
Merrily we fall out of line



2 Years
Extra small
08-14-2020, 11:52 AM (This post was last modified: 08-14-2020, 11:59 AM by Ruin.)
ooc: takes place not so far from the plains, someone come and scoop her up before she throws herself off the cliff for the lols

Ma told Ruin not to wander, so naturally she went and did it anyway. The shadowy Cavaliere-Klein rushed along, her little legs working over time as she hurried over the threshold into the unknown. She expected to be struck with a sense of change or for the ground beneath her paws to feel different, but from what she could see, smell and hear the world felt very much the same. It was a little bit of a disappointment, to be honest. If everywhere else was like this then Ruin didn't see what the big fuss was about, or why her parents were so insistent that she stayed close to home.  The sky was just as blue back in the plains and the grass as green, with a huff she kicked up some flowers and watched the scattered petals float on the ocean breeze.  If there was no immediate fun to be had then...she'd have to make some of her own, wouldn't she?

Above Lyre soared on the ocean breeze, his speckled wings spread wide as he kept a watchful eye on his wolf- and those who might spoil her fun. Not by choice mind you, Lyre was a good boy paired with a bad girl, even he wasn't sure why they'd bonded but he'd been too shy to argue with fate. And it wasn't like he wanted to hide under his parent's wings forever, he had to be brave and paring with Ruin was the first step towards achieving that goal. Or so he hoped anyway.

Back down on the ground Ruin was at a bit of a loss at what to do. What sort of fun was there to be had in an open field? All the activities that sprung to mind were things Ruin could easily do back home, samey enough that it really didn't warrant sneaking away. She pressed her lips into a sulky thin line as her tail hung limp between her legs, it was all so boring boring boring! So much so that she almost wanted to turn around, go back home and chew on someone's legs. Maybe her brothers would let her wrestle with them, or she could push Samara around a little as she sometimes did.  And then she looked ahead once again and noticed...that the land just seemed to vanish. Cut off, like she'd found the edge of the world.

Oh now that was exciting!
[Image: de3uz53-aafad5e6-f5ab-4e14-bc84-995c3235...AvPbhxtN7o]



5 Years

Pride - BisexualMammoth HunterPromptober 2019
08-14-2020, 12:21 PM

Hela wanted to take a little trip to the east,for reasons only she knew.But mainly she wanted to give her brain a rest,after the loss of the fucking raid she has been increasing the training for her and those in training.She was the samurai after all that was her job,and she was so fucking angry that she wasnt going to give any more chances for more fools to get what they wanted.But well now she was here away from Ashen and all she wanted to do was to enjoy stuff alone.

As she made her way to a cliff with wildflowers all around,a very small pup seemed to be heading toward the cliff,what she dumb or what? That was the first thought that came to the Klein's mind. Sighing as she started to trott forward aiming to stop before the pup. "Hm," She made a noise so the kid could pay attention to her.

"Hey Dove,are you lost or is you Mother lacking any sense of responsibility?" She said looking down at her. "Youll die if you continue," She said carrying shit if they were too young to know about death, she was harsh and she didnt care.It was better telling a crude truth than a dumb lie. "Come,i doubt your mom would want to find their spawn crushed," She said again caring little for having tact or not.




2 Years
Extra small
08-14-2020, 05:51 PM (This post was last modified: 08-14-2020, 05:53 PM by Ruin.)
As the woman approached Lyre let out a honk, warning Ruin of the woman's presence. The Cavaliere-Klein turned, a frown marring her soft, puppy features as she eyed the stranger up and down. She expected the usual adult speak, bla bla bla are you okay, it isn't safe bla bla bla, but instead the woman's words were harsh, almost accusatory. Well that was new and oh how Ruin liked new and shiny things to play with. Ruin didn't move a step away from the edge, instead she remained where she was, pawing at the earth as she sent the stranger a playful, but undoubtedly devious look.

"Maaaybe." Ruin responded in a sing-songy voice, as she tilted back and forth on her paws. "What if I don't wanna?" She challenged, dangling a paw over the edge. Lyre honked in alarm but Ruin ignored him. Little did the stranger know that in telling Ruin what to do she'd turned it into a game, that Ruin would push every button that was presented to her, like the impulsive, naughty little thing she was. And then she smiled, adding the cherry on top. "'N Ma said I could." As if that was an all access pass to do whatever the hell she wanted.
[Image: de3uz53-aafad5e6-f5ab-4e14-bc84-995c3235...AvPbhxtN7o]



5 Years

Pride - BisexualMammoth HunterPromptober 2019
08-14-2020, 09:05 PM

She waited for the kid to pay attention to her,well this wasnt really her problem,she didnt know who the kid was and she held no benefit for this but she still had no muse to see a kid killing herself without knowing she was. At least she wanted to let the kid know how she died. Cruel but that was her,she never spoke stuff in pinks,she was to give the truth child or not. But at the end it was up to them to follow her advice or not.

