
i choose to walk with you


Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
06-16-2020, 05:24 PM
Rhyme was getting more comfortable with his budding relationship with Samara, his confession had been what seemed like the biggest step. That moment had lifted a huge weight off of his shoulders and gave him relief. As well as hope, he was excited for the future now. They settled into a routine, but Rhyme wanted more than a casual relationship. Though he adored Shaye, and thought he’d loved Tana both relationships were far from perfect and could have been described as broken.

The man was old but he better knew what he wanted. If Samara wanted to take that next huge step with him, he wanted commitment. He knew the dangers of his previous mistakes, and if the woman he loved wanted to share a family with him he wanted it done right. Not much time had passed since the morning he told the little Klein woman he loved her. He was certain of his actions though, he’d put time into his planning and he felt nerves again at the prospect of rejection.

He took in a deep breath and released it slowly as he reclined at the mouth of the den he shared with his girl. She would be returning for the evening soon, and he hoped that she wasn’t too tired from the day. Rhyme had a short walk planned out, a tiny dinner, and a special surprise to give her the intended question. Through it all he was sure that his heart would beat through his chest.



Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Intermediate Healer (40)

11 Years
Extra small

Pride - Pansexual
06-21-2020, 11:12 AM (This post was last modified: 06-21-2020, 11:19 AM by Samara.)

Samara had been busy today, doing her best to gather what little herbs could still be salvaged with the turn of the season, the cold had been quick to move in and snow was creeping closer with each passing day. It wasn't exactly a fun task, lots of digging at plants that looked promising but were too dry or had started to discolor. Morale wasn't exactly easy to keep up in those circumstances.

So she wasn't exactly in a chipper mood when she returned to the den, though seeing Rhyme lounging in the mouth of the den helped to buoy her emotions. His recovery was progressing at a decent pace and well it helped her own emotional state to be able to open about her affections with him now.

Samara approached, her face breaking into a soft smile. "Good evening." She said as she approached, not even hesitating to push into his form, a rumble of contentment slipping past her lips.


Table Art by Kharpa
[Image: X7DSVIv.png]
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
06-21-2020, 03:25 PM
Rhyme now had two younger wolves under his training, Poem who was only just a woman, and Corvus. The latter was a little old to be considered an apprentice but Rhyme was eager to be an example for him to follow. Hopefully he would learn from Rhyme’s mistakes instead of repeating them. The same with his daughters, so often he found himself willing the girls to make better use of their lives than he did. Rhyme had to believe it wasn’t too late to turn things around, and hopefully tonight would prove that.

Samara appeared just as he expected her to, and though her expression wasn’t bright when she rounded the corner it turned when she lay her bright blue eyes on him. He grinned back at her and felt his heart swell when she offered no hesitation in closing the distance between them. ”Welcome home,” Rhyme offered warmly as he wrapped his arms around her thin shoulders and squeezed lightly. ”I hope you had a good day.” He started softly as he loosened his grip, but nuzzled her cheek softly before pulling back to find her gaze.

”I have a… surprise for you.” He told her before finding his feet. He’d give her a sweet kiss on the cheek before gesturing for her to come along with him. The treck wasn’t so far, and Rhyme escorted her to the beach. The sun was beginning to set, and even with the cold it was turning the sky vibrant colors. Waiting for the two of them was a pile of thick furs, some dried meat for dinner, and a bowl of fragrant flowers.

The wind was cold, but as the sun sank it was dying down, but Rhyme had every intention of snuggling up beside the tiny woman under the furs to keep them both warm. The Cavaliere man grinned down at the Klein beaty as he sought her reaction to his little love nest.



Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Intermediate Healer (40)

11 Years
Extra small

Pride - Pansexual
06-22-2020, 01:37 AM

"Welcome home." Rhyme offered her as a greeting and it struck her how right that sounded. Samara had never been one to settle, she was best when she was away from her family, working on some target, integrating herself into someone else's life, home wasn't a concept she'd ever really known. But it felt nice, exciting even. How ironic to find the idea of easy domesticity, of routine unhindered by the notion she'd one day have to flee the carnage she'd left behind, seemed so thrilling to the small woman. Samara melted easily into the bigger man's embrace, she hmmm'd softly in response to his comment about her day, the last thing she wanted right now was to ruin the mood with her less than stellar experience. Her day was brightened simply by being here now.

