
New world



2 Years
06-18-2014, 03:29 PM (This post was last modified: 06-18-2014, 08:31 PM by Crucifix.)

Covari was flourishing, and it was a fact Crucifix accepted with a measure of pride. This was Vi?s pack, sure, but it was his pack now too. With the new members that had found their way here, and the first litter of Covari children that was due to be born any day now. He found that despite how busy his days where that he was missing Vi. He wasn?t sure for how long she would be gone, and there were times he woke up to her scent and thought she had returned to him. Yet every morning, she was still gone from the pack she had created.

The boy was making an effort to know the wolves within the ranks, he wanted to know more than the names he had been told, and the ranks they held. Some wolves he had seen only in passing and others he was yet to meet at all. Keeping active with his responsibilities it seemed was not enough to know these wolves, a hunt had been called recently by Svan, but perhaps it was time for another ? or perhaps even a training session to see where others where with their abilities. He began to pace as he thought of all the ways he could bring these wolves together, to know and understand the people that made up this pack.

His pacing would bring him into the Swamplands, a territory he did not venture into very often. He preferred the Range, with the open lands he knew far better and the ease it was to run along them. The Swamp was murky, with hidden layers of murky water and long reeds. The Alpha boy began to pick his way through the more unfamiliar territory.




3 Years
06-18-2014, 05:27 PM
She had not joined the hunt, however that did not mean that Arisu was not at work. The girl had been so restless, so ready for action, that she had started training herself. Verbal communication to someone other than her family was, well, far more rare by the girl. She had wanted to speak with her mother, to ask about training. Training that they had originally been offered in Ludicael before the move. But she wasn't complaining about that. She knew her mother had secured them a future, a better future that they all would be able to hold. It was thanks to her mother that she would truly be granted the chance to be great.

So the girl had started practicing hunting on her own, and even sparring creatures about her size. Foxes. Her muzzle had a yet untreated bite upon it, though she had washed it out. Still, the girl knew she had to be careful about infection. Scratches were also seen in varies places on her coat, though they wouldn't scar. For though she was young Arisu was viscous and merciless with her targets, even maiming one fox before killing it. It gave her a sense of pride. A sense of power. Power... she liked it.

Arisu stalked along now, emerald orbs glinting. Somewhere behind her brother trailed. She had gone to him for some company, but she was taking them somewhere else in the lands. Somewhere that they might be able to truly have some peace and quiet. That was when the girl saw the silver and black beast before her. Curiosity, dark curiosity glinted within those eyes as she strode boldly up to the man from behind, brushing along his legs with her coat. She was woman who would one day be a temptress, a woman offering poisoned fruit. Any man who dared to near her would be asking for danger, and, perhaps even death.

Arisu circled boldly in front of the man, the one covering the throne for her mother as she sought more lands, sought more followers, and went to claim the world as her own. Arisu would one day follow in those pawsteps. A small smirk, not like her usual false smile, would grace her lips as she looked upon him, seizing him up. "...and you, the one my mother has granted Covari to for the time... Crucifix was it?" She stood with her body bold, ready to make an action. She was sure Solo would come along soon enough. "Are you worthy of this honor, my dear man?" A challenge, expecting a satisfactory answer.



2 Years
06-18-2014, 05:57 PM

Hestia hadn't joined in on the hunt either, but she was pretty well over the violent mood she had been in, the one that got her a large scar on the right side of her face. She hadn't wanted to do anything with her oldest sister, so she had followed behind Solo and Arisu, her white paw probably giving her away if Arisu or Solo looked back. Stealth was more of her kind of fighting, staying in the shadows, but lunging whenever the time was right and she could inflict any type of damage. And, of course, there was the vampire bat on her shoulder, who could scare the wolves more than the six month old pup attacking them could. With a scary face, pointed teeth, beady eyes, and a threatening hiss, her vampire bat was something that would make her more intimidating, more than the scar on her face. For once, Hestia wanted to not be the leader of this pack, and only wanted to start her own pack, a pack of wolves and vampire bats, a pack that would destroy every other pack here. A pack that would rule the world with terror. And her, on top of the throne. What a wonderful dream.

Sure, she wasn't like her sister, hunting those little cowardly foxes, but she had went for something bigger, something better than foxes. She had went after coyotes. They didn't even know that she was stalking them until it was too late, staying in the shadows and lunging, breaking their spines with a hard snap to the back after she had pinned them down. Shallow scratches covered her fur, and her ear was slightly torn, a small nick on her ear, something that her mother hopefully wouldn't notice. Even a few tiny puncture marks where her vampire bat could not help himself, and had bitten her while she was asleep, although she had told him it was fine to do it anytime. So, when Arisu had followed the new alpha, Hestia had been excited for an actual opponent and rushed ahead of them, her paws carrying her as fast as she could go.

It had taken a few moments for her to catch her breath, and by then, Arisu had caught up. "...and you, the one my mother has granted Covari to for the time... Crucifix was it?" Hestia aimed to push her sister. "What are you doing?" She hissed, but Arisu seemed to pay her no attention. "Are you worthy of this honor, my dear man?" It was a challenge, and Hestia glared at her sister, stepping in front of her. "What my sister means to say is that she would like us both to fight, taking turns. I'll go first." She smiled at her sister, hoping she'd agree.




5 Years
06-18-2014, 06:16 PM (This post was last modified: 06-18-2014, 06:19 PM by Fiamette.)

She lowers herself toward the mossy earth, ears pinned and tail raised to align with her spine as she stalks her next victim. A bullfrog, the biggest she has ever seen, hops across her path and immediately ensnares her attention. She wants it, wants to pierce the soft skin between its skull and spinal cord with her sharp fangs and devour its insides. Hunger eats at her stomach, giving her the incentive to finally pounce. Her paws fall upon the frog with ease, jaws gaping open to snap and grasp the slimy being between her jaws. She succeeds, and it flops momentarily before falling limp. A menacing smile curls the corners of her ebony lips, blood dripping down her chin as she turns to head back to the main pack lands.

She stops, both of her sister's scents wafting across her nostrils, causing them to quiver and her brow to furrow. What were her sisters doing out here, alone, and with a male? She becomes curious, and she wishes to know what this is all about. She has a strong interest in her siblings being the first born child, although she has a strong disliking for the black sheep of their family. She pivots toward their direction, and she takes off at a steady lope, the large bullfrog encased within her jaws. The group appears quickly, and immediately she can feel the tension between her siblings, hearing Hesita's challenge as she approaches. She drops the bullfrog and aims to come and stand at her auburn sisters side, brows creasing to narrow as she glares at Hestia, waiting for her next move against the duo.


*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"



2 Years
06-18-2014, 07:07 PM

The sound of footfall would alert him to the approach of another. Eye would swivel in the direction as the pup came up behind him. Her aim it seems wasn?t to startle her, but to run her coat against Crucifix?s legs. The bristled fluff of a pup in winter would tickle at his legs and he would look down at the girl as a half-smile coaxed its way across his lips. The pup did not stop there but began to circle about him. There was something familiar about this pup, in both its scent and dark appearance. Eyebrows would rise as he found his answer in its words. It was a young thing, maybe half a year old and still well within its pup?s years. But the words she spoke? she was calling vi her mother. His smile would widen with this knowledge. Had he known Vi had children? He could not remember her telling her this. There was one thing he was certain of, they were not VI?s mates children, these where not Des?s? for the obvious reason.

This girl was challenging him, asking him his worth and he would laugh softly as he looked down at the little ball of pup. She certainly had her mother?s pride and strength, and already he could feel himself liking this pup ? perhaps more for its blood line then for its unknown personality.

Another pup would appear out of nowhere, they were just popping up out of the earth these red toned children. Puzzled eyes would flicker to this one as she spoke. Eyes would flicker over the bat that rested on her shoulders before back to the pups dark eyes. This one seemed strange, he got an odd feeling about her like she wasn?t quite right in the head. Her words only strengthen that as she spoke of fighting. ?Ooooh no, you guys are just pups. I don?t even know where you are on your training? he told them. Quite prepared to grab the little mites by their tails and dangle them in the air if they decided to misbehave.

Yes another would pop out of the earth and poor Cru was beginning to feel surrounded by furry little creatures. This one would take its place beside the first and glare at the challenger. This was starting to get a little to hairy for Cru, who stepped forward to block the hostile glances that passed between them.




2 Years
06-18-2014, 07:48 PM
Vivek didn't know why his mother had left - but the last time she had she had gone and gotten herself and her family a pack. This time was just as justified and worth the time away, he was sure. He had been a phantom for some time himself, exploring the new lands and slowly growing into himself. The distance between he and his family was not intentional, but it was there. A part of him wanted to fix it, but there was also a part of him that believed that it was silly - they were his family, they would always be his family. He could cross the earth and return, old and worn but he would still be theirs and they his.
For now though, he had not crossed the earth, but he had explored all of the land that his mother had claimed for Covari. Only to return to some stranger to be in his mother's seat of power - temporary, he was sure. Curious as to what his sisters were doing with him, he would slip closer to where their scents and voices could just be made out from where he was. Red eyes gazed at the man with a cross on his shoulder. It was a unique marking, he could appreciate him for at least that much. But he blended in with the swamp he was surrounded by, and his boring pallet almost made him ordinary despite his marking.
Besides judging a book by it's cover,the six month old was curious as to whether he would take Hestia up on her challenge. At their age, they were old enough to start training to fight, how good was she at this point? Was she quick enough to hold her own against this male? Unfortunately, as expected, the brute declined - calling them children, underestimating their power. Vivek was already a good sized wolf - larger than most small wolves. "Shame, I would have liked to see a fight." He would pipe up, standing behind his siblings. "Mother may have picked you, but I guess that doesn't make you interesting."


06-18-2014, 08:44 PM
ooc;; I vote no posting order? This thread just got big again XD

The gangly youth was never far from his siblings anymore, especially not Fiamette since her kidnapping. Though today he had left for a short time to go on a little hunt and when he had returned everyone was gone. He stood outside the den for a moment, bi coloured eyes blinking as he looked around, two field mice dangling from his jaws that he had brought back as a snack for himself and Fiamette. But where was she? Voices chattered in the distance and immediately he recognized at least one. Arisu! He hadn't seen her in a while now, too preoccupied with helping his mom and Orchid with Fiamette. White dipped legs would carry him towards the sounds as jaws unhinged to drop the mice on the ground in front of their den. It was only a few minutes before he came across the gathering of his siblings and some old dude. Immediately the child would draw himself up, head tipped as he looked to the black and white male then to Hestia as he trotted over to the so called black sheep and plopped himself down beside her. "Look, he's funny looking like you too!" He said with a chuckle before tossing a smile to his other sisters and standing so he could cross the picket line and move to stand with his russet and red sisters. Even Vivek was here! "I think someone should fight someone. Or maybe red vs. black!" He offered, looking to his russet hued siblings of caring shades of intensity. It could be fun.

Orchid I


5 Years
06-18-2014, 09:08 PM

The swamplands where a good place to find poisons, certain mushrooms that liked the damp environment. The specific leaf-pouch she kept separate for poisons was twirled about her neck fur and already partially full from her finds, some of the more dangerous poisons separately wrapped inside. Her search was halted by loud sounds and many creatures. She would make her way over to the commotion and immediately see what was going on. It was hard to stifled her laughter as she shoved her way through the crowd and to her Alpha?s side. ?I hope these aren?t all yours? she teased as she took a seat beside him.

