
hey look ma i made it


05-02-2020, 07:04 PM
It had taken her much longer than she'd anticipated to trek this far south. Once she'd gotten past the wall she'd felt as if it should be right around the corner, but that was only wishful thinking. By the time she'd managed to skirt the edge of the mountain, she'd lost weight and was looking a bit peaky. Oh well. Although she found herself self-conscious when she passed pools of water, Lumi solved that issue quickly enough by avoiding looking at herself too long. Her white fur - which she'd taken for granted as camouflage in the north - made her stick out here like a frost-bitten paw. Had she made the wrong choice? Every step further from the north seemed to mock her impulsive decision.

And then she came upon the knolls. As Lumi crested a hill, she happened upon a small herd of the hefty buffalo hunkered down in the small valley beneath her. Dumbfounded, her jaws dropped open into a gape. Oh. This was why she'd come here. Taking a deep breath, the (much dirtier for wear) white female sat down and simply admired the view.