
Sweet Embrace of Lavender



6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
07-07-2020, 09:24 PM

Actaea Praetor

She had returned from a trip of herb hunting and had spent part of her afternoon stocking away the herbs she had harvested. Some of the herbs went into the storage den right away, some were set aside to make salves, and there was even some she had Lorenzo hang in the branches above her den to dry. She was feeling very satisfied with her harvest and once everything was put in it's proper place she was relaxed. She moved not far from her den and laid down within the grass, gently placing one of the herbs she found between her paws. It was a herb that she remembered vividly from her puphood, something her mother always had a large stock in. A herb that was pretty, smelled wonderful, and even had a delightful calming effect on a creature.

Her molten gaze stared at the herb, a soft sigh would leave her lips as she thought of her mother. She had been the main reason she had gotten into the study of herbs and healing. It was something she always wanted to use to connect with her mother, but most of her mother's time had been busy. She closed her eyes as she suppressed the memories, gently breathing in the scent of the herb to calm her. So much had happened from then until now and she had found that suppressing these things helped her to stay away from the feelings of grief, anger, and anguish. Opening her eyes she looked to the herb again before gently smiling, then glancing back to her hanging herbs she mentally patted herself on the back for her recent work.

With spring here she hoped there would be opportunity to do so much, one thing that she majorly needed to accomplish was to try and form some sort of relationship with the other pack members. It was the only way the pack could work like a team, to know one another and to form bonds. Plus she would need to figure out the other healers within the pack as well. There was alot she needed to do.


Boris the Boar and Lorenzo the opossum are assumed to be with her at all times.

Note: I do not have a reference of her scars yet, please refer to her appearance section of profile to read about them



5 Years
Extra large
Athena I

08-02-2020, 01:31 AM

Getting physically settled in Winterfell had been the easy part. He’d found a place in the ship that he liked enough to call it his home and had even taken the time to hunt a pair of deer so he could make their hides into bedding. All of it felt like steps to prove more to himself than anyone else that he was here to stay. Now was the time when he faced the portion of his rejoining his family that he wasn’t as confident about - the mental and emotional hurdle of seeking out his siblings.

A strange nervousness churned in his stomach as he walked across Winterfell’s territory. It had been so, so incredibly long since he had seen his sister. For some reason he felt like he knew what to expect when it came to seeing his brothers, but his sister felt like a whole different thing entirely. She had the same soft spot in his heart that their mother and eventually Aunt Baine had held and it made him even more anxious about seeing her again. His fear of how she might react to his sudden return might out way his excitement.

He found her scent and was immediately hit with the same heady mix of herbs that had constantly hung around their mother. It made his chest constrict with emotion, but he pushed forward none of the less. He had come this far - he might as well see it through. Soon enough he found her and he knew without a doubt it was her even with her facing away from him and with how much she had matured in their time apart. For a moment he was speechless, but he finally managed to call her name to get her attention. “Actaea...”

"Talk" Think



6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
09-27-2020, 09:31 PM

Actaea Praetor

She had turned her gave back to the purple herb and gently closed her molten gaze as she let her memories surface from the back of her mind. She remembered this herb as being plentiful within their den when they were pups. Life had been so simple then, and the family was all together. She remembered how small she was compared to the rest in her litter, the late bloomer of the bunch. She wasn't much for the rough housing like the rest and instead observed from the distance. She was quiet then, even a bit distant from her siblings which was something she regretted now. Maybe if she had tried harder to be more involved with her siblings then there would be more then just Ignis within her life. Though she knew there was no way of knowing how realistic that thought was. She was in the middle of her early memories when her name was called, ears swiveling towards the source of the voice. It was somewhat familiar, yet somewhat strange all at once. Opening her eyes she turned her head and as her eyes met the matured, yet easily recognizable form she felt a nervous flutter within her stomach.

She never knew what had made him disappear, or for that matter the twins either. She did remember that his scent faded right around the time of their mother's. For once she couldn't keep her well maintained 'poker face' and her brows furrowed in question. She felt unable to speak as she simply stared at him for a few moments, her calculating mind working through everything to process this situation. The healer within her was quick to notice the scars on his form adding to the building bank of questions within her mind. Then her gaze returned to his.

"Casso?" it wasn't a question, she knew who he was but it was almost like she was questioning that he was really here in front of her right now.

Being within the border of Winterfell he had to have met with Uncle already and uncle must have drawn to the conclusion that Casso was nothing like their father. She moved to stand and fully face him, as she stood the once runt of the litter was only an inch shorter then Casso and even slightly slender then him. She didn't have the fine tuned muscles of the fighter, but she had the fine tuned muscles of an active female. She moved a little closer to him before sitting back down, her gaze still locked on his as her mind settled on how to approach all the burning questions festering within her brain. Was mother even still alive? Did he bring her back here? Her questioning look relaxed as she calmed her mind.

"You look well Brother," she stated deciding it was best to take things step by step, work into all the questions slow so not to overwhelm either of them.


Boris the Boar and Lorenzo the opossum are assumed to be with her at all times.

Note: I do not have a reference of her scars yet, please refer to her appearance section of profile to read about them



5 Years
Extra large
Athena I

10-02-2020, 10:31 AM

It felt like he was holding his breath as his sister turned to look at him. His mismatched ruby and turquoise gaze watched her curiously as she seemed to examine him and process his presence. He let her do it and stood quietly until she spoke his name out loud. It was like the tipping point that made him relax again and he offered her a small smile and nod even though he knew she wasn’t really questioning who he was. They were blood - there was no possible way that they would forget each other even after so much time had passed. It was just a question of it this was reality and he was happy to confirm that it was. He didn’t enjoy the heartache that it had taken for him to get to this point, but he was back and pleased to be around his family once again.

He settled on his haunches as well after she had moved a bit closer and done the same. He could see the wheels turning in her head and he was happy to give her all the time she needed. They were together again and that’s what mattered in his mind. He gave a soft scoff and a smirk at her comment about him looking well, giving a glance to the scars that riddled his body. ”Well… I’m mostly in one piece at least,” he agreed, a subtle humor to his tone. His body wore all of the proof of his mistakes and regrets, forcing him to put them out into the world even though he’d much rather just forget they ever happened.

Bringing his eyes back to hers, he struggled to find a place to start. There was so much to catch up on and so much to tell her that he didn’t know where to begin. "How have you been?” he finally settled on. It was generic and open ended, but it at least broke the seal to the flood of questions that was soon to follow.

"Talk" Think