope he stays this time. I missed him." Admitting how much him leaving would hurt her... was hard to even tell herself, let alone tell Theory.



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

8 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022WealthyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
OverachieverCritical Attack!VolcanoLegendaryCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
07-16-2020, 09:47 PM
Theory sighed contentedly as Thalia fit herself around her. At first she worried - was she too big? Was she breathing too loud? Too softly? Oh, no, she forgot to breathe at all! - but as Thalia tucked her muzzle around her shoulder, she began to relax. How strange. The smaller wolf fit perfectly. A pleasant growl vibrated deep in her throat, almost akin to a purr. This was almost better than the hot springs. Tension began to unspool from her muscles. She stretched out and laid her muzzle on her paws. Theo relished in the warmth Thalia provided. It cut the chill of the rain perfectly. Sheets of rain poured down around the tree. Beneath the branches was a quiet reprieve from the outside world.

She quirked a brow and tilted her head to peer back at Thalia. Her brother had returned? Where had he been? Family wasn't something they had really talked about yet. Only in the broader sense, really. Did Thalia even know she had sisters? Theory's stomach clenched, taut with nerves. Plenty of wolves had vulgar opinions about Poem and Motif due to their parentage, which seemed to be an open secret in Boreas due to unfortunate circumstances. What would Thalia think? It wasn't in Theo's heart to feel shame for her siblings. No, she pushed any thoughts about their conception deep down and aside. They were her sisters. That was all. "My sister came home just before the raid. I know it can be difficult to adjust, especially since things have changed so much. Motif struggled for a while. I'm sure once he finds his footing things will seem better." She sighed and shifted her weight slightly until she was leaning back into Thalia's thick fur. "I did meet your Eligos. Quite the gentleman. My other sister, Poem, seems to have taken a liking to him." Did he have any ulterior motives? Theory tried to stay sharp, but Thalia's presence made her mind sluggish. Maybe they really could just chat about their families without any pretense.



Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (50)

8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipPride - AsexualUnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantVolcano
Christmas 2019
07-27-2020, 06:05 PM
The discomfort that their current position elicited within her seemed to slowly ebb away. Theory seemed just as content here as she was, even leaning back against her... like this was something she truly wanted. No, needed. Or maybe Thalia was just projecting what she was feeling onto the other woman. She hoped desperately she wasn't breathing too loud. Despite the rain that continued to drizzle down nearby, somehow things felt deafeningly silent, only exacerbating every noise - from her uneven breaths to the way her throat seemed too scratchy when she tried to speak. But the sound that Theory made suddenly made it hard to focus on much of anything, especially their conversation. She wondered just how easily she could make her repeat that noise, because it was definitely something she wanted to hear again...

Family. Yes. Theory admitted her sister had come home just before the raid. Her name was Motif. More information to remember, to relay, though keeping it all to herself sounded infinitely better. "I hope," she started, though her thoughts seemed to derail again as Theory leaned into her and spoke of... Eligos. "Ah, yes, Eligos," she started tentatively. They'd never really spoken of her pack, or her family, only in the vaguest terms. Briefly, she'd told Theory about her God, but it'd been hard to gauge her reaction - or if she'd even cared enough to have one. Though she'd done more than most wolves by not questioning her on it either way.

Maybe that was why Thalia liked her so much - she just let her be and seemed to accept everything about her, though part of her wondered if she'd feel the same if she knew more about her, about her family, about her world. "Your sister likes him?" In what way, she wondered? Eligos was a man hard to read, even to her - though she had a feeling he wasn't the type to fall for a wolf from Abaven. Not like me, she thought so suddenly that she nearly made herself feel sick all over again. Was that what was happening? It simultaneously made no sense, and perfect sense. "I don't blame her though. Eligos is a good man. He's doing right by my family." Everyone might not agree, but she did - the stability that he'd brought her life was something she was deeply thankful for, after a period of such tumultuous uncertainty.