
Where Flowers Bloom




5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
08-05-2020, 07:40 PM (This post was last modified: 08-10-2020, 09:33 PM by Meadow.)

Meadow is nervous. Picking her way through the tall grass, she makes her way toward the spot that had caught her interest. She had noticed it a while ago but had been too nervous to approach its owner and ask questions. Finally, she has worked up enough courage to talk to him. He is big wolf and his royal purple coat has her in awe. Still, she had been afraid to talk to him. The big wolf seems gentle and the fact that he keeps a garden has Meadow highly intrigued but still, she is nervous. Why did she have to have a brain that always goes over the worst things? Taking a deep breath, she tries to get control over her nerves.

Approaching the garden with the structure in the center, she tries to calm herself enough to not stumble over her own paws. Rigel hoots encouragingly at her from his perch on the building and she nods to him. Her bag is laden with seeds. They are a gift for the owner of this place. They are mostly of flowers she loves but also of some rarer herbs that she has found in her travels. Stomach does flip flops as she comes to a stop near the garden and looks around for the owner. The mantra, ‘Please, let him like me. Please, let him like me.’ runs around and around in her head. Suddenly, she feels like she might have to throw up.


Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

08-06-2020, 11:20 AM
After Indigo had notched another wolf’s ear he retreated to his garden for a long time. He quietly tended the plants mostly on his own. He wasn’t exactly sure how to feel after the raid, but some of his innocence had been brushed away as he was given a glimpse of the real world. He was young and inexperienced, but that didn’t mean his enemies wouldn’t hold back their punishment. He thought a lot about everything that happened while he was alone with his plants, uncertain if he wanted to talk about it yet. That was one reason he’d been quieter in the pack. Mortis and Azure had seemed unfazed, he could hear them occasionally as they wandered around his greenhouse on occasion. Indy just didn’t feel like being social. He liked being holed up behind his glass walls. Behind the fences and the brambles.

The boy started to foster the growth of sticker plants on the outside perimeter of his fence, he had a lot of pokes to show for it but his little castle would be further secured. The massive violet boy was resting at the side of the greenhouse when Meadow walked by, his dark form disguised by the shade the building put off. Bright blue eyes took her in curiously as he lifted his head. She was definitely Armada, and her scent reminded him of his aunty.

”Hello?” He asked curiously while still remaining on his belly. She didn’t look like she meant any harm but he wondered if he should train Short Round to guard the door.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
08-06-2020, 07:56 PM

Movements are uncertain as she moves towards the garden’s owner. She wants to be confident, to be able to move toward the big wolf with poise and grace but this Meadow, after all. It takes all her focus not to trip and fall on face as she moves toward him. When he looks at her, Meadow’s eyes widen and she pulls to a halt. His questioning hello has her mouth moving but no words are forth coming. Kicking herself mentally, she closes her mouth and bows her head in great respect to him. He remains on his belly and is somewhat closer to her height and that helps ease come of her anxiety.

Still, it takes a few moments for her to get enough courage to speak and, when she starts, the words spill out, fast and furious in their fervor to be heard, “Hello! My name is Meadow. I am Resin’s little sister and Iolaire’s aunt. I don’t mean to bother you but I wanted to tell you how much I love your garden. The flowers are beautiful and I have wanted to talk to for a while. Flowers are really special to me too and I am a learning to be healer as well. By the way, your plants look very happy.” Casting her eyes around to take in all the plants that make up his garden, a joy-filled smile appears on her lips.

However, when she looks back to the big wolf, Meadow realizes she is doing it again, saying too much too quickly. Oh dear, she is extremely excitable and, when she meets a new wolf, her nerves always get the best of her. This time, she makes sure to slow her words down and try not to overwhelm him. “I am sorry. I have a really bad habit of talking too much.” Ducking her head for a moment and pulling her ears back in shame, she looks away from him is embarrassment. After a few minutes, she dares to look back at him and offers, “I... brought you seeds... for your garden.” Her stance is still submissive but a small, warm smile flits across her features as she hopes that her gift of seeds will be enough to allow her to stay.


Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

08-08-2020, 03:22 PM
Indigo still felt like a young wolf, he didn’t realize his massive size most of the time. The way she looked at him was so different than how his family looked at him. Indy felt his ears fall to his skull and he lowered his head to look even more unassuming. Even though this was his garden and she was the one who came to him. Eventually she’d decide to speak and Indy perked up lightly as she mentioned her relation to Iolaire.

”My aunty’s aunty…” He said quietly with a tilt of his head as she went on. His tail thumped against the ground as she spoke of plants, andan instant connection seemed to form. She already had his favor with her relatives, but knowing she liked his garden so much… ”Th.. thank you.” He stuttered out humbly, none of this would have been possible without his dad and Iolaire. He’d missed his aunt while she’d been gone with her husband. ”I always feel most comfortable in the garden.” Indigo smiled softly, happy that she’d introduced herself.

”It’s okay, I don’t talk a lot.” He chuckled softly as she offered him some seeds and his tail wagged even faster. ”Oh! You’re so kind… Agh!” He lowered his head in shame at his lack of manners. ”I’m sorry, my name is Indigo Fatalis. Sirius is my dad, he built the house for me. Aunty Iolaire helped me with everything else.” Or he believed she did, he didn’t want to take the credit despite her being gone for nearly a month.

”What kind of seeds are they?” He prompted, leaning forward as his tail continued to wag with his obvious interest.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
08-08-2020, 04:34 PM

Meadow doesn’t realize her eyes were wide before she started speaking, it isn’t until she sees the big wolf’s lowered head and ears that she realizes what has happened. A smile starts to grow on her lips and she says, “I am so sorry, I don’t mean to stare. It isn’t every day I get to meet a wolf as handsome as you." Winking at him, her smile increases in happiness as she looks at the purple male.

When the words start to spill out of her mouth, Meadow again worries about being thought of in negative light. Nodding as he says her relation to Io and him, she says, “Yep! And I have loads of stories about her from when she was pup.” Eyes sparkle with mischief as she leans toward him and lowers her voice, adding, “Even some that she may have forgotten about.” A soft laugh fills the air as her eyes dance with joy and she finds herself relaxing.

His stuttered thanks making her smile grow as she sees a great humbleness in the big wolf. It is no surprise he feels most comfortable here, the love he is pouring into each plant shows. Already, Meadow likes him. She tells him, “It is true. This garden is extremely well loved and the plants are happy to have you here.” It is a statement, not a question and Meadow can tell this is true. Just by looking at the flowers before him, the smaller wolf can tell they will always bloom brightly for the purple male.

Still looking at the flowers she says, “I was taught that you can tell a lot about a wolf by the state of their garden.” Looking back at the prone male she finishes, “And it tells me you are a great wolf.” Maybe Meadow is crazy or eccentric but she feels like any wolf that takes their time to carefully cultivate such a fine garden must have a big, gentle heart. She is liking him even more every minute she is in his presence.

Smile brightens and she giggles when he says he doesn’t talk a lot. She tells him, “Well, I think I can do enough talking for the both of us.” Another playful wink is thrown at him and she finds her tail wagging to match his. When he calls her kind, it is Meadow’s turn to be shy. Ducking her head slightly, smile morphing into a lopsided grin, she mutters, “Not kind. I just tell the truth. But thank you.” A paw kicks at the dirt in bashfulness.

Bowing her head in respect when he offers his name, Meadow brings her head up with the brilliant smile back in place. She tells him, “Well Indigo, it is a pleasure to meet you! I am so glad that helped build this beautiful sanctuary but try to remember to give yourself acknowledgement in this too. They helped make it but the plants clearly bloom for you.” When he asks what kind of seeds she had brought, Meadow’s eyes widen in happiness and tail wags hard as she shrugs off her bag and moves to give it to Indigo. “Well there are some roses, treasure flowers, tulips, daisies, and sunflowers. Sunflowers are my favorite. I also brought some horsetail, marigold, earth smoke and jasmine for herbs. I gathered them during my travels.” Looking at Indigo for approval, she smiles happily.


Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

08-09-2020, 06:56 AM
Indigo didn’t know what to think when she called him handsome and the boy felt his cheeks flush hotly as he lowered his head and smiled bashfully at the compliment. He barely registered what she said about Iolaire, but one of these days the boy would explore those stories. Io was a very special wolf to him and getting another’s deeper understanding of her would be amusing at least. Meadow went on to compliment his garden again and he lowered his head with a smile, outside influence letting him know he was doing a good job made his heart soar. His garden was flourishing and his attentions did not go unnoticed.

She continued to compliment him and he didn’t know what to do, the words felt good to hear. Like someone was seeing the results of his hard work and assuring him he was doing well. He grinned uncertainly but he didn’t want her to stop. If Indigo was missing anything in his life it was his confidence. Despite his huge size he continuously struggled with his worth. Meadow assured him that she only told the truth and he grinned at her, bashful and uncertain how to react.

”Thank you, Meadow. It’s good to meet you too.” He decided to tell her genuinely before she offered up the contents of her bag. His dark ears perked and his blue eyes were trained on the seeds as she displayed them. ”Oh, I’m so excited!” Indy said softly, his tail still wagging. ”Will you show me the best way to plants them?” He asked her while he thought about what he could give to her in return for such a great gift.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
08-10-2020, 08:24 PM

The words Meadow offers to Indigo are heartfelt and she hopes that he knows just how much it means to her to see another wolf who loves plants so deeply. While she might talk a lot, might say more than she should, every word is carefully chosen when she praises Indigo. The taller wolf seems to not know how to take her compliments and his bashful reaction endears him even more to the small female. The smile on her lips grows as he thanks her and she finds her tail wagging gently behind her as she gives a bright smile to Indigo.

When she presents the contents of her bag and Indigo becomes excited, Meadow finds her heart soaring with joy. She feels like she did something good, something right for the purple male. But then, it gets even better. Indigo asks her to show him the best way to plant the seeds. Her tail stops wagging for a moment, eyes widening slightly before a very enthusiastic, “Yes!” explodes from her mouth and tail starts wagging again, faster than before.

Moving to stand next to Indigo and she looks in the bag to pick out the first packet of seeds. Each bundle of seeds is carefully packaged in a small square of cloth and a strip of leather is tied around them. Each one boasts a different knot to allow Meadow to know which pack is which. Humming for a moment as she thinks, she reaches in and picks the one with a simple knot. Placing it in front of her, she looks at her new friend. “How about we start with the roses? I have twelve seeds and we should put two seeds per hole we dig. The holes don’t have to be deep either, about half an inch will do for them.” She shares the instructions Indigo.

Offering him the packet, she goes on to say, “Rose seeds do best in full sunlight and need to be watered every two to three days until they take root.” Pausing for a moment, to allow him to absorb the information she adds, “I know that is seems like a lot of work for them but I could help with that. If you would like.” Her smile is huge and she looks around the garden before asking, “So Indigo, where do you want to plant them?” Tail now wags slower but the joy in her is no less. Already, Meadow feels comfortable and happy in Indigo’s presence. Maybe he will allow her to be his adopted Auntie too. Meadow’s heart is full of delight at the thought.



Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

08-11-2020, 08:51 PM (This post was last modified: 08-11-2020, 08:52 PM by Indigo.)

Indigo brightened as Meadow seemed to relax around him and adopted the same eager attitude. She seemed genuinely pleased that the boy shared her passion. He didn’t expect her to deny his request, but he hadn’t expected her enthusiasm either. Not that he wasn’t due for a little sunshine in his life. Spring had sprung but he didn’t feel happy. There was a disturbance in the balance of his life, and he couldn’t pinpoint its origin. Only now did he recognize it, as Meadow’s stark contrast to his every day was so obvious.

