
Young, dumb, and broke [festival]



5 Years

Pride - BisexualBeevent
08-07-2020, 11:53 PM

She very quickly began to pick up on the fact that the pretty, shiny things she had seen when she first arrived were things that were being traded for and she desperately wished she had anything at all she could give them. Since she didn't she just lingered near the tents they were being sold and crafted and watched them longingly. They had no real practical purpose, but they were pretty and wasn't that really the only reason she needed to want them?

A sigh passed her lips as she forced herself to move along to another tent before she began to draw too many stares with her loitering. There was plenty of other stuff that was interesting too like the musicians and crafters that were making things more akin to battle armor and the like. There also seemed to be various games and such as well, but they weren't quite as interesting to her. She flicked her tail indecisively as she came to a stop and tried to decide where she might wander to next. There were plenty of wolves here she could potentially try to bother, but which one...

"Talk" "You" Think

Cairo II


Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (295)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

9 Years

Halloween 2020 - Witches HutValentines 2020
08-08-2020, 12:28 AM

He was enjoying the spring night and the bustle of Nomads, Traders, guests and pups. The hubbub of voices, the bleats and squawks, and moo’s of animals brought for trading. It filled him with energy and infused a spring into his step as he padded through the festival, an easy grin on his features as his eyes scanned the stalls and tents.

He saw a few things he found interesting, and he stopped a while to listen to the music, noting that Aoife was close by, but well-watched over. He’d spotted the seamstress Nomad who had made suggestions and given him the silk for his dress armor and flashed a brighter smile at the woman, twisting in a circle to show it off and receiving a laugh of delight.

“It’s lovely, Amella! Thank you for your help, Lady.” He sketched a quick bow before moving on his way, tail swaying in the air in an easy wag of contentment.

Ahead he spotted a wolf he’d seen at the Opening, and his ears perked slightly as he noted her coloring, and the spots. She wasn’t facing him, and looked indecisive, so he approached and called out lightly, “Are you alright, Lady?”

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



5 Years

Pride - BisexualBeevent
08-08-2020, 12:48 AM (This post was last modified: 08-08-2020, 12:49 AM by Elise.)

She hummed to herself as she looked around with a small frown. She was just about to head off in a random direction to see what else she could find just to keep herself from standing in the middle of the path any longer, but a voice calling from behind her caught her attention. It made her mismatched ears perk in response and she turned around to face the dappled man that seemed to be approaching her. The first thing she noticed was the absolutely gorgeous and heavily decorated garb he was wearing. It made her eyes light up with surprise and interest and for a moment she just peered at him with a look of awe, leaning one way and another to be able to take it all in - from the richly colored fabric to the golden bits that formed the main structure of it.

"Oh this is absolutely lovely," she gushed as she trotted over to him and unabashedly lifted a paw to feel of the soft silk that draped over his shoulder. It was like all of the pretty things she had seen in the various stalls all constructed into one garment. She suddenly realized that there was actually a wolf in this dressy armor she was admiring and he had actually asked her a question to begin with. She glanced up till her blue eyes met his and she gave him a wide grin. "Oh, sorry about that! Yes, I'm quite alright. Just a bit lost with what to do next. There's so many options!" Hopefully that would forgive any strangeness she caused with her fixation on his things.

She chuckled and took a step back from him so that she could assess him properly. He was quite handsome with a nice height and a sturdy build. His coloring was quite rich and interesting with its uneven dapples and of course she had a soft spot for blue eyes. However, before she was able to finish her appreciation for his looks, the hints in his scent gave away that they in fact came from the same family tree. The surprise showed on her face as she refocused on him with a different kind of interest. "Oh! You're an Adravendi, aren't you?" In reality she was already certain of the answer before he answered, but it never hurt to double check. It had been a very long time since she had come across one of her family members so there was always the possibility that she was off the mark. She gave him a little dip of her head and a sweet grin, always the flirt family or not. "I'm Elise. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Talk" "You" Think

Cairo II


Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (295)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

9 Years

Halloween 2020 - Witches HutValentines 2020
08-11-2020, 08:18 PM

Her blue eyes lit up at the sight of him, and within moments, she was up close and personal, though he didn’t back off, only chuckling with some bemusement at her admiration of his garb, one ear swiveling back as a brow-point perked skyward.

He didn’t miss her words, and he chuckled softly again as she stepped back and took a longer look at him. He studied her as well, taking in the markings once more, even as his scent caught on her nose and she confirmed the suspicion he was forming.

His tail flourished in the air, a gesture of delight at finding yet another cousin, and nodded as he introduced “I’m Cairo, of Valhalla, and it's great to meet another cousin. My mother was Gwenevere Adravendi. Which was your parent—or grandparent?”

He tossed his head back toward Amella’s stall as he added, “And my dress armor was partially Amella’s help. She’s one of the Nomads and doubles as a seamstress when her healing skills aren’t needed, and she gave me some suggestions while I made this. She helped wit the fabrics, too, and the sewing. If you don’t have any thing of material to trade, she may offer a commission of service in return for the garmentry.”

He turned, offering Elise a nonverbal chance to introduce herself to the Nomad seamstress.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



5 Years

Pride - BisexualBeevent
08-11-2020, 09:40 PM

Ha! She had guessed right! Her grin widened when he confirmed her suspicions and her tail wagged happily as well. Something about the formality of his greeting made her giggle and it made her feel as though she needed to give him a deeper, more regal bow. She refrained from doing so, but the temptation was there. "Gwenevere, hm?" she mused thoughtfully as he explained his lineage. She admittedly wasn't all that knowledgeable of their extensive family tree - she only knew the fact that it was quite vast and went back a long, long time. "Well my father was Leo Adravendi. His parents were Maverick and Epiphron," she responded to his question, hoping silently that he would be able to connect the dots between them without her having to give any more information. As far as she was concerned they were cousins of some sort and that was good enough.

She followed his gesture toward a tent, spotting the woman that he spoke of that had helped him with his lovely outfit that she was so smitten with. As soon as she heard that the seamstress might trade for some sort of service that gave the excitable woman a spark of hope and she gasped, looking up at him with a grin. "Really?!" She didn't have a single clue what skill she might have that the woman might want to use, but it was something! She hurried over to the Nomad, dipping her head politely to the woman with a wide smile. "Hello, Amella! I was just admiring the work you did on Cairo's armor - it's absolutely gorgeous. I've never seen anything like it!" she gushed, her tail a blur of white behind her.

"Now, I would love to have just a little something like that... Not nearly as big and grand as all that of course, but it's just so pretty! The only problem is I didn't bring anything to trade... Do you need help with anything?" She looked to the Nomad hopefully, giving Cairo a quick glance as well before refocusing on the woman again.

"Talk" "You" Think