
Like a thousand needles

Seasonal Solo Fighting



1 Year

VolcanoChristmas 2019Treat 2019
07-02-2020, 02:02 PM
Desolate was not feeling any better after talking to Theory, if anything he felt even more betrayed when he realized that his suspicions were correct and he was paired with his mother specifically because he was having issues with his mother. It wasn't a training exercise, it wasn't to further him as a warrior. Theory wanted him to have a chance to reconnect with Eulogy in the way she wasn't able to with her own mother. It wasn't fair, and he didn't like feeling manipulated.

He suspected it had something to do with Rhyme's upcoming litter; was Theory trying to get him out of the way so she could go be a sister to these new pups? Did she not like him anymore? While Theory wasn't really Desolate's mother nor really was she his guardian, Desolate still felt closer to her then any other wolf in the world. That had to be it, she wanted Desolate to latch onto someone else so she could have room for the new puppies.

Stubborn as always, Desolate was absolutely determined to prove to Theory that he didn't need his mother for anything. Her half-assed excuse was something about learning healing to drive him forward on his path to a promotion, so he'd learn the healing and he'd learn it without Eulogy. With spring having arrived he went off in search of herbs to collect, but after crossing over dozens of brightly colored flowers realized he couldn't name a single one. He couldn't come back to Abaven empty handed, but he also didn't want to return with useless - or worse, poisonous - plants claiming he found healing supplies.

A faint buzzing sounded above his head, and Desolate arched his neck to stare up at the offender. It was a beehive, he'd seen them in passing and been told not to bother them but never really knew why. Apparently they could hurt you or whatever, but Desolate wasn't afraid of a little pain. He'd been in a raid and won both fights, he could handle some bees. He'd heard that within the hive was honey, something that could be used to treat wounds. It was a perfect solution to his problem, he'd bring back as much honey as he could and show Theory that he didn't need Eulogy to teach him anything.

The biggest issue was figuring out how to retrieve said honey. The yearling frowned up at the hive, cogs turning in his mind. He had companions he could ask for assistance, but Desolate didn't like the way wolves put their partners into combat and danger. He'd think himself as weak if he put them in a position where they could get hurt instead of him.

Both paws he placed upon the trees bark, staring up at the hive and considering his next move. The easiest thing would simply be to shake the hive down. He was big enough he thought, so that's what he'd do. He heaved with all his might against the trees bark and hoped he could rattle the bee's house right off the branch from where it hung. He pushed and pushed and rammed both his head and shoulder against the bark, but nothing fell.

Suddenly he felt a sharp pain behind his ear and wheeled around to see the offender. The buzzing was growing louder and Desolate bared his teeth angrily at the air. Another sting at his rear end, and Desolate was spinning circles. The bees were swarming, and after a few more angry stings he realized that they were the opponent he was looking for. His teeth snapped at the air but each time he tried to bite, the bee had moved. A dozen of them began to swarm him, stinging him upon the face and shoulders and back and rear. The yearling began utilizing his paws as well as his teeth, doing anything he could to kill the wretched things. Each time he fought harder the bees did too, and his entire body was beginning to radiate pain.

His growls intensified as the buzzing did, and with one snap he caught a bee in his jaws. However as soon as he did so, he felt the pain burst in his gums and immediately spat the bee out. His tongue was going numb, and he knew he was fighting a losing battle. The bees were furious in their defense of their honey, and Desolate realized it was not worth it to continue the futile effort just for a little bit of honey. His tail tucked between his leg, slapping a bee against his thigh which responded with another sting. Yelping, he fled. The bees followed him for a few feet, though as he moved further away from the hive the stinging slowed to a stop. His entire body felt like it was on fire, and when he looked down at his paws he could see swelling.

Ashamed and embarassed, Desolate slunk back into Abaven's borders. He couldn't face Theory like this, and didn't know any of the healers well enough to be willing to share his story too. He'd go find Eulogy, maybe she'd have an idea on how to make the pain stop and how to get the honey later.

WC: 873