
Falling like the stars



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
08-13-2020, 01:07 PM

It was about damn time that Kai was free.

His life had been on pause for so long now, longer than he could even remember, though truthfully that wasn't entirely Acere's fault. He hadn't truly been a captive, not really - he'd just been forced to pledge his servitude to Winterfell for two seasons, against his will. He had not been chained and shackled there, though largely he'd kept those to their borders even when he was not hiding behind them. It was hard to move on when he still was largely tied to a pack he didn't care to be part of, repaying a debt he had never once asked for, but that had somehow been endowed upon him.

Kai was still the same wolf as he had been when he'd first been captured and sold, and subsequently bought by Acere - he was reckless and independent, and no doubt too cocky for his own good, but his time here had shifted something within him. His life before had been rather uneventful, ruled by little more than his own whimsical desires; being held back by forces that felt beyond his control had felt stifling, even suffocating at times. He'd grown angrier than he ever imagined he would be. His younger self had rarely been agitated, but now he found himself growing anxious and aggravated far more easily.

But today he wouldn't let those moods rule him. He was free - and he was going to celebrate, even if just by himself. He'd taken down a surprisingly fat hare not long ago, just before dusk, and as he let his food settle he found himself wandering down the black-sand beach. It was an odd little cove, a slice of the southern lands despite the chilly evening wind that whipped in from the sea. At his back was a vast expanse of sand and sparse trees, and even further in the distance stood the northern terrain he was so familiar with. Forests and mountains went on for hundreds of miles, stretching across the continent and engulfing everything within its reach.

Even Kai felt small when he considered the vast expanse of land at his back, and the endless stretch of sea ahead of him was no less daunting. He was done with feeling small and insignificant - long gone were those days. His future lay ahead of him, and felt blindingly bright, for the first time in his life. Even brighter than the stars that glimmered overhead, shining strong and clear in the dark night sky. The tusked male tipped his head up to watch them, bracing himself as another hard gust of wind rustled his grey coat and send a pleasant shiver down his spine, basking in this feeling of newfound freedom.



3 Years
09-15-2020, 12:04 PM

It was safe to say the more she walked and wondered, the colder it became. The wind ruffled fiercely between her curly locks and the lady was noth the fondest in the change in climate. She was used to the warmth embracing her body, captivating her. This... this was like getting slapped repeatedly, not welcoming at all. Despite her thoughts, and she walked deeper into the soul sand cove and avoided the large rocks in her path, she finally found an opening to some crystal clear water, while she took in the beauty and tranquility of the area, she saw a dark, ebony man.. far far taller than her, seemingly caught up in his own thoughts... or simply enjoying the moment?

The purple lady will swiftly and carefully walk on over to the man, but was sure to keep a distance, you cant trust no body these days. She too looked up to the skies, before briefly looking upon the large brute again."Beautiful, huh?" she would speak softly, breaking the growing silence that eloped them. Wondering, if he was much of a talker, or would rather be left alone. "The cold takes quite some getting used to though, right?" She would giggle softly to herself, before another strong gust of winds teased alongside her body. "Im Adelphie... and what name could i attach to this ebony knight?"



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
09-20-2020, 03:31 PM
Apparently he wasn't alone here tonight, but Kai hardly ever minded company, especially not when he was in the sort of mood that he was tonight. He heard her approach before he saw it, his head tilting slightly and an ear swiveling as she drew closer. It was difficult to even hear the sound due to the wind, but he was used to being quite aware of his surroundings, at least since the whole... imprisonment incident. After she drew closer he eventually swung his head around, delighted at what he saw. Even in the dim light of the moon and stars he could see how brilliant her coat was, a shade of purple he'd never seen a wolf possess before. For a moment he was content to gawk at her, deciding she was a bit too young for his tastes. He could at least look, right?

He chuckled, nodding in agreement. "Beautiful indeed," he murmured softly. There was something about the night that seemed to lend itself to a sort of tranquility that the daytime just didn't possess, and keeping that same level of calm felt natural, even as they spoke. "I've always been fond of the cold. It runs in my blood," Kai flashed her a toothy grin. At least half of his bloodline was used to the bitter cold of the northern lands, hailing from a place where conditions were often even harsher than they were in this continent. "My name's Kai. Glad to have some company tonight," he added, letting out a content sigh. It felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders tonight; his future was endlessly bright, and he was content to share that feeling with another, if she decided to stay.



3 Years
09-21-2020, 02:17 PM (This post was last modified: 09-21-2020, 02:20 PM by Adelphie.)

Upon inspection on the man before her, she would would notice his gaze linger for a little longer than expected and while most would feel uncomforable, her eyes too would hold upon him, taking in him frame, his ruffled fur... the markings, the lot. She must say... he was rather handsome, wasn't he? Not that she would say it out loud of course, perhaps a little too soon. Her ebony lips would tug into a smile, her muscles relaxing when making the decision he was not a threat for the time being. Her ears would perk up as his words would kiss her lobes and she would nod in agreement before coming slightly closer and taking a seat by his side. " Do you mind? I've been walking a very long time... I am very tired indeed, unless you'd prefer to be alone?" She would question, but by his body language, she too presumed he would welcome the company.

A giggle would slip his lips, a true norther he was, being at home in the chilly winds and the cold nights. She often wished she grew up in the north, despite hating the weather... the scenes were so much more beautiful. Especially when the lands are covered in layers and layers of snow. a winter wonderland! "I wish i could say the same... the wind bites!" She would nod to herself, though as time slipped by she quickly ignored the weather. " Well, IT's nice to meet you Kai. And what are the adventures ahead? Have you got any plans?" She would again question, she assumed he was a loner like herself... and wolves like herself have nothing but time!

