
Kill Your Heroes


06-14-2014, 03:09 PM
Click Names To Go To Profiles!

* Means these wolves are single or do not have romantic plans in the works.

*Akemi Miu Hr??vitnisdottir

One of the lovely Hrrovy's, Akemi is one of the younger ones and completely devoted to her older brother Hati. He is her idol and big brother, it may be seen that this young woman looks up to her brother very well as a god. Akemi is a tiny little girl, being as small as the site will allow, though she doesn't let that handicap stand in her way of doing what she wants when she wants it. She has a gentle nature, though more often than that that tends to be more reserved, and she comes off more often as ill-tempered and sharp mouthed. In a lot of ways she is misunderstood, and she could certainly use some friends, whether they be darker aligned or not. Akemi is not above slave trade and darker manner of things, though if it's simply because the other wolf is very small or handiapped, well, you might find Akemi turning to free the slave rather than keeping things as they are. Very testy when it comes to being told she is small, Akemi can be a little spitfire. Plots with her are pretty much open, just throw some ideas or wolves at me for threads and we can see where things go.

Current Planned Threads::
-Reuniting with the rest of her family in Serpent Plains [Keno's Starting]

Allen Walker

One of the Walker Family, I plan for him to head to Ebony for acceptance sometime soon. I'm still working on my fiancee, Vio, to make his daughter, though I might be having him go on ahead and say Amber went to look for Gavroche with the promise to bring him to Ebony. He is a gentleman, and one who is very strongly attached to family. He is kindhearted and good natured, though a strong enemy of Glaciem and Isardis. He's just gotten back to Alacritia this winter after being away for two seasons and I'm getting back into the swing of him. Seeing where things go with Qanik at the moment {though if Flamesong comes back I'm not sure it'll really go anywhere. xD} I'm up for ideas with him as well. Any plots or wolves you just wanna thread with him let me know.

Current Planned Threads::


Another one of my petite women, Arietta belongs to Sin as a sort of mate {though more as a trophy, and she strictly belongs to him. No touchy, or you will deal with Sin. <3} Currently living in S.S. Antiox Arietta is looking for followers for Sin's upcoming pack Hellstrom [look in plotting for more details]. Her plots are also pretty open, and you've got the idea by now. Even if you just wanna thread with this lovely lady, or you are interested in Sin's pack, please thread with her. <3 She is of a much lighter and kinder nature, so no worries about her eating you.

Current Planned Threads::
-Meeting Bass [Keno's Starting]

*Arisu Sovari

My dark damsel, daughter of Viridiana. Not exactly one for idle chitchat, she likes conversations to carry purpose, and tends to be very calculating and analytical when speaking to others. I'd love to get some lesson's going for this girl with fighting and poison lore, with multiple willing teachers if possible. I want Arisu to become a force to be reckoned with, and training is a must! She is likely to bully rogues and other weak pups, or try and manipulate them into being darker if she believes that they might have some sort of potential. Plots are completely open, including trying to find her love at some point, though that will be a lovely task and a half. Arisu is not all that interested in relationships, so it will take someone rather persistent to make her fall for them, and it will be a relationship that will take time, so threads will definitely be needed. Is not yet prone to physical violence, so no worries about that.

Current Planned Threads::
-Meeting Helena [Keno's Starting]


Arwel is currently highly depressed.
Current Planned Threads::


Currently still stricken with the epidemic {being a rogue and having no healer to give it to her} Destruction is bound for some pack to hopefully treat her and get her cured. Former alphess of Seracia {Covari now}, Destruction holds a lot of guilt and grief upon her shoulders. After being treated she will be trying to reunite with the remains of Seracia and figure out where they are all going from then on out, refusing to abandon them. Has romantic plots with Aiden and will at some point have babies with him. <3 Other than that plots and threads are pretty open. Any ideas or requests just throw at me.

Current Planned Threads::
-Getting treated for the epidemic / running into Angel [Keno's Starting]

*Ellis Cathal

A sweetheart and pacifist, Ellis is my lovely little healer wolfess. Currently living in Fern Gulley with Othello, Ellis just became a mommy to a pair of sessy children. Planned for her to stick with Othello and raise their babies together. She's very skittish of men now and tries avoiding them. Pretty open for plots, especially cause I haven't seen Chant around. For now though she'll definitely be sticking around Fern Gulley and loving on her babies, and perhaps spoiling Othello's a bit as well. XD

Current Planned Threads::


Another of my lighter aligned wolves, pretty much open for anything other than joining a pack and romance right now. Still seeing how he clicks with Silveris. Needs fresh threads, definitely. Throw some wolves at him, friends, enemies, mentors... pretty much anything at this point. Sadly his personality is not yet updated and flushed out but it is along the same lines.

Current Planned Threads::

*F?licien Ambroise Desgroire

It's not official in thread yet but F?li be getting cured from the epidemic and open for threads again. Staying in Ludicael and needs threads with like, everyone, kay? Kay. Threads. He is lighter natured, a little unsure about those in authoritative positions but very family oriented. Doesn't have a whole lot planned for him yet, and that needs to change.