For now the boy would enjoy the happiness that was so infectious and think more on his problems once he was alone again. Which was often since Aslatiel didn’t come around as often. He couldn’t find her at the star cave either and he worried about his sibling. He mentally shook his thoughts away. They were planting roses. He was happy.

Indigo stood as Meadow explained her process and what she had to offer him, starting with roses. He thought for a moment, they would need lots of sun, and they would be thorny. ”I think I’d like them by the entrance. On the outside of the fence for added protection to the garden.” He suggested as he looked to her for approval. ”I’d.. I’d appreciate your help too.” Maybe if she was around he wouldn’t feel quite as alone.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
08-13-2020, 12:40 AM

Tail wags happily as Indigo stands and says where he would like the roses planted. Meadow’s smile is so huge now that it makes her eyes crinkle and she nods fervently to his idea. When he says he would appreciate her help, she bounces a couple times before moving up to the bigger wolf and aiming to press her head into his leg as a sign of great affection. "Thank you." She whispers, before stepping back to smile up at him. Indigo is helping the smaller female whether he knows it or not. He is giving a purpose. To some it might be nothing; watering flowers, so what? No big deal. Not to Meadow. To her, this is him opening his heart and she is being allowed to be a part of something.

She belongs.

Because of what he has given her, Meadow is extremely eager to make Indigo proud and she picks up the bag and the packet of seeds. Practically bounding, she makes it toward the area that Indigo had designated. Moving outside the fence, she places the bag on the ground and puts the seed pack on top of it. Looking on either side of the opening in the fence she says, “I think we should put three roses per side. That way, when they bloom, we can take some of their seeds and replant them further down. Before you know it, you will have a wall of rosebushes to guard the entrance! Not only will everyone be able to enjoy them, but bees will love them too. So… how would you like to do this?”

She leaves it to Indigo to tell her the details, it is his garden after all.


Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

08-13-2020, 01:06 PM

For a moment it was possible that someone might mistake Indigo for the adult and Meadow as the pup. The way she moved and smiled gave a hint to her innocent nature and Indigo felt more comfortable beside her. The boy grinned, his dark lips pulling back to reveal the long sabers that were growing in well. ”You’re welcome.” He said softly as he accepted her affection. He could sense that she felt strongly about being asked to help him.

Indigo loped after her when she grabbed the bag and headed towards where he thought would be best to put the seeds. His bright blue eyes fell to the grassy entrance as he imagined rose bushes all along the fence and he had to admit he loved the thought. He wondered what colors he’d get. ”Yes!” He agreed, tail still wagging as he looked back to Meadow. ”One day I’ll have a fence of roses.” Indigo grinned. ”Yes, three on each side should be proper.” He offered with a nod as he approached the intended place and began to dig up the clumpy grass with his sharp claws.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
08-13-2020, 07:28 PM

The affection is accepted by Indigo and Meadow finds herself smiling even more brightly up at him. She may be older but her heart is still that of a pup. The world has not dampened her happiness and, somethings, she wonders if something inside her is broken. Maybe she should be more serious like other wolves her age but, no matter how hard she tries, she cannot change who she is. Over the years, her smile has not diminished, her joy has not ebbed and she has not transformed. Hopefully, he does not think less of her or wonder if she is crazy for smiling so much. Meadow is just being… well Meadow.

When the excitement becomes too much and she takes the bag and seed packet and bounds away, Indigo is close behind. His larger frame could easily pass by her but he seems content to lope along. When they stop outside the entrance and she begins to speak, Meadow can almost see him imagining the layout. The smile appears again and she nods to his agreement and she notices his tail is still wagging. Her own tail matches his, showing her happiness and she nods heartily to his statement about having a fence of roses. A huge smile answers his grin and she bounces a little with excitement.

After agreeing that there should be three per side and he moves to start digging, Meadow moves to his side and turns. Counting off a few steps, she mentally drawing a straight line from Indigo’s hole and lines her own up with his. While she does not have claws as cool as his, she still does her best to dig a hole that is both deep enough and wide enough for the seeds that will call this home. Carefully setting the clumps of dirt and grass in a small pile, Meadow works quickly to try and match Indigo’s speed. As she works, paws caking with the earth, Meadow finds herself relaxing and her normally hectic mind focusing down to one pinpoint; get the seeds home right.