The red coats gave them away, but she couldn?t help but tease him. Something about Cru just shouted ?tease me? and she was always happy to comply. She took out a few of her herbs and began to sort them on the ground before her. ?RedBalls. Are you looking for some entertainment?? she asked mildly, barely looking their way as she continued to sort out her precious collection. She was half considering throwing Cru to the wolves, or pulling him to safety. Really, either way would be deliciously fun.

At random she picked out a kid, pointing to Arisu and beckoning her forward. "Come here" she said, her sorted herbs had fallen now into two piles. "Are you a little shit, or just having fun?" she asked the girl, her eyes twinkling with dangerous amusement.



06-18-2014, 10:00 PM (This post was last modified: 06-18-2014, 10:00 PM by Svanerna.)

ooc: sorry shit post
The beautiful creature heard another call of the temporary Alpha, she had currently been patrolling the south border of the swampland. Her ears perked and her nose twitched. She was happy to comply to the sound of his voice. He was a sweet boy, from what she knew. He had leadership qualities, but they were merely temporary. She could see why Vi chose him to lead Covari in her absence. Yet, as she arrived to the scene she saw a beautiful array of yearlings and slightly older creatures. Reds, blacks, whites, and grays. She stood still and observed them all with her bright metallic eyes before she slithered closer to Orchid. Orch sat next to Cru, so she sat next to her. The woman listened quietly. Missing her own kids. Wondering where they might be in those moments. She watched as the medic began to sort out various herbs and such. The woman heard the banter between the Wolves. They all picked on Hestia. Svanerna frowned slightly and rolled her shoulders. "Hestia, come sit with me!" Sure, they had their odds at the exchange between Vi, Sib and the White bitch. But, she did not like to see bullying. Her tail curled up to her side as she observed.




3 Years
06-19-2014, 04:06 PM
She was waiting for an answer, but here came Hestia. While Arisu did not hate her sister, she was not the best at interacting with her either. Both of her sisters had been pushed more to the side, and Vivek, in absence, had lost her attention as well. Even Solo, who she had been closest too, hadn?t recieved much of her attention as of late. The sickness had her mixed up, and it was a relief when a cure was found. She hadn?t known how to respond to the weakness of her family... To their hurts. She had felt useless. Powerless... And it angered her greatly. She would shift attention to Hestia, blinking, when her sister mentioned a spar. At first it had her confused. A challenge. But then... The smile... It confused her. Love wasn?t something Arisu was good at.

In her moment of silence Fia would appear, the male moving between them, leaving her question hanging in the air. Honestly Arisu felt a bit lost, taking a step back and flicking both ears back. Vivek arrived, and Solo too. She would glance to both brothers, frowning a bit. While she wasn?t particularly close to Hestia she was still family. ?As unique as that challenge would be, Solo, it is highly unfair.? The only sign of Arisu ever sticking up for Hestia. She would glance back to her sister. She wouldn?t have minded a spar, a challenge, a test to prove her strength, but now, with so many surrounding her, the dark girl was feeling out of sorts. Too many at once, and yet still more came!

The white woman, the healer, would address her, and Arisu would leave the side of her red coated siblings, looking to Hestia. ?You?ll owe me a spar, sister. Make sure it?s interesting.?[/color] Green eyes would shine, posing her challenge, yet there was a softer hint at the undertones. Perhaps Hestia needed some... Family guidance. She wanted to know about those scars on her face too... And... What the hell was that on her shoulder? She would take a moment, staring, before padding to the white woman and looking up at her with a fearless gaze.

?I am simply making sure that the gentleman is deserving of the rank my mother granted him, even if temporarily. There is nothing wrong with ensuring the worth of my packmates, is there?? She would ask, taking a seat. She would look back to Hestia, being called by another woman, and give a small nod to her sister. She was enemy to no one as of yet, though she was not afraid to step up and prove her worth to any of them if it was required. Gaze would flick back to the white woman. ?...and furthermore, I see no harm in allowing fair spars between us, so long as they are just that.? Her words kept their boldness, unwavering.