
Door-to-Door Apothecary Salesmen




6 Years
05-15-2020, 06:51 AM (This post was last modified: 05-15-2020, 06:52 AM by Asgeira.)

Aggie was hard-pressed to stem the excitement that had begun bubbling up in her gut the moment the pair struck out for Iolaire's packlands. Not that she was trying, really. Ylva was excited too, not that you'd be able to ring the admission out of her. It had been a good long while since either of them had set eyes on a proper garden that was consistently maintained. Aggie couldn't remember if she'd ever seen a garden in Boreas or Auster that grew toxic plants specifically. Whether the Spirits delivered Iolaire to her for some purpose or she'd bumbled upon her herself through sheer dumb luck, well... Aggie supposed time would tell, but either way she was grateful.

Coming upon the borderline Aggie paused, making absolutely certain that Iolaire crossed over first and that she would give off every appearance of following her. Being led. Guided, even. Not just traipsing through like she owned the place... Aggie swallowed down an exasperated sigh. She was probably overthinking this, wasn't she? In the past she'd made a point not to get too cozy with pack wolves. She enjoyed conversing and trading with them, but always in neutral lands. Back home the groups were nomadic, mostly loose collections of families who's members would often spend a season or two with a different group entirely, just to mix things up. To claim land as your own and vow lifelong allegiance to the strangers gathered there was an odd concept, but who was she to judge? She was here to talk about poisons after all.




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
05-15-2020, 08:22 AM

Iolaire was happy. There was a pep in her step as the little woman led Asgeira into pack lands and towards the stone cottage that she'd built into the side of a hill. Iolaire was happy... because she had made a friend. It was a strange concept. Thought the dark fae was generally an agreeable sort and was very amiable, she didn't make friends. She had Deathbelle, but Belle had been her lover first. Aside from the Ashen empress, Iolaire didn't think that she had any friends at all. Sure, there were packmates, but they were just that; packmates. None of them were really on her level.

They didn't have far to go at all. Soon the gentle curves of the layered garden could be seen. Casting a sidelong glance at the woman and her panda companion, Iolaire spoke. "Pity we didn't find one another in the spring or summer. I've already culled the annual plants for winter and the steppes are looking a little barren." The closer they came, the easier it was to see the strange garden that the little woman had constructed. Curving steppes of land were etched into a stretch of hills like stairs. Down the middle ran a stream, complete with a pond at the top and a smaller one at the bottom. This, however, wasn't what she'd brought Asgeira here to see. She would stop though if the woman had questions. Enki the leopard easily released Ila the caribou from the harness that held her to the cart. The little ungulate promptly wandered off to graze and the leopard headed into the territory in search of something. Bast, his woman, no doubt.


Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



6 Years
05-15-2020, 08:40 AM

Aggie looked about her like a child, eyes soaking in as much as she could. If there were other wolves about she didn't see them, but overlooking them was entirely possible given that before long a structure appeared and her eyes were trained entirely on that. The small construction was built into the side of a slope, and was surrounded by terraformed levels. It was marvelous. Aggie had never seen anything like it, and she was certain her interest and surprise showed plainly on her face.

"Pity we didn't find one another in the spring or summer," Iolaire began, and Aggie couldn't help but agree. She would have loved to spend time in this garden while it was in full bloom. She found herself daydreaming, ever so briefly, about the scents and the blooms and insects buzzing about. She could almost hear them, until a cold gust swept through and took the pretty picture away with it. "Well I'll just have to come back and visit in the spring then, won't I?" She flashed Io a smile. "I'd be happy to help with the planting for anything that isn't perennial, too. Spirits, how long did it take to move the earth here? Were the ponds already present or did you have to irrigate? This is wondrous."

Aggie broke off from Iolaire's side to begin investigating the terraced landscape. She was careful not to step in any beds or disturb the dormant plants, but wanted to get a closer look. Looking up, she realized that Iolaire seemed to be hedging towards something else. Embarrassment heated her fur, as Aggie remembered all at once that there was the garden, and there was the garden. "Sorry, got a bit carried away, didn't I?" She quickly trotted back to her new friend's side, now eager to be led to the place that had drawn her here in the first place.




The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
05-15-2020, 08:46 AM

The Titan made his pass across the section of border they had passed. He paused on his patrol, turning his nose to the scent, and ensuring what he caught was true. There was Io, and that of a stranger, as she led her across the border, and into pack lands. It came to him as some surprise, that she would lead a stranger across the border without the courtesy of calling for him.

Assuming she had a good reason, he turned from the patrol, and followed the scent of the two women. He wasn’t terribly surprised that it led him towards the cottage Io called home.

He came upon them as they inspected the garden, his dark pelted sister, and the much lighter one of the stranger. Still frowning, but more out of confusion than anger, he approached. “Io,” he said softly, “I did not hear your call at the border” it was a gentle reproach, because she was, after all his sister and for it he perhaps allowed her a little more slack then he would others. He then turned his eyes to the stranger, expecting an introduction.




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
05-15-2020, 09:15 AM

She could see the amazement on Asgeira's face and was rather proud of herself. Both the steppes and the cottage had been a lot of very hard work over a long period of time. A dangerous period of time. She'd come when the ash from the volcano still fell from the sky and coated the land. In fact, that very ash was in the mortar used to hold her cottage together. She was ready to answer the woman's questions. "The ponds were made by my brother and I. Well, mostly by him. He's huge." She grinned and suddenly had the thought that she hadn't notified Sirius of Asgeira's entry. Ah, but then more questions were being asked. "It took months and months to dig out and level the garden." When the pale woman realized that she hadn't been following Io, the dark dame snorted. "Don't worry about it."

