
Adravendi Babies!



2 Years
05-07-2020, 09:01 PM (This post was last modified: 05-13-2020, 09:17 PM by Meriadoc.)
Yes indeedy. Adravendi babies! These guys belong to Geoffrey Meriadoc Adravendi, son of Gwenevere Adravendi, and Delilah Rivers, daughter of Warja Kaname. They are 3 seasons old currently and a wildly independent, rambunctious bunch. Until now they've been raised in a free-spirited, Robin Hood type band. Think loud, rambunctious brawlers with a strong sense of camaraderie and a fierce need to right wrongs. Their family is a family of good guys but they don't immediately come across like it. They're rough and uncouth by most standards.

But enough about the band! The babies are a product of a one night stand where the parents both realized they were not at ALL a good match for each before finding out they were having an oops litter. They decided to try to set aside their differences and raise their kids amicably together. Somehow they made it work even though Delilah's family was extremely fond of heckling Meriadoc. Delilah refused to leave the band and Meri, wanting to be the father he never had, could see no alternative to staying in the band. Eventually he was accepted, life got easier, and he had a chance to parent who he considers to be the best damn kids one could hope for.

So life got good. Meriadoc settled, his bizarre semi dysfunctional family not only worked but worked well. And then the fire nation attacked.

Okay not really. But bad things did happen. The pirates who attacked Meriadoc (see his history) were longstanding rivals and another conflict finally brewed up between them. Delilah didn't survive the fighting. Even though he and Delilah didn't make a good couple they were a good team and Meri was devastated. Not only was life hard in the band without his coparent, it was lonely. He started to miss home again. Eventually against Delilah's family's wishes, Meri packed up his kids and headed back to Boreas.

So what about these lovely little hellions? They need homes. Currently there's two in play, the sisters Maeva and Amaranth I'll be taking a third girl, so any additional pups will have a plethora of sisters! As pups they will be sticking with Meri for the time being as rogues and eventually I'd like them (Meri would love this too) to join Artur's band, but I realize development might lead them elsewhere. Meri is 36" and Delilah was 28" but there's a history of dires on Delilah's side so potential for big babies. Color-wise Meri is modeled after a tri color collie. Delilah was modeled off a collie too; she closely resembled a merle. So herding colors/patterns are preferred if you want to bring your own design, but anything Andravendi-ish works too!

Personality-wise I'd prefer lighter alignments. Somewhere between chaotic good and chaotic neutral is reasonable considering the temperament of the parents. Meri is a sensitive soul so it's possible his kids are too, but pushovers and shy babies would have been heckled to death in the band so I'd like to avoid overly sensitive/nervous/shy guys. Family-oriented, brash swashbucklers were most likely to shine in the band, honestly.

The story for why these guys aren't actively popping up in their family's threads is that they're off exploring the West of Boreas because that's what little adventurous monsters do.

ANYWAY, here's the application code if you're interested:

<b>Design:</b> (either from the list below or one of your own creation)
<b>Design 2:</b>
<b>Physical Description:</b> (site minimum)
<b>Personality:</b> (site minimum)
<b>General plans:</b>

Design #1 with the option of changing the eye color to blue or green

Activity is important! I reserve the right to take back characters if you fall inactive with them. This means characters who have been set inactive and characters that haven't been posted for 8+ weeks. Any purchases made for the character will go with the character when it's reclaimed. That just makes the transition to a new player easier.
[Image: jqslMGb.png]



6 Years
05-13-2020, 12:12 PM (This post was last modified: 05-13-2020, 12:15 PM by Asgeira.)
Name: Amaranth Adravendi
Gender: Female

