
Aurielle and Red [Readoption]



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Critical Fail!Valentines 2020
08-07-2020, 09:38 PM (This post was last modified: 08-07-2020, 09:49 PM by Tealah.)
Readoption has opened for the secondborn son of Aurielle and Red of Valhalla. Much of what I expect you will find in the original adoption thread, which I will link Here!

Normally, I would be wanting to keep the design already chosen, however, as Coran was not posted with, all I wish to maintain is his name (unless you, the new adopter, suggest an even better one) and sex (to even out the estrogen level a little, and come on, Ardyn needs a brother xD). The design may be any available below.

Anyway, here are the designs and family links so you don't have to go through them over on the other thread (although, you could scroll to the one you choose on one page and type it in on this one...), and the form! Mutations are welcome <3

Tea edit: Seconding the preference for a boy, since there are already three girls. When choosing from the deisngs keep in mind that Red's red coloration is actually auburn, so a natural red, not a bright red, so if you're basing your pick off his coloring that's what it's meant to be. Also! mention if you will what companion you might want for them so that if your application is chosen I can buy that right away <3 So far all the companions have been birds but that's not a requirement, just a coincidence.

Coran's current Profile:  Here

PS, Height should stay 36" or under.

Have some Links to the family! *Keep in mind: Your pups could have Somnium threads with any in this list who are deceased, as long as the player remains and is willing to have a Somnium thread (Erani would be thrilled to meet her great-great grandkids)

Mother: Aurielle
Father: Red
Regulus: Grandfather (Present, and will have much influence)
Solveiga: Grandmother (Deceased)
Surreal: Great Grandmother (Deceased)
Falk: Great Grandfather (Deceased)
Erani: Great Great Grandmother (Deceased)
Aramis: Uncle (Currently Missing)!
Baine: Great Aunt (Present currently)
Tornach: Great Uncle (Present-ish)
Laisren: Great Uncle (Missing)
Faite: Great Aunt (Deceased)
Zuriel: Great Aunt (Deceased Offsite)
Aoife: Sister!

Now, to the really fun stuff!


·         Designs By Lyra (Thank yooou!)
[Image: aurielle_x_red_1.png]

[Image: Aurielle_x_red_2.png]

[Image: bri_design_1.png]

[Image: bri_design_2.png]

[Image: bri_design_3.png]

[Image: bri_design_4.png]

[Image: bri_design_5.png]

[Image: bri_design_6.png]

[Image: bri_design_7.png]

[Image: bri_design_8.png]

[Image: bri_design_9.png]

[Image: bri_design_10.png]

[Image: bri_design_11.png]


·         Designs By KatG6 (Thank you darliiiiin'!!):

[Image: one.png]

[Image: two.png]

[Image: three.png]

[Image: four.png]

[Image: five.png]

·         By Me!

[Image: 3xO6MwW.png]

[Image: TkGIoYc.png]

[Image: DyOPXsI.png]

[Image: mFsmpiK.png]

[Image: 5pJ7hPa.png]

[Image: A1gdvOQ.png]

[Image: F8wXdt9.png]

[Image: LfyGmC2.png]

[Image: 1jlWjag.png]

[Image: bXEuEm8.png]

[Image: HQ0ITyS.png]

[Image: ybaC72g.png]

[Image: 0giFf1t.png]

[Image: nBe3x0q.png]

[Image: NsTAmDN.png]

[Image: XVgCylm.png]

[Image: 5uMKVhe.png]

[Image: 8OK3000.png]

[Image: 0BZ4qq5.png]

[Image: qrViBNc.png]

[Image: G60yWfQ.png]

[Image: lTUJSaa.png]

[Image: cBI4MLA.png]

14 Coran's current design as chosen by the previous player. If you choose to stay with this design, he comes with art.
[Image: P4GvkdF.png]

[Image: FWtWlBr.png]

[Image: RavJkkz.png]

[Image: JDbTFnE.png]

[Image: WqjYNGg.png]

19 Currently Taken By Lala as Amorielle, born after Coran
[Image: 4BwPQUZ.png]

[Image: ISq4Qao.png]

[Image: eQDEkiR.png]

[Image: a3JRl7b.png]

[Image: YDyEM7h.png]

