
Bronze x Silent puppy.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-16-2014, 12:59 PM (This post was last modified: 06-17-2014, 12:21 PM by Epiphron.)
So, this child will be the last child of Bronze and Silent. They are both old, and aren't going to live much longer. This pup will likely not be very healthy at first, and will be small/frail for some time (though it doesn't have to remain this way).

Name: Pretty much anything! Can fall along the line of precious metals (Bronze, Mercury, etc.) or something else entirely!
Appearance: Also completely open. Bronze is tan, and Silent is black, so pretty much any combination of tan/brown, black and grey is fine! Even some white would be fine. However, I do have a design if you prefer it (see below).
Personality: This pretty open! Silent and Bronze are generally both confident and independent, but Silent is a bit more sociable and kind, whereas Bronze tends to be a bit cold and reserved. This child can go a lot of ways -- I wouldn't be surprised if they become a bit cold after losing their parents so young, or even if they tended to be on the more evil side of the spectrum. Bronze has a much darker side that few know about, so it isn't unlikely his kids might be drift the same way? I'd prefer if they weren't completely cruel, but also don't want them to be a saint either (I think I actually prefer they lean a bit to the darker side, but I don't love the idea of them ever being outright disloyal or cruel to their family).
Additional info: I would love for this pup to be VERY active in their early months, since I'm not sure how much longer Bronze will be alive for. I'd like for them to spend a lot of time with

Possible appearance:
user posted image
click for higher res

I'm sure most of you know, but Silent and Bronze are characters that Wynn and I have had for about 11 years now. Yes -- most everything has really happened, and it is going to be extremely difficult to lose them after spending almost half of our lives playing them on and off! They seriously mean a lot to us, and we want their last child to be active. If you don't post at least once a week (and hopefully more) -- unless there is a good reason why you can't post, and let us know why -- we reserve the right to re-adopt this char out. Maybe with a different name and a slightly varied personality, but I really want this char to go to someone that wants to use it for a long time.

If you're interested, please fill out this form. Feel free to include anything else that you feel will help your application (future plans, etc.)
Anything else:
Roleplay sample:

Deadline is to be determined, based on interest.


06-16-2014, 01:30 PM

Name: Platinum or Iridium

Appearance: I'll write out a detailed appearance as it would show up on her profile :) but I would like the adoptable design!

Personality: 'Daddy's Girl; "I love my parents, both equally I like to think but something about my dad has always had me hopping and prancing along behind him. He always has such cool stories and I dunno... I just love my dad. He's my hero and when I grow up I hope I can be just like him. When I was young I used to follow him everywhere, even when I was told to stay home and it got me into trouble a few times but I regret nothing. How could you ever regret spending time with those you love? It was how I learned to count on people when I couldn't count on myself. He taught me that I could trust him to lean on and then eventually to trust my pack mates and friends. I have him to thank for so much."

'Independent; "When I wasn't following my dad around as a child I liked going around the pack and making friends or exploring by myself. That has transitioned into my older life. I have always been content with my own company, not needing to rely on others to keep me entertained. Though that is not to say I don't like company, I really do! I just... I guess it's hard to explain. I've always been curious and adventurous, sometimes deciding that I need to do things on my own, preferring to learn things and figure them out for myself. There was always such a sense of accomplishment when I did."

'Curious; "I like finding out how things work, if that means asking my parents a million questions in a matter of minutes it happens but as I grew older I decided to investigate on my own. This would often lead to trouble from my parents as I got hurt a few times but hey, you have to learn somehow! I am curious about everything from natural objects to people and what makes them ticks I have no doubt this will get me into more trouble as I grow older. But its hard to rein in all the emotion and excitement over the little things. Like why is the moon never out when the sun is? Or what makes the waves roll up in the ocean? I'll probably never stop asking questions."

'Free Spirited; "This could also be called naive I guess as I have been called that many times too. I'm very much a go with the flow kind of gal, preferring to do things on impulse rather then planning them out to the point where if someone isn't willing to do something on a whim with me I am willing to leave them behind on the adventure. Whether it means climbing a mountain at random or bursting into song and dance I kinda of just do what I feel. Sometimes that also gets me into trouble not always thinking everything through. I'm a bit too trusting with people sometimes!"

'Adventurous; "My version of adventure comes in the form of day trips. I love home and love my family so it's hard to leave long enough to make them worry so instead I stick to scouring our pack lands and as I got older the surrounding areas. I love exploring and adventuring and always talk about seeing the world and exploring all of Alacrita but I doubt that will ever happen. So for now I am content to mosey around all the cracks and crevices that surround my home and get to know them as well as the back of my paw."

'Home Body; "I still love my home, I will always love my home. Though I love to adventure I often get pulled back to where all my good memories steam. I love my pack, love my family and love my home. So even when my adventurous side comes out I always get home sick and can never stay away for long."

'Blunt; "I tell it how it is. Though there is a filter from my head to my mouth and I do choose my words I don't hold back if I have something to say. I have been called a bitch, I have been called many names? I believe that sometimes people just don't like strong women and thats what I am I believe. If I am passionate about something or believe in it then I won't hold back or bite my tongue. No I will share my beliefs and if I see something happening that I believe is wrong of hell yes I will jump in and speak up. I never want to be one to sit on the sidelines and just let things happen."

'Friendly; "I like people. I like meeting people, I like talking to people. All in all I usually just like people. Sometimes I like going up to people and meeting them and introducing myself but other times I need a bit of a push, I need someone else to come and see me. But generally I just like meeting people,


Anything else: Though she will love both her parents her dad will be the apple of her eye. She will be an easy going soft spoken girl who loves being around others but is also just content to chill with her parents. I doubt she will ever leave home for long, quite content with herself and her life from a young age. Her adventurous side will only show in the form of day trips to nearby places as she will always love to be home at night. I think she will have a good relationship with her pack and pack members but she will never be overly ambitious. I would like her to be a healer :) once her parents die I do see her shutting herself off from the world a bit, either keeping herself locked up for a while or striking out on her own I don't know, would really like to just see where it goes!!! I wrote her personality more as a one year old looking back on her life.



