


06-19-2014, 04:13 AM

The snowy colored woman had ventured from the lands of Tortuga, for the first time since she had fallen ill, and then recuperated. She had taken a much needed break, and though she remained in the north- she just needed some time to get her head back where it needed to be. She had gotten herself into quite the situation- had given into lust, and the foolish belief that she would die. Now she was pregnant, and very much alive. She carried within her the babies of Faust- the tiger stripped male that had infuriated and confused her so. However, he'd also saved her life- and her sanity. As much as she'd like to, she couldn't blame him solely for the predicament she found herself in. She was in heat, and the need that burned deep within her gut- the need she didn't fully understand until had fulfilled it, was strong.

She stopped, to rest under a shady spot, her ivory haunches coming to rest on the snowy ground- before she would lay upon it. Letting out a sigh, she turned her body, so that she could look back at herself- and at her stomach that housed the tiny lives within her. Her violet eyes burned with worry and some regret. She feared she wouldn't be adequate as a mother, and that this pregnancy would let her father down- as his daughter. Would he think her less of a Queen for bringing life into the world, while seated upon a throne? "What have I done?" It's too late for that... She voiced her question aloud- then answered herself in her mind. Resting her head on her paws,she stared out across the snowy land- another sigh leaving her.




3 Years
06-24-2014, 12:18 PM

It was strange that her half-sibling was now Queen. Her father had slid from his crown, far less gracefully than she would have hoped, but she did not feel spite toward him. For some time, she had been confused and fearful for him, but slowly that sadness had turned into something more like distaste. But her anger toward him had not lasted long. Did it matter who held the crown, so long as it was a full-blooded Armada? To her, not really -- though she wouldn't deny that the thought made a slight bit of envy bubble up in her chest, taunting her and teasing her. Though she was slowly growing from a child into a woman, and her pride had only grown with it, her interests did not lie fully with politics quite yet. She was still rather ambivalent toward Athena. They'd had some pleasant times together, namely when they'd gone with Drashiel and Kyarst to explore, but other than that, she was unsure how she felt about her.

Ivory-furred paws carried the slender babe from her home, from everything familiar and farther north. The winter was slowly beginning to ebb into spring, but it had not departed completely, especially not in the lands surrounding Glaciem. Here, the snow was several feet high in some places, the trees caked with ice, treacherous limbs dangling like claws ready to strike their prey. She had never known much but these lands, and the sight of snow brought her joy rather than fear. A light smile danced over her lips, for all but a moment, her tail twitching behind her before her expression faded into seriousness.

Though she craved the company of Kyrast, her closest friend and half-sibling, she longed to connect with Drashiel once again. They had been close as children, but adulthood seemed to be happily stealing him away from her. He was not absent, but his mind seemed elsewhere; she would have to remedy that soon. An unwanted sigh left her lips as the scent of another roused her from her somber thoughts, stealing her attention rather quickly. The scent was unfamiliar, but not entirely foreign. The wolves of the north seemed to share a common scent, but she knew this was someone she didn't know personally. A voice seemed to float on the horizon, and her green eyes began to sparkle as she searched the distance for the source. It took a long moment for her to find her, a white-furred woman who hid beneath the shelter of some pines, though the red and yellow markings on her face stood out plainly.

It was rare she spoke to those outside of her family. Quite frankly, most didn't seem worth her time, but she was willing to give others a chance to prove her wrong. A coy smile played at her lips as she increased her pace, aiming to greet the woman a fair distance away with a slight nod. "Is this the safest place for a pregnant lady?" Lysis would inquiry in a singsong voice, her notes dripping with audible sweetness. "Shouldn't you be somewhere more... I don't know... protected?" A shrug would be offered, but her eyes twinkled still, truly wondering if this was an appropriate place for a woman who bore children. It seemed like a pack would be safer, or at least with her mate, who would likely want to keep her and their children safe..

Kyarst, her half-brother and closest friend, is allowed in any and all of her threads.


07-01-2014, 12:42 AM

The massive family tree of the Armada's was intimidating at times, at other times it was downright confusing. It seemed she was related to so many different wolves. Half-brothers, Half-sisters, Aunts and Uncles. Of course there was her father, who had been extremely distant lately. On top of the extended line, she'd be producing her own Armada's soon, at least as far as the life that grew within her could tell. She'd spent the last few nights lying awake, wondering if the children she had conceived would carry any traits or curses from the poisons or "epidemic" that had brought her so close to death's doors. Would they be stupid? Oh God, would they be ugly?

Letting out an exasperated sigh, she looked up as another approached. The female was dainty but graceful in the way she moved. Her light coat marked only by tan features that practically screamed elegance. Roman took a breath, taking in the stanger's scent- noting Glaciem, and a twinge of something familiar. At the stranger's words, a sly smirk pulled at Roman's jaws. "I'm perfectly capable of caring for myself." She replied lightly. "I wouldn't be much of a Queen if I wasn't." She spoke with pride, her tone firm, but warm.

