
Rate Me or Hate Me.


06-19-2014, 01:10 AM

The ravenous babe stepped foot upon lands that did not belong to her. And yet, someday she was quite sure they would be. And that time would come someday, in some form. But alas, it was not yet her time. For now, she would seek to follow one worthy of her power, her attraction, her skills. She was gifted with a silver tongue, looks unlike any others in the lands, and the mind of a ravenous snake. She was unlike any other. Unique in her own way, her actions not always right in the minds of others, but they were right to her. And that was all that mattered. She walked with swagger, her stride confident and her head high. Dual toned eyes flashed in the sunlight of winter, nostrils flared slightly at a scent that lingered faintly upon the winds. Tongue snaked out to taste the delicate scents of the upcoming pack. And surely, delicate paws would bring her to the brink. Optics scanned the scene with a raised brow, a slight smirk upon her inky maw. Head tilted back ever so slightly, a melodious howl sent in waves to attract the main attraction. The one who was of the highest priority. She didn't want second or third best. She wanted the top dog. Else none other would be worth her time.



06-19-2014, 01:22 AM

It seemed her duties were never ending as of late, she always was called or needed somewhere. With her promotion of Qanik, it was easier- she couldn't deny it. The ivory woman was a great asset to the pack, and she knew Tortuga would thrive under the rule of two queens. When a new voice sang out over the land- calling for authority, she lifted her head a slight smirk pulling at her jaws. It wasn't often that a voice called simply for a Queen. What would this wolf think if two Queen's arrived? Chuckling slightly, Roman heeded to the call, moving at a graceful trot, her face growing impassive as she approached, the source of the sound.

At the border, her violet eyes would land upon, perhaps, the strangest wolf she had ever seen. A bright hot pink color laced the wolf's white body in stripes. Roman was used to the rather extravagant features of the Armada blood-line, even some of her members that weren't family were extravagant, but this wolf was on a whole new level. She drew to a halt at the border, ivory lids falling over her violet eyes in a blink. "I am Roman Armada, Queen of Tortuga, the pack's borders you stand upon. What is it you seek, stranger?" Her voice is melodic, neutral as she speaks. She's inquisitive of this strange wolf's color, but see no reason to be hostile. Perhaps she's merely a stranger, seeking a home.



06-19-2014, 01:53 AM

The painted babe arrived, and much quicker then she had anticipated. She grinned at the stranger, her aura obviously radiating the royalty of a queen. Dual toned eyes roved over the markings upon her visage, noticing that the woman before her was observing her as well. "Take a picture, it lasts longer." She would tease, of course. For it was who the wraith was. Left shoulder rolled forward as her head tilted to the side, one brow raising as her tail remained level with the contours of her curves. The babe's voice would fall upon her ears, audits curved towards her to catch every lyric. "Roman huh? That's a pretty nice name ya' got there. And a queen at that, pleasure."

The babe would smile, pearls flashing as she would continue her elocution. "My name is Envy. Envy Rapacity. Tell me, what is it that your pack does? More so, is it worth my time? Is it worth joining? I've got some very useful skills, babe. I'm quite an asset, I wouldn't want to waste my skills in a pack that sits around all day." She would stare at the woman, gaze boring into her as she chuckled, chest reverberating. "Not saying your pack is that way...correct me if I'm wrong, however. I've crossed paths with many packs on my travels here, each and every one of them a bunch of lazy asses. I do hope I can finally rest my weary paws." Her voice was meant to deceive, and it would only hold a hint of that along with truth. She wanted to be part of a pack that would be something. Not a place of invisibility.



06-19-2014, 03:11 AM

The oddity would speak, her voice holding a teasing lit. Roman chuckled slightly at her words, and her ears flicked forward towards her as she spoke. She seemed to breeze through conversation, something that Roman could appreciate. She introduced herself as Envy Rapacity, and asks about the pack that Roman resides over. Her ears tilt and fall back as the other woman speaks. Roman notes that Envy seems to think a lot of herself, and she wonders if she can live up to the words that she speaks. Roman mulls over her question. "My pack is small. It's history is rocky- full of upheaval, but it is finally healing- finally growing. We are small- but we shouldn't be trifled with. I don't seek to cause wars, but I'm not afraid to spill blood to protect my own. The wolves under me seek to be well-rounded in everything: fighting, healing, and hunting. We don't seek to cause trouble- but we'll answer it with tooth and claw, if need be. We are a neutrally aligned pack, and prefer to stay out of the foolish nonsense that seems to riddle this land- unless it comes to our borders- or unless our allies call upon us." She pauses here for a moment, her eyes burning with an intensity, the fire she always felt when she spoke of Tortuga burning within her. She was proud of what it had become. Soon, she hoped their ranks would be full, and Tortuga would have healed from it's rocky past. Would that answer the question that this dame seemed to demand to know the answer too? Tortuga is not mice nor monster. The pack was a neutral as they came these days, and with her upcoming litter of pups.. neutrality, was really what they would need.
