
Hey look Ma, I made it



2 Years
Extra small
08-13-2020, 03:37 PM
solo int prompt. wc: 804

Ruin did not like being told what to do. Yeah, she loved her Ma and Pa very very much, her big sisters too, but did that mean she'd follow their instructions like a good little girl? Nope. Mischief ran through her veins as she loped along on her stubby puppy legs, making a beeline for the trees in the northern reaches in the plain. She'd been told, quite pointedly mind you, to leave the bees alone and that if she wasn't careful she'd get stung and it would hurt. But if they thought that common sense would be enough to stop her then they were wrong, very wrong. Nothing could get in her way of being a menace, come rain or shine Ruin was determined to have her fun.

It didn't take her long to find them. Craning her neck and squinting against the sun, Ruin looked up at the branch that housed the beehive. The air smelled really tempting and sweet, Ruin's stomach soon began to rumble at the thought of tucking into the sticky treat those bees were clearly hiding. Surely they wouldn't mind sharing, right? Her siblings were all real generous and shared whenever she asked, so why wouldn't the bees do the same? Plonking her bum on the floor, Ruin cleared her throat as she put on her best puppy eyed look, all sweet and innocent with just a smidge of contrition for good measure.

"Hello! I'm hungry!" She called up to them, wagging her tail in picture perfect innocence. "Pleeease!"

She waited patiently, at first, expecting a buzzy voice to reply: Yes yes of course, have as much as you can eat, little one! But the bees just flitted about, a noisy symphony that clearly wouldn't stop no matter how nicely she asked. Her smile twisted into something dark, a tight frown as her ears flicked back against her skull. Fine, ignore her then! Ruin harrumphed loudly as she stomped her paws, inching closer and closer to a full out tantrum. Ruin was not used to being denied, nor was she emotionally capable of dealing with the flood of negative emotions that followed. She was only a pup, after all, and as far as she was concerned the bees were being real stubborn for no good reason. It wasn't as if she wanted it all, only enough to fill her little belly. It was unfair! And they were mean and bad and Ruin quickly decided that they should have no choice in the matter. That she'd get what she wanted whether they liked it or not.

But how? It was well beyond her reach, even if she jumped as high as she could she wouldn't get close. Not that it stopped her from trying. Ruin wiggled down into a crouch, muscles coiled like springs and leapt up, her teeth clicking on empty air. She grumbled and then tried again and again till...well, even she could see that it was a lost cause. Then what about climbing the tree? It's trunk was straight and narrow, and given that she was so small there was no way it wasn't  strong enough to support her weight. Ruin pawed at it's bark, digging in both her front and back paws in an attempt to get a grip. It worked out just as well as the jumping did, she barely got a few feet off the ground before falling back down.

Ruin paced back and forth as she wracked her brain, her anger subsiding as a sharp sense of focus took it's place. If anyone could solve this puzzle it'd be her; the craftiest and most sneaky pup in the land. Or so she liked to think. Stepping back, Ruin finally took a moment to eye her surroundings. The ground was littered with twigs and rocks and it was though a switch had been flicked in her mind. Oh she was so clever, dastardly and cunning, the world didn't know what she was capable of, but it would learn, in time.

Picking up a stone, Ruin whipped her neck back and sent it flying. It missed the target, rustling the branches above and sending leaves cascading to the ground but she'd gotten close and it was more than enough to spur her on. So she picked up another stone, missed and then another and another till her rocky assault finally hit the target with a sticky thunk. Ruin waited with baited breath, her eyes wide as bees buzzed and swarmed, a little worried about how they'd react to her actions. It was only then that she remembered what she'd been told, that bees could sting and it really hurt. She lifted a paw, as if to leave and then with a splat the yellow stuff dropped to ground in front of her paws. Easy.
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