"Maaaybe." She stared at her with a cold but annoyed expression,she wasnt in the mood to wast her time with dumb wolves. With the defeat of shit she just wants getting any kind of bullshit, this kid really seemed soo fool,and she wondered what kind of parents she had. Was she really being raised well? But what could she know? She didnt have and didnt want to have kids,they were all a waste of energy. And this kid made her reinforce how much she hated kids and how useless she saw them.

What if I don't wanna?" "You will die,as simple as that. And from death there is no return sweety." She said sighing. "But i guess your lil mind is too small to understand." She added looking down to her. "Huh I wonder what would be of you if you'd had been born in the empire,huhuhu you'll had already been beaten." She said smiling just taunting the pup. And no ,she had little tact with pups and she cared shit if she didnt. 'N Ma said I could." "Nice,then if you wanna see what dying is like i guess your mom wont say anything."




2 Years
Extra small
08-16-2020, 10:21 AM
This lady was very serious, all glum and rumbling, a far cry from the kind and approachable wolves of Abaven. Had Ruin been any other pup this might have bothered her, the strangers words might have sunk in deep and instilled a sense of fear and worry in the little pup, but Ruin simply smiled with her tail still wagging.

"I'm not scared." She proclaimed without hesitation. She'd always had such clever eyes and with each passing day her gaze only grew sharper, all the more cunning. "Are you?" The way she asked certainly made it seem as though Ruin believed she was, why else would she be so prickly about standing close to the edge? Adults could be so boring sometimes, it took a lot of poking and prodding to get them into the frame of mind that made them amusing and worth Ruin's time. An effort Ruin wasn't sure she wanted to put in.

The woman continued on, talking nonsense of which Ruin didn't really care to hear. Empire this and death that, concepts that Ruin didn't yet understand, but she would in time when she wasn't quite so young and dumb.
[Image: de3uz53-aafad5e6-f5ab-4e14-bc84-995c3235...AvPbhxtN7o]



Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Intermediate Healer (40)

11 Years
Extra small

Pride - Pansexual
08-16-2020, 11:50 AM (This post was last modified: 08-16-2020, 12:50 PM by Samara.)
Minor PP allowed by Ali to move Ruin

Samara Klein

Samara had done her best to keep her eyes on her children as they continued to wander further and further form the den. Calling them back when they started to get out of her sight, but well... when she was being bombarded by her little bundles of energy she couldn't watch all of them very well, especially not with her two boys bouncing around in her face and Suspense trying to scale her. So she'd managed to lose track of Ruin. By the time Rhyme had returned she'd been all but whipped into a panic, unable to leave the rest of her children unwatched but not wanting to drag them behind her in her search for her missing daughter. Rhyme had offered to go look for her of course but Samara was a live wire, she would have simply broken down if left to wait for her in the den. No she had to do it.

So the rest of her children safely under the gaze of their father Samara started the task of finding her little girl. Who was absolutely going to be stuck in the den for the next week for this! First though, she had to make sure Ruin was returned safe and sound. All of her worst fears for what could have happened to her were flitting through her mind. Samara had to calm herself by assuring herself that Ruin was probably just further in the pack lands and would be found safely under the watch of a pack member... which was not helped by the fact that her daughter's trail was leading closer and closer to the cliffside just beyond Abaven's borders. Images of her tiny daughter's corpse mangled at the bottom of the cliffs filled her head, or worse, that she'd be carried out to sea, her body never to be recovered. As she approached she heard two voices, one her own daughter's and another was familiar but did little to settle her agitation.

Panic thrilled through her again as she spotted her daughter, standing right on the edge of the cliff. "Ruin!" Samara's voice had automatically dropped into the tone her children would learn was her serious, "you're in trouble and not getting out of it", tone. Samara picked up her pace, images of her daughter simply slipping off the edge playing in her mind right up until she had her daughter safely scruffed and placed her gently away from the edge. Then she lifted a glare towards her sister.