Only when she thinks she has the perfect opening in the ground does she sits back on her haunches and take a deep breath, inhaling the scent of fresh turned earth. A content smile rests on her lips. As she looks at Indigo, Meadow tells him, “I have missed tending a garden. I always feel more relaxed with dirt on my paws.” Remembering the job at hand, she asks, “Okay, do you want to dig all the holes first and then plant the seeds or do you want to sow them one at a time?” She will differ to Indigo to for all decisions.


Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

08-14-2020, 03:29 PM

Indigo already liked Meadow, unlike his family and the rest of the pack it seemed, she was all smiles and tail wags. He didn’t have to be the bright and sunny one. The boy further relaxed as they observed the fence line. As their plans were decided on Indy was quick to begin to tear up the grass on the surface. Unlike much of the garden he didn’t have any compost to put here. The chickens were good for so much, Indy never thought he’d be grateful for a pile of poo. He continued his work on the one side as he asked, ”Should we get some compost?” Indy was still very new to gardening, but having a teacher in Iolaire had its perks.

”Why don’t you have a garden of your own?” He looked up to her, worry in his features as his ears fell to his skull. She was so passionate about plants, how could she be without her own little plot of land. ”Do.. you want to share with me?” Indy asked her seriously, if she needed a garden he wanted to give her one.

”Um, all the holes and then seeds, so we can make sure we like where each one is.” He told her confidently for how much he still had to learn. ”Will you show me what they should look like? I’ll do this side and you can do that one.”

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
08-14-2020, 06:28 PM

She watches Indigo and she notes how the taller wolf is so kind and gentle. Smiles come easy for Meadow and with him, they never seem to leave. Tail wags and smiles are freely given and something tells Meadow that he appreciates them. With another huge smile, she watches him tear up the grass before she moves to start doing the same.

His question about compost is greatly appreciated, as the smaller wolf has forgotten completely about it. Nodding her head, she asks, while continuing to work, “Oh yes I forgot about that! Do you have some nearby?” Truth is that, sometimes, details slip through her paws. The bigger picture is too important to worry over the smaller things and that is another reason why she is glad that Indigo is here. He helps her remember the important things.

When she is done tearing up the grass on the other side, she sits back and smiles at Indigo. His question about why she doesn’t have a garden has her offering him a sad smile. With a small sigh she explains, “I have a bad habit of wandering off to go exploring. Plants need constant care and I… was never sure I could be around long enough. I have never had a purpose or… I should say that I have never felt like I had a purpose.” Shame fills her and she looks away from him for a moment. Will he think less of her for feeling inadequate? Is the fact that she never knew how much this place, these wolves, mean to her make her somehow less?

Looking back at Indigo, voice soft, she continues, “All my life, I have a had head full of dreams and I just wanted to be useful. I… never felt like I was enough. So, I walked and I walked, trying to find what was missing in my life. Until I came back home and found my destiny is here. My family is here.” A smile reappears and she finishes, “My heart is here.” Patting a paw on the ground to signify that this, all this is where she was always meant to be, Meadow looks away for a moment to stare out across the garden. She had been so blind to leave something to wonderful.

Losing herself in thought for a moment, she starts and looks at Indigo when he offers to share his garden with her. Eyes find his and tears prickle the corners of hers as she bows her head deeply, showing great respect for the bigger wolf. When her head raises, the giant, warm smile is back and Meadow says, “You are so kind Indigo. I would love to help you tend your garden and keep the flowers and herbs happy. I… would be so honored and happy to share your garden. I… words fail me Indigo.” A laugh escapes, light and full of happiness as she explains, “I am never speechless. Thank you.”

