
In Sickness and Health



06-19-2014, 05:30 AM
She was tired, but she was comforted having Gideon by her side. Never once had he left her through these past few weeks, and they had been absolutely horrid to say the least. The woman had felt the infection coming on, and once her eyes had started tearing blood, she made the decision to leave Valhalla before she could spread her ailment. She had expected to die alone, the fever had certainly made her feel as if she was going to keel over at any minute. The woman tucked herself away far from pack lands and although she couldn't hunt for herself, she drank plenty of water. A weak attempt to flush the sickness out of her system... only it didn't work because even water started coming back up.

When she was found, she had thought that it was a hallucination. Gideon James could not be standing before her, he was gone wasn't he? He was always gone! It pissed her off that he was never there, and in a fit of anger she would tumble into the brute, expecting him to vanish, to laugh at her, to not be real - but she slammed right into the brute, and was left looking up at him in awe, her eyes welling with crimson tears.

Things grew worse from there, and then better as her body tried to naturally fight off the disease... and then worse as it failed to without any sort of medicine. Neither she nor Gideon were exactly healers, and even if they were, they had no idea how to fix what was wrong. Chrysanthe knew that her best bet was heading to her mother - but the chance of infecting her pack was not one she wanted to take.

It was after weeks of hunting for her, and the woman only growing sicker when Gideon finally convinced her that they needed to go back to Valhalla. Winter was coming and at this rate they would both die of this damn illness...

So here they were, trudging back to Valhalla, tired, hungry but together, stopping near the edges of Wolfpaw lake. Chrysanthe felt enough at home to wander into the borders, and was a little too disoriented to tilt her head back and howl. "Gideon, call... mother for me?" She would whisper to the male, sitting down and catching her breath - away from the water's edge enough that she wouldn't contaminate it. Sick as a dog and getting worse by the minute, but she was still nervous to be here. What if she spread this? Or if the others had gotten it only for her to make everyone sick again?
She ignored the tick of her tail behind her, as well as the spasm of her right shoulder - it seemed to be a side affect of the illness. If she had been less exhausted she would have snickered and made a comment about dancing - and uhg, had it really taken so little time with Gideon for his weird sense of humor to work its way back into her system?


06-22-2014, 12:07 PM
The weeks in te rearvview had been particularly miserable. However, there was one thing that Gideon was proud of and one thing that he could say ad actually been done. He had stood beside Chrysanthe an kept her company. Whatever illness she had...well, it did effect him. It made him slightly more tired than usual and he preferred to sleep more, hunting was also more of a task, but for Chrysanthe it seemed to be something much worse. It seemed as though everything was amplified and there were symptons he just didn't need to face. Still, e had pushed trough the bits and pieces he was enduring and he had been there to stand beside her and hold her up when it seemed as though all she could do was fall back down.

In his mind it was a bit of something to say that he wasn't going anywhere ever again. That he was sorry for having left her in the first place, and now he was as solid as ever. A sigh rumbled past his inky lips as they moved forward. Finally, she had been convinved to go back to Valhalla and try to make something of herself. Erani surely knew the cure? Surely she could figure out what the problem was. Chrysanthe's own mother had passed away relatively young. That was, perhaps, what Gideon was most afraid of. The death of the woman coming too fast for him to handle. What would be the point of his life if his ultimate goal (that he constantly failed) no longer had a chance at success? If Chrysanthe was gone...maybe some part of her would be happy wherever she was. Though, a world without his beloved was hardly a world at all.

They would eventually arrive in Valalla and it wouldn't take much longer for Gideon to look around and find exactly what he had been searching for. Valhalla's borders. As Chrysanthe sat down, breathless, he turned his chest towards her and moved against her shoulder so that she could lean against him if she desired to do so. A look of concern was evident on his face, regardless, they both needed Erani's help. she more so than him, though, without her there was no him, "Of course, love," the gentle words were spoken by the Mathias only when need be, and now, he felt an ever present need to be gentle to Chrysanthe and handle the issues at hand as they were--issues. She needed some encouragement anyways. A somber expression and almost a hesitation were present as he turned is head from her ears and summoned Erani. He felt awful, but there was an urgency, he was no longer asking. Chrysanthe wouldbe fixed.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-25-2014, 01:17 AM
Erani Adravendi

The cure had come at last, and wolves had just finished being treated with the three plants. Still, Erani was having a hard time shaking off the feeling of something coming. Call it a sixth sense, but she felt an oddly foreboding sensation somewhere between her shoulder blades. However, she was distracted by the call from someone she hadn?t expected to hear again. Her hackles lifted in a moment of cold anger. Gideon. The male who had caused Chrysanthe a great deal of pain with his disappearances. She wasn?t predisposed to trust the male, not after she?d seen her hurt in her daughter?s eyes, and the far away look in her face.

Chrysanthe had been missing, as had Lyric. It worried the aging mother greatly, and as she turned toward the call, she sent a silent prayer that they were both alive and safe. That prayer was somewhat answered. As she came into view of the summoning male, her eyes fell to the form beside him. Her pace quickened instantly, bringing her to her daughter?s side in five short bounds. It was the same illness. Thank Luna the cure had been found. A cold wind rolled over the lake nearby, ruffling her fur a moment as she looked over her daughter then straightened, casting a cold glance at Gideon. ?Never expected to see your face in these parts again, and I cannot say that it brings me any joy, after the pain you brought Chrysanthe?s heart. Vanish again, and you will regret it if you ever return. I will not stand seeing my children hurt by the hands of any male.? Her eyes returned to Chrysanthe. ?You?re in a great deal of luck, little love. A cure has been found, just yesterday. If you can make it to my den, we can administer it there where it?s warm.? Her cold tones warmed to the gentle, loving vocal caress as she spoke to Chrysanthe, glad to release some of her furious mother bear emotions.

Her head lowered, forehead brushing against that of her daughters. ?I?ve been so worried? And I still am. I haven?t seen Lyric since the last meeting, and?? There was the faintest waver in her voice, shut down immediately. Right now, she needed to show her strength. ?Come on? Gideon, you help her to my den? She?s not the only one who was sick? Surreal caught it? Jinxx, Amia?? Many, and some had not been able to fight the sickness and survive. But she didn?t voice this yet. She waited until her daughter was on her paws, then fell into place on one side to support her child. That sickness had better dare not take her children.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think