
What If?

for Lleh



Expert Intellectual (120)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - PansexualIce Bridge Explorer
05-09-2020, 04:01 PM
Now this place was simply breathtaking. Her paws had carried her to the eastern shore of the northern part of the island, and while Kiela knew vaguely what to expect of the beaches in the north - they were rocky and often unforgiving, especially in the midst of the winter months - but she hadn't expected a sight quite as grand as this. Anticipating that soon she'd reach some kind of cliff, the size of it wasn't something she'd been able to predict until she made her way to the edge of the taiga. She'd been traveling through a wooded area for quite awhile now, and after some time she came to a sheer drop in the cliffside. Wary, though perhaps not wary enough, Kiela approached it... and the sight left her breathless.

The fall was infinitely higher than she'd expected, a sheer drop in the terrain that seemed to lead straight to the ocean below. It was hard to see how far the cliff stretched on each side of her; cautiously she leaned to look into the distance, but the cliff seemed to stretch on as far as the eye could see. Some sections of cliff were wooded, though likely completely deserted otherwise. It was hard for her, as adventurous and physically adept as she was, to imagine traversing such an incline without certain death. Either way, it was a sight that no words could possible describe, a sight she was sure she'd never forget. A content sigh left the yearling's lips as she slowly reclined and breathed in the sight. The evening sun, slowly sinking toward the horizon, only further improved the scene - a lovely palette of orange and pink streaked across the sky, dotted with the faintest hints of stars beginning behind the colors.



2 Years
05-09-2020, 06:09 PM

Snow, snow, snow! It was everywhere and Lleh was partially disgusted by the sudden season change. Everything was beautiful, which she enjoyed, but wintry temperatures effortlessly pierced through her wispy coat. The retreating sun shined upon the lands in a golden hue, causing pink eyes to squint in retaliation of sudden rays. Snow scattered throughout the northern land reflected the awful light right back into her eyes even further, and an agitated huff was brought forth. Darkness was soon to engulf the vast lands, and that was her time to excel.

Exploring came naturally to the slender beast, bringing her further from the mines which she visited prior. Feet fell lightly against the ground, presence becoming all but masked in terms of sound, scent bringing forth her presence if anything. Once relaxed features fluidly changed into something more confident, tail curling against her back and ears perking forward. Now narrowed eyes fell upon something interesting, perhaps something to cure her boredom. A wolf that was taking in the beautiful scenery and had their back turned to the lass. Tall frame lowered towards the ground, crouching up to the other in a sickeningly slow manner to conceal any sounds.

Muscles finally jolted beneath strange fur, pushing the figure forwards in a huge leap. "Boo!" One word was screamed, making her existence known if it hadn't already been. Pearly ivories shown in a grin, facial features twisting into something more amused with the situation while waiting for the reaction.


All threads are mature unless stated otherwise.



Expert Intellectual (120)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - PansexualIce Bridge Explorer
05-18-2020, 08:40 AM (This post was last modified: 05-18-2020, 08:41 AM by Kiela.)
Kiela wasn't one to let her guard down, but this scenario was apparently out of the ordinary for her. The ambient noise here was surprisingly loud - maybe it was the way the wind collided with the steep cliffs below, or rustled through the nearby trees - but it somehow obscured the noise of someone's approach until it was too late to preemptively react to the stranger. All at once, as soon as she swiveled around, the pale female lunged toward her at screamed something. The language barrier between caused a distinct lack of understanding, and Kiela's flinched momentarily as she tried to register what was happening. Her ears flattened for a moment as she regarded the stranger, eyes narrowed and skeptical. It was a shame her attention was being taken from this view, though admittedly Lleh wasn't a terrible thing to look at, actually..

She was a stranger, though that didn't come as any surprise. Almost everyone she'd meet here would be a stranger. Kiela had never seen anyone quite like her, though... her coat was as pale as now, with sharp pink eyes and a nose to match. The wolves of her homeland tended to sport darker coats; she'd never seen anyone so pale. In the rapidly fading light, she looked even more interesting. For a moment she was stunned, openly admiring the stranger, though she had to remind herself that she'd been startled by her just a moment ago. "You need help?" Her thick accent was clearly audible, words coming out in an odd cadence as she tried to phrase what she was trying to ask: what this female needed, and why she was bothering her.