
That Buzzing Time Of Year

Fighting prompt, Spring - Y15



Expert Fighter (175)

Novice Intellectual (15)

10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KValentines 2020
Treat 2019
07-21-2020, 10:19 PM

The babe was glad to see Spring at last. While she didn't mind the Winter season so much here, she hated the season because of her heat. But now that was all over and she could go around without any irritability or the possibility of an outsider bothering her when she went beyond pack lands. Chocolate paws walked along the edge of the lake as she took the day to relax and investigate more of the territory. Pale blue eyes searched the water for any shore dwelling fish, but she wasn't quite sure if she wanted to jump into the water right now and get all wet. Asides from her heat season, she also hated smelling like a wet dog. Instead, she altered her course closer to the trees that lined the border, and the further she walked, the quiet spring morning began to turn into a cacophony of sound. Birds chirped as they flew overhead, squirrels chattered among the roots of the trees as well as in their branches, and...her head tilted at the strong but distinct sound of buzzing. Had bees chosen to make a hive in the area? Curious, she proceeded to search out the source of the noise and it was only when a bee zipped past her nose did she follow it to the hive. She weaved through the trees, the bee guiding her to the source since it was hard for her to pinpoint it herself with the sound of everything else echoing around her. The further into the trees she went, the more bees she began to see and the louder the buzzing became until finally, she spotted the beehive near the base of the tree.

Ears perked and pale blue gaze watched the bees bumbling in and out of the hive with pollen stuck to their legs. She had never truly stopped to watch bees of all creatures, just...doing their thing. She was curious about them and wanted a closer look. While she knew they could sting, she would be fine as long as she didn't do anything to harm them...right? She thought about it for a minute before proceeding. At the very least if they started to sting, she could always make a run for it.

As she got closer she started to pick up the scent of something sweet, and since she never had honey before, she didn't know what it was. It was certainly enticing to say the least. Nostrils flared as she approached the hive, the buzzing bees flying haphazardly around her with some landing on her coat. She resisted the urge to make any sudden twitches or movements, and began to wonder if this was probably one of the worst ideas she had. She decided then to turn around, and of course...she stepped on a bee or two as she moved. The stinging sensation she felt on her paw pad made her yelp and she jumped back to get away from them. When she felt she was at a safe distance, she licked her paw to try and calm the burning sensation from the stings.

It was then that a sudden tearing sound caught her attention that caused her to jerk her head up to find a strange...was that a badger? Whatever it was, it was a creamy sort of pale....much like her own pale coloring, but with subtler hints of brown and dust colors. She watched as it started to tear into the hive, the bees growing angry as they buzzed around the intruder, landing on her and seemingly stinging her. It didn't seem to bother the creature at all, however, which piqued Ina's interest. "What are you doing? Doesn't that hurt?" She blurted. The creature paused to look at her, "I'm digging for honey, what does it look like?" She stated before tearing another chunk away from the hive, "And no. The stings don't bother me. I'm a honey badger, we're built for this." She said as she stuck her head into the hive.

Ina watched in amazement as the...honey badger went unbothered. "Have you ever tried honey? It's quite tasty. Come over here and try some.'re afraid of the little bees?" Ina frowned at that remark and huffed. "I am not afraid." She stated before walking closer. The swarm was clearly angry, but she was determined not to show any fear in front of the creature. She snapped at the bees, which...probably wasn't the best idea. They started to sting her. Everywhere. The ones she caught stung her tongue. Her face. Her ears. Her feet. She tried to stick it out for as long as she could, so as the badger held the hive open, Ina had made the dive to nab some honey before unceremoniously skittering back and running towards the water to rid herself of the bees. She dropped the piece of honey comb that she had managed to grab before diving into the water, the pale she-wolf coughing and sputtering as she resurfaced moments later. She could still hear the buzzing and feel the pain of the stings, and she could only imagine how she might look to anyone watching. She stayed in the water for a good while until the Honey Badger ambled over to her, licking her claws and lips as she laughed. "Y'know, I could teach you a thing or two. You look like you could use the help."

Ina frowned as she sulked in the water. Hoping to God that nobody had seen her running from bees. "I hope for your sake that the honey was worth it..." She growled as she slowly came out of the water, wincing with each step until she was in front of the badger. "I promise it is. Not only is it tasty, but it'll help with the stings. Two for one." Ina was skeptical, but in the end she sank to her belly and tentatively reached out to taste the honey and..."Wow, that is good!" Okay...maybe the stings were kind of worth it. Though it wasn't exactly something she would try to do again anytime soon. "Toldja. Now if you want the stinging to settle, mind if I slather this on you?" Ina of course, nodded. Willing to try anything to soothe the pain she felt all over. The creature grinned before moving to slather some honey on her, which Ina knew she'd need a bath later so she wouldn't be sticky anymore. Well, if Eli or anyone else in the pack hadn't tried this yet, maybe she could teach them now that she knew.

"Thank you for the honey. And the help. My name is Proserpina, what's yours?" "My name is Isra. It is a pleasure, Proserpina. You are what they call, a pack wolf, no? Perhaps if you do not mind, I stick around and teach your kind a few things. Like collecting honey. I am also crafter, I teach to craft too, yes?" Ina didn't have to consider that for long. It sounded like a good opportunity, so why not? She nodded as she smiled, "That sounds like a good idea. Welcome to Aerie." Eli had his dog she had a honey badger friend.

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!