
Moonlit Fun



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
09-10-2020, 10:19 PM (This post was last modified: 09-10-2020, 10:20 PM by Naiche.)

It was a full moon, and a damnably bright one.  The moon’s light reflected in the lake near his den to make it even brighter.  Naiche was likewise irritated and he had no source to name it, but Asla would do.  It always came to his mind first.   She would love that, to hear he’d blame her even for the moon itself? Naiche let out an exasperated sigh and got up, glancing down to his new companion.  Who ever knew there was a companion so easy to get along with?  “Hey, get up.  I can’t sleep.”  Apparently Pan, the pangolin had been sleeping just fine as Naiche had to nudge it another two times before it seemed to really wake up.

Naiche preferred having it walk on its own but for the sake of speed lay down to let the scaled creature onto his back, its long tail wrapping about a portion of his neck.  Naiche took off with a long-legged stride towards the beach.  What were the odds of anyone else looking to fight at this time? It was what Naiche really wanted.  Clearly he hadn’t been active enough today to burn all his energy.  He had spent a portion of the day explaining to Pan his job in different fight scenario’s and how to keep up with him during the day.  Maybe it had just been too much sitting and talking versus fighting.

Naiche saw the sandy beach and the fighting area, at first glad to realize others were there.  He was less thrilled when the scent of Asla turned out to be one.  He’d ignore her, there was a second wolf he hadn’t met there as well and that sounded perfect! Meet someone new and get a fight in at the same time.

Words: 296

Basilisk II


1 Year
Extra large

Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
09-13-2020, 12:00 AM
The night had been warm and bright, and neither wolf could sleep. He had followed Asla to the beach, fully awake and aware despite the hour. At first, he practiced with her at the training dummies. Working his muscles into limber obedience and shaking away any tiredness that came with the night. They stopped when she caught the scent of (to him) a stranger, she indicated her desire for him to practice with the man. Asla was, for a Princess, very well versed in the art of fighting. Perhaps she wished for him to train with someone closer to his current abilities.

Taking it as an order, he gave his Mistress a nod to show he understood, and moved to obey her commands. He intercepted the stranger before he arrived at the dummies. Taking them a few paces from Asla, but still well within her line of sight. He dipped his head low in polite acknowledgment. “Greetings, stranger. Would you do me the honour of sparring with me tonight?” he asked. Assuming his status as lower then all within the pack (as unofficial slave) he was careful to keep his tone semi-deferential to those he spoke with. Not nearly as servantile as he was with Asla, the wolf whose word outweighed all else. But still polite



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
09-13-2020, 03:36 PM

Naiche watched how this new wolf appeared to look to Asla for actions.  Yah, it made sense, she would enjoy someone who looked to her for direction.  Hopefully, the guy realized he was nothing more than another pawn to toy with.

Naiche pulled his head up a bit more in curiosity at the polite, very polite greeting the wolf gave him.  Naiche was far from a top rung in the armada, well to be specific he was pretty much bottom rung and if he listened to Asla it was amazing the guy didn’t think he was dirt to step on.  
“I was actually hoping to spar with someone, so that sounds like a good plan.”  Hey, if this guy wanted to think of Naiche as higher in status who was he to tell the guy different?  Naiche reminded himself to ask Sirius about moving up in rank later.  The young wolf knew he had grown stronger and he wanted a chance to prove it!  Every fight before the moment he checked with Sirius would be important.  

“I’m Naiche, currently a student.” Yah, Naiche gave his rank though he had really thought about keeping it a secret to enjoy that respectful greeting.  Would he get that sort of treatment more if he actually rose in rank? Naiche could get used to that. “and you are?”  Naiche moved into the sparring circle, watchful of the other wolf.  

A wisp of a cloud, little more than a haze drifted past the moon, shadowing a small amount of the light, though it shouldn’t last long.
Words: 261

Basilisk II


1 Year
Extra large

Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
09-14-2020, 12:20 AM
“Then it would be my pleasure to assist.” Basilisk said, spreading out his paws and following into the familiar stance of battle. He was a decent height wolf, and had been used as a guard in the past. He had also done a stint as a grunt in rank-and-file. So he had numerous pockets of experience, but nothing long-term. His experience thus far had been rather sporadic. A mixture of healing, massaging, protecting, and general fetch-and-carry. He was curious how well what he knew would translate to today's practice.

“Pleasure to meet you, Student Naiche, I’m Basilisk, Guard to the Esteemed Princess Aslatiel Fatalis.” he did not drop the gentle respect at hearing the man's rank. Even a student ranked above slave, after all. Who knew who Naiche would be once his training was done?

The world grew a little darker right before their battle. A bad dominion, if Bas was inclined to believe in such things. He took a slow breath, digging his feet into sand, sending his tail straight behind him in a banner. His chin he lowered, and his shoulders came forward, protecting a few of his vulnerable spots. He would fall back into such a stance any time he stopped. For the moment? Naiche was looking to him, and he could only assume he had first move.

He lunged forward heavily, aiming to charge straight to Naiche, and then swinging to the side at the last second, and attempting to cuff towards the shoulder of the other wolf. Testing his balance and reaction speeds.