Current Planned Threads::


Determined, sharp, and still not yet two years old. He is of a lighter nature, and as of last night I decided on Gala's path. He's going to need spars, lots of them, and will need a bunch of threads. Yes, Keno is going to be hoarding Gala's gems because he is going to challenge for a pack. ^-^ I could really use more experience in fighting, and developing Gala even more, so any and all threads with him will be greatly appreciated. He has good morals, and I plan for him to oppose those who stand for darker things. Regardless of how the Valhalla challenge goes this is my plan for him. So threads, thread, threads. <3

Current Planned Threads::

Kar Savvil

Good natured and a bit on the naive side, Kar is my first wolf I brought to Alacritis. He could use some more friends, especially since Zanire has left Ala, and is sticking with his mate, Nalyda. Is definitely going to get more clingy with Nal, and possibly think of joining a pack with her. Not sure where yet. Threads and plots, as with all others, are open.

Current Planned Threads::

Kau Kedieo

A dark natured wolf, though not necessarily evil. He will do what he needs to get what he wants when he wants it, and is not opposed to things such as slave trade. He does not covet mindless violence and murder however, believing that all actions must serve a purpose. Though it may seem to others that Kau keeps Avion more as a slave, the male actually loves him much more than he lets on and would tear apart anyone who dared touch his beloved little mate. Very protective of Avion, and anyone else who gains his trust, Kau holds loyalty in high regards. He is a male who likes power, but does not necessarily wish to hold the top position so long a she can get what he wants at a lower one. He's my massive boy, standing at 42", and will at some point be seeking a womb to "rent" and steal the babies away, or have some willing mother give them up, for him and Avion to raise.

Current Planned Threads::
-Entering Ala with Avion [Keno's Starting]
-Meeting Liste [Keno's Starting]

Kyda Ethne

My lovely little derp of a wolf, Kyda is slowly regaining bits of his past and coming back to part of the wolf he used to be. Will remain a pacifist, though if Lotus was in danger he might flail himself into harms way to protect her. Is reuniting with Lotus and may seek out a pack with her, or may not. Not sure yet. Is a rather innocent character with a unique manner of speech. Friends welcome definitely. Any understanding wolves are more than welcome to thread with this guy. Plots and threads open, though romance is not an option.

Current Planned Threads::

*Lior Carlier

A sweet girl and a pacifist, despite her body being suited for fighting. Is studying under Adelaide in Ebony to become a healer. Friends would be loved, and more threads in Ebony to meet her pack mates would be awesome. I know Tahlia {played by Mouser} will likely want an arranged marriage for her with some wolf of a higher standing so if anyone is interested PMing Tahlia and Mouser will let me know. xD I'm not at all against arranged marriages and think it would be fun. Lior is open for threads and plots. <3

Current Planned Threads::

Ritsuka Legend Sotakiu

Lawful and good hearted, Ritsuka is loyal to Tortuga, the pack he joined roughly a year ago in game. He is friends with Qanik and devloping a slow romance with Gossamir, who will eventually be his mate. Pretty much open for threads and maybe a spar if anyone is interested.

Current Planned Threads::

*Theisinova Cathal

Good natured and kind, though not afraid to stand up for what she believes in. Is currently too young to be played, other than her birthing post, though she is pretty much open for plots. Will be spending a lot of time with her brother Ty for sure, and will be studying to be all that she can be, a jack of all trades.

*Svetlana Xanilov, with her fox companion Korrin

Another good natured gal, Svetlana is working to better herself and become stronger, to become at the very least a top Ebon Knight with Ebony. This chubby girl is friendly and loving, though will be a bit jealous of Hajime's children while they are young since they'll be requiring so much of Raisa's attention. As they grow she will see them much like her own siblings however, and possibly bond with them all in a protective manner. Pretty much open for threads and plots. Also up for arranged marriage. xD


-*Riku [Horse]
-Gavroche Kedieo {To be Paired with Venin, Esper's char]
-*Buill Latchme
-Forsaken Armada {Arietta x Sin}



7 Years

06-14-2014, 03:19 PM
Just a note, Othello is very protective of Ellis and her children and will not be afraid to beat the shit out of a wolf who dared to touch her or her children, preggo or not. ^.^

Also, it would be fun if Bass and Gala met and did a bunch of mock spars for practice?


06-14-2014, 08:51 PM
That would be awesome Eve! XD They could be like, bros or something. I dunno. Derp.

Anywho I'll make a thread for them as well soon~ <3


06-14-2014, 11:59 PM
oooh, ya know, maybe feli and wren could meet one day? they are both in ludi, and i was thinking maybe wren could be his little grown-up buddy. after all, she's only a year old xD he'd like her. she has a soft spot for pups.


06-15-2014, 02:29 PM
Sure Salmon that'd be awesome! I'll make them a thread. <3


07-10-2014, 07:22 PM
Needs some updating but if you seek any sort of thread with Keno just post here. <3