"Pardon my lack of manners, I am Roman Armada, Queen of Tortuga." She would introduce herself politely from where she lie, her violet eyes studying the strange wolf. Thus far, the she-wolf's blatant question had quirked Roman's interest. She has to be related, if her looks and words are any guess. She thought, a small smile pulling at her jaws. The odds of this Glaciem wolf, being unrelated to her were slim anyways, as not many Glaciem wolves were not of Armada blood.




3 Years
07-06-2014, 06:55 PM (This post was last modified: 07-06-2014, 06:55 PM by Lysis.)

Lysis Armada was still rather naive. She had seen sickness, and she had fought, albeit only with her siblings -- but she had not yet truly seen the horrors of the world. And she certainly had never met an Armada, besides Impra, that had not been in Glaciem for her entire life. The girl wrinkled her nose as she gazed upon the pale woman, focusing on the strangely-colored markings that adorned her coat.

The stranger let a smile mirror her own, and gently she dipped her head, an exaggerated greeting so characteristic of the child. The expression she wore was sweet, almost patronizingly so, but she seemed to release some tension as she gently drew herself toward Roman and came to settle down on her hindquarters. "If you insist," she responded simply, offering a shrug of her slender shoulders. She still would hope if she was ever pregnant, that her mate would not leave her to wander so far from home -- though admittedly, she did not know where this woman lived. She declared herself a Queen, to which Lysis let a child-like giggle escape her jaws, interest shining in her dull green stare.

"Another sister of mine," she noted, tail flicking behind her as it curled about her paws. "It is a pleasure, Roman. I am Lysis Armada." The woman would know who her father was -- and her mother? It seemed unimportant. She had hardly stayed long enough to wean she and Drashiel of her milk before disappearing entirely from their lives. "It is a shame I haven't met you sooner."

Kyarst, her half-brother and closest friend, is allowed in any and all of her threads.


07-23-2014, 08:10 PM

her violet eyes study the white and brown marked lass before her. she has an eerie grace that seems genetic to the armada lineage. she was young, which meant she was a product of one of isardis's newer broods. roman blinks, at her words and lets the subject rest. no doubt if faust, or any of her pack knew she was out running around pregnant and unprotected they'd worry, even if they shouldn't. she could handle herself just fine, anyone who put her children's lives in jeopardy would pay the dear price of their lives. that didn't matter in the now though, as she talked with this other armada. the girl introduces herself as lysis armada, and roman smiles, putting her name back in memory. it's a name she won't forget, and lysis speaks again. "that it is, i'm surprised i didn't meet you while i was in glaciem." she notes.

"tell me, lysis armada- sister of mine, what brings you out here to these rather boring lands?" truly, if roman was going to really travel, she would rather head south to enjoy the warmth. she'd have to make a point to travel towards the southern lands, she needs to rest and enjoy some warm weather. it'd definitely relieve some of her tensions.

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak



3 Years
07-28-2014, 12:36 PM

It truly was wonderful to meet more of her family -- but in the back of her mind, she couldn't help but wonder why she wasn't in Glaciem. Lysis couldn't imagine any pack being greater; any army more strong, nor any wolves as intelligent and worthy. Even this Roman's pack, though she suspected it was a fine pack if it was led by a fellow Armada. Her hazel eyes would sparkle with childlike glee as she studied her. Roman noted she was surprised to not have met her while in Glaciem, but Lysis simply shakes her head, ears flicking atop her skull. "I was not a healthy child," she admitted with the faintest hint of uncertainty. Admitting weakness was difficult, even for her, despite the fact that her small frame told the story well enough. If Roman asked anyone in Glaciem, they all knew the tale as well.

She was a slender thing, with little muscle and even less fat on her bones -- but she seemed to grow stronger with each season. "I was den-ridden for most of my childhood. My mother left me when I was young, so it was difficult to find the strength to leave the only home I had ever known." She had spent months in the safe confines of her den, but she had quickly abandoned the shelter as soon as she knew she could care for herself. Lysis didn't need to remember her mother, nor be reminded of her unfortunate childhood.

When Roman asked why she had come here, she paused for a moment, as though considering. "To be alone," she admitted with a wry smile. "Glaciem is changing, and I needed some time to myself to consider things." Her half-sister Athena was now the Queen. Kyarst had seemingly disappeared. And Drashiel seemed cold and distant from her. "And what of you, Queen Roman? Trying to expose your children to the cold of the true north before they are even born?"

Kyarst, her half-brother and closest friend, is allowed in any and all of her threads.