Basilisk vs Naiche for (Spar
Round 1/2?
Age: over 1
Size: Extra large
Build: Medium
Skills: Beginner Healer & Beginner Fighter
Specialty: N/A

Total WC: 1035



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
09-14-2020, 12:43 AM

Naiche tended to try and be polite around those of higher station but this guy took the cake!  At his comments in regards to Asla naiche couldn’t help but to make a sharp bark of laughter. The esteemed princess? It was all he could do to not drop down and roll with laughter.  She was nearby, even if she wasn’t commenting she would know what he thought of that lovely title which was total crap. "yah, right."  He’d be laughing that up later, but for now he had to focus on the fight.

When Naiche had first fought Sirius he had been humbled by the size difference.  This guy wasn’t quite as large as Sirius but close enough.  However this time instead of inspiring fear it thrilled Naiche.  He had been fought a coupe of bears now and even a lion and what he had learned from these things is the glory of the battle and all the more against challenging opponents!  Hopefully this wolf would also be a challenge.

Pan saw the upcoming fight and climbed down from Naiche’s head, looking up at him for a moment before toddling off a bit to one side. The pangolin’s claws were held closer to his chest as he walked on two legs hunched over.  The scaley creature was quite the sight. Naiche hoped it also was something easy to underestimate.  There were no tree’s hear for it to drop down on Bas but perhaps Pan would find a moment to assist.  It needed to practice also.

Naiche was ready for Bas’ type of attack and in fact appeared to have the same idea, when Bas came in Naiche pivoted sideways bouncing back, he tried to get around behind Bas to bite at his feet just as he had done with the bears.  The trick was to truly be faster now! He didn’t have bulk but he was fast and hoping to truly put that to his advantage.

Pan for the moment was staying close but showed no sign of joining in, currently having moved to all fours where it would be easier to quickly curl up and protect itself.

Naiche Dauner vs Basilisk for Spar
Round 1/2
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Medium
Build: Light
Companion 1: Sunda pangolin, Male - Battle
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Intermediate Navigator
Specialty: N/A


Basilisk II


1 Year
Extra large

Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
09-14-2020, 12:52 AM
Basilisk narrowed one cloud-blue eye as the tawny wolf barked a soft, mocking laughter. His hackles rose. He had never been a wolf to fall prey to bouts of pride or anger, and the sudden emotion caught him by surprise. He was not certain if Naiche mocked the slave, or the Princess. In the end, he could only jump to the most reasonable conclusion. It was Basilisk that Naiche found lacking, not his Lady. He relaxed again, an affable, blank expression on the man. Naiche could call him every name under the sun, or laugh as long as he pleased. It wasn’t anything he hadn’t already heard before.

As the battle commenced, Bas caught a glimpse of a strange scaled creature on the ground, but proceeded to ignore it. Fighting with companions was not a familiar aspect to the slave-guard. As Bas lunged to the side, Naiche pivoted away. Bas’s opponent tried to move about, but Bas turned on the spot. Knowing the importance of keeping his opponent before him. So, what had he learned so far? Naiche was speedy, but expected to be able to get in behind him. Perhaps he could use that to his advantage. If he was not expecting Bas to turn as fast as he did, compromising balance for speed, then he might gain the element of surprise.

Bas completed his quick pivot, and lunged. Throwing himself forward in an attempt to get his paws about the other wolf’s shoulders.

Basilisk vs Naiche for Spar
Round 2/2
Age: over 1
Size: Extra large
Build: Medium
Skills: Beginner Healer & Beginner Fighter
Specialty: N/A



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
09-14-2020, 01:09 AM

Admittedly it was dark out and a cloud had been passing over the moon, if you could call that tiny bit of grey that floated along a cloud.  Tiny details were harder to make out but Naiche believed the other wolf had got a bit upset by his laughter.  Maybe for once he could use anger against the other wolf.

Was it the wolf’s speed or the darkness causing Naiche’s aim to be off that had made him miss connecting with the leg?  No time now to think on it.  Indeed he saw the wolf had raised itself up even as its paws hit his shoulders. Naiche twisted his shoulders to the left hoping to get Bas to lose some of his balance even as Naiche’s head up where he could bite at Bas’ throat that was now nice and close.  The cloud had passed, Naiche could see clearly for a moment but since the larger wolf was on top of him it didn’t matter much.  Naiche was well aware of exactly where his target was.

Naiche had wanted to fight using speed instead of a match with strength and balance but it seemed the fight would be rather like his prior spars with the other wolves where he had chosen an upfront match instead of weaving in and out.  A surprise helper had come in though! Pan had trotted himself over when Bas had gotten on top of Naiche and reached up to push his clawed front hands against Bas’ leg if able.  Pan was going to need some work though, he was a gentle thing though and didn’t want to actually hurt the giant wolf.  Honestly even if Pan managed to get to Bas leg it was more of a distraction than an attempt at injury.
Naiche Dauner vs Basilisk for Spar.

Round 2/2
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Medium
Build: Light
Companion 1: Sunda pangolin, Male - Battle
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Intermediate Navigator
Specialty: N/A