Physical Description: 34" // Light Build
Amaranth has a sprinter's build, all legs and lean muscle. As a pup she's too gangly to be coordinated, but upon nearing her first year begins learning how to at least fake grace. Unfortunately it will probably be another full year before she stops tripping over her own paws. Her features are sharp and feminine; bright blue eyes set just so in her skull, giving her a certain intensity when she's angry (or when she's just purposefully trying to freak you out.) Her coat is a sun-dappled smattering of earthen colors, haphazardly patched over a creamy white base. If not for these white patches she might blend in well to her surroundings but as it stands, barring a recent snowfall, she usually sticks out like a sore thumb. Amaranth considers herself quite pretty, while trying her best not to be (or at least) act vain about it. Once you've met her she is not easily forgotten.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Skills: Hunting & Intellect
Peter Pan - Amaranth has a hard time acting her age. As a pup this suits her just fine, but as she grows it is likely to cause her some problems here and there. She's much more likely to be playing pranks and pulling tricks than working on tasks set for her. She can get down to business when absolutely necessary, but don't expect her to be civil about it. She is quick-witted and clever, often hiding her intelligence behind acting like a fool. Someone who knows her well might be able to use these traits to their advantage, as long as they can put up with her hijinks in the meantime. In general she is typically very friendly and outgoing, but doesn't suffer stiff personalities well. Anyone who is laid back and easy-going is probably someone she can get along with, as long as they don't mind her suggesting agitating bee hives and white water rafting as fun bonding activities.

Robin Hood - Amaranth has a strong sense of right and wrong. She doesn't suffer bullies well, but she's not really the sort to start an all-out brawl if she can avoid it. She'd rather use her wits to get payback on her own terms, in her own time. She's not a knight in shining armor charging across a battlefield, but rather the one hiding amongst the trees ready to pull tight a rope and trip up their horses. She will always advocate for the little guys, and thinks the world should be a fair and just place. Along with this comes a sense of naivety that may come back to haunt her in later years.

Dread Pirate Roberts - Amaranth isn't above concealing her intentions until she knows that she is in an advantageous position. She can put on a mask when required, and play a part if it means getting to the bottom of something that's bothering her. She knows that honesty is not always the best policy, especially when dealing with less savory characters. Given the chance she will use every tool at her disposal, including unusual alliances and forming friendships with those others might find odd or off-putting. She is largely an accepting sort, as long as it helps get her to where she wants to go. Amaranth is not easily riled to anger, and few things short of putting her family or friends at risk can get a rise out of her. If you do happen to trespass on these sacred grounds, you can expect her to go to the ends of the earth to set it right, and to make sure you never make a similar mistake ever again.

Captain Jack Sparrow - Amaranth can be... cocky, at times. There's a certain assuredness that seems to follow her every waking moment, in part born out of youth and overconfidence. She's quick to crack a joke or a wry comment, even at her own expense as long as it gets a laugh. She enjoys poking and prodding at others, all in harmless good fun if you ask her, and if it ruffles some feathers its not her fault that some people can't take a good joke. She'd be happy to explain to you in detailed, colorful language the many reasons why it's unhealthy to have a stick wedged that far up your ass. There are few people in the world she truly respects and because of this, and all details stated above, she is known to butt heads with authority from time to time. If someone she hasn't deemed as worth listening to gives her an order, there's a 50-50 chance she'll muck it up on purpose, just because she can.

General plans: I mostly see Mara paling around with Meri and her siblings for the foreseeable future, enjoying her youth by poking bears, spelunking caves, and generally being irresponsible. In the long term I'd like to see her take on a more roving, exploratory path paired with lots of crafting and trading. Ideally I'd try to make sure she maintains a strong bond with her family members, but also has lots of opportunities to make friends and allies among all walks of life on site.



2 Years
05-13-2020, 08:02 PM
She's lovely, Fox! Amaranth is all yours!!
[Image: jqslMGb.png]



Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Intermediate Healer (40)

11 Years
Extra small

Pride - Pansexual
05-13-2020, 08:57 PM (This post was last modified: 05-13-2020, 09:24 PM by Samara.)

Name: Brynn
Gender: Male
[Image: unknown.png]
Design 2: 7
Physical Description: Brynn
Alignment: Chaotic good
Skills: Navigation and Intellect
Personality: Brynn is a tiny ball of energy, he's
General plans:
[Image: X7DSVIv.png]
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.

