
You'll Call It Fate, I'll Call It Karma


06-18-2014, 05:10 PM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.

...and so I would wander.
The woman had made the decision not long after her children were born. Going back to Fontamo Bay on a whim, just to check on the family she knew, had been hard. She had left the children with Othello, bless the woman's heart for being willing to watch after the little ones. What she found, however, broke her heart. Her family was gone... The pups, their parents, her friends. Ellis had sat there in the snow, letting the cold flakes fall upon her coat. They... were gone. The only blessing was that it seemed to be peaceful, with no bloodstains or bodies to be found.

So after Ellis returned she had decided to join the nearby pack. Othello was already part of it with her mate... and Ellis did not wish to be alone. Not again. Not anymore. She would have her children sure, but she wished for a better life for them. And a better life they were going to have, even if that meant she had to settle elsewhere than originally planned. How things changed through the years, but that was life. It warped you and it shaped you, bringing you throughout it's flow whether you expect what happens or not.

The she wolf would come to a stop at the borders. After another decision she had left the children at the den with Othello, to make sure that she was accepted into the pack before she moved them. With winter, and how small both were right now... she didn't wish to endanger them. The thought of having the other healer had crossed her mind too... and she was going to ask Orchid to do so if they were all accepted and tucked safely inside. Throwing back her head the small woman would call, hoping for someone to answer it.

"Settle down." Said my heart.

...and so here it was I would settle down.



2 Years
06-18-2014, 05:20 PM

The sound of a call would ring out across the territory, waking Crucifix from his nap by the side of an old oak tree. He would sigh and stretch out his paws before finding his way to his feet. The remains of his last meal strewn about him and he would quickly dig dust over the rabbit bones before making his way to the border. He would find the caller in a heartbeat and to his surprise would recognise her. The memory was a blurry one, the type he associated with his time spent in sickness, but recognise her he would. She had put in her two cents at the meeting and helped them find the cure. At the time she had been swollen with pregnancy and now her weight was falling off her, telling him the pups had been birthed.

He stopped a few feet before her and offered the girl a warm smile. His eyes looked her up and down as he wondered where the pups where. She didn?t look to be in distress like he imagined a mother would be after losing her children. If anything she looked healthy, and the scent of milk was strong about her. Perhaps she had been unwilling to bring them from a warm den out into the cool of the night. ?Hey, you were at our meeting right?? he said with a smile as he struggled to find her name within the foggy recess of her mind, but he could not recall it. ?Are you looking for a place within Covari? Because we would not turn you away when you already came to help us? he added with a gentle smile, his own gratitude bringing a light to violet eyes -after all he had despised that feeling of sickness and she had helped to bring him back to health.



06-18-2014, 05:42 PM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.

...and so I would wander.
Overall, she did not have a very long wait for one of power. Much to her surprise it ended up being the sickly male whom she had seen at the meeting to find a cure for the sickness. He had looked so horrible there, ready to drop, and yet the cure had brought him back from the brink. He looked lovely now, holding himself well and walking towards her. 'By the scents and how he carries himself it would seem this male is now the one in charge.' She would think, just as he reached her and settled himself.

The young woman would give a nod, dipping her head to him respectfully. "I was indeed. I am Ellis Cathal, if you can not recall." The healer felt her heart give a happy flutter at his next words, relief washing over the new mother. "I am indeed, for me and my son and daughter. It would be very appreciated if we could stay here... and a relief as well. I've found a good friend in Othello, and would love to raise my children alongside hers. I'm a healer by nature... I'm afraid I have no fighting experience at all... however... and I can hunt a bit." She wanted to give him a clue as to what her skills were as well, so he would know she wasn't just some useless wolf. Though that would have to be proved as well.

"Settle down." Said my heart.

...and so here it was I would settle down.



2 Years
06-18-2014, 05:52 PM

The woman seemed to understand his loss for her name and would supply it now. Ellis, a pretty name that seemed to suit the delicacy about her. He nodded his head back to her ?Ellis, that?s right. I?m Crucifix, Alpha here? he would tell her, Vi had not been at the meeting so she probably did not know that he was only the acting Alpha. ?And Vi as well rules here? he would supply. He would also see the relief that washed across her features and would smile once more, a comforting gesture.

She would speak again and her words would surprise him. She had found a friend in Othello? his ex-mate, the woman pregnant with another man?s children. He supposed it made sense, if they were both pregnant at the time that it gave them something to bond over. He pushed aside thoughts of Othello. ?We are short on healers, and your skill would be much appreciated? he would say next, ?Although if you wanted to be a hunter that could be arranged? he would also suggest.

Next he would stand from his seated position and look past her. ?Where you looking to bring your pups into Covari? If you like I can help you carry them. We can find you your own den or I could bring you to Orchid for a while? he didn?t know much about Motherhood but if she was a single mother perhaps she would appreciate Cru and Orchids help.