Rhyme sought her gaze and she easily gave it, she often felt she could drown in his mixed lilac and sky gaze, even more so now that she could stare at him so freely. He spoke of a surprise and her brows immediately shot up. Oh? He rose to his paws and Samara quickly followed him as he lead her away, her cheek burning from where he'd planted his kiss. They drew towards the shore, the sunset casting colorful reflections in the water and waiting for them-

Samara hadn't been certain she could have felt more love for Rhyme but as she saw the small little space he'd set aside for them she felt her appretiation growing, it made her feel soft and warm in a way she hadn't experienced before. "Why Mr. Cavalier if I didn't know any better I'd assume this was a date." She said, grinning up at the man, her tone a sort of affectation of scandal. Then with a rather girlish giggle she dashed towards the little nest he'd made, slowing as she drew close so as not to destroy the layout. It amused her some to imagine Rhyme agonizing over the exact placement of everything. Gingerly she moved to stand beside the furs, a wide grin on her face as she turned to look upon Rhyme. He made her feel like a love struck yearling.


Table Art by Kharpa
[Image: X7DSVIv.png]
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
06-22-2020, 05:10 AM
As he held her Rhyme could feel her disposition shift, and from the answer she’d give on her day the old man knew this would be the highlight. Though it wasn’t difficult for him to get her attention, she was captured as he mentioned a surprise. He led her on the way easily, a smile unable to be removed from his features as they went. His gaze didn’t stray far from her, especially as they arrived and he watched her bright eyes light up as she took in his surprise.

Rhyme followed as her excitement shone through both in her words and the way she bound excitedly towards the pile of furs. She teased him lightly, but he hadn’t thought about the word ‘date’ quite yet. Rhyme was much more serious than a date, but he’d grin in response as he followed behind. She seemed surprised, and that was a main goal he could check off his list for the evening. Things were progressing well so far, but he still felt those nervous feelings well up inside.

”Maybe it is…” he teased her lightly as he stopped behind her and nuzzled against the back of her neck. He continued to move slightly over to the bed near the beach. They were far enough away from the sand it would provide minimal annoyances. Rhyme pulled back the first layer of the little bed and gestured for Samara to get comfortable before he settled in beside her snuggly. Rhyme pulled the hide back over the both of them as he surrounded the tiny woman with his huge form.

”Are you hungry?” He asked softly, not having to speak much above a whisper with how close they were now. Rhyme offered her a couple of strips of dried meat as he curled around her more tightly. He couldn’t help himself as he nuzzled in more affectionately. He placed another sweet kiss on her forehead, his stomach erupting in fluttering butterflies. This wasn’t the main reason he’d brought her here, but he wanted to build up to the right moment. But what if the right moment didn’t come?

”Samara,” he started softly, suddenly regretting the quickness in which the night was progressing. ”Ms. Klein…” Rhyme started again, finding her gaze, feeling the anxiety and excitement rush through him. ”Be mine. Be my mate, my wife, whatever title. I want you to be my one and only.”



Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Intermediate Healer (40)

11 Years
Extra small

Pride - Pansexual
06-23-2020, 05:55 PM

Samara felt a shiver go down her spine as Rhyme nosed at the back of her neck, but it wasn't from the cold... she giggled again, this time more uncontrollably. That was a heck of feeling, she was so used to being in control, her reactions were usually so controlled and planned and yet when she was with Rhyme it was so easy to be swept up in emotion and to be so much more genuine. Rhyme moved around her and lifted the first layer of furs, gesturing for her to settle in and she obliged happily. The feeling of Rhyme curling around her never failed to help her feel comforted and protected. Even if she was fully capable of taking care of herself.

He offered her some of the dried meat and she accepted graciously. It really was a whole night of firsts for the small woman, she was by no means inexperienced but the emotions involved were new. She'd been on a few dates to speak of but they'd never been real as she understood them, though she was certain her companions would disagree... if they could. She gnawed delicately on the meat, unaware of the nerves that had come over Rhyme. She swallowed as he spoke again, tipping her head back to look up at him as he spoke.

He said those words and Samara felt a thrill of anxiety go through her. Marriage... she had never really considered marriage for herself and some part of her hated the idea of being tied down, she was always independent and the ability to simply run when things went to shit had always been important to her... But then her thoughts turned to her family, to the way her half-sister had chased after that dog of hers for years only to marry another man and lose him too... she thought of the stability she wanted for any of her own children...

Samara nodded, slowly at first but with more enthusiasm as she became overcome with enthusiasm. Her doubts chased away from the excitement of the moment. "Rhyme I- I- yes." The last word was a whisper, she shifted so she could look deep into his gaze easier, she searched his face, a mixture of excitement and some doubt plain in her expression.


Table Art by Kharpa
[Image: X7DSVIv.png]
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
06-24-2020, 06:36 AM
Mostly Rhyme was being selfish when it came to wanting this kind of commitment, he wanted Samara all to himself. More than that though he wanted to do things right for her, he’d made his mistakes and he wanted to prove he could learn from them. He wanted to devote himself to the beautiful woman when he hadn’t to those who he’d cared for before her. One mistake he was reliving was not thinking about the family the two of them might raise together, they would have two parents to look up to and to rely on. They would have a stability that he hadn’t been able to provide his older children.