2 Years
06-16-2014, 01:51 PM (This post was last modified: 06-16-2014, 03:05 PM by Ainsel.)
Ignore if I get a Mavia puppy.

Name: Osmium



Anything else:

Chrono I


5 Years
06-16-2014, 08:05 PM
Name: Pyrite (Male)

user posted image


Pyrite shows to be quiet and shy when he is very young. He doesn't like to be around anyone but his parents. When others do come to see him or his parents, he mainly hides behind his father and stays under his feet.
Despite his fright of others, he loves to play and would do anything to get his parents to go out for a game of tag or hide-and seek.
Pyrite loves to learn. Before he is old enough, he dreams of being the best warrior, hunter, and healer of his pack. He listens intently and tries his best to do exactly as his teacher tells him.

Through the loss of his parents, Pyrite had to learn how to come out of his shell and get to know other wolves. He is more independent, but he is terrified of being alone. He is still quiet and doesn't want to talk very much. He struggles to make friends.
Through young adulthood, Pyrite doesn't understand why his parents had to leave him so early in his life. He grows jealous of those who have parents, he may even hate some of them.
Pyrite gathers a short temper and gets easily angered. He often fights verbally even if he doesn't make any sense. Depending on the circumstance, he may even get physical.
Even though he quiet and short tempered, he respects his authorities and listens to them no matter the request. He proves useful to his pack and will do anything to help them out.

Anything else:

If I get him the persona will be competely re-written because its crap.
The 2 colors dripped on the image are his eye colors, left-orange, Right-green.



Extra small
06-17-2014, 01:42 PM
[Image: GoUxEES.png]
Sveinn Evangela
faster than wind, passionate as sin:
momma showered her in elegance and darkness, but daddy prepared her for the world. a combination of bold beauty and incomparable decency sveinn is as precious as any gem the real world has seen. a fine body, an admirable stare, and a reserved posture she's a woman that looks as though she deserves an empire. as a child she were smaller and dreadfully frail, but daddy's genetics took over and changed her for the better. spilling over in simplicity sveinn's most striking feature would be her eyes. dull bronze are encased in markings that swirl against her face. she doesn't possess the exact build of a warrior, and yet is not too fragile to be one. a perfect in between there is perhaps a possibility that skill would be her usurper. sveinn will exceed no more than a precious thirty-one inches and a meager one hundred-ten pounds. Muscle will be her base make-up, and womanly curves will never consummate her. There's a boyishness to her elegance that won't ever fade, but even still she is admittedly plainly pretty.

losing him was blue like i'd never known:
sveinn would be innocent by creation, and yet that is, simply put, how all creatures are manifest. none are devilish by design or are eager to be so the moment they come from the womb. but life has it's way with her because oh my she is so impressionable. can she be blamed though? her life is simplistic and is ruled by how natural one should respond to events.
Her father's passing would be a prevalent marking in her life. Though, instead of weakening her it shows the fragility of life and how precious it should be treated. from there, sveinn learns to appreciate those around her and sees that they could leave her as quickly as they began in her life. moments and memories are what craft every living though, and though she heeds life as a warning to death she doesn't see it as negativity. the best only live on--if nothing else, but by legacy.

loving him was red:
this world was new, scary, and something she was unprepared for. this world was void of so much warmth and this world seemed to be colder. a single thought echoed in her mind...there was no going back. this was what she had to learn to be accustomed to. this was her eternal embrace and a passionate new life awaited her. her nose found the curve of his neck. her body pressed against the strong shoulders that had once supported her and held so much warmth. but now he seemed so cold; so emotionless. and his eyes were still open...they were still so full of life, and it was as though they looked right at her. what had been his final thoughts when he left her? were they of love? were they pride in his daughter. she had to learn to accept all that had come to be...that she was now living in a world void of her father. that was her new creation. that was her darker earth.

what was she supposed to do now? was she to lay in his deadened embrace and pretend as though the father she knew was going to tell her what to do? "damn it all, daddy...I need to know. i need you to tell me what to do!" for once it was his words she could not have. for once she needed to hear his voice, because she was no longer the know it all girl...she was the lost one. a sigh fought its way past her lips, but it was not out of boredom here or even really grievance. however, for the first time in her life she was face to face with true defeat. she was face to face with the most irrevocable thing in life; death.

tears ran down her face at this simple thought.

slowly, however, there was a dutifulness to her motions and she rose from his cold body on the ground and she turned towards the earth not far from them. paws wretched themselves into the grass until they broke through and until she could pull back bits a time. if there was something she could do for him she could bury him. maybe that would be what he wanted. she couldn't let the scavengers have their way with him. they'd take her from him, and in some twisted place of her mind there was some thought that in the ground he was save from the erosion of time and the indecency of leaving her completely. in the ground, she could come see him and she could pretend as though he heard her. if he was in the ground, then maybe her heart wouldn't be so broken, and so--sveinn eagerly repeated her sessions until her muscles cramped, until her body screamed, and until the tears of sadness became tears of pain. when she were done and his body was no longer to be seen, though, her pain turned from her body and seemed to disappear and alone she stood staring at the freshly turned ground and imagining what would happen now. things were different. now, that she could no longer see him--her world had once again transformed. this time, however, she felt to be in control of it.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-23-2014, 08:11 AM
Deadline for this puppy is now Monday, June 30! Winner will be chosen that evening.