
Just resting my eyes...

(Near the border)



6 Years
09-06-2020, 06:27 PM

If this was the spirits way of telling Aggie she had been slacking in her training, they could get stuffed. As far as she was concerned, at least for the present moment, whatever powers at work in the world around her were mean-hearted and almost entirely worthless. Her vision swam, duplicating what few trees grew in these grasslands and making it seem as if the ground was rushing up to meet her far more often than she actually stumbled. She felt overheated, yet shivered. She was nauseous yet long past the point of having liquid left to vomit up.

All in all it had been a bad day.

She'd been on the hunt for venomous snakes, which of course wasn't necessarily a safe activity to begin with. She could remember that much. And she had the vague memory of a sting and then a burn as two sharp fangs dug into her forelimb. But as time had gone on, and as Aggie had grown more delirious... facts and certainties began to fade. She knew there was a pack nearby, but where? And how did she know that? She'd met a stranger once, long ago or maybe just last week... There was a pack. Somewhere. She sat down, figuring she'd give herself a moment to rest and maybe it would come back to her. Her eyes slipped closed...

Sharp teeth clamped down on her ear. In her mind the snake had returned, and it was enough to draw her back to the brink of consciousness. It wasn't a snake, but a small creature. Familiar... a friend... "Ylva?" She rasped, voice sounding to her as if she were speaking underwater. "You absolute idiot!" Was there supposed to be two Ylva's? Aggie wasn't sure. "You've put me through a lot over the years, but this? Stay awake, damn you!" The shewolf was too far gone to really register the panic in her friend's voice. "Don' worry, 'Lva... We'll fine th'pack. Just need to... rest a momen'..." Darkness swallowed her yet again.

Ylva's fear and rage manifested in a scream, and she swiped her claws at Aggie's shoulder. "Shit." The red panda scanned the landscape around them, seeking out anything that might be of any help. Turning back to Aggie, she hissed out, "I'm going to go get help. And when you wake up, I'm going to kill you myself." Ylva turned and disappeared into the tall grass, while Aggie dozed.

"Talk" "Listen" Think



4 Years

Double MasterBeevent
09-07-2020, 01:04 PM

Halla made her way to fireside after her encounter with Valdís and Úlfr. She now knew she had family in the area and it was a great relief to have finally found them. With a bundle of herbs in her mouth she reached the border and was just about to set them down when a strange raccoon like creature ran into her path. Apparently, one of its friends had been bitten by a poisonous snake. A shiver ran down her back. It was a good thing her mouth was full as her first instinct was to tell the little creature that it was unfortunate and that was life. There was only so much she could do. Halla took off after the little creature to find a woman who was barely conscious. Oh yea, this woman was screwed.

She set down her bundle and howled for Valdís and the wolves of Fireside. A moment later Valdís answered her call with a howl of her own. Well, at least the pack was aware now and Valdís could speak for her. "I will see what I can do but it will mostly be up to your friend. Do you know what bit her?" Halla dug through her herb bundle. She had lamb's ear to help with the swelling and bleeding of the bite. Boneset might help with the pain if she could work it into a poultice. Halla pulled out two ceramic bowls, one she filled with water and nudged toward Ylva. "See if you can help her drink a little." In the other bowl she started adding the herbs, mashing them with her claws.



6 Years
09-07-2020, 05:17 PM

For all that the two of them had been bemoaning the spirit's cruel humor, Ylva found it in herself to thank them for finding a helpful soul not far from where she had last left Asgeira. Who she was? Where she came from? Not important right now. The red panda led the other wolf back to where Aggie had collapsed. The older shewolf had not moved, surprising no one, and was blessedly still breathing even if it was a bit labored. Ylva shook her head. "I didn't get a good look. Aggie said it was small and brown, but according to her, 'came out of no where.'" Ylva scoffed. "She swore it was young and nothing to worry about. It's been a day since the bite and she's been like this since this morning, but spent the night vomiting. Dehydration seems to be as much of an issue as anything else." Ylva cast a worried glance over her friend.