"I am new to these lands and there is so much to discover! Travelling can be quite boring withought family at times, don't you think?" She would sigh, thinking about how her siblings were doing. While it was great to know her grandmothers once roamed these very lands, she can't quite feel fully satisfied finding this place withought her brother especially, he would have loved it here. " Isn't it nice discovering these lands, you never no who you're going to meet. friend or foe, but the North especially has the most beautiful scenery, i can only wonder what ill discover in the oncoming days." Her eyes again would gaze upon him, glistening in the moonlight. He seemed to have battle scars, ears torn, but he seemed to take care of himself... i mean he looks healthy and mighty now, independent.



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
09-29-2020, 10:15 AM
Was it so wrong of him to appreciate the beauty of younger wolves? Adelphie was clearly a woman of reproductive age, so he didn't feel his attraction was unwarranted or inappropriate, even if he wasn't about to leap on the opportunity. Hey, it wasn't his fault so many gorgeous young wolves happened upon him lately, it wasn't like he'd gone specifically looking for them. At least not yet. She seemed pleased by his appreciation of her, unless she didn't notice it at all, but at least she seemed interested in his company - and so Kai was pleased. "I'd be delighted at some company," Kai admitted easily. He'd been alone for so long now, regardless of where he'd been, that any company was a pleasant change now that he felt free again.

Kai found himself chuckling at her honesty. "The cold is not for everyone," he commented, shifting his position to position himself a small bit closer to her. Perhaps sheltering her a bit from the wind would provide the smaller wolf with some relief from the bitter cold. "Honestly? I'm not sue what the future has in store for me. Surely lots of adventures, and - if I'm lucky - meeting a few wolves at least half as interesting as you." At least her appearance was interesting enough to hold his interest. He didn't know yet whether her personality was as intriguing or not, beneath the surface. "I'm not really one for plans, if we're being honest. Are you?" Was she a free spirit like he was, he wondered? He quirked a single brow as he assessed her further, waiting for her response.

Her words about family rung true, even for Kai, as independent as he was. What he wouldn't give for a few days spent traveling with his father again. He knew now his father had long since returned to the herd, to die among the wolves he'd been born to; but that didn't stop his longing to be reunited with him anyway. "I'm not sure boring is the word for me, but I do miss my father. He was the best traveling partner," he sighed, a bit wistfully, at the recollection. But life truly was too short to spend too much time dwelling on things he could not change, at least that was how he thought about it. "Ah, you're right about all that. The north is truly home to me, though really... all the world ought to be your home. Wherever you end up landing," Kai was grinning again, his eyes sparkling playfully. "Something about the unpredictability of tomorrow is what really keeps me going. Who knows where I'll end up or who I'll meet," he shrugged his heavy shoulders, truly believing what he'd said.



3 Years
10-11-2020, 03:23 PM
With every exhale, the heat of her breath would make what looked like clouded smoke, dancing temporarily before evaporating. She would welcome the brief silence that surrounding them as she waited for his answers, half hoping he would keep her company in these foreign lands. She welcomed him closer, as if wanting to close the distance between them as if it would shut out the cold that eloped them. He was older that was for sure and when she happened upon wolves with more experience she often liked to imagine what adventures they had endured, especially if they were rogue. Were they always alone? most often than not, they were always surrounded by wolves they loved, that adored them. It was really quite sad to think. A laugh would slip her lips, looking up to the larger wolf, the stars in the ebony skies hitting against her mismatched gaze. " Perhaps along our adventures we shall meet again, hopefully with new stories to tell." Distance and time can change a wolf, who knows where they'll be in the ongoing months, or if they would ever see eachother again.

Though the man before her was charming... if not alluring, her thoughts would not wonder but stick to reality, knowing that he was exploring the world and she was looking for somewhere to eventually settle. She would not be surprised if he had flirted with more girls than she could count and well... it really did take a special someone to shine from the crowd, to make someone drop everything and plan a future with just one alone. For now, Del had yet to find such a wolf and her ambitions outweighed the possibility of committing to another. As he would mention a father, she noticed that sigh would slip his lips and for a moment his facial expression would change, the purple lady couldn't help but wonder what had happened. Perhaps they would find eachother again and continue their travelling as partners? " All the world ought to be your home" She would repeat, as if somewhat drifting. He was right, though she couldnt help but reflect back to her family and what it would be like to be back in the safety of others. She would smile once again as he would talk about the unpredictablity of tomorrow, and she too uttered the same words not too long ago to another stranger in these lands. " I guess you never know whats around the corner... or who. It keeps the sense of adventure alive."



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
10-24-2020, 10:04 AM
He recognized her invitation, and shifted a bit closer to her, happy to use his larger form to shield her from the wind. It was quite cold, but the view was worth it all. The empty beach, with the stars reflecting off the water, was a sight he was content to bask in for a long while. A content sigh fell from his lips as he leaned slightly against her, nodding in agreement. "If we're lucky, most definitely," he added with a grin. The world and its inhabitants were too beautiful to not enjoy as best as he could, and he'd met many wolves he would love to have the pleasure of meeting again someday. She repeated his sentiment, which earned a quiet laugh from him. "Don't you agree? If only things were so simple though." Most wolves treated land as something to be owned, a thought he detested... and though he still had a wild spirit he had enough life experience to know his own life wasn't worth throwing away just to traipse across a land he might want to explore. He might be foolish, but he wasn't that foolish. "On that note, I ought to be continuing along myself. Perhaps we'll meet again someday, Adelphie?" He gave her a gentle nuzzle before pulling away and heading away from her, certain she could brave the night's cold even if she didn't particularly enjoy it.

-exit Kai-