
Sick burn, bro!

Healing seasonal prompt



5 Years

09-05-2020, 08:36 PM (This post was last modified: 09-05-2020, 08:47 PM by Azariah.)

The witch needed space, okay! She loved Ulric, but it was that time of the year when things got dicey for the seer. Unwilling to lash out at her newfound family, Azariah wandered aimlessly, following the fae lights only she could decipher. Azariah moved silently, only her bell tinkling softly as she glided in a ghost-like fashion through the sparse cover. The land was in recovery, there could be no doubt about that. Spring had brought with it rain and seeds, the majority of which clung to ash dusted soil and sprouted as the season went on. The result was a small bit of undergrowth beneath old scarred trees. The unmistakable scent of fire still clung to the summer breeze, sending shivers down the black of her spine. She remembered the destruction of the mountain that loomed in the distance, and ruby eyes cast to its peak with open curiosity. While the plants had taken the time to grow, it had not quite been enough to form any meaningful cover or shade. The darkness of her pelt soaked the rays of the sun in and added to the heating of her body, leaving her panting and parched. Still, she was led by the faerie lights, and she would see what they wanted her to.

Wandering off may not have been the best approach, and with every step, her anxiety grew. Hours went on as dark paws swept her away, sun blazing down and heat pummeling her until she could hardly stand it anymore. When she finally reached the end of the trail, she found herself at the foot of the volcano, watching fresh saplings grow red from the soil. A few sturdy plants made it through the destruction, some of the species jumped out at her - weeds like motherwort and meadowsweet. A good bit of the survivors seemed to be rather useful, lavender could be seen growing in random, sparse clumps, hiding in grass patches were sprigs of marigolds - their blazing orange blooms seeming almost like the very lava they grew in. She decided to go herb gathering, she needed a few species of the plants, and she could work off tension in their collection. It would be a good way to pass the time, she needed to cool off from her heat and kept a very vigilant eye on her surroundings.

Umbra perched on the flimsy branch of a sapling nearby, almost seeming to growl as she let loose a low cawing groan. It soon turned into a laughing sound, and Aza looked up at her questioningly. 'You are pink on top, ha ha ha, where your white is!' Pinning her sunburned ears back, she could feel what the bird was squawking about. It was like a thousand needles all poked her at once, up and down her neck and around her head. Wincing, Azariah realized she had gotten herself a wicked sunburn from the top of her head to the base of her neck. She would need those marigolds soon, it seemed, as there was no aloe; a plant useful for sunburn in her homeland. She would have to suffer without the succulent and grind marigold petals instead. Huffing softly, the grey witch moved gracefully through the little nook of life, plucking the flowers and grinding them the best she could without any of her tools. "Umbra, go fetch some water, would you?" The bird looked at her and laughed, then took flight. Soon after, Azariah had a pile of crushed marigold petals and only needed water to make a salve of sorts. Lavender was an additive she thought would help as she waited on the dark bird, collecting it and crushing the favored plant had the aroma heavy in the wind. Her nails were worn and chipped by the time Umbra made it back, though the monochrome lady said nothing about how long it had taken. Mixing a bit of water with her newest potion in a natural dip in the rocks. She wanted it thick enough that she could spread it around, and used her claw to stir the mixture together. Blending the herbs and making a salve of sorts.

The application took a while and required Umbra to assist more than the stubborn bird would like, but she had finally gilded herself with the sticky mess. Already she could feel her ears and neck move easier, and as the pain faded, she found she missed her bear. Her heat symptoms would be raging, but it was nothing worth worrying the warrior about. It was in her mind then that she would go home soon, but she would take as many supplies as she and Umbra could carry. Telling the bird to gather a small bit of motherwort - a plant she had to describe as spiky, wilted lettuce to the bird - and meadowsweet flowers. The meadowsweet Umbra already had a soft spot for, and already knew what it looked like. Azariah went on to gather lavender and more marigold so that she would have a remedy for her burn at home.

Surprised at her findings, the witch basked in her relief for a moment longer, her skin gently tingling where the concoction made contact. She would make a point to run home, hoping to prevent a more severe burn, carrying her herbal remedies home. She hoped Ulric would not be upset with her for leaving or worried too much. A little worry was okay, but she didn't want him to think she had disappeared on him. She missed him, and hurried home, with an herb laden Umbra close by.

Note: This is a SOLO seasonal prompt! <3
Word count: 933 words.
Walk. "Talk." Think. "Umbra."

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Bite Warning! Azariah will bite out of fear or anxiety, please be careful with her!
Ulric Adravendi & Fam may crash any of Azariah's threads regardless of tags! <3