
slip slidin' away



13+ Years

Treat 2019
05-29-2020, 01:11 PM
Rhythm didn’t get out too much now that the winter’s hold was getting so strong, but when she woke that morning the day was beautiful. She had little pain and after a little of the salve that Iolaire had brought for her the old woman was ready for a day out. Feather accompanied her along with young Poem, she didn’t have to ask around too much to get someone to escort her. The young Destruction girl was off a little ways when Rhythm found herself in the nook.

The landscape was changed, not that Rhythm could tell with her sight. Fire again ravaged the land, much like it had in the beginning of the land’s life. The last eruption had created the redbud nook and it would rebirth again next year. The volcano managed to make a gentle incline that was both free of trees and covered in snow. Rhythm sighed softly as she reclined into the snow, the sun was shining and warmed her dark fur.

In general the ancient she wolf was happy these days, life wasn’t without its continued hardships though. Being in Abaven rejuvenated her spirits. Thinking of days gone by was much too easy though, especially at her advanced age. Rhythm had been through much and had seen a lot in her time. Life changed a lot over her twelve years and getting stuck in the past wasn’t difficult. She needed to have a little fun because sadness was easy to sink back into. She’d been a support pillar for her grandchildren with all the losses they endured, Rhythm felt like she was truly filling a purpose here. They needed her.

She smiled softly, tail curling around her hips. Thoughts of the past filled her head as she soaked up a bit of winter sun.

wc: 300

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
06-07-2020, 02:18 PM
Valentine had grown restless as of late. Watching his son's plans for Fireside slowly come together was heartening and made him proud; so many of his children and grandchildren were inclined to lead and he was satisfied the future would not be without a strong Imperialis presence. Still, he couldn't help but feel apart from it all. Though he was strong of body and mind he felt like his children and grandchildren treated him with kid gloves. He was not included - or even considered as far as he knew - in any of the shenanigans of the youthful and that knowledge aggravated him. Sure, he was not a spring chicken but he'd whip anyone who said otherwise to his face. He just wanted to have fun, dammit, and the lack of inclusion was particularly disheartening now for some reason.

A familiar scent froze him in his tracks. Rhythm was out here? He pondered this for a second. Though they were not a "thing" anymore that didn't mean they couldn't be friendly, did it? If anyone could appreciate his hatred of all things old it was Rhythm, who was at most a season or two older than him. She would know what it was like to be casually disregarded because of her age and excluded from things that would have been her bread and butter in years gone by.

He trotted towards her and announced his presence with a saucy, "Do my eyes deceive me? Are you wasting a perfectly good day just laying out here in the snow? My dear, say it isn't so!"

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
06-07-2020, 06:01 PM
Rhythm was content in the state of her life, she had experienced much worse but slavery shouldn’t have been a comparison to begin with. She accepted that at her age there was much she couldn’t do, but the most challenging was going out. Today she felt good and wouldn’t let anything stop her. The old woman had her escort, kind of, but she also had her privacy and freedom if she wished. Feather whistled softly to alert Rhythm to another presence, but it seemed the bird even knew the sight of her once flame.

A grin formed over her silver marked features as Rhythm turned her features towards the old man. One chocolate ears perked and her cream streaked tail wagged at her seated hips. She was transported easily to a much brighter day, when she had still been so full of hope for her future. A time that seemed so foggy to recall, but as Valentine’s voice reached her ears she could see the two young wolves clearly.

”That’s exactly what I’m doing.” She retorted back at him, feeling rather spry for her age and ailments. ”I’d argue any activity beyond feeding the worms is a job well done at my age.” Rhythm chuckled darkly. ”You sound like you have better things to do than enjoy a nice winter dey?” She pressed him curiously, tail still wagging. Being with a wolf of her own generation was different than spending all of her time with the young. Their endless energy was too much sometimes.

825 total

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads