
Sticks and Stones

Athena I


9 Years
06-18-2014, 11:08 AM

Her last trip to the battlefield had been interrupted by quite the interesting turn of events, but this time nothing would keep her from her goal. It had been far too long since her last spar or it at least it felt that way to the fight hungry princess. She trotted onto the battlefield with an eager spring in her step. Now that the epidemic was over she was all too eager to get back to her training and feel that familiar rush of adrenaline once again.

As she moved forward on silvery paws she glanced around the bloody field. She hoped that a worthy opponent would show themselves soon so that she wouldn't have to go hunting one down. Surely there was someone willing to take her on out here? That's what the battlefield was for, right?



06-18-2014, 12:32 PM

A creature born of blood heard the call of a Queen. A Queen who was in over her head. Svanerna had earned her rank into the beta of Covari. It was obvious she was meant for the spot. Her experience, will, and intelligence. Yet, she had a darkness over her head that was quite obvious. She was a Finnvi, the obvious choice for anything important. It was in her blood. Her massive paws carried her into the lands of battle without question. Each paw was forced to the ground in such elegance. The woman was no doubt a beauty, but she would hate not to get dirty. Snow fliuttered from the sky, lining the blood stained field with a white blanket. As she approached the other woman she smirked. "A spar." She then got ready. Her hackles raised, knees bent, paws squared, core tightened, ears flat against her skull, eyes narrowed, lips curled up, tail erect for balance, claws dug into the earth, and head tilted down to protect her neck.


Her large paws carried her forward, she would stay low to the ground. She would aim to ram her chest into the other girls, sternum to sternum. The German bitch the let her forepaws move from the ground, attempting to wrap them around the she-wolf before her. They would aim to slam down on Athenas upper back, near her shoulders. Though, her jaws would attempt to snap at the white faes face, on her cheek of sorts. Her right cheek to be specific. Her hind legs would be firm but beant at the same time, her muscles tense and ready for movement. She was not looking to take an eye out, just a nice bite to the girls cheek of sorts.




Defenses: refer to first para.

Attacks: Attempt to slam her chest square into athenas. She tried to wrap her fore legs around athena, aiming to slam her paws down onto athenas upper back. She tried to bite athenas right cheek.

injuries: first round

notes: <3


Athena I


9 Years
06-30-2014, 11:10 PM


Athena waited patiently for an opponent and she would not be disappointed. A darker hued woman approached her and with very little introduction the woman prepared her defenses. Athena smirked at her bluntness. It was just as well, they were clearly both here to fight. Athena followed her lead, settling into her defenses with practiced ease. Her paws set evenly beneath her, knees bending slightly for ease of movement, toes splaying and claws digging into the soil for balance. Her ears folded back against her skull and eyes narrowed while her lips pulled up in a snarl, exposing her teeth. Her head dipped down to cover her throat and her shoulders rolled forward, hackles raising her scruff bunching up around her neck. Lastly her muscles would tense and her tail would fan out behind her laying level with her spine to help with her balance as she prepared to move to react to the woman's first attack.

The smaller woman would apparently launch herself at Athena and the Queen would brace herself, tensing her muscles to take the blow. With such a size difference Athena wasn't afraid of her knocking her over and she liked to have her opponents in close so she would take whatever bruising this caused. She leaned into the darker woman's attack as she seemed to leap upward to wrap her forelegs around Athena's neck. She felt her opponent's chest hit the lower part of her own and knew there would probably be at least some light bruising there, but she recognized the fact that the woman would have similar bruising on her own chest as well. She felt the woman's paws hit her shoulder blades, but with her height and her already bent knees on her side the attack probably didn't have its full intended effect. Athena merely let her knees take the impact, bending slightly under the impact. Out of all the attacks it was the bite that hit home more than the others. While she leaned her head away from the woman in an attempt to avoid her teeth the move failed. She felt the older woman's teeth graze her skin, causing a series of shallow teeth marks along the top and bottom parts of her cheek. Athena growled lowly in response, the small wounds stinging as blood stained her fur.

Athena leaned her weight forward into her opponent, pressing her chest back against hers. She took a step forward, hoping to knock the woman off balance while, at the same time, her right foreleg lifted to hook around the lower part of the woman's neck, almost over her shoulder. If she was able to get her foreleg around her Athena would push down hard with her foreleg as she shoved her weight forward to hopefully knock the older woman onto the ground. If she was successful she could immediately aim to press her left paw into the side of the woman's neck, hoping to hold her down and impede her breathing at the same time. Whether Athena was successful in any of these moves or not, she would lunge forward, keeping her knees bent so that she had plenty of freedom of movement, and would aim to latch her jaws onto the woman's left shoulder. Her goal wasn't to majorly tear the woman's flesh, but to just grip her shoulder lightly to make it harder for her to move and to cause some discomfort.


Round: 1 of 3

Defenses: Paws spaced evenly, knees bent, toes spread, claws dug in, ears back, eyes narrowed, teeth bared, head down over her throat, hackles raised, tail out even with her spine, muscles tensed.

Attacks: Pushing her chest back into Svan's while she pushes Svan over with her right foreleg, pressing her left paw into the side of Svan's neck, biting Svan's left shoulder

Injuries light bruising to her chest and shoulder blades, shallow scratches on her cheek


07-07-2014, 10:08 PM
hehe its okay darling <3 it took me a long time as well :D been a busy bee :D

Her opponent was larger then her but not that large. She had a good six inches on the woman, but that did not intimidate Svanerna in any way. She was a Viking. She was older, more experienced, and confident in her skills. She would not let some girl shake her down. Svan's attacks purchased, but not with ease. Their chests met with ease. Her chest was obviously bruised in those moments, but such a simple injury did not bother her at all. As the Viking leaned up to wrap her forelegs around Athena, her paws smacked down on the white faes shoulders. Such an attack would not grant much pain, if any at all. But, it may have gave her leverage if she were to be lucky. The act of her launching up on her hinds would make their chests slam together once again, proposing perhaps more bruising. So far, she would suffer from bruising within the middle of her chest and the upper bits of her chest from the launching up. Though, as she reached the point of snapping her fangs at Athena's right cheek, leaving a few shallow scrapes behind, but no real purchase was made.

Svanerna took a moment to assess her defenses. Due to her stance. The lady had her hind legs bent enough for stability and mobility. Her claws of her hind legs were stuck into the ground for balance. The lady's ears were of course flat to her skull. The woman's eyes were narrowed to protect the beautiful metallic orbs. Her cheeks were flicked up to show her alabaster fangs and her skin bunched up around her cheeks to protect them. Svan's hind paw's toes were spread as well, to increase balance. The girls tail was aligned with her spine for balance and her shoulders were square. Svanerna's hackles were rolled and puffed up into a thick mess of fatty flesh. The ladies chin was tucked to protect the vital bits of her throat. Last but not least, her core was tightened to keep her breathing stable and her body was ready for impact. The lady was ready for a blood back.

Athena leaned her weight forward. This would caused Svanerna to dig her hind paws back into the ground to ensure her stability for those moments. But, the step forward caused Svan to take a step back, stumbling only the slightest. The taller ladies right foreleg raised and slipped around the Vikings back neck, above her shoulders. The darker fae would be pushed down in result, just because of the size difference. As Athena pushed Svan lover with her leg she shoved her weight forward in attempt to knock the future Queen down. Svanerna grunted as her hind legs were dug into the ground even more, they were getting weaker and weaker. Suddenly, she would fall to the ground and Athena's left paw would come crashing to the side of her neck. This attack would purchase, but her breathing was not tampered with. Now, on the ground, the girl would move her legs beneath her, even if she was pinned to the ground. Though, Athena was not done. Her jaws lurched forward and caught Svan in the left shoulder, right on the top bits. The bite was moderate, enough to spill blood but barely enough to cause any immediate danger.

Svanerna did not like being pinned to the ground. She felt horribly weak in those moments but she would not give up. The Viking waited to asses everything for a few moments. Fist, the girl would try to raise up slightly with her fore paws beneath her. As she did so, the lady attempted to lurch forward quickly to at least get a minor snap at Athena's throat. Even if her chin was tucked, she would try to rip into flesh. Though, as she would come back down, whether the attack purchased or not. She raised her hind legs, standing on them, now in a bowing position. She would attempt to whip her body back and to the right. Her front paws pushing into the ground and her hind ones attempting to step and scatter back. Such a move would aim to help release Athena's grip on her shoulder and perhaps even the paws that were pinning her down. Though, such an attack may cause even more ripping of flesh, if she even got far enough to do anything.


for spar

one two three

Attacks: 1. She attempted to raise up and snap her teeth at Athena's throat. 2. She raised her hind legs, now in a bowing position, she tried to whip her body back and to the right.

Defenses: The lady had her hind legs bent enough for stability and mobility. Her claws of her hind legs were stuck into the ground for balance. The lady's ears were of course flat to her skull. The woman's eyes were narrowed to protect the beautiful metallic orbs. Her cheeks were flicked up to show her alabaster fangs and her skin bunched up around her cheeks to protect them. Svan's hind paw's toes were spread as well, to increase balance. The girls tail was aligned with her spine for balance and her shoulders were square. Svanerna's hackles were rolled and puffed up into a thick mess of fatty flesh. The ladies chin was tucked to protect the vital bits of her throat. Last but not least, her core was tightened to keep her breathing stable and her body was ready for impact.

Injuries: Bruising on the center of her chest and the upper bits of her chest. Moderate bite to her left shoulder, bleeding.


Athena I


9 Years
07-10-2014, 02:38 PM

For a moment it seemed they would be trapped in a shoving match. Athena continued to shove down on her opponent and in response the woman pushed back, clearly trying to knock her off balance as well. It worked well enough to make Athena stager a half-step back, but luckily she was able to hold her place long enough to successfully push the woman to the ground and pin her down by her neck. It had really only been the difference of being on three paws rather than two that had kept Athena from tumbling to the ground as well.

In the flurry of activity Athena would not let her defenses drop. Quite the contrary, she would watch her defenses even more closely than at the start. Her eyes would remain narrowed and her ears stayed folded back against her skull. A fierce snarl stayed on her muzzle, exposing her fangs and letting her lips and cheeks bunch up to protect the flesh there. Her hackles remained raised so her scruff could continue to remain gathered around the back of her neck. With the exception of her paw that remained on the older woman's neck, her paws spread evenly under her to help maintain her balance while she held the woman down. Her toes spread, claws dug in, and tail laying level with her spine to help with this as well. She kept her muscles tensed but knees slightly bent to keep herself ready for anything her opponent had to throw at her.

It was satisfying to feel her teeth sink into her opponent's shoulder, shallow bite or not. Blood drawn was still blood drawn. However the woman would surprise her by suddenly lurching up toward her throat. Of course, Athena had her chin tucked over her throat as well as she could while she was biting the woman's shoulder, but she was unable to block the attack completely. The princess turned her throat away from the woman so that her bite would land more on the side of her neck than on her tender throat, leaving a shallow bite there in its wake. It was perhaps a bit deeper than the scratches across her cheek, but it was still not enough to deter the silver girl from shoving her left paw hard down on the woman's neck once more to push the woman back away from her throat.

A deep growl left her chest as she felt her opponent wiggling out from under her grasp, the movement jerking the shallow hold she had on her shoulder away from her. Athena lifted her left paw, finally letting the woman go in favor of getting pulled to the ground by the woman's pulling away. Athena would set her paws beneath her once more instead, readying herself before lunging forward for her next attack. With the older woman in a bowing-type position, Athena decided to go for her scruff, leaping forward quickly to hopefully grab ahold of her scruff before she could fully stand. If she was successful, Athena would grip the loose skin between her teeth and press down on the back of the woman's neck with this hold to hopefully keep the woman from getting up on her forelegs as well. While she had her opponent in this position she would dig her teeth into the fatty scruff, wanting to cause pain and discomfort as well as draw a small amount of blood, as well as deter the woman from trying to pull away from her like she did before.


Round: 2 of 3

Defenses: Eyes narrowed, ears back, snarling and teeth bared, paws evenly spaced, toes spread, claws dug in, muscles tensed, knees bent, tail even with spine, hackles raised and scruff bunched around neck, head tucked down over throat

Attacks: Leaping forward to grab Svan's scruff, pressing down on the back of Svan's neck with that bite to keep her from getting up onto her forelegs, digging her teeth into her scruff to draw blood and cause pain

Injuries From last round: bruising on her chest, lighter bruising on her shoulders, cuts on her right cheek. From this round: shallow bite wound to the left side of her neck.

ooc: didn't really proof read this, I hope it's alright lol


07-11-2014, 11:28 AM

Svan's attempt to lurch up and bite at Athena's neck, it purchased but off tot he side. A bite was a bite. As the girl whipped her head back Athena's grip on her neck was lost. But, before Svanerna could get up on her paws, the black and white girl came launching forward. Svan was still in the bowing position as Athena pinned her back to the ground. Athena's jaws wrapping around fatty flesh and pressing down to keep her front bits low to the ground. Yet, Svanerna would manage to raise slightly to her front paws in those moments, leaning her hinds down to level her body out. Though, she would try to fight against Athena's pushing, only working enough to keep herself hovering off the ground. The girl before her was tough indeed, but she was tough as well. She would not let some young blood Queen throw her on the ground with such ease. Yet, the bite to her scruff was moderate, blood was spilled but nothing to painful.

In those moments she made sure her defenses were sorted. Her hackles were puffed up into fatty rolls, despite Athena's grip on them. Her eyes were narrowed to protect her perfect, metallic eyes. Red and white lips rolled up to show her alabaster fangs and bunch up the skin on her cheeks to protect that area. Her nose was scrunched up as well. Svanerna's bodice was low to the ground already, her tail was pointed straight out for balance and her spine was aligned with her head. Her claws were dug into the ground for stability and her toes spread out as well. Svan's ears were flat to her skull as well, in case Athena got a little to powered up and went for a maim. The viking's core was tight to embrace for impact and steady breathing. The girl's head was tucked down to protect her neck, despite her position being where Athena wouldn't even be able to reach her throat. The lady was set, there was no doubt.

The lady did not have much to do, below the girl she was fighting. The girl would keep her weight on her front paws before she attempt to lurch up. This attempt to result in Svan trying to ram her head into Athena's throat to deny her air passage and possible bruising. As she would do so the girl would try to push up at Athena, despite Athena trying to pin her down. But, svan had her paws dug into the earth below, so she put all her weight there. Her jaws would attempt to snap at Athena's upper chest as well, not looking to latch on, once again, but to just rip the flesh once again to cause more injury. She hated being below the Queen, therefor she would do everything to make Athena regret it.


for spar

one two three

Attacks: 1. attempt to lurch up and hit Athena's throat with her head to cause bruising and cut off her air. 2. Attempting to push forward at Athena and up. 3. Attempt to bite at Athena's upper chest.

Defenses: second para

Injuries: Bruising on the center of her chest and the upper bits of her chest. Moderate bite to her left shoulder, bleeding. moderate bite to scruff.