Just as she was about to lead her new friend into her cottage to show her the secret garden, Sirius showed up. She could see that he was bothered and could only assume that it was because she'd invited Asgeira in without permission. Permission had never been something that she'd had to acquire and so it had completely slipped her mind. Grinning, she placed a kiss upon her brother's cheek, even though he looked less than happy. He pointed out that she hadn't called for him and she gave a little shrug and a smile. "Sorry, I was so excited that I didn't even think about it. This is Asgeira and Ylva." The tiny healer practically bounced where she stood. "We share the same interests which is incredibly rare. I was going to show her my secret garden." She'd told Sirius about her den of poisons and he knew of her past profession. The woman's green-gold eyes glittered with mischievous happiness. It had been so long since she'd been able to genuinely talk shop with someone.


Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



6 Years
05-15-2020, 09:30 AM

Aggie drank in Iolaire's words like a dying woman offered her last sip of water. A bit dramatic perhaps, but what was she supposed to do about it? This was marvelous. She had never seen anything like it, and her mind was suddenly overflowing with ideas of her own. She had never seen such things, and as such never considered the possibilities, but perhaps with a bit of help she might one day have a place like this of her own. "And the cottage, did you build that as- Oop." He jaw clamped shut around the words as Aggie realized that they were no longer alone.

Well, well, now this was a proper brute of a man. He held an aura of authority about him and while he looked disquieted he spoke to Iolaire gently. Was this the brother she had spoken of? The Warlord who ran the pack? Io had neglected to mention that he was massive and came sporting fangs. She watched, still in shock, as Io bounded forward to kiss the brute's cheek. Aggie did her best to recover, then dipped her head in a quick, low bow to greet him. She'd have to make some quick assumptions here and hope she didn't put a paw wrong. "Ah, yes. I'm Asgeira Aldfinnr, it's good to meet you. Iolaire and I met earlier in the willow grove just beyond your borders. Am I right in assuming you are the brother she spoke of who rules these lands?" She offered him a smile, and tried not to look too tense about it. Ylva nodded to the man as well, but remained silent. "Your work here is remarkable. I'm hoping she and I might be able to swap secrets of the trade."

It wasn't that she was scared of the consequences of her being here, so much as she was wary of wolves she did not know. After all, Iolaire had assured her it would be fine so she would have to trust that. And sure, if he wanted to flay her for trespassing could he at least let her see the garden first? She shifted her paws, waiting to see what the warlord might make of the situation.




The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
05-15-2020, 09:39 AM

Had it been any other wolf, he likely would have kicked the stranger from the pack then and there. As Warlord, that was his duty. Strangers needed to go through himself, or Zee... or the Reaper, once one was finally appointed. As a brother, he was surprised and chuffed that she seemed to have made a friend. One that she felt comfortable to bring home, he just wished she had gone through the proper channels and called for him at the border. She knew he wouldn’t have denied her, if she had simply asked.

The affection went a long way to smoothing ruffled feathers, and he made a show of lowering his titan head to receive the dainty kiss of his sister. He returned it upon her brow, reaching it with much more ease then she had found his cheek with. “Forgiven, but don’t forget the call next time, Io” he said, his voice much less stern then he had intended it to be. Ah, but it was Io, and he loved his sister terribly. He wouldn’t deny her a little happiness, even if she had made a mess of the entry.
He would direct Marshal to keep an eye on things, to ensure the stranger didn’t go wondering anywhere she wasn’t supposed to.

He turned his attention to Asgeira, now that his sister had introduced him to her new friend. He could only assume by Io’s words that she was a poisoner but he would trust Io knew what she was doing. “A pleasure to meet you, Asgeira. Yes, I am Sirius, the Warlord here. I’m glad you're enjoying the gardens, she worked hard to make them what they are today.” He looked between the two women again, his expression neutral. “Alright, I’m returning to patrol. Call out if you need me, Io, and if your friend is staying for longer than a day, we can work out the particulars.” A gentle reminder for her to communicate with him. Truly, had it been any other wolf, he would have been much more stern, but Io had always supported him, he could return a little support of his own.




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
05-16-2020, 08:26 AM

Sirius gently chided her, but still she couldn't keep the grin from her face. This was a momentous occasion for the little dark woman. When he told her to call him next time, she snorted but still grinned. "Next time? When have I ever made a friend before?" She agreed though, tail swishing back and forth as he kissed the top of her head.

Asgeira told him what she knew of him, proving that Io hadn't completely forgotten to mention him. With the pair trading pleasantries, Io knew that everything was smoothed over. Sirius said that he would go back to patrolling and Iolaire nodded. "We'll be here looking at the garden and trading secrets." She hadn't considered Asgeira and Ylva staying overnight, but she supposed that it could be a possibility if needed?

Pulling away from her retreating sibling, Iolaire urged her new friend to follow her into the cottage. "And to answer your former question, yes, I made the cottage. The old woman who taught me about herbs and poisons also taught me quite a bit about crafting. She lived in a stone home so it's always been my goal to have one of my own." With her dexterous digits, she pushed the skin over the doorway aside and tied it open. After motioning Asgeira to follow her, she led the woman through the multi-roomed cottage and out the back door to a little area. She'd recently built a shelf for holding individual pots, but she hadn't filled it yet. Along the walls of what was beginning to be a fence, there were various plants. None of which looked terribly menacing. If used correctly though, they could be rather deadly. Iolaire stepped aside, letting the pale woman and her companion inspect the little garden.


Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.