



4 Years
06-13-2014, 08:30 PM

The girl Anias had told her of a possible place of where her parents might be, she'd tried to find them briefly. Her search had concluded nothing, though she'd only skirted the place where she'd said they might be. She wanted to see Seracia first, and she hadn't even done that. She was almost scared. Now that she had clues.. now that she had knowledge of them she'd become nervous. Could she see her family again now? After leaving them for so long?
A sigh would filter from her delicate lips, her head being put onto her cold paws. She hadn't left the gully yet. Her heart had seemed set on finding them, her longing to feel her family's comfort pulled at her heartstrings. At the same time, she didn't know what her family would even think. Surely they would be disappointed for how poorly she was doing trying to survive the winter? She didn't know, but she knew she just wanted her mommy.


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10 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-13-2014, 09:38 PM

So much had happened in Epiphron's life, and in such a short time. Maverick's betrayal had cut deeply -- even deeper than the scar she had left on his face, even more blinding than what she had done to his eye. She had requested time away from him, for an indefinite period of time, though she knew he was not far from her. A few miles, or a dozen, separated them, and would continue to until she decided otherwise.

Her initial anger had slowly subsided into a kind of stinging hurt that pierced her heart, turning her fiery temper until a subdued annoyance. The woman missed her children dearly, and she longed for them with each passing day. She didn't know how to speak to them about what their father had done, or if explaining was necessary at all, but her hesitance did not stop her from seeking out her daughter.

Limbs carried her fluidly across the earth, the scent of Isolde heavy on the air. She hadn't seen her youngest daughter in so long, and she worried for her safety with each day. Even still, her scent was familiar, something a mother could never dream of forgetting. Restless gaze danced across the earth, searching desperately for any signs of life; and that was when the faintest hint of creamy fur impinged on her vision. A soft sigh of relief left her lips, and she quickly loped forward, intent on greeting her daughter with the gentlest of embraces. "Isolde," she breathed, her voice laced with deep affection as she slid her head around her daughter's neck. "I didn't know where you had gone..."



4 Years
06-15-2014, 02:04 PM (This post was last modified: 06-15-2014, 02:04 PM by Isolde.)

She would not realize that as well as her own search, her mother was journeying to find her. Isolde had left a long time ago, she wondered if they thought her dead by now. She very well could have been with how terribly she was taking care of herself. She knew not of her siblings, or of her parents let alone her father's betrayal of her family. As she lay in the snow, debating on where she might go, it was then that she would be found.
Footsteps would alert her to another presence, her delicate features would raise from her paws. Ears were pricked and alert as her golden gilded eyes would fall upon the milky appearance of her mother. Her orbits would grow wide in surprise as Epiphron moved to embrace her daughter. "Isolde," "Mom" The surprise was evident in her voice, she would have never guessed her mother had been looking for her. Of course, she had left with little more than a word but they had gone off to a new home.
The emotion in her mother's voice would mirror what Isolde was feeling. She'd missed her desperately, even though she had been nervous about reuniting once more. Isolde would return her mother's affectionate motions, feeling her gentle presence beside her. "I didn't know where you had gone..." the appaloosa marked girl would find herself whining, she'd never meant to hurt anyone with leaving, but it had felt so necessary at the time. "I'm sorry I left.. I've missed you so much, mom. she would bury her head into her fur, taking in the woman's scent and immersing herself in her mother's presence.


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10 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-15-2014, 02:57 PM (This post was last modified: 06-15-2014, 02:57 PM by Epiphron.)

Epiphron had missed her children so dearly. For so long, she had been caught up in Maverick, in building a new life with him, in rekindling whatever excitement they had left in them -- that she had drifted from her children. And their journey had failed regardless. They had not found what they wanted in Ebony, and Maverick had satisfied his needs with another woman. He had apologized, and he had paid for his betrayal, but that didn't seem quite enough to her even still.

"Isolde," she repeated breathlessly, wondering how long it had been since she had spoken her daughter's name. "You don't have to apologize." She had left, too; the Kingdom of Seracia had changed drastically, and it seemed none of the Adravendi-Mathias family had able to stay there comfortably any longer. How could she blame Isolde for realizing it before she had? Perhaps her daughter was wise beyond her years.

She pulled her daughter closer to her, nuzzling into the fur of her neck. Isolde was much older now, and far more beautiful -- exactly what she had expected. She was growing into a woman, and was no longer the child she had known seasons ago. "I have missed you, my beautiful daughter." Slowly she pulled away, examining her more thoroughly. "Have you seen any of your siblings? Or have you been alone all this time? Tell me everything."