Mercy II


3 Years
Dire wolf
05-16-2020, 11:24 AM (This post was last modified: 05-16-2020, 11:25 AM by Mercy II.)
Name: Astralagus Adonis Adravendi
Gender: Male
[Image: 0IeopqI.png]
Twins with Mara!
Physical Description: 35" | Medium Build
This boy will stand slightly larger than his twin, a bit more stocky over her more feminine frame. He is still agile enough to be lithe on his paws, but will bare the body of a fighter, much practice to beat up all the boys that try to hit on his sisters. His coat is a mix of earthen browns, mottled into mismatched patches, hardly one hair the same shade of brown. He has patches of white that break up the quilt-work of his pelt, haphazardly cutting across his form. There is little rhyme or reason to the colour of his fur, not quite brown, not quite white, a seemingly different pattern no matter where you look. Stark baby blue eyes stand out against his earthy coat, no different from his twin sister in that area.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Skills: Intellect & Fighting
"You sure this is sanitary??" - To say that Astra is cautious would be an understatement. He is slow to the party when it comes to grand adventures, at least when it contains a lot of unknowns, dirty water, and the unforeseen goop that he is surly to have thrown at him. While he doesn't really mind getting dirty, he would prefer to keep clean, and you know, out of things that could possibly kill him. He has no issues with heights, or swimming, not at all! More so this falls into the mud and muck category, ironic since he himself seems to be covered in mud half the time, generally no thanks to Amaranth. There is a lot of hesitation in his step when they run off to explore new things, often stating things that could potentially hurt them. He blames his endless knowledge on the subject of deathly things on his need for a sanitary area to occupy.

"Well, actually..." - Knowledge is love, knowledge is life. Astralagus loves to learn all things, and also to share his knowings with all who will listen. He likes to interject himself into conversations with a very cocky "well, actually...", most likely two very dreaded words for his family. There is no end to his need to know all things, and to also very plainly state that he knows all things. He hates being wrong though, and grows very sour and moody if he ever gets corrected, or finds out that he is indeed wrong about something. Being wrong is not a thing that he likes to admit, and will do his very best to avoid that statement by either delving into how he could have been right, or changing the subject completely to go on a rant about something or another. Because Gus is never wrong, nope, not at all. He is all knowing, which is pretty much the same as being all powerful, you know?

"Hey, only I can call her that!!" - Growing up with many sisters would drive most crazy, and, well, it would be a lie if Astralagus didn't admit that that is the truth. Despite the girls driving him crazy, and his many taunts back at them, he will protect them with his life. He is very protective of his family, and will stop at nothing to make sure that they are safe. No one will ever be good enough for his sisters, and he will be the one to impress if they ever want to date someone in his family. Astra has a way of interjecting himself into business that isn't his, just wanting to be sure that his sisters are making good choices. This will lead to many stalking situations, as well as date interrupting, fighting, and bold claims of the fact of him being so completely awesome is the reason why no man will ever be good enough for them. So while he might not always be the most gentleman like wolf towards his siblings, only he can do that because he is their brother. So don't you dare be rude to them, or you might end up losing an ear.

"It wasn't /that/ funny..." - Being made fun of is a pretty large fact of life when you grow up in a large, close knit family. Astralagus is used to being the one with all the knowledge, the big, protective brother that can never do anything wrong. So when he does to something wrong, or when his siblings get under his skin, he turns into a big pouting, woe-is-me, big baby. He will never cry in front of his family, hopefully, but those big pouting lips will be seen, and often. He can be quite dramatic once they finally do get a rise out of him, usually at a loss of words, for once, when they expose his soft underbelly. Sulking can extent for days, depending on how great the transgression was against his highness. He is a very sore loser, and won't ever let your forget it.

General plans: Most likely to be dragged around by his twin, getting into trouble that he doesn't really want to get into. He won't wander too far from his family, being very protective of them. He will either try to follow Amaranth around, or join the rest of his siblings in the band and go back and forth between the two of them.
[Image: db3g53r-75e5e98d-3da3-46fa-988d-a5116dde...bOI7_8Kz2M]
Thread with this character at your own risk! She is rude, prone to swearing, flirting, and biting. She is unpredictable at best and cannot always be kind.



