
A far away time

w Casso



4 Years

Promptober 2019
09-06-2020, 12:20 PM

Yurei was coming back from a long day of work,of making sure everyone was okay,of foraging for herbs, and more things. She entered her home tired as she lied down once she set foot in the den she now shared with Casso. Tired she told Aki to place the herbs when they belonged, she just needed to rest. Later she will make the medicines and more things to be used later on if anyone needed her services. The summer gave the not a sort of break from the freezing temperatures it always had, as the sunny days were more frequent and longer. With some of the energy, she had left she sat down instead in the place she met with Casso for the first time,hopping to get the last sun rays for warming up.

She sighed as she looked up to the soon to be the nocturnal sky.Aki sent off as she unlike wolves was solitary and used to be on her own until Yurei needed her again. With the apparent silence, Yurei started to think about what has been of her since she stopped being alone.Casso now was part of her life,her family and she was happy with it.And what she lived as a child seemed so far now,but sometimes she still bear nightmares and unnecessary thoughts. Last night she couldn't sleep too well,as a nightmare of horrible images woke her up in the middle of the night. Now after a whole day of work she was done.


[Image: cute.png?width=493&height=406]

[Image: Yureichibi.png]
Her threads may contain triggering topics like depression and negativeness. Be aware when threading with her.

Casso may crash in any of her threads desíte the tag!

Yurei now has a Grey female wildcat as a companion. Unless stated she is always with her.

Yurei now wears a side back up almost all the time that has four pockets one up and three down.



5 Years
Extra large
Athena I

09-06-2020, 06:35 PM (This post was last modified: 09-09-2020, 05:47 PM by Casso.)

Casso walked up through the ship to the room that he had been steadily working on for he and Yurei to share. Today he he had decided to do some more work on the shelves that he wanted to set up along the wall under their window. Yurei had been collecting way more herbs as of late now that summer had come and the warmer weather had brought back some of the plant life so he wanted to make sure she had all she space she needed to store her things. He had found a fallen tree in the forests around the pack that was thin enough that he could start breaking it apart into smaller pieces. He had made a few trips through out the day back and forth, bringing pieces of wood to the room. So far he had four even, round pieces of the trunk that he could use as the spacers between the shelves so all he lacked was something flat that he could stack between them. Living in the ship had forced him to get a bit more creative since he couldn't just dig out hollows in the walls like he could in an underground den, but he liked the challenge.

As he returned with the last of his round log pieces he noticed that Yurei's scent was fresh here, but she wasn't in the room. Curious, Casso sat down the piece of wood in the corner with the others and then went back out of the room to follow her scent up to the deck of the ship. Her pale form was easy to spot sitting near the railing where they had first met. She sky was dark and stretched out for miles in front of them, the stars dotting the blackness of it and giving them a faint light to see by. A slight smile touched his otherwise stoic expression as he padded up behind her. He leaned around over her shoulder to place a gentle kiss on her cheek before settling onto his haunches behind her. He brought his forelegs up around her shoulders and gently pulled her back into his chest and cradled her against him. "What are you doing up here all alone, my mate?" he asked as he peered down at her with a soft smile lingering on his muzzle.

"Talk" Think



4 Years

Promptober 2019
09-09-2020, 12:16 AM

Yurei sighed upon how hard it was for her to just forget her past and move on,to just let fear go away and being in peace.But being like this from years made it harder than she wanted it to be,she wanted to be free and be happy but if she only was a stringer and braver she wouldn't be having these nocturnal issues. She didnt know what to do, she didn't want to bother Casso with her trash, trash she always tried to eliminate but never worked. "I am stupid..." She whispered as she pinned her ears. "I am weak..." She hated being like this, pessimist and insecure all the time,and she feared this could make Casso regret his decision of sharing his life with hers.

But then, she heard heavy steps in the steal. She looked back over her lying form to see her mate approaching. Trying to smile but not getting it she welcomed his kiss, giving him one of her own.He lied down behind her but pulling her into his embrace, she didn't complain and herself made the motion to be in the position he wanted her to be.

He asked what she was doing out here to which she lowered her ears again. "I just wanted to clean my thoughts...i had an awful nightmare last night...and i can't get it off my mind...i don't know why i cant...i know i am weak but not this much..." She sighed as she shoved her face into his chest. "I saw their faces again...their faces of horror,of regret...their words of hate, and those of disappointment...they told me i was more of use dead..." She admitted with a shivering voice.


[Image: cute.png?width=493&height=406]

[Image: Yureichibi.png]
Her threads may contain triggering topics like depression and negativeness. Be aware when threading with her.

Casso may crash in any of her threads desíte the tag!

Yurei now has a Grey female wildcat as a companion. Unless stated she is always with her.

Yurei now wears a side back up almost all the time that has four pockets one up and three down.



5 Years
Extra large
Athena I

09-09-2020, 06:09 PM

His smile faded when he noticed Yurei's expression and a frown began to form on his features as she spoke. He knew it wasn't a solution, but he couldn't help the rolling anger he always felt toward the wolves that had caused her this pain and turmoil. He had accepted long ago that there was nothing that could have been done to prevent the problems and struggles he faced besides him never being born in the first place, but hers had been preventable. They were mental scars left behind by wolves with twisted beliefs. When she pressed her face into his chest he tucked his head down over hers and held her more tightly against him, as if he could physically shield her from these things that were causing her so much hurt. He almost wished that it was something in the physical world that he could protect her from instead so he could at least meet it with teeth and claws.