Nodding as he explains about the seeds, Meadow smiles brightly as Indigo asks her to show him the proper way and she nods. Slowly, she starts to dig a shallow hole. When it is about half an inch deep and the width of her paw, Meadow once more sits back and smiles to Indigo. Pointing the paw at the hole, she says, “This is a good depth and width for them. It does not have to be exact, a little more or less will not hurt the seeds. I would go for the sides to be as wide as your paw. Collect the dirt to one side as you dig and we will mix it with the compost and place it over the seeds.” Smiling at him, her eyes sparkle with happiness as she feels that maybe, finally, her life is full.



Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

08-15-2020, 05:03 PM
”Um, I think so.” Whenever the chicken coop was cleaned out some of it was brought here, and it seemed somewhat frequent. Hopefully there would be a little. As Meadow finished and leaned back to speak Indy turned his bright blue eyes towards her. His tail wagged slowly as the topic grew more serious, but he listened easily all the same. His dark ears began perked and as she spoke they fell closer and closer to his skull. ”My heart is here.” As she trailed off Indigo shifted, and with careful, gentle, and affection motions the boy aimed to wrap his heavy arms around her wraith like shoulders in a loving embrace. Indy hadn’t known her that morning, but the boy knew that his garden wouldn’t be the same without her.

She accepted his offer easily, and he rendered her speechless. He grinned into her fur before releasing her, returning to his place and settling his gaze on hers. ”You’re welcome, I’m really happy to share.” He added with another good natured grin before returning to work. Their attention turned to the bare dirt before them and Meadow showed him what the holes would need to look like.

”Okay.” He agreed, his tail wagging excitedly once again as he carefully space and made the three separate hole before his attention was turned to the compost. The boy made his way to the other side of the fence where the greenhouse had an extension of a roof to keep the compost dry. Indigo heaved some into the bucket and returned to Meadow and the holes for their new roses. ”I’m so excited to get them in the ground.” He spoke with a smile as he added a bit of the plant food near each hole.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
08-16-2020, 06:28 PM

Nodding as he mentions about the compost, Meadow has not noticed the smell of it. That is not to say it is not there. Oh, the scent is there but she does not pay attention to it and therefore misses it. Yet another detail that slips through her paws. Ducking her head slightly when she focuses her mind on finding the odor and, surprise, surprise finds it, Meadow reprimands herself for missing it. It is only compost this time but what if it is something worse in the future?

Looking to Indigo, she wonders if he might be able teach her some patience. Maybe he will be the one to help her focus her scattered mind and learn to take in all aspects. It is only when she is working that all the trains of thoughts that run continuously through her mind, seem to slow enough to allow her to concentrate on one thing. The dirt that coats her paws calms her further and her mind floats along as she digs.

Pausing in her task to lean back and talk, Indigo’s bright blue eyes find her. Something about those pools of blue show Meadow his soul and she knows all her assumptions about him are confirmed. He is gentle and kind, so she opens up to him. Meadow has not told anyone all of what she shares with him but she lays her soul bare to Indigo. He might be young but that does not make her think that he cannot understand what she shares. If anything, it means he can see more than adults with his innocence and, perhaps, not judge as harshly as others might.

The serious nature of what she speaks of has his ears falling and she feels sorry for making him sad. When her voice trails off, Indigo moves to embrace her, wrapping his paws around her shoulders and Meadow melts into him. His arms are strong, comforting and she appreciates the gesture so much. Inhaling his scent deeply, she marks it as a someone that brings her comfort and she files it in her mind as family. Indigo is now part of her clan, along with Resin, Iolaire, Spirit, Hanako, Mortis, Zee and Sirius, he is now someone she would lay down her life for.

After she accepts his offer, she buries her face into his fur and allows the grateful tears to fall, mingling with the purple fur and staining her cheeks. Never, in all of Meadow’s life has she ever felt so blessed. She is making such meaningful connections with others that she has only have just met. When he releases her, she aims a kiss at one of his big paws in thanks. A brilliant smile returns to her lips as she moves to work.