4 Years
06-16-2014, 01:14 PM

She had certainly missed her family, at times, especially now, she was lmoast regretful she had taken such an absence. Were her father's mistakes shown to her she might have been even more inclined to regret her decisions. She would easily take the blame on herself, having abandoned her family for selfish reasons. "Isolde.. You don't have to apologize." The girl would try to fix her gaze on her mother's face. She felt like she should apologize tenfold for abandoning the family, but her mother seemed so understanding.
Epiphron would pull her closer, Isolde would not resist. Her form would mold into that of her mother, taking in the warmth the woman would provide for her. Isolde was growing into a gorgeous she wolf, her experiences in the world were beginning to shape her. She would only hope that her mother could find some pride in her youngest daughter. "I have missed you, my beautiful daughter." The milky woman would pull away slightly, but Isolde was still desperate for her warmth. "Have you seen any of your siblings? Or have you been alone all this time? Tell me everything."
She would nuzzle her mother again, listening to the questions given to her. Truth be told her mother was the first family member to be seen since she'd left. She knew not where her siblings might have gotten off to. "You're the only one i've seen mom. I've been.. kind of nervous about finding everyone." her voice was kind of quiet, the nervousness of her failure coming through her vocals. "I'm not doing well by myself mom. I wasn't ready for winter." she would bury her features into her mother's chest, "I've talked to a few wolves. I'm thinking of following a friend of mine into Covari.. they live in the Range now."

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-20-2014, 06:28 PM

Epiphron watched her daughter's expression, noting the pain she felt inside, laid out quite plainly for her to see. She felt guilty for letting her children go off on their own, arguably before they were fully ready. They could hunt, and they could defend themselves -- but had they mentally been ready? She even worried for her oldest children, especially Cassius, who was such a gentle boy. The fear of them being hurt was real, but she had to give them their distance, despite how badly she wanted to be with them now.

Isolde had left even before the rest, and she had worried the most about her. A smile graced her lips, an expression that was genuine and far from forced. Family was more important than anything to her, and she felt her heart swell with warmth and joy as she gazed at the beautiful girl that she had been away from for so long. "I would lie if I said I wasn't a bit nervous myself," she admitted gently. "It seems all of your siblings wanted to go off on their own after you left." Perhaps Isolde had influenced them slightly, but she understood the nagging desire to want to leave home. She had experienced the same need herself, and she had satisfied it by coming to marry Maverick and rule over the Kingdom of Seracia for a short period of time. Isolde then spoke of her possible intentions to join a new pack. Was it the woman that was rumored to have taken over Seracia? Curiously, the woman tilted her head to the side, wondering what the pack might be like. But what made her wonder more was her daughter admitting that she had not been doing well. Eyes swept over her, finally noting she did seem thin and her fur not quite as sleek as she remembered it being. Gently she embraced her once again, placing delicate kisses on her daughter's head. "Don't worry now, my dear," she breathed softly. "We will not leave you now."



4 Years
06-29-2014, 11:13 AM

Having her mother's presence all around her was more of a relief than she could ever imagine. Her mother made everything alright, her presence chased away the cold and the monsters. She was safe as long as Epiphron was there to hold her. "I would lie if I said I wasn't a bit nervous myself," there was a part of her that could never regret the time spent alone, however now that she was back in her mother's arms she wished she'd never left. Family was important, had she denied that fact when she left all that time ago? "It seems all of your siblings wanted to go off on their own after you left." Russet ears would fall to her skull at her mother's words. Had she caused her siblings to leave as well? Or was it just the big wide world was too convincing not to follow and chase after? She had been so sure of herself when she'd left, but truth be told she was a pup, and she still felt like a pup sitting there with Pip. "Don't worry now, my dear," Isolde would find a shy smile lighting up her features at her mother's words. "We will not leave you now." She wouldn't have to worry anymore. She was here, her mother was here, and she was forever safe. "I've missed you, mom." She would snuggle into the woman's neck. "What have I missed? How's Fin, and Caeto.. and Dad?" She still knew little about her older siblings, her main concern for her brothers.

touch the stars

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-15-2014, 08:03 AM (This post was last modified: 07-15-2014, 08:03 AM by Epiphron.)

There was so much she needed to explain to her -- and while Isolde had grown significantly since they had been together last, she couldn't help but feel as though she was still a child who she needed to shelter and protect. A sigh left her lips as she gazed on the girl's beautiful face, admiring the flawless hue of her pelt, the stunning markings that adorned her coat; she was lovely, and she only wished she could remain untainted forever. But already she had destroyed that innocence by leaving her alone, forcing her to fend for herself. She was a yearling now, and Epiphron could be honest with her, even if it might be difficult.

Her own smile would mirror her daughter's, illuminating her features with happiness despite everything else. "I've missed you terribly," she told her honestly, happy to embrace her again. Epiphron had once been terrified of being a parent, but it everything had come much more naturally than she would've ever anticipated. There was nothing forced, only genuine love and adoration for her children. "I haven't seen Fin yet, but his scent is fresh. I'm sure he is fine," she assured Isolde gently, lapping instinctively at the fur on the daughter's neck, grooming it between her sentences. "I am not sure about Caeto, either. Though I think we should find him soon." She was sure the older children were fine, but knew she ought to find them and ensure their safety soon.

The final question was a bit more difficult to answer, and she found her ears flattening against her skull as she considered it. "Your dad is fine," she started warily. "We've... had some disagreements. Though I'm sure he will be around soon." The tone of her voice was unstable and hesitant, as she didn't really know how else to explain it to Isolde without making her worry more than she already would.