The sudden thought only made his nerves more intense as Samara looked up to him, her surprise and pleasure bringing a grin to his dark lips that reached up to brighten his blue and lavender gaze. He felt his heart stop as time slowed between them, but Samara began to nod slowly. Rhyme felt himself release the breath he was holding as she nodded and told him yes, pearly teeth flashed as relief flooded through him. That feeling was quickly replaced with a feeling of affection and pure love.

Samara was his savior, she guided him gently back into the light without judgement. She showed him compassion and love and expected nothing from him in return. There wasn’t anyone else alive who would do the same for him, and he knew the feeling within was true. Rhyme loved Samara, and she felt the same. Enough so to agree to his commitment, to accept the dive into the next step with him.

Rhyme pulled her closer and without hesitation aimed to press his lips to hers, all the passion and adoration he had for her obvious in that gentle kiss. He pulled her to his chest and held her lovingly, ”I’m not going to let you go.” He promised her as he whispered into her ear before pulling back slightly to look deeply into her icy blue eyes once more. ”I love you,” Rhyme told her as he pressed his forehead to hers and savored the moment with her. This was not where he saw himself when he met her that day on the mountain, but after everything he wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.



Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Intermediate Healer (40)

11 Years
Extra small

Pride - Pansexual
06-26-2020, 01:00 PM

After the words had left her mouth she'd found herself swept up in the emotion of what was happening and as Rhyme beamed down at her she couldn't help but fall further into the nervous excitement. She worked rolled herself over so she was facing him instead of having to crane her neck to look at the man. She gently accepted his kiss, her eyes closing briefly as she allowed herself to revel in this closeness. He pulled her closer to his chest and Samara pushed her face into his fur, breathing in his scent, it made her feel so secure.

He pulled back and Samara looked up into his eyes. She couldn't help but chuckle. "As if I'd ever let you." She teased softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "I love you too." She'd said that quite a bit in her life... and yet she'd never meant it before she'd met Rhyme and it still felt a little weird to say it with so much genuine feeling behind it. She tipped her head back, craning to lick at the base of his chin. Samara took a shaking breath, her body felt alive still with the thrill of the step they'd both just taken.


Table Art by Kharpa
[Image: X7DSVIv.png]
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
06-27-2020, 05:27 AM

She was all his, after all of the build up and his nerves she hadn’t rejected him and instead embraced him and his commitment. She went a step further and with her beautiful laugh told him that he wouldn’t let him go. He grinned, joy filling his veins like it hadn’t in seasons.Samara was his, and he would be hers. Despite his age he hadn’t experienced this kind of relationship before. He’d tried very hard with Shaye, but even then he’d got in the way of himself. The path was clear, he wanted Samara. He wanted to share the rest of his life with her and she felt the same.

He tried not to give any thought to the likelihood of her outliving himself, but that fact didn’t matter right now. This was just Rhyme and Samara and they were alone. She reached up to kiss his chin after returning his confession, Samara loved him too. Rhyme felt his whole body warm and the usefulness of words expired. With her belly pressed to his Rhyme surrounded her tiny frame once again as he lowered his muzzle to her cheek.

He kissed her lightly as one huge icy paw pressed to the small of her back. Rhyme’s gentle kisses turned to more suggestive nibbles as he shifted his attention to her dark ears. The Cavaliere man had waited for this moment for a long time, though he was sure that he hadn’t been ready until this time. Samara was finally his, and he could finally admit that he was hers. A deep rumble bubbled up from his chest in pleasure, he was finally in the real world and finally able to exist solely in the present with his mate. Cautiously Rhyme proceeded with gentle affections and blind devotion, eager to show the tiny Klein woman how deeply he loved her.




Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Intermediate Healer (40)

11 Years
Extra small

Pride - Pansexual
06-30-2020, 11:55 AM

Samara couldn't stop the soft giggling every time he kissed her, it was distilation of all her feelings for him. Her affection bubbling forth from the dam it used to occupy, now the flood gates were open and she was free to express her love freely. But his kisses were quickly turning more suggetive, little nibbles at her face and ears and she found her laughter turning into something else. Her voice all but left her instad her breathing becoming deeper and she tilted her head, leaning into his affection.

Her body moved seemingly on its own as she recognized where things were going. She was no maiden and her body both knew what was coming and desperately wanted it. She found her voice as a little rumble of pleasure escaped her lips. "Gods..." She breathed. "Rhyme I want you!"

-Fade  to black-


Table Art by Kharpa
[Image: X7DSVIv.png]
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.