It is hard to dislodge the bright smile that stays with her as she digs with happiness in her heart. The holes do not take long to make and she arranges the dirt into small piles near each one. Humming softly as she works, unaware of the tune that fills her chest and spills into the air, the song does not stop until she puts the last of the dirt aside. Deep green eyes turn to her friend and she says, “There is nothing like working with your paws. It connects you so deeply to the earth. I wish every wolf understood the importance of owning a garden.”

A soft laugh escapes at the idea of all the warriors in the pack tending gardens of flowers. Sirius might throw a fit if every fighter came to battle with a crown of flowers on their head. When Indigo leaves to gather the compost, Meadow sits back, watching him move toward the greenhouse. For a moment, she closes her eyes, allowing the smile to fall away as she pictures the faces of all the wolves she loves. Each one holds a piece of her heart and each one is special to her. Her life truly is complete.

When she hears him approaching, she opens her eyes and the bright smile returns. Watching as he places enough of the compost near each hole, her tail wags in response to his excitement. She says, “Well then, let’s get these seeds into their new homes! They must be as excited as us!” Another soft laugh as she stands and moves to the packet that houses them. Removing the tie, she carefully opens the pack and divvies up the seeds before taking the ones for her side to their homes.

Gently placing two seeds into each hole, Meadow looks to Indigo once they are all in place. “Okay all we have to do now is mix half the dirt with half compost and then we can put it in the holes. Be sure to press it gently onto the seeds and then we can water them!” Moving to the furthest hole, she starts the process of mixing the dirt and compost together to place over the seeds, after a few moments she asks, “Hey Indigo, what made you start this beautiful garden?” To Meadow, there is always a story to be told.


Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

08-17-2020, 05:48 PM

Indigo squeezed Meadow gently as she accepted his embrace. He felt her tears wet his fur, but he didn’t care. A smile displayed on his features, he would help to keep her happy and safe here in the Armada. Indigo vowed it to himself to make this place a home. Somewhere she belonged, especially in his garden. He didn’t release her for a long moment, but when she kissed his paw he knew he’d gotten his point across. Indy wasn’t a particularly talkative boy, his actions showed his emotions more than his words.

Then they worked. There was nothing like hard work to make you forget your troubles. Indy grinned as he worked and hummed happily deep in his chest for her. ”I agree.” He wondered if his brothers would benefit from taking care of a few of their own plants. Maybe Azure would cool off a little and Mortis would be much more confident in his abilities. Or Indy liked to think it so, in truth the plants would quite possibly die.

Finally their hard work would be put to use, the seeds would be put into the ground. He nodded excitedly when the woman told him the seeds were just as excited as they were. New tiny plants just waiting to burst into life. Indigo took his seeds in awe and stared at them for a long moment before placing them carefully into their new homes. Meadow looked back up to him, the very last step and then they could water them.

Indigo mirrored her movements in mixing his dirt and compost. He’d have to find some mulch for them too. ”My dad built my greenhouse. Before that my sister made me a tiny garden because I loved Iolaire’s so much. My mom has always called me her flower, maybe that has to do with my love of plants.” He answered softly as he covered his seeds with dirt one hole at a time until they were all patted down gently and in place.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
08-25-2020, 11:23 PM

As Meadow looks up at Indigo, heart full of love, her smile is warm and heartfelt. As they work and she hums, she keeps looking over to him and offering encouraging smiles. She is extremely grateful to be welcomed so completely by Indigo. He hums for her and her smile increases every second she is with him. Indigo does not say much but with every gesture, every word that he speaks, Meadow sees a brilliant soul shinning in him. The love that resides in him is limitless and he shares it with her. Eyes sparkle with happiness as she continues to work.

Once they move to the next step, mixing the dirt and compost to place and gently pack into each hole, Meadow listens intently as Indigo explains that his dad built the greenhouse. When he speaks of his sister and his mother, the smaller wolf nods and offers him a warm smile. His voice is soft and she leans toward him offering a wink. Looking around, as if she is about to tell a secret, even though she is some distance away, and says, “You know what my mother use to call me? I was her fish. Because I love water so much and could swim for hours.” A laugh floats out and she smiles fondly at the memory.

