




7 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipExplorerOoh La LaWinnerPride - Bisexual
All Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1OverachieverStudentCritical Attack!
Critical Dodge!How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! HomebodyIce Bridge ExplorerLoserVengeance
Island HopperDouble MasterLegendaryHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave1KValentines 2020
VolcanoCritical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019
06-30-2020, 03:12 PM

Zee had heard a lot about the injured wolf Sirius had brought home from the mountain side, though had intentionally given the man space to heal for his first few weeks. Many others had surely been in and out of the den and while Zee was not a healer herself she knew how stress could impede the processes. It wasn't until enough time had passed that Zee assumed he'd be nearly recovered did she approach the cottage, rapping her paw upon the door politely to announce herself before stepping inside.

It had been quite a while since the Queen had spent any time in these quarters, not since she'd found Mortis at the top of the cliff. She felt her breathing hitch at the memory, but quickly banished it. No sense in ruining whatever recovery she had made since then and allowing her anxieties to flood back. Her pack needed her, her husband needed her, and her children needed her. She forced a smile to her face and took a deep breath before moving further in past the door to look for the patient. "Hello, Cairo?" She kept her voice soft, in case he was sleeping.


Sirius as her husband may crash any of Zee's threads.

Zee has a rough scaled bush viper companion as well as a toucan, who unless otherwise stated can assume to not be present.
During combat, Zee wears a wrapping of thorns around her kudu horns.

Cairo II


Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (295)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

9 Years

Halloween 2020 - Witches HutValentines 2020
06-30-2020, 08:29 PM (This post was last modified: 06-30-2020, 08:31 PM by Cairo II.)

He was so close to going home he could taste it. The effort to keep patience was maddening, but he bore with it. He wanted to see Aurielle and his sisters and Nolan and Domari and Red, and the rest of the wolves that were a part of his life. Sure, he’d miss the visits from Lia, and he certainly hadn’t been mistreated here, but home called him.

Hell, he even sort of missed Artur in all his icy pissiness.

A scraping rap on the door brought his eyes up from the pig skin he was doodling runes on. With Chrystal being part of his life, and thus a part of Valhalla, he wondered if Aurielle’s runes could be taught to others—well, really that was a given. But would anyone other than Lia and maybe Mort be interested?

A woman came in, and a smile of welcome bloomed on the young man’s features, though he glanced upward with some interest at her horns. But Mortis had wings and cat claws, and sabers, Sirius had sabers and possible claws, as he realized he didn’t see the man’s claws like he did on his own paws – always there and out – so the horns, subtly elegant in their smooth spiral from the woman’s head, weren’t the most shocking thing he’d seen. But he spotted a subtle glint of green in the markings of her coat, and he realized that this must be Mort and his siblings’ mother.

His muzzle dipped easily in greeting as he greeted, “Lady. I hope the day finds you well.”

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



7 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipExplorerOoh La LaWinnerPride - Bisexual
All Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1OverachieverStudentCritical Attack!
Critical Dodge!How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! HomebodyIce Bridge ExplorerLoserVengeance
Island HopperDouble MasterLegendaryHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave1KValentines 2020
VolcanoCritical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019
07-17-2020, 12:22 AM

At first impression the man seemed pleasant, able to remain a gentleman even while laid up and in pain. "Please, call me Zee." She insisted with a smile, seating herself before him and wrapping her tail around her back paws. Had the day treated her well? She reflected. "It's still early." An easy chuckle rolled from her lips, and then a soft sigh. She was ready for spring to return and the troubles of winter to vanish with the snow. "I trust my wolves have made you comfortable?"

Iolaire was a skilled healer and Zee found herself looking around the room at the collection of herbs and other healing items. While Valhalla was a pack mostly unknown to them, the Armada would spare no expense in helping a wolf in need. Her brow raised as her gaze fell upon his pig skin and the odd markings drawn onto it. What was it that the injured man was working on? She couldn't help the hint of suspicion that grew slowly in her chest - could he be taking notes to return to Valhalla and use against them? - though she wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. Prior to being crowned Zee was always able to see the good in others, she had to remember to keep that faith even when a guest was deep inside her home. "What is that you're working on? If you need more materials, I can have someone retrieve some for you."


Sirius as her husband may crash any of Zee's threads.

Zee has a rough scaled bush viper companion as well as a toucan, who unless otherwise stated can assume to not be present.
During combat, Zee wears a wrapping of thorns around her kudu horns.