[Image: dpl3NCJ.png]

[Image: 5p2x6Ly.png]

[Image: CSyY3YY.png]

[Image: uqyDTZq.png]

[Image: 6AarDfe.png]

[Image: F2sqQgr.png]

[Image: SLD3MPg.png]

[Image: 69zMdTq.png]

[Image: WVHTHVS.png]

[Image: UMlKJjl.png]

[Image: Oaul7v6.png]

[Image: 79g6rzY.png]

And now, we toss the ball in your court. Please fill in the form below. Please do not center the form, as I have a difficult time reading centered format. Applications not completed within two weeks will be considered as you lost interest.


[b]OOC Name:[/b]

[b]Physical Sex:[/b]
[b]Height and Build:[/b]
[b]Design Choice(s) & Physical Description:[/b] 150 words please (Since there are several people contributing to the designs, note by whom your pick is by :P
[b]Personality:[/b] 150 words please.
[b]Plans and Plots and Rank Aspirations?:[/b] Be very aware that rape plots with your character as the victim will have heavy consequences that do include death-matching the rapist.There are better avenues for drama. Trust me.
[Image: bkRAV4d.png]

At first glance, Aurielle's coat is pure white.. Her fur has an iridescent quality (like moonstones) where the fur shimmers different colors under various angles of light: in this case, the colors shown by rainbow moonstones. Not one hair on her hide is a solid unnatural color, but, ya know, it's really hard to convey that in still art :P
Aurielle's English is heavily laden with an Irish, Swedish mixed accent.
Her family is allowed to crash all her threads, Private and Open.
As of Autumn Year 14, Aurielle glows with a bright blue-white bio-luminescence in her fur, and bears a marking over her left eye - see profile and reference.



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-08-2020, 06:20 AM (This post was last modified: 08-08-2020, 06:29 AM by Ulric.)
OOC Name: Shelby

Name: Either Reardan Viola Adravendi or Coran Viola Adravendi, whichever you prefer (Reardan comes from an Irish name that means “royal poet” so I thought that might fit him better)
Gender: Male
Physical Sex: Male
Height and Build: 36”, medium build
Design Choice(s) & Physical Description:
#3 by Kat - the white with purple markings
(This is written for him being an adult - obviously a pup isn’t this regal LOL) This man is built to be sleek and elegant and he carries himself as such. He moves with an elegant glide to his steps that radiates how proud he is of himself and his surroundings. His height will bring him to a respectable thirty six inches tall and his build will remain a healthy balance between a slim, healthy physique and strong, toned muscle. There are a couple unique traits that he inherited from his parents. One of these is his long, flowing tail that tends to glide along the ground behind him as he moves. He will often have this braided to keep it neat and out of the way whenever he is out exploring, in a fight, or otherwise doing an activity where a long, draping tail would be in the way. He also has a set of elongated, saber-like canines that often come in handy during fights. His coat is something he is quite proud of - even if it doesn’t hold the same dazzle that his older brother’s does. His fur is mostly a spotless, creamy white that provides the perfect background for the vibrant pops of color that appear in various places over his form. This eye catching violet shade starts at each of his paws, giving a soft gradient of color there as if he smudged each foot through a puddle of purple paint. The same effect appears towards the end of his elongated tail. Slightly more saturated markings form three curved lines right above the base of his tail, each like fading and smudging around the edges and fading into the rest of his fur. His face is where you see the most striking of his markings. Around his left eye, violet fans out into a marking that frames the eye with slightly rounded spikes - one of witch stretches out to curve around his brow. This color drips down and lines his left eye before curving down along the side of his muzzle. It then collects to cover all of his lower jaw the very top portion of his throat. The tips of his ears also carry a small dash of this purple hue, rounding out his unique appearance. His eyes might be the most intriguing feature of his whole appearance with their marbled mix of turquoise and violet swirling through his irises.
Alignment: Neutral good
Skills: Intellect, Fighting
Mutations: Long tail hair, saber canines (I might add the rough quill fur in there... haven’t decided how much I want to spend yet.)
Personality: He is a bright, shining personality that will burst into a room and immediately demand attention. He’s as flamboyantly loud as they come and is completely unapologetic about it. Of course, he knows better than to be at all disrespectful and knows that there is a time and place for everything, but if given the chance he will be the life of the party every time. He is also exceptionally bright and will soak up every bit of information he comes across like a sponge. The only issue is that he tends to pay attention to things that don’t necessarily matter. Things like what a particular bird sounds like or what the color of the trees were during a particular event are the things that he will remember forever while wolves names and how to best track a prey animal will sometimes escape him. The things that he is passionate about and have an aptitude for will always stick with him though and will make it easy for him to learn all the ends and outs of those subjects. He is also quite the flirt and a terrible tease without really realizing it. Some might call him a heart breaker, but he’ll be completely oblivious to this fact and how he might effect others. He loves the idea of love and will constantly be chasing that perfect ideal “love” while never really knowing what it is he’s looking for. Despite the sense that some might get from him that would make them assume he’s a flighty dreamer, he is actually incredibly ambitious. He always wants to be the absolute best that he can be and that means that he has to climb the ranks to prove it. He won’t be satisfied until he’s gone as far as he can go and even then a little part of him will still want to do more. He’ll improve his own skills constantly to make sure that he’s up to the task - all while still having plenty of fun here and there.
Plans and Plots and Rank Aspirations?: I want him to be very, very close with his siblings and use them as motivation to improve his skills and climb the ranks. I’m kind of thinking like a friendly rivalry with Ardyn since he’s already destined to be Spirit - that will make him want to get as close to that level as he possibly can. I also think it would be fun to have him be a bit of a musician - idea being that he came across the nomads at the first festival they attended that played instruments and he somehow convinced one of them to let him try it. From there I thought maybe he could craft his own instruments, be a singer, write his own songs, that sort of thing. A nice hobby that he can show off to everyone in between working on his fighting skills! I see him being a flirty play boy for the first few years, like maybe years 2-5 or so, and then maybe settling down with someone a little later in life (although knowing me some love could come sooner than expected). I’m thinking pansexual for him... not really caring about gender and ending up falling in love with their personality instead.
Companion: A male Japanese macaque named Moncaí that is 21 inches tall