2 Years
05-16-2020, 11:41 AM
-flails the approval stamp all over Astra's app-
[Image: jqslMGb.png]



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
05-16-2020, 11:29 PM (This post was last modified: 05-17-2020, 03:39 PM by Avalon.)
Name: Gwyneira Adravendi
Gender: Female

Physical Description: 28"|Medium build
Gwyneira is a beauty, but that's a given considering her lineage. It's obvious what that lineage is to anyone who knew the true Adravendi line because the genetic dice decided to make her a throwback of the Adravendi line. It's almost as if all the old souls from the past rose up and reincarnated...and the result? Her. She has a creamy base coat, paler in some places, subtly darker in others. A stony beige if you will. And similar to many in her line, she has rustic points across her body, similar to siamese point markings. She wears a delicate reddish mask on her face, and her all four legs are gloved as well. Likewise, her ears and tail are also dipped in this color and all of these points have a soft rustic fade that blends perfectly together to create a softened look, especially with the creamy beige of her coat. Strewn across her back, the infamous Adravendi-Mathias markings. A speckling that's stronger in color over her hips, and gradually fades towards her sides. Last but not least, her eyes. One eye bears green and the other an ocean blue, each a trait from her great-grandparents, Maverick & Epiphron.
Alignment: True Neutral
Skills: Fighting x Healing
Personality: Gwyneira may appear soft and delicate, and with that look comes all sorts of possible assumptions about who she might be or how she might act. But contrary to her looks, she is a mature and well-educated individual. While yes, she may be soft-spoken, she is far from a pushover. She knows how to hold her ground and fend for herself quite well, especially given her family lineage. As a healer, she does have her soft side. She is kind and willing to help those who need it. Willing to go out of her way if she absolutely has to. That doesn't necessarily mean she'll put herself in the line of danger for others, but she sure as hell will do her best to do what she can to ensure safety and survival. She has a good and level head on her shoulders, a broad thirst for knowledge, and an even bigger thirst for adventure. Loyal to no end, Gwyneira's loyalties are not so easily swayed. She's immune to sweet-talking tricks and isn't so easily pressure into doing things she doesn't want to do. Save for maybe when it comes to her more adventurous siblings, but for them, she goes along if only to keep an eye on them and make sure they don't get into too much trouble.

On the other side of the line, she has a fighters spirit and has no qualms about fighting those she needs to fight. While she doesn't necessarily care for which side she's fighting for, she fights for whatever she believes is the right thing to do. Or maybe she just likes to partake in a good fight here and there, who knows. That being said, while she isn't the big and burly type, she tends to use her quick wit and agility to try and get one over on her opponents. Fighting aside, she likes to learn all the different possibilities and scenarios that can happen during high stress situations so she can be found constantly practicing and occasionally bribing her siblings to help her in her endeavors. This may or may not include her using different tricks and tactics to face plant them.

When she isn't healing, learning, or trying to rub her siblings faces in the dirt, she does like to partake in a drink here and there (when she's older of course). She's not shy in the slightest and may often challenge her siblings or whoever she feels can keep up with her. Drinking games are her secret pleasure, but she tries her damndest to hide that guilty pleasure of hers away from her family lest they try to use it against her. And while yes, everyone has a limit, she's usually testing hers more and more in an effort to push the limit as much as she can. On that note, she likes to consider herself a pretty great drunk. Ya never know which side of her will come out when she reaches peak drunkenness but it's always an entertaining gamble.
General plans: Stick around the family most likely, watch them get into their shenanigans and possibly try in vain to keep em out of trouble but would likely succumb to letting them learn things the hard way. Lovingly of course xD explore, travel, make friends etc etc. Potentially become the bands brewer ;D


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!