Thank the spirits indeed. The stranger was quick to produce a bundle of herbs as well as a spare bowl for water. Ylva remember a stream they had passed not far back, and took the bowl without question. By the time she returned the other woman was well at work. Ylva approached Aggie and was quick to check for signs of consciousness. It took a push and then a shove and finally another chomped ear to rouse her friend, and even then she was delirious. "Drink this," the panda hissed, but even she could admit her anger was for now masking deeper worry. She held out hope. If it had been a full envenomation Aggie would probably have been long gone. If she could fight off these effects, her recovery would be slow, but it would be a recovery. She watched with satisfaction as Asgeira took a few lazy laps from the bowl before dozing off again.

Ylva sighed and left the bowl near her side. Turning back to Halla she said, "Well, she drank something, but not much. What's your name, healer? I'll make sure Asgeira here doesn't forget who she owes her debts to." Ylva looked up to check the position of the sun. Evening would be upon them soon, and nightfall not long after. They could hardly stay the night exposed and in the open with Aggie in this condition, but the red panda wasn't sure what other choice they had.

"Talk" "Listen" Think



4 Years

Double MasterBeevent
09-09-2020, 09:33 AM

Halla worked the boneset and lamb's ear into a pulp. She wish she'd had some abscess root with her. She wasn't sure if her mixture would be good enough but it would have to do. Oh! As she dug around in her pack she spied some Ascelpias decoction she had tucked away. That would work well. She poured a little of the decoction into the herb mix and worked it into a paste.

Ylva hadn't seen the snake that bit her friend but Halla took some comfort in hearing it was younger. She nodded. "Yes, we'll need to do what we can to keep her hydrated. There's a pack nearby, Fireside. They might be able to offer your friend shelter. I met one of their guardsmen, perhaps something can be arranged." She took the paste and started to apply it to the bite. "My name is Halla Finnvi."




6 Years
09-22-2020, 01:04 PM

Halla mentioned the pack they had been searching for, and Ylva did not know whether to be relieved or frustrated. Probably relieved, but she was still cranky about this whole business so she couldn't be sure. To hear that they were so close to further aid? Wonderful! To know that they were so close and her useless lump of a friend-slash-taxi-service had gone and keeled over here? Ylva would be having words. "We're familiar. We met one of their members a while back and had hoped to ask for aid there." Hoped being the operative word.

Aggie mumbled something incoherent, clearly still on the cusp of consciousness, and Ylva shot her a withering glare. Turning back to the conscious, actually useful healer the red panda tried her best to smile. "Thank you, Halla. I don't mean to delay you, I'm certain you have better things to do than tend to dimwits. Do you think she'll be alright if I went to their border and spoke with someone? I can't howl, of course, but hopefully they patrol often enough for me to bump into someone." For all that Ylva herself was knowledgeable in poisons and toxins, that which would kill something her size and what might debilitate Aggie were different subjects entirely. Snake venom was somewhat out of her repertoire and she wasn't the sort to enjoy feeling out of her depth.

"Talk" "Listen" Think



4 Years

Double MasterBeevent
09-26-2020, 12:27 PM

Halla worked the paste over the wound then took a strip of deer hide in her mouth. Carefully she wrapped it over the wound so that it would help keep the paste in place but not so tight that the swelling would cause issues later. Of course, she'd still need to keep an eye on the wound. The rest was up to the injured woman. If she knew what type of snake it was she might over some internal medicines but without that knowledge she felt it was too risky. The woman didn't seem to be terribly interested in drinking liquids anyway.

She considered Ylva's words. "It's no problem. I'm actually headed to Fireside myself. If you could go ahead and let someone know we're coming that would be good. I'll be right behind you with your friend."

Halla shrugged off one of the pelts she carried with her, a big horn sheep hide she'd gotten from her hunt with Cairo. She laid it down so she could drag the woman right up to Fireside's border. She turned to Ylva. "I'm going to try and roll her onto the hide so we can get her to Fireside's border and more effective help." Moving over to Asgeira she took hold of the woman's scruff and dragged her onto the hide while pinning it down with her own paws so it didn't roll. Once she had her patient secured Halla took hold of the deer hide and started dragging her patient to the border.
