
All We Are Is Stardust



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

5 Years

Snake EyesThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth Hunter
Pride - Gay1K
06-30-2020, 08:29 PM

Úlfr wanted to run outside and eat the snow that danced manically outside as the wind whisked it past their humble doorway. He fidgeted at his mother's side. She had been down for several days, telling him that soon she had to leave to join the spirits on their noble mission. He did not want her to go. The blizzard hadn't helped things. She was going to help find him someone to guide him on the next part of his journey, a new family, but now that seemed unlikely. Not that he wanted a new family anyway. Maybe this would force he to stay!

Úlfr glanced at his mother's face. Her eyes were closed, her withering frame heaving with the effort of drawing breath. What he needed to do was go get her some food. Maybe that would make her feel better. Gently moving away from his mother's side he scampered toward the den entrance, pausing long enough to look back at her. She didn't move, didn't seem to even be aware of his presence but all that meant to the pup was that he had to hurry and find her something to eat even if there was a blizzard.

He started by sticking his head out then stepping into the snow just outside the den. His mother had dug the den beneath a pine tree surrounded by other trees that formed a sheltering grove. The entrance faced south, but even then several inches of snow covered he ground. Úlfr liked the snow. He really wanted to play in it but first he had to find food. Ok, food, food…Úlfr crouched down. His pale coat blended in well against the snow except for the dark markings under his eyes and the brown on his ears and nose. Though in some ways this worked to his advantage. The markings under his eyes could easily be a stick obscured in snow, his ears and nose simply rocks.

The snow fell down in sheets making it hard to see. His little nostrils flared as he tried to pick up the scents in the air around him. If his eyes weren't up to the task maybe his nose and his ears could pick something up. It was really quiet. There was barely any sound except the wind but it was a loud and distracting noise and it made his ears hurt. He couldn't stay out here for very long and he doubted the prey would either. He should get into a more sheltered spot where they might be.

Úlfr retreated under the pine trees that sheltered the area where his mom had made a den. He crouched down low until he couldn't see over the snow in front of him. Only his little ears stuck up above the snow. Ok, well this wasn't working. He couldn't see anything! Úlfr peeked up over the snow and waited. His mom said the most important thing to do when hunting was to wait and be patient. He didn't like waiting but- oh hey what was that!

Beneath a nearby pine tree was a small, furry rodent, a lemming though Úlfr didn't know what a lemming was. It sure looked like food though. It was kind of pretty with a bright brown back, white belly and black band across its shoulders. Úlfr's tail twitched as he eyed the little rodent before he sprang forward and charged.

Now, whenever his mother had gone hunting and told the stories to him the animals always ran from his mom unless it was a big herd of something. Rabbits ran, deer ran, and Úlfr expected the mouse thing to run. But it didn't. It fluffed up and with a mighty screech it dove right toward him. Startled, Úlfr let out a yelp and back tracked, diving under his own pine tree but just as he was about to seek shelter in the den he remembered his poor mother. He wasn't going to get chased in by that little fluff ball. He was much bigger!

Úlfr swirled around and promptly fell face forward in the deep snow. He looked up as the lemming dove for his face. He shrieked but at that moment his mothers paw swatted it to the side. "Mom!" She didn't look good, immediately sinking to her belly. Her mouth moved as if she wanted to speak but couldn't. The lemming wasn't deterred. This particular species relied on its audacity to vex and ward off predators and seeing that the larger wolf was down it barreled in again for the attack. Rage suddenly burned in Úlfr's chest as he saw the lemming. With a fierce growl he dove forward… and missed. The lemming was fast and it bit onto his left wrist. Oh it hurt! Anger flooded through him. Anger at being bitten. Anger at the lemming for attacking his mom. Anger at the spirits for letting his mother get sick. Anger that she was going to leave him alone. His jaws dove down and seized around the lemmings head. His right paw settled on its body as he leaned forward with his weight his jaws crushing as hard as he could until a little pop told him it was over. He tasted blood in his mouth and he stood there for a moment in stunned shock as he realized he'd actually brought down prey. Sure his mom had helped a little bit but he pretty much, almost, basically did it by himself.

Úlfr dragged the lemming over to his mother and left it gently near her face. Her head didn't move but her eyes opened, looking over at him as her mouth cracked in a gentle smile. She struggled to get to her feet but with a little encouragement from Úlfr she slipped back into the den. Úlfr quickly snagged his prize, little tail wagging as he followed after her. Once inside he set the lemming down again by her face before he snuggled in close to her side and fell asleep. When the morning arrived her spirit was gone and he found himself alone in a den with a body, a dead lemming, and a suffocating emptiness.