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

TeacherDouble MasterSamhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
OverachieverCritical Observation!Halloween 2020 - Witches HutBeevent1K
08-08-2020, 08:11 AM
OOC Name: NachoMumma

Name: Coran
Gender: Male
Physical Sex: Male
Height and Build: 36” Medium
Design Choice(s) & Physical Description: 5 from original thread by Briena
[Image: NsTAmDN.png]

A sunkissed child, it will often be wondered if the dark stockings the golden boy wears are a consequence of mud or natural marking. Rich browns will redden and fade to gold up over the main portion of his body, russet undertones working their way through in natural auburn littered with dark guard hairs in the thickest portions about his neck and tail. Vibrant blue eyes, often deep in thought peer out from an unmasked face. Even from a young age, pale fur has found its place around his muzzle, making him appear somewhat older (and wiser) than he is once fully grown. White fur stretches down from his chest and down to his belly, though his undersides will often be obscured with debris from his numerous (supervised) adventures. The boy is average in build and height with a quite disposition that with a less radiant coat, might see him disappear among the masses.

Alignment: Neutral Good
Skills: Navigation and Intellect
*Mutations: None

Ever a seeker of knowledge, the child’s curious and adventurous nature is often only overcome when presented with a new puzzle, or some obscure knowledge that he has happened to chance upon. While he will always hold respect and reverence for his elders, his adherence to the law may be hindered if he deems it in the best interest of the greater good to ignore them at that given moment. Above all else, the boy concerns himself with what is good and right, over what is necessarily lawful. He could be said to be caring to a fault, his generosity extending to friends and strangers alike. This may lead to instances where the child is taken advantage of, though it is yet to be determined how he may react to such slights.

Coran has no great ambitions towards leadership or roles of authority. When put on the spot to make a decision, he proves himself an indecisive child happy to go with the flow. Easily distracted, he is difficult to keep on task, though he will always try his best to make his family proud. Coran will often be found nipping at the heels of his siblings, who he may become, in equal parts, possessive and jealous of. No malice would ever be intended towards his kin, and these budding feelings would likely conflict with his good nature. He will need to navigate these instances carefully, however, with an established support network this shouldn’t become a core characteristic. He will need to be afforded opportunities to develop as an individual to ensure he feels self worth, as well as being a valued member of a family unit.

