
Batari rules on crocodile rock.


06-16-2014, 06:21 PM
((OOC:Reader beware, All Batari threads come with the high probability of violence and blood))

The coppery smell of blood filled the air, and if it was not winter, surely the mosquitoes would be present en masse, however the slightly cooler temperatures and occasionally frosty days had killed them for now. The scent of blood was not as alluring to the predators within, because less hunting was normal for this season, and this particular area had a ruling predator. The great crocodile had ruled here for years now, and grown tremendous in his size. The danger he represented alone and the knowledge that this territory was his kept the lands somewhat safe of other predators. However today it was his blood that stank the air, and seeped into the earth.

From atop a rock where she had dragged the creature, Batari?s scarred muzzle was covered in his blood. She buried her face inside his torn open body and devoured the sweet meat inside. He had not seen her coming, could not have anticipated her. Wolves normally fled the crocodiles, or knew not enough about them to even see them coming until it was too late. Batari was not an ordinary wolf. Batari had grown up on the scaled island and learned the dangers of crocodiles early on. She had watched their tactics, and learned their ways to survive. She had made it many years on that island by hunting predators such as this, and this lazy dinosaur had not been prepared for a challenge like Batari. A large wolf who knew what she was doing, and knew the limits of a crocodile that had only just begun to warm himself upon the rock which his blood now decorated.

Today the mists of Jade?s moor were thinner than normal; but the air was humid as always, thanks to the wetlands. So the power of smell was stronger; but also more stagnant, and visibility was increased. Batari had eaten her fill and sat lazily with her corpse, guarding what was hers. A slight rustling caught her ears, and so she turned her head to see what could be moving through the brush. Other predators lived in the moor, and Batari was not about to let any of them take her, after she had slain the master of this small area, and she would not let anyone take her prize.

Hackles raised, and teeth bared, the savage wolf barked out, as a scent caught her nose, and her head moved to find its source. ?Batari has this kill! Batari can kill again!? she barked furiously, establishing her power and placing groundwork for her dominance. ?Batari can smell you! Batari will see you! Show yourself to Batari or Batari will hunt you!? her savage limited speech still effectively communicated to whatever lurked in the grasses, that she wanted to see what was trying to hide from her. She raised herself up on her legs, angry to remove her belly from the warm rock; but wanting to be ready for any attack that might come her way. Batari?s eyes still hungrily searching for whomever she had detected.


06-16-2014, 07:01 PM

She had been a busy busy bee. The demonic woman had recently fallen upon her darling sister, Cascade, whom she hated with a passion. That bitch must keep her filthy paws off her beloved brother or Nausica would strike. The larger girl was not afraid to slaughter her own kin. Neios was hers. They had a bond that was forever. She helped him and he helped her. It was mutual and delightful. It was the only thing Nausica enjoyed that did not involve sadistic activities or thoughts. He was the only one she had so far, the only one she loved. Yet, her fucking sister had to prance on in and fuck it all up. Though, she would see how he reacted to their sister. Would he treat her like he treated Nausica? The woman would be horribly sad if so. But, only time would tell. Therefore the behemoth would slither into the swamps with a harsh look upon her silver slathered muzzle. An ink dipped tail was slightly erect and massive paws were spread with each step. Nausica was ready for war, which was the norm.

The beautiful smell of blood flew into her nose with ease. She breathed in the scent with excitement. Her mouth hung open and and it began to water in need. Nausica also smelled the scent of water, muck, death, and Wolf. She wondered what may have happened. Though, when shouting was heard the woman shuddered with excitement. Her core tingled and delight. The Saxe bitch rolled her shoulders and slunk into the scene. At first her eyes fell upon the creature before her. A female. Her fur was covered with an earthy tone of brown hued with crimson. But, it was adorned with a deep shade of blood. Nausica feasted upon the sight of a bitch bathed in her favorite liquid. But, her eyes shifted up to the Croc the fae had killed. A noble prize. They are not easy to take down. Nausica smirked and cleared her throat with a deep yearning for the girl in front of her. "Batari does not need to kill nor hunt!"
Her vocals were luxurious yet lined with a dwelling excitment. "Batari killed the Croc?" The Saxe femme rolled her shoulders again, waiting for an answer. Her eyes were now on the other girls. Yet, Nausica towered over the fae before her due to her 40 inch height.



06-17-2014, 01:22 AM
Batari?s heckles were raised and her ears flattened against her skull when her eyes fell upon the source of the noise and the scent. It was a wolf, and not just any wolf; but one that stood larger than Batari. The dark wolf had her in size, and possibly weight though Batari doubted by much; but She had ferocity and a full belly on her side. In her experiences with other wolves in this land, she had noticed that while they had their own ways of fighting, none of them were quite prepared for her own unique art. Still, it angered Batari that this wolf dared to be larger than her.

Batari?s instincts told her to leap from the rock and go for the throat, simply sink in her teeth now and prove that being bigger than Batari was a mistake none should make. Just because they were bigger than her, did not mean they could beat her. The crocodile had learned this lesson the hardest way possible, the 13? creature weight significantly more than Batari, had fallen before her wild ruthless savagery; and left her with little to show for his efforts.

The prey-bitch spoke before Batari had a chance to give in to her impulses however, and so her ego was able to take over instead. HOW DARE SHE TELL BATARI WHEN BATARI DOES AND DOES NOT NEED TO KILL OR HUNT!? ONLY BATARI DECIDEDS WHEN BATARI ACTS! This indignation thundered through her simple savage mind; but the proud wolf kept her silence, and was rewarded for it by being given an opportunity to boast about her kill. Still, Batari had learned from the sneakier lizards not to boast about any kill you were not willing to defend. She was warry that the other wolf might be trying to take from Batari, what she had rightfully slain. If that was their intent, they had best be prepared to face a dauntless stubbornness backed by unrivaled savagery, should her boundless temper be awoken.

?Batari says when Batari kills! Batari says when Batari hunts! YOU ARE NOT BATARI!? her words were first a snarl that grew into a wild bark. Blood and saliva flying from her mouth as she loudly projected her indignant words. ?Batari killed the croc! Crocs are easy prey for Batari!? She spread her stance a little wider and her calws attempted to find purchase in the rock in case she needed to move from her spot; but Batari was also posturing in her own twisted display of pride over her kill, allowing the large-wolf to see the evidence of her savagery and strength. Her snarl words then turned into a warning, as she anticipated aggression from the other wolf. ?YOU are easy prey for Batari! This crock is Batari?s! Large wolf does not frighten Batari, large wolf will not get Batari?s prize!?

While the other wolf was larger, Batari still had to look down to glare at her eyes, thanks to the height of the rock on which she stood. Fire burned in her eyes, the untamed fire of a more savage wolf, to whom the concepts of honor, friendship, and loyalty were meaningless.