"Hela, I'll thank you not to threaten my children. You'd not be allowed to touch a hair on their heads, Empire or not." Her tone was hard, clearly, she was in no mood to play around right now.

"Speech", Thoughts & You

[Image: X7DSVIv.png]
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.



5 Years

Pride - BisexualMammoth HunterPromptober 2019
08-17-2020, 05:05 PM

She was quickly losing her mood,she really loathed kids,all of them really and she couldn't stand having them close to her.He was here just because she wanted to at least try to save this one's poor existence but it seemed this was a waste of her time,precious time.Well the pup wasnt hers anyway so she had no real interest on its safety she just though about whoever the mother was but well she was done here. If she wanted to die or not ,none of her concern.

But before she could ever move a foot away someone she didnt expects arrived. Samara,her sister, her littermate arrived calling for the pup.'Ohhh what a sweet surprise i just found' she thought with a soft but prideful smile. This was just too shocking and it seemed Samara didnt waste any time. "Ohh but if it is Samara,my dear sister.Where have you been? We were worried about you." She firstly said with all the honesty but keeping herself cold.She was indeed happy to see her sister was fine but it seemed Samara wasnt as happy.

"I never said I was going to beat the spawn, did i? Anyways what you should really be thankful is for that i came here on time,if i haven't the child would be dead by now," She said coldly turning to leave. "Anyways my business here is over, now even though i never care enough for children as others do,i still will suggest you to hold a better watch on them,but well its your problem not mine. This is why i fucking hate kids," That was the only words she said before attempting to walk away. But if there was any good to be taken from this situation it was that she now knew where their sister has been,all of the worry she had for her seemed to be in vain, either way, she was done here. And she was going to share this precious information with Belle.

-Exit if not stopped-




2 Years
Extra small
08-23-2020, 08:46 AM
Uh oh. It went without saying that Ruin had gotten into trouble before but her Ma had never ever once said her name like that. Her black ears flicked back as her mismatched eyes widened, her mind scrambling to come up with some sort of excuse but try as she might none came to mind. None that would get her out of this sticky mess anyway. It'd take some time before her lies-for the most part- got convincing, for now they were empty and weightless. Just silly things a child would say just because she could. She eeped as her mother scooped her up and away from the edge and she hung limp in her mother's grip till she was placed back on the ground, at a safe distance from the edge.

It was a little weird that Ma pretty much ignored her from then on and instead shifted her focus to dark stranger. Even more harsh words slipped from Ma's mouth and Ruin watched with rapt interest, her eyes gleaming as she glanced from one wolf to the next. Did they know each other? It kinda seemed so. Who was she? And what was an Empire? As it turned out they were sisters, like Suspense was Ruin's. They didn't seem to like each other much though, or was that simply a side effect of being a boring adult? Ruin loved her family so so much but adults were just so serious all the time, like they had better things to do than be victims of her little schemes. Boring. And then the-extra- boring lady seemed to grow tired of their meeting, claiming she needed to go and yadda yadda. Stuff Ruin didn't really care to listen to.

There was one word that stuck out to the little Cavaliere-Klein. One she just felt she had to repeat.

"Fuckin' bye!!!"Ruin hoped up onto her hind legs and called after the lady, not hiding her smarmy, cheeky little grin.
[Image: de3uz53-aafad5e6-f5ab-4e14-bc84-995c3235...AvPbhxtN7o]



Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Intermediate Healer (40)

11 Years
Extra small

Pride - Pansexual
08-26-2020, 10:47 PM

Samara Klein

Samara bristled under her sister's further "advice" about her own children. She rose to her paws and stomped after her a few steps. "Don't you dare deign to tell me how to raise my children!" She called after her sister. "As for where I was take that up with Deathbelle, she's knew!" The next words she muttered would only be heard if Hela chose to stop, said more for Samara's own sake than her sisters. "Gee, I wonder why she didn't tell you."

Then she was marching right back towards her daughter. The look she fixed Ruin with was still hard, the anger she felt at her sister hadn't dissipated but it softened a little upon viewing Ruin. "We're marching right back to the den young lady! You're father and I will have a talk about your little adventure but you will not be leaving the den for the rest of the day at least, do you understand me?" She fixed Ruin with a look that was meant to tell her daughter there would be no getting out of this one. Then she spun on her toes and led her definitely grounded daughter back to Abaven.

-Exit Samara-

"Speech", Thoughts & You

[Image: X7DSVIv.png]
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.