
Honey, you ordered a healer?


06-19-2014, 02:46 PM

Albatross?s spirits had fallen to their death from a cliff side, and had been reborn on the other side. To her realisation that she could not be carried on the wind to the one where Altavro loved her. she longed for some peace and quiet and some sanity, and had told Avro she wanted to go to an island. Her knight in shining armour had readily agreed and the duo had set out on a new adventure. Something was different between them now, with the words that had been admitted and the new ties that had been forged.

She would keep her pace close to her boys, her tail curled about his and her eyes often straying to his form. She hadn?t really thought about it before, but he was a handsome brute, with deep ocean eyes and a strange marking that adorned his forehead. It was strange really but she had never really looked at him before and only no was she seeing him. The girl wasn?t certain if love was what she wanted, but she was inexplicably tied to this boy, her Knight in shining armour, and she really wouldn?t have it any other way.

She found herself humming softly beneath her breath as they came across the island, and stepped onto its golden shores and looked out across the sparkling expanse of sea, this had been exactly what she was looking for ? vast, and beautiful, and theirs
