
Death is only the beginning

possibly mature


08-14-2020, 06:17 PM

The woman returned to the shores she had washed up on. Looking out over the bay, Demise could barely make out the opposing beach, instead opting to watch the clouds that rolled in. If the storm made the shore, it would be a hard one, perhaps even hard enough to drive the dark goddess back to her castle. It would be hers, she was determined. There was enough room for her family, enough for anyone who wished to take shelter in her dark empire. It wouldn't do to lose sight of her goal, no matter how tempting it was to simply explore these fabled lands. Naamah had certainly donned rose colored glasses about this continent, but Demise could see the allure. As she sat there contemplating her future here, Demise watched as the raindrops started to fall over the ocean. Even in the afternoon, the luminescence of the water could be seen and it made her head tilt just slightly to the side as she tried to understand what caused it.

Demise sat for what felt like hours in the light rain, watching as each drop shimmered while filling the ocean. It was a magnificent display, but her stomach growled and she was broken from her thoughts. Moving around to the tidepools, the resourceful yearling queen searched for clams, urchins, small fish or crustaceans, anything that would make for a good meal. So far the only living creatures were abalone, a creature that looked like a rock but had a soft underside that was edible. They were not her favorite, but it was better than eating kelp or seaweed as she had done during her voyage across the ocean. Lavender eyes, rimmed on the inner part by pink, scanned the beach and she wondered if she would see anyone else today. There was much to learn, and much to do.

“Speech" | Walk | “Thoughts."
code by bird, img by cloudynight



3 Years
08-21-2020, 11:44 PM

The Archer had initially followed her sisters scent across the land bridge, but after her earlier encounter among the metal skeletons to the north, she had decided she had left too much unexplored to the south. Travelling by night was her preference, but these lands seemed fairly free of the regular criss-crossing of scents that would give away a pack in the area, so she allowed herself to keep a less regular schedule than she had for her journey here, breaking up her wandering with shorter naps, instead of one long sleep.

Tilly had almost felt the storm before she saw it, the change in the pressure of the air around her weighing her down like the water inevitably would once the clouds broke. She grimaced, wondering where a wolf might find shelter this close to the shore. A looming shape in the distance that might pass for a mountain looked to be her best bet, and so she began to pick her way towards it, the clouds breaking and soaking her to the bone long before her destination was ever reached.

Still she continued, head turned ever so slightly to the side, allowing her line of sight ahead, while her ears heard both ahead and behind. Her stride was broken when she noticed that standing between her and her destination, was the largest wolf she had ever laid eyes on. Matilda had grown up surrounded by siblings that towered over her, but even they would shrink in insignificance for the woman that stood before her now. Her head dipped respectfully, and she stepped closer, stopping several wolf lengths away from the stranger, her stance verging on defensive while still retaining some openness. The wind was against her, leaving the possibility that the other woman would be backed by a pack in the back of her mind. "Hail," she offered in greeting. If the other made it known that company was not what she was interested in, then the Archer would skirt wide, and leave her to... whatever it was she was contemplating.


hurricane, running through my vei
[Image: Tilly.png]


08-27-2020, 08:19 PM

Dark ears flicked as they caught the sound of a greeting not far away, she had just noticed the female and had begun to turn her head, dipping her head slightly before greeting the other back. “Good evening," she said simply, not truly acknowledging if she desired company or not. The dark goddess missed her siblings and uncle, her father as well. Mostly she missed the friends she had, how surrounded by family she had been before the disaster. Even monsters could love, and Demise pined for her family in that moment.

It did not take her long to recover from, instead turning her attention to the female that had approached her. “Are you from around here, by chance?" Her head canted to the side as she asked, open curiosity on the still-young queen's face. She was a yearling after all with much to learn about the world in general. What were the chances she would find someone to teach her? Demise would remember her mother, the one who had trained her until she made that stunning mistake in a spar. She knew she had much to learn, mostly where she was at the moment. The Daemonican youth would have to be intimately aware of the geography if she was to ever hold her crown here.

“Speech" | Walk | “Thoughts."
code by bird, img by cloudynight



3 Years
08-28-2020, 03:07 AM

The other wolf wasn’t outwardly opposed to her presence, and so the Archer relaxed internally. There wasn’t much change to her outward appearance, head still level with her spine, tail pointed to the ground. She took a few casual steps closer when the other wolf asked her question, easy smile on her face as she answered, "Nah, long way from home m’self," Her tail twitched in a wave at the tip, "Far ter th’ east, from a place called wildwood, an’ Torbine b’fore tha’. M’ younger sister challenged our ma an’ got ‘er ass handed t’er. I followed ‘er this far, but I figure she probly don’ wan’ family stickin’ their nose in, yer know?" It wasn’t like Tilly to blabber so much, but maybe the other woman had asked because she needed a distraction? "Matilda Archer," she introduced herself rather formally, "more likely ter answer if yer call me Tilly though."


hurricane, running through my veins
[Image: Tilly.png]