
just follow your instinct


Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
05-19-2020, 06:57 PM
Though reluctant to put an end to his time with Shaye the morning would come if he wished it or not. Rhyme left the dream world feeling conflicted, but he’d realized more than one certainty that night. Samara was still wrapped up in his arms and the light of day was hardly recognizable through the clouds that filled the sky. Snow would find them even here, he was sure of it. The cold permeated everything, but the den he shared with Samara was warm and cozy.

Rhyme felt his age, aches in his joints that the cold brought on. He was comfortable here, his whole body surrounding the tiny Klein woman. He sighed softly and blinked his eyes open without moving. She hadn’t stirred quite yet and he didn’t wish to wake her. He felt tears well up in his eyes as he urged himself to release his guilt and embrace Rara fully. In more ways than how he held her now.

”I love you, Samara.” He whispered softly, testing the words cautiously. He didn’t want to hesitate anymore, but diving in was so hard. Rhyme pushed himself, life was short and he’d already wasted enough of his. He squeezed her lightly, unwilling to put too much pressure on her wakefulness. He nuzzled into her neck gently, content to lay there with her and ignore his responsibilities for a while. He wanted to be with her because he enjoyed her presence and not because she was his anchor to reality. He wanted to be in the moment with her.



Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Intermediate Healer (40)

11 Years
Extra small

Pride - Pansexual
05-20-2020, 11:33 PM (This post was last modified: 05-21-2020, 12:03 AM by Samara.)
Samara had moved into Rhyme's den almost full time now, though she knew it wasn't just to keep an eye on him anymore, even if that had been how it had started. Of course, she still kept her own den, she kept her store of herbs there and a place to house patients if she had too, luckily she hadn't needed it lately. Luckily, or maybe not depending on how he felt about it Samara was still soundly asleep when Rhyme gently confessed to her.

As he gently squeezed her Samara groaned in her sleep, shifting a bit. His face pushing into her neck fur helped to gently coax her from sleep, a soft hmmm pulling from her lips as she was slowly pulled back into the waking world. She smiled, the sort of dopey but genuine smile that one made when they were still half asleep but were roused by their emotions. Samara tipped her head back, gently resting the top of her head on whatever part of his face she could reach.

Samara stretched where she could, slowly starting to rouse herself. "Good morning Mr. Cavaliere." She said, her voice hoarse with sleep but full with all the comfort and affection she felt waking up in his arms. She turned her head slightly, peeking out of the corner of her eye to try and take him in.
[Image: X7DSVIv.png]
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
05-21-2020, 11:11 AM
Rhyme never really kept a den until his children were born. He’d helped Tana to create a den near the rapids, a place that was destroyed now. The location was bittersweet, and at this point he just wanted to forget it. The den he’d taken during his recovery was not as impressive, but there was room enough for his huge form along with Rara’s smaller one. It was secluded and well dug, and they were kept warm and snug within.

He convinced her from her slumber with gentle movements and for a moment she seemed to resist him. Rhyme held his breath as she stirred lightly and hummed softly in his dark ear. He could feel her smile as she lifted her features and rested on his cheek. His own dark lips pulled back into a sweet grin as he reveled in her closeness. The self named man rejected the sorrow hanging over him, it was time to move forward. To do as he was bid.

She woke up slowly in his arms, and as she spoke her morning greeting he felt himself relax further. He let his mind rest and his body ease beside her. Rhyme found himself wondering what it would take to call her “mrs. Cavaliere” in return. She beamed up at him, and he could hear the affection in her voice and his heart lifted. Samara did something to him, being there for him in his darkest moments and staying by his side when things turned for the worse. He still wasn’t convinced he deserved her.

”Good morning.” He whispered in return, ”I hope you slept well.” Confessing himself to her while she had been asleep was easy. Could he do it again now that she was awake. Did he tell her about his dream? ”Samara…” he started quietly, blue and lavender eyes lingering on her bright sapphire eyes as he made an attempt to put his thoughts into words. Rhyme wanted to let go and adore her like she deserved. ”It took me too long to realize.” His words were almost an apology, ”I’m falling in love with you.”



Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Intermediate Healer (40)

11 Years
Extra small

Pride - Pansexual
05-26-2020, 11:21 AM
His soft "good morning" was like a current running through her, she had learned to take whatever affection he gave and treasure it. Samara hummed happily, he asked after the quality of her sleep and Samara smiled again. "Never better than when I'm with you." It was true, even if a bit forward. She had never felt safer or more cared for than in his embrace.

He softly spoke her name and Samara shifted slightly to be able to look at him better, she could feel there was weight behind what he was going to say and she searched his expression for a hint of what was on his mind. His words fell on her hard and yet felt as comforting as a blanket and as light as a feather. Her stomach fluttered with a strength she'd never felt before and for a moment she was struck speechless.

Samara finally seemed to find her voice. "Oh m- Rhyme." Her voice was breaking, too full with the wave of her emotions, all the love she'd held back, even if she hadn't exactly done a good job of it. And well shit, she was crying. "Took you long enough." She teased softly, trying to bury her face into his fur, feeling her face flood with heat, she was never this emotional! "I love you." She muttered.
[Image: X7DSVIv.png]
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
05-26-2020, 07:56 PM
Her words heartened him and made his head swim with emotion as she confessed how well she slept wrapped up in his strong arms. Had she always been so forward? Probably, but he had willed himself into blindness for so long. Rhyme would appreciate it now as he made his confession. His words were a mere whisper as her bright sapphire eyes shifted to his features and the both of them were silent for a long moment.

Rhyme wasn’t sure how she would answer, but her expression softened and she stuttered a reply softly. His name on her lips brought a shiver down his spine and he grinned as she teased him lightly. How long had she known and he had been blind? He saw the tears run down her cheeks before she pressed her features into his unkempt fur, his grin widened. Yes, he had taken much too long to realize. He should have jumped in a long time ago, but after everything… Rhyme hadn’t been ready, but now that the words were spoken and he felt those real emotions in his heart he didn’t want to look back. This was where he was meant to be. Beside Samara.

”I’m sorry to make you wait,” he rumbled softly and pressed his nose to her ear. He trailed his nose over her cheek and carefully kissed away her tears. She had waited all this time for him, and he’d long realized the extent of her loyalty. What else besides love would have kept her at his bedside. Especially when she experienced his lowest days. He truly did not deserve her, but as she offered her love in return he knew it was real.

Where did they go from here? He was getting old, and she had a long life ahead of her. Was it fair to ask her to spend those years with him? Suddenly doubts filled him where none had been before. ”Where do we go from here? I want to spend my days with you, but I don’t want to hold you back.” He held her close, his words a whisper in his ear as he explored thoughts of the future for the first time in a long time. ”You mean the world to me.” It was no lie, he knew he owed her his life. ”I want to make you happy.”