



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

5 Years

Snake EyesThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth Hunter
Pride - Gay1K
07-25-2020, 03:32 PM

Úlfr woke up early from his nap, blinking at the brightness that lay outside in the den opening. He debated what to do. He was warm and comfortable where he was but it was not often he got to wake up before Valdís and this might be a good chance to do some solo exploring. Carefully, he pulled himself away from the exhausted woman and slipped out the den opening. He would be good and stay within pack lands. It wasn't long after he exited that he was joined by his raven companions. They were chattering excitedly about something. This was either something very good or something very bad and it was almost impossible to tell when it came to the ravens. Sometimes they played mean pranks on him.

Glámr landed gracefully in front of him. "Úlfr! We have to show you something, come quick!" The raven took off an instant later and he broke into a dead run to keep up with them. The glided so easily through the sky while he loped and leapt across the terrain, eager to see what they'd found. He hoped it was something cool. The scattered through the grass toward the trees when his companions suddenly dove down and landed in the grass in front of him. Úlfr skidded to a stop, sending grass and dirt flying.

"What, what is it?"

Galinn gestured to the tree with his wing. "We found a bees nest!" Úlfr peered at the tree, first looking up in the branches for the nest. He was used to seeing birds nests in trees and he expected a bees nest to look the same. It was not til his eyes moved farther down the tree that he noticed a hole in the trunk of the tree and a bunch of insects swarming around it. Úlfr crept closer, as he did the sound of buzzing grew louder and louder. There had to be a million of them! "Can you eat them?" He glanced at the birds. He'd eaten crickets before and while they weren't great they weren't the worst thing he'd ever put in his mouth either.

The ravens looked at each other.

"Yes," said Glámr.

"No! They have stingers, you don't want to swallow something sharp!" Said Galinn. The two ravens immediately began to sqwak and bicker about whether or not bees really could be eaten. While they were arguing Úlfr stepped closer and closer until he was right at the base of the tree. He sniffed lightly at the tree and noticed a sweet and interesting smell coming from inside the hole in the tree. He propped himself up on his back two legs and tried to peer in but almost as soon as he did something hit him in the face and stung him.

Úlfr yelped and stumbled back. "Ow, what was that for?" He glared at the bees. How dare they! He was just looking, he didn't do anything wrong. He looked around for something useful and spied a fallen branch full of smaller twigs and leaves. He bounded toward it and picked the branch up in his mouth before racing back over to where the bees were. With a might twist of his head he swatted at the bees with the branch.

This back fired spectacularly when the bees went on the offensive. A sting in the arm and one on the bum got Úlfr moving quickly. Try as he might they were just too hard to hit, he eventually dropped the branch and took off running with his tail between his legs. The bees were faster than he expected and he yelled as he ran. "Ahhhhhhhh!" In a moment his ravens were behind him. They turned and tried to swat at the bees with their wings when one of them got stung and started fleeing to. Soon the birds were ahead of him.

"Hey, wait for me!" He bounded across the range then turned suddenly as he realized he didn't know where he was running to and going back to where his moms were made the most sense. "Mom! Mom! The bees are after meeeee!" He scrambled behind the barn then made a beeline for the tractor. He quickly dove beneath it. Both ravens flew down low and hopped down underneath it by him. They snuggled up close to their wolf companion. "Do you think they're gone?"

Galinn hopped out from under the tractor, his head cocking to one side then another. All three waited with bated breath and when nothing happened Úlfr slowly crept out to go stand beside the eldest raven. He flinched and sat down tenderly on his rear.  "I do not like bees," he declared. Whatever was in there that smelt so good was definitely not worth fighting off those tiny creatures. He slinked out from underneath the tractor and started heading back toward his family's den. That was enough adventure for one afternoon.