
Let me prove myself




2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
09-14-2020, 08:30 AM

Naiche had joined in the spring and somehow time had moved along and now here they were in summer.  Naiche felt his skills had grown considerably in just the change of one season. Between sparring with other wolves, battling bears, and learning every inch of the terrain had he not grown past this rank of a student?  Naiche knew he didn’t deserve any overly high rank, not yet at least but was he not better than a student by now?  

Sirius had mentioned when Naiche first joined that it might only be a matter of weeks till he raised up in rank.  It had been a few weeks and a fair bit more than a few weeks.  Obviously the warlord had more pressing matters than seeking out one student to ask on progress.  On top of that, he had recently lost the reaper who he cared for so much.  Naiche had also heard about Resin breaking ways and would be starting her own pack.  Plenty of reasons to forget checking on Naiche but it was no reason for Naiche to not seek out for himself what he felt he had earned.

Naiche would not call the warlord to come to him when the smaller wolf was of much lower rank.  Naiche always got up early in the morning before the sun had started to show on the horizon.  This time he made his way towards the warlord's den, checking his scent from there till he would catch sight of the warlord.  Only when Sirius appeared to not be in the middle of something would he speak up, “Sirius? A word?” Naiche kept his tone formally polite, this was to be a discussion of status in pack and not some informal chat so Naiche imagined it wasn’t the time for a relaxed bantering tone.

Pan was with Naiche but this time he was on the ground and was expected to not be a distraction.  Naiche had explained this in a short discussion that morning in the den.  The pangolin had been a gift from Sirius, it wouldn’t hurt to have it there as a silent reminder that the warlord had shown some favor to him.  Admittedly it came from a mistake made, but it had been a gift none the less.  



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
09-14-2020, 06:50 PM
One of the things that Sirius loved best, was initiative. Those that pushed for a rank, and never forgot the prize waiting just over the hill. Naiche was one of the wolves that seemed determined to rise as quickly as possible. Sirius had seen him practising, and his companions had caught hints of his predator fights. He was trying hard to better himself, and was putting in the time and effort.

He came to a slow on the border, and turned to Naiche as the man spoke. He had to admit, he had been expecting this meeting for some time. It had taken Naiche long enough to work up his courage. The mountain of a wolf came for a complete stop, and turned. Seating himself across from the student. “Alright, you’ve got my attention - whats up?”



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
09-14-2020, 07:05 PM

Naiche had needed to make absolutely sure he was good enough before he did this.  Naiche was one of those sorts who would judge himself harsher than others likely were to judge him.  Perfect was a thing to always reach for, never obtain and yet need to try even harder to get it.  The nerves hadn’t him until he woke up this morning.

What if he was wrong and not good enough yet?  Who was he to say Sirius standards?  Logic overrode those questions though, even if he questioned his own ability he could question those he saw in the pack with him.  He was no worse than any of the warriors that he had seen.  Naiche had no plans to stop their either.  He would move up another rank as soon as possible.  It wasn’t the power he wanted but to make himself good enough, and a burning drive to be able to do as much for the pack as he could.  Student most definitely was not good enough anymore.

Nerves from earlier were gone though.  The moment he spoke up the nerves were treated just like the nerves before entering a fight where the odds were bad, pushed aside as he had no time for them. “I want to move up in rank.  I’ve learned enough to be more than a student.  I want to be raised up and take on more responsibility."  Naiche wasn’t one for beating around the bush it seemed.  He thought of going into a list of accomplishments but he wouldn’t ramble on without giving Sirius a moment.  He stood there resolute and refusing to show a moment's hesitation.  No, he wouldn’t be here standing before Sirius if he was wrong.



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
09-14-2020, 07:20 PM
Very good. The man knew his worth, and wasn't afraid to say it. That didnt mean that Sirius had to make it easy on him. The Warlord was always pushing the packs agenda of loyalty onto his wolves, and saw his opening. "And you believe your equal to the task? As a warrior do you believe you could leap to battle, impartial of the reasons I call upon you? That you have the tenacity to patrol my borders? The understanding and patience suited to take on a student if one is given to you?" He asked, keeping his eyes firmly on the student before him. It didnt matter what sirius thought of the man, he wanted to hear how Naiche considered himself. If he was prepared for the responsibilities had had worked towards. If he understood exactly what he was getting into, and was prepared to make the leap.

He ignored the summer sun that warmed his dark coat, and the scents that drifted in across the border. All of his attention was on the young man before him.



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
09-14-2020, 07:37 PM

Perhaps even more than Naiche knew how competent he was for a task he was aware of where his loyalty stood and lengths he would go.  That was a thing that had gotten far more thought from the wolf in those silent times.  These were questions that were easy to answer.  “I know I’m equal to the task.  I will leap gladly into any battle appointed to me.  As to patrolling I have not missed a day of walking the border.” It didn’t matter to Naiche it hadn’t been a job, it was a thing he had needed.  How could he be a part of a pack and not know the landscape by heart?  It just so happened learning the land and patrolling went hand in hand together well. “I know it as well as I know the den I sleep in.”

“I will gladly teach any wolf you would trust me to assist.”
A pause finally a hint of hesitation, before apparently choosing to shove it aside “Though so far I have limited experience in teaching.  I wouldn’t be as good as Tamsyn I imagine but I can still show another wolf what to do.” Tamsyn was the main one he had gone to for training so of course the general was the one he would compare himself too.

His only fault was inexperience in teaching as far as Naiche could see.  The smaller wolf still had no problem meeting the walords gaze above him.  It wasn’t Naiche’s fault he didn’t have experience teaching, and he wouldn’t have that until he had a student.  Well, he had some experience lecturing someone and telling them to grow up but would that really count?  Probably not.



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
09-14-2020, 09:08 PM
The warlord smiled at the mention of his general. "If you'll believe it, that was her first group training. She's been going through a lot of firsts this year." He explained. He had given Tam a position, and she had risen to the call. She was one of his greatest achievements. As was Malalia to be. He dismissed that runaway thought before it could sour his mood.
"Very well, you've given good points." He paused, drawing it out. As through he still had kuch to consider, as through he hadn't already mentally filed the man as warrior.

"Take one person warrior rank or higher, who ever will go with you, and head towards the mangroves. A large condor has mad its nest their recently. Find a way to kill this winged menace, you and one other. bring me back its body and the rank is yours." He had a particular dislike for condors ever since one had tried to pluck his smallest healer from the earth. Two birds, one stone. Nache got an opportunity to prove himself, and the bird would be taken care of. "Report to me with your success in two days time or less."



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
09-14-2020, 09:55 PM

Well obviously, he believed Sirius but it was still a surprise.  Naiche hadn’t seen any hesitation in her when she spoke so she had handled her first time well.  Of course he hadn only watched her for short periods as she had sent him and the other recruits out to do other tasks. Did he want