It was much harder to protect her from things inside her own mind. That was a feeling he knew all too well with himself, but he was still figuring out how to best support her in this endeavor to help her move on. "The next time you have a nightmare, wake me up. I don't care what time it is. Wake me up and tell me about it so I can help you through it," he insisted, lifting his head from hers a bit so he could turn his head to let his eyes meet hers. "Even if you don't want to talk about it, just wake me up so I can be with you, okay? You're not alone any more. You never need to feel alone. I'm here for you." The same way that she had been there for him when he needed her most. They would forever be each other's support. He needed her and she needed him.

Casso brought his right paw to her chin, gently lifting her muzzle so that he could place a gentle kiss on her lips. His paw shifted to rest lightly on her cheek, keeping her from looking away as his two-toned eyes met the gorgeous green of hers. "I love you. You are my entire world, never forget that. You are so much more than they had ever let you believe." There was only so much he could do or say to help her through this and he knew it. She had to heal on her own, but he would carry and process as much of this burden for her as she would let him. Anything she needed to get off of her chest he would listen to and any time she needed reinforcement for how amazingly wonderful she was he would be here to give that to her.

"Talk" Think



4 Years

Promptober 2019
09-11-2020, 05:25 PM

"The next time you have a nightmare, wake me up. I don't care what time it is. Wake me up and tell me about it so I can help you through it," Ears remained pinned,she didnt want to bother him with this.He deserved a good night, rest and peace,and Yurei felt that if she did this she would end with that,he deserved to be happy,to be well. And her attitude could make others feel bad or annoyed in some cases,and with Casso her love for him made her want to take care of him more than on herself,she wanted to be be his side and help him but at the same time she had the obstacle of her own ways of seeing life. She knew Casso wouldn't mind,he loved her. But still she wanted to do her best to domt go to that extreme of messing with his own well being.

[b"Thank you...but are you sure? I mean...i dont want to take away your sleep deserve to rest and be happy."[/b] She said looking up at him,feeling stupid for being always like this.And she wondered if at some point Casso would end up getting bored of her and this side of hers,it was hard to find her happy with herself,to see her love who she is. But it was hard,and there was nothing she could do. "Even if you don't want to talk about it, just wake me up so I can be with you, okay? You're not alone anymore. You never need to feel alone. I'm here for you."

"I love you...and I am happy to have you...i wish to be stop being this pessimistic with everything around me..." She admitted as eyes of pale green closed again to feel the breeze of the evening on her white coat, but focusing more on Casso's embrace.She placed her legs around his large form to feel him closer.

He felt his paw on her chin as he lifted it so their eyes could connect,this was just like in the day they met. And in silence, he kissed her,and she could help but feel her heartwarming up, feeling how his closeness warmed her cold heart,her broken and smashed heart. "I love you too...Casso and ill be here for you too..."


[Image: cute.png?width=493&height=406]

[Image: Yureichibi.png]
Her threads may contain triggering topics like depression and negativeness. Be aware when threading with her.

Casso may crash in any of her threads desíte the tag!

Yurei now has a Grey female wildcat as a companion. Unless stated she is always with her.

Yurei now wears a side back up almost all the time that has four pockets one up and three down.



5 Years
Extra large
Athena I

09-11-2020, 10:52 PM

"Of course I'm sure," he insisted when she questioned his offer for her to wake him whenever she had a nightmare. "I'll lose more sleep knowing that you're struggling with this than I will from you waking me up." Now that she was his he would do everything in his power to make sure that she was living the best life she possibly could. That included making sure she was sleeping well and able to face her traumas in a way that wouldn't end up hurting her more. He didn't care if they had to sleep away the morning after being up most of the night from one of her nightmares - he would do whatever it took to support her through this. That's what he owed her as his mate and it was what she deserved. This was help that she should have been getting from the beginning, but he was more than ready to be that for her now and try to make up for lost time.

When she mentioned that she wished she could be better, a small, encouraging smile touched his lips. "You will," he assured her while he watched her close her eyes with the breeze rustling her pale coat. She was like a precious pearl. The pressure of her life was the oyster that she had been grown in and now he was doing his best to pry open that oyster to reveal this beautiful, pale woman within. His precious pearl. While he held her possessively against his chest he knew that nothing would ever hurt her again. If anything did manage to slip past him and get to her, they would have hell to pay. He wasn't entirely sure how to be a good mate for her yet, but he at least knew that he would protect her and make sure she was cared for to the best of his ability. Falling short of that wouldn't be fair to her.

A rare grin crossed his lips when she replied in kind to his declaration of love and told him that she would be there for him as well. "I know you will. You already have been. I knew you were the one I was meant to be with forever when you found me after killing that bear and you didn't even bat an eye... you just jumped right into caring for me and making sure I was okay." He couldn't possibly express in words how much that moment had meant to him so he gave her another gentle kiss instead, squeezing her gently in his embrace. That day had been the tipping point for him in their relationship. That was when he knew that she could handle everything that came with him. None of it was pretty, but she was so exceedingly patient with him from the very beginning. He owed it to her to do the same.

"Come on, let's go get some sleep," he told her as he left an affectionate lick on her forehead. Even though it was still a tad earlier then he would normally go to bed, he knew she was exhausted and he wanted to make sure that she got a good night's sleep. He carefully untangled himself from her so that he could lead the way to their room. He padded inside and settled himself onto the plush pile of furs that he had been slowly adding to. It was just about large and thick enough for him to be happy with, perhaps just a couple more pelts to give him some extra room and then it would be done. He rolled onto his back and tapped his chest with his paw to invite her over in a silent invitation for her to lay across him if she liked. "I'll be your pillow tonight," he added with a soft chuckle.

"Talk" Think