1 Year
05-17-2020, 02:19 PM
Name: Airikr Adravendi
Gender: Male

Design 2: Design #5
Physical Description: 23'' | Light build
A runt compared to his siblings, Airikr may as well be a mouse running underneath the feet of giants. There have been smaller; of course there have been smaller. But that doesn't deny the fact that, as small as he is, he'll be unnoticeable in terms of height. That doesn't mean his pride's at risk. At least, not in a way that would show. He walks with as much confidence as his larger siblings- maybe even more. Although it may not work, may just make him look like a fool, he tries his best to seem intimidating. It's the most he can do when he knows deep down that someone could easily pick him up and toss him aside like it was nothing. Make do with what you can, right?

He's not spectacular when it comes to his fur, either. Where most of his siblings are cloaked almost entirely in a snowy white, Airikr's is covered in shades of earthy tones, some darker than others. He does boast the darker freckling along his back and hips that make it oh-so clear what his lineage would be. A darker shade than his earthy base coat, nearing an almost-black. This same shade coats his front paws to create point-like markings, although the effect is lost on his white back paws.

His eyes may be the most catching part about him, if only for the sudden spark of color in an otherwise earthy frame. A light, icy blue, flickering with more independence and ferocity that a pup his age should have. Or a wolf as small as he is, for that matter.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Skills: Hunt & Intellect
Personality: Airikr, while not exactly a leader, is surely not a follower. He doesn't like being told to do things he doesn't want to do. Sure, it's a different story if he understands that it will end up helping him. He'll do it, if only reluctantly. Otherwise, he refuses to be pushed around. He won't go to the extent of fighting if he doesn't have to, mostly because he knows he doesn't stand much of a chance. But the idea of being pushed around due to his small size makes him annoyed at best. Even towards his siblings. Especially towards his siblings. He knows that they wouldn't purposely hurt him, even if he crossed some sort of line. And, even if he ends up being wrong and they do, he likes to pride himself on being able to bounce back. Although that's just from small injuries- he wouldn't be able to bounce back from anything major, even if he wants to claim he would be able to.

For a pup, he is surprisingly crude. Or vulgar, really, in the sense that he swears quite a bit and says whatever comes to mind. He'll only fall into this habit around his siblings, though. He knows that adults wouldn't approve, and hates being scolded enough that he will watch his mouth when he's around them. He's still young, he thinks it makes him look cool. When he gets older, he may grow out of it; on the other hand, it may become worse when he realizes that he's not going to hit a late growth spurt and become just as large as his siblings, if not larger. Even if he does decide to break this habit, he'll have a longer struggle ahead, and chances are he'll never be entirely rid of it. He'll say whatever he thinks of, and if he manages to get away with consequences? That's just even better.

He's reckless in that typical pup way. He likes to think he's indestructible, and that nothing would ever hurt him. Deep down, he knows he's wrong, but it'll take until he gets older for any self-preservation to really kick in. When it does, he'll probably wonder just how he survived past puphood. Until that day comes, though, he revels in causing trouble and pulling his siblings into it any way he can. Regardless of if it's tiny pranks or something bigger that he'll barely get away from unscathed, he'll do it. And, in typical pup fashion, he'll probably heckle any siblings that are more cautious of joining in. In that sense, he wants to consider himself a leader; even if he would willingly pass the title on to someone else if they had a more interesting idea than he did.

Despite everything, Airikr is family oriented. Even if he wants to chew their ears off sometimes, he would be the first to come to their side if they needed it. He's not exactly protective, since they can protect themselves, but he would fight for them if he had to. He cares for them, in his own little way, although it involves actions rather than words more often than not. Even if he wanted to hold a grudge, he'd quickly set it aside for them.
General plans: If accepted and if possible, I'll change this account to his. While character development and plans are subject to change, he'll most likely stay loosely family-aligned. While he may not join the band, I like the idea of him being a sort of regular in that he doesn't have to say he's visiting because he does it so often. I'd also like for him to have a family of his own, but that will be a while from now.



2 Years
05-17-2020, 03:48 PM
Dragon and Rook, you both get your pups! I can't wait to see them in play. The family is hanging out in the West close to Valhalla. You're welcome to say they've been with Meri this whole time or that they've wandered a bit since coming to Boreas. Choice is yours!
[Image: jqslMGb.png]