Plans and Plots and Rank Aspirations?: Possibly aim for scout or tactician depending on how things pan out IC? I don’t like to do a lot of OOC plotting but he will be a goodboi and thirsty for dem skills to make his fambam proud.
[Image: mangomouse.jpg]



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
08-11-2020, 09:25 PM
OOC Name: Shard

Name: Coran
Gender: male
Physical Sex: Male
Height and Build: 32’’ Medium

Design Choice(s) [Image: 0giFf1t.png] (image by Aerot)
Physical Description:
The male wolf is of medium size with a sinewy muscle allowing for a naturally graceful stride. His dense coat is a mixture of pale colors that blend well.  The base coat is a faint, off-white shade like cream.  Various shades of grey mingle in his coat along the sides and behind his ears.  Along the top of his body from throat ruff to posterior there is a faint white brindling pattern which also flows down partway his hind legs. There is no one thing that particularly stands out on Coran’s appearance but with both colors and conformation the blend certainly is one befitting of station.

Coran’s eyes are a rich vibrant blue, a shadowy patch of black is right under the eyes helping the color stand out. His head is frequently kept high with the pride and responsibility of his station engraved on his heart, though admittedly exceptions can occur when emotions run high.

Alignment: Lawful Good
Skills: Intellect and fighting
*Mutations: none
Young Coran does not take lightly to the position he was born into.  Coran is not the oldest, does not claim the responsibility of the future leader of the pack nor desire the rank.  However, he is still blood of the leaders and wants to uphold the pride in his family name.

Coran enjoys playing games and hanging with his friends as much as any pup.  Until given reason to believe different he would have complete faith in any member of the pack. Surely anyone that could not be trusted would be kicked out.  The world itself might not be a safe place, but inside the little world Coran lives in it certainly feels safe.
Coran fully believes in his brother’s right to be the future alpha.  With that thought he wants to help Ardyn which means working hard at lessons so Coran can rise in rank.  He tries to keep in mind his long-term goals of status even as his puppy mind gets distracted with everything going on in the ‘now.’

As to his other litter mates, Coran will feel extra protective for Aoife as she’s just so small to get into trouble!  Amorielle will be a frustration most likely – he would possibly confront her on things like missing lessons but then feel bad if he upsets her. Laoise would most likely be shows tolerant amusement to her rules and general personality.

Plans and Plots and Rank Aspirations?:
Coran is going to do his best to earn the soul position.  If there is someone better who gets the station he can accept that, as long as he believes they can be trusted to help his brother once his time comes to be alpha.
Moar his goals are wrapped around the pack so it would be a lot of lessons to protect them and trying to get to know everyone in it well.  I’m pretty open to any surprises, challenges, whatever might come up – surprises are fun.  He’s also more interested in the rank position than I am – it’s a goal to strive for but you don’t always get what you want.

Companion Animal: augur buzzard – Name: Chaska  A female with a kind heart but gets grumpy whenever she’s hungry



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Critical Fail!Valentines 2020
08-16-2020, 10:43 PM
The talk has been had, the decision made!

Coran shall go to Shard!

I look forward to him and Ardyn having lots of brotherly fun in the future.

As a side note, Aurielle's companion Aelloshir has been back to his and his parents' (Regulus' companions) big cat community and training camp, scouting out prospective guardians for his charge's children. Ardyn will be getting a snow leopard.

Let us know what your pick will be for Coran's cat (mountain lion, leopard, etc).
[Image: bkRAV4d.png]

At first glance, Aurielle's coat is pure white.. Her fur has an iridescent quality (like moonstones) where the fur shimmers different colors under various angles of light: in this case, the colors shown by rainbow moonstones. Not one hair on her hide is a solid unnatural color, but, ya know, it's really hard to convey that in still art :P
Aurielle's English is heavily laden with an Irish, Swedish mixed accent.
Her family is allowed to crash all her threads, Private and Open.
As of Autumn Year 14, Aurielle glows with a bright blue-white bio-luminescence in her fur, and bears a marking over her left eye - see profile and reference.