06-18-2014, 06:12 PM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.

...and so I would wander.

So there was another ruler here indeed. It explained the strong womanly scent that she had noticed when she first came to the pack. Ellis would gently shake her head Crufix offered that if she desired to be a hunter it could also be arranged. "I'm more suited as a healer, however I would love to aid in hunts if another set of paws would be welcome. Being skilled in more than one thing can never hurt." She spoke softly, feeling happiness welling within her. Safety for her children, that's what she really wanted. She would give a nod as he asked the next question, figuring she should explain about the father of these pups.

"I am... their father is a male whose name I do not know. He is silver and bears a black mask around stormy eyes. He says that he is a divine, a god here upon the earth, and speaks with 'we' rather than 'I'. He is an odd male... and forceful. I do not wish for my children to end up like him..." She would explain. "I want to give them a future, and I feel Covari is the place to do that." She would take a breath, deciding as she did so.

"For now I would like to bring them to Orchid. I'd love for her to check them over... something seems... off... but I can't place it yet myself. Perhaps she has some experience that I don't and be able to pick up on it. Then, later we can figure out about a separate den." She would make a slow turn, looking back to him. "I would appreciate the help in carrying them as well. My den is this way, in Fern Gulley." She would then start off, padding in the direction of the makeshift den she shared with Othello.

"Settle down." Said my heart.

...and so here it was I would settle down.



2 Years
06-18-2014, 06:26 PM

He would nod his head in acknowledgment as she spoke of her preference as a healer. He was certain Orchid could use the hand, considering how she faced the entire pack alone. It was also perfectly fine for her to join in hunts, it seemed that Ellis would fit right into Covari pack life and would be a good help. She would speak again and his eyes would darken. His sister had been raped, was that what she was telling him had happened to her? She would not clarify this but explain that she did not want the same fate for her children.

She would request to be set up with orchid and the Alpha would nod again in acceptance of this. ?Orchid it is? he said brightly, leaving no comment about something being off ? he was no healer, he would not know anything that this healer herself did not. She would point the way to her den and obediently he would set off after her towards Fern Gully. It sounded like she only had two children, which would make it easier to bring them onto Covari lands between them. He gave a self-satisfied smile as Covari swelled some more. He would need to find extra territory to house all these wolves, and when Vi returned to her pack she would find it larger in both territory and members.

He would stop outside her den and wait for the mother?s approval before going inside, here he would see that Othello was babysitting her young and began to make sense of the words Ellis had spoken about befriending Othello. He was mildly surprised to see that she was not currently sharing a den with Scorpion. He gave an odd smile her way, still not certain where he standing with this girl, a fact that became only stranger with his rise to Alpha. ?Othello.. where just bringing the pups to Covari? he would explain, as he waited for approval from Ellis before gently picking up a pup in his jaws. Looking at the two woman he would wait for them to collect themselves before they could move to Covari territory and Orchids den.




8 Years
06-18-2014, 06:43 PM

The dame had stayed behind with her friends pups, curling her own pregnant belly around their small forms. She had grown very fond of the little ones, and she would protect them as if they were her own. So when Ellis had asked her to look after them, she had no problem doing that at all. She hadn't asked what her friend intended to do, she trusted her. It wasn't hard for her to watch them, with her own babies coming it was even a little bit of practice for her.

Othello had nearly dozed off when the sounds of someone coming up to the hollow tree. Sending out a warning growl she curled around the pups to hide them for who ever dared to walk in. Lips pulled back from her teeth as an even louder growl rumbled out, her jaws snapping. Elongated tail covered the top of the pups to hide them from view.



06-20-2014, 08:32 AM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.

...and so I would wander.
Ellis would walk back to Fern Gulley with the male at her side. It felt as if some huge weight had been removed from her back. She could relax, because Tyrion and Theisinova would be able to grow somewhere with a bright future. A pack to call home. She felt happiness within her heart, and she padded back with hope in her heart. Surely this would be better for her friend as well, for she could be with her mate once more. She was praying that Othello would have a safe delivery, that her friend would birth a large, beautiful litter. For her a son and daughter were enough, at least for her first litter. Even if it was her last... She would have no regrets in keeping them.

As they neared the den, the hollowed out tree, Othello could be heard inside. Growling and moving protectively over her pups. The small woman would duck her head, smiling at the other and speaking softly. ?It is alright, Othello. I?ve officially joined Covari and the children are being moved there. It?ll be safer near the others with them so young, and you can be closer to your mate as well.? Her teal-green eyes were gentle, waiting for her friend to move her tail so she could pick up Nova and start the journey back. At least the South wasn?t as cold as the north... Doing something like this in that territory could spell certain death for her little ones. They were her babies... And she would protect them. Fighting knowledge or not... She would do all that she could.

"Settle down." Said my heart.

...and so here it was I would settle down.