Continuing to work, filling one hole at a time, she ponders what he shared and tells him, “I think that is wonderful that your sister and father helped make this place what it is. A piece of them will always reside here, with you.” The smile is bright and happy as she watches her paws gently pack the earth on the newest hole. The feel of the dirt and, yes even the compost, on her paws makes the small wolf feel alive and rejuvenated. She inhales deeply the scents of everything around her, the possibilities, the potential of what is to come. Memorizing each smell and movement, she stores them away in a file of happy memories.

After they are all ready, Meadow moves back over to Indigo’s side. “Okay! Time for the water! I can help you fetch some, if you like.” Tail wags slowly behind her, seeing progress in their work and enjoying her time with Indigo brings out the joy in her. While it is true that he is much taller than Meadow and can probably carry enough water in one trip for all of the flowers, even the ones yet to plant, the small female still wants to be helpful. It is her curse, to always strive to be useful, wanted and needed. Maybe one day she will see the truth that is right in front of her face.

She has always been all of those things.


Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

08-29-2020, 06:17 PM

Indigo worked quietly, he wasn’t much of a talkative boy but it seemed like Meadow didn’t mind too much. He looked up every so often to see her smiling back at him and Indy felt warm and fuzzy inside. ”Fish?” The boy chuckled amusedly, he couldn’t say that he shared her love of the water. He could probably count on one paw how many times he’d been. Maybe he’d inherited his father’s fear of water? Maybe not. Indigo was glad to be let on to the almost secret of Meadow’s pup hood nickname. He grinned at her as he worked on finishing up the rose seeds. Someday they would line the whole of his garden.

The memory of this day would be kept close to the boy’s heart for a very long time. He knew quickly that he loved Meadow, and he was so glad to have her here to help him. The garden could be twice as beautiful were it only him tending to it. She was right too, it wasn’t just he and Meadow here, he could feel his father and sister’s love in the structure and fence beyond.

”I want to have a pond someday, but for now I have a small basin at the side of the greenhouse. It collects the rainwater.” He told her proudly.even if his garden didn’t boast a pond like Iolaire’s they wouldn’t have to go terribly far to get water. ”There’s a couple urns to carry with there too.” He told her as he led the way back. Indigo filled the first one as he arrived, the barrel that held the water was a little tall for Meadow to reach. He’d pass of the first to her while he filled the second.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
09-03-2020, 10:34 PM

Smiles are natural for Meadow. She wears them constantly and one would be hard pressed to find her without it. Yet, with Indigo, the smiles that appear are so much more than expressions of happiness. The smaller wolf loves Indigo with all her heart. While it is true that love is not something foreign to her, there is special in what she feels for him. She was taught that with her big heart came the capacity for great love and it is true. Everyone that crosses her path is met with kindness and love. And yet, with Indigo… there is something about the big wolf that immediately endeared him to Meadow. The urge to protect, nurture and help Indigo is overwhelming her. Now, he is her adopted nephew and she will do anything for him.

As they work and she looks over to smile at him, Meadow feels a strong bond forming with Indigo. When she tells him what her nickname was and Indigo repeats with a chuckle, she winks and laughs at the memory. As Indy speaks of wanting to have a pond here, the earthen hued wolf’s eyes light up. Jokingly she tells him, “Well, if you add a pond, you may come out one day to find one very big wolf fish in there.” Eyes sparkle with mirth and she laughs enthusiastically. Following Indigo as he leads the way to collect the water, she tells him, “I will make you deal. When you make the pond, I will find fish for it.” Ideas are already flowing through her mind as she takes up the first urn from him.

Waiting for Indigo to finish filling his urn, Meadow walks back with him to her row of freshly planted roses. Carefully, she tips the water onto each spot, allowing the plants to drink. Once done, she sets the urn aside and looks to Indigo, saying, “Okay, what should we plant next? Tulips or sunflowers?” With all the seeds she brought, it might take the better part of day to plant them. However, she does not mind. She treasures the time she gets to spend with Indigo in his garden and a day of good work always makes her extremely happy.


Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm