
First hunt



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

6 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Valentines 2020
05-08-2020, 10:24 PM

Mortis felt he was ready to take on something by himself. So far, he had always had someone holding his paw, if it wasn’t his sister, it was his brother, or his father. It was always a lesson, always corrections, and information and hammering in the importance of patience and discipline. As much as he loved to spend time with his family, he felt like he needed to do this himself, at least once. It was a learning curve, a proving.

He decided upon pigs, something young, and small in size. An easy first target for him, something he had gone for before, and not as quick to run as a rabbit was. He hated running after prey. He remembered what he had done with Asla, and drew upon that experience now. He made his way through the long grass of the pack's territory, heading towards the stream that ran along its Northern edge. He was pretty sure he had seen some here in this direction before. He passed by Io’s cottage and herbs, carefully moving around everything so he didn’t squish any of her herbs. He made his way further North, near Bird’s little garden. He felt like he hadn’t seen that wolf in forever.

He chased away the thought, he was on a mission, and it was important he did this right. Like Asla once had, and she had been so proud to share her kill with her siblings. He vaguely remembered being upset, and ruining that for her. Maybe he should gift her this pig, as an apology. He couldn’t remember why he had been upset, that was a part of some of the memories that had been dislodged when he had hit his head, and been changed.

He skirted around Birds herb garden too, and came upon the stream at the edge of the territory. He moved East along it, sniffing and listening, and trying to be quiet in the long grass. It wasn’t long after that that he began to hear the snuffling and moving of the pigs somewhere ahead of him. He crouched down, going even slower now, his wings pressed tightly to his side. He could do this, he knew he could. He took a deep breath, steadying himself. As much as he might wish Asla was by his side, he knew that it was important he did this for himself.

He lifted himself up as much as he dared, and shuffled forward, pulling himself by on his front paws and butt-wiggling. He moved until he could finally see the hint of the pigs through the edges of the grass. He studied them for a moment, as silent as he could be. There was a small group of them, four in total. He only needed one of them. He silently sent his eyes from one, to another, another, until he decided upon the one closest to him. It was a good size, and close to him. He had to hope the rest of the pigs would flee, and not gang up on him if he took down their friend. The last thing he needed was to howl out for help because a bunch of pigs had his tail.

With his prey in mind, the boy edged forward again, keeping his eye on the prize as he brought himself forward, pushing through the grasses just a bit, hoping the movement didn’t catch their eye. One his front half was free, he pushed himself up by his back legs, launching himself forward, towards the small pig. He caught it by its hunches as it turned and fled the sudden moving object. The wolf flared his wings for balance as the pig tried to take off despite his weight around its leg. It even managed to drag him a tiny bit forward, but Mortis held steady and didn’t let go. Once it stopped trying to get away, it turned on him, lashing out with its little piggy paws. At this point, it’s comrades came zeroing in on the young wolf.

With a yelp Mortis let go of his prize and jumped backwards, surprised by the sudden onslaught of pigs. Dammit, this was exactly what he feared would happen! He drew himself up to his full height, and flared out his wings, he hissed, and lashed out at the closest pig, which squealed. Now that his prize was free, they had nothing keeping them there. They took off through the long grass. Cursing his luck, Mortis took off in pursuit. He didn’t want to chase, but he wanted to give up on his prize even less.

At least the pigs weren’t fast. Launching himself forward, he snagged the closest pig, and dragged it down. He shoved himself fully on top of it this time. He cupped his wings on either side of it, like an eagle shielding its prey from sight as it ate. He didn’t eat it, but he did manage to bite it on the throat. The other pigs had paused, as through wanting to help, but seeing it was a lost cause, they scampered away. Panting, but victorious, Mortis picked up the dead pig in his fangs, holding it up high, and spreading his wings out on either side. Happy as could be, the pup pranced away from the kill sight, and closer to the pack center. He would put the pig in the communal area, and everyone could see what he had taken down and be proud. It was a good day.

He pranced back past Io’s garden, and was tempted to stop at her door and show off the pig, but in the end he kept going, moving until he reached the communal meeting spot. He put down the pig, and wondered if anyone would be heading to the stores for something to eat soon. He could show off his prize, if they did. Tail wagging, he set it down, and leaned back casually. Trying to look nonplussed as he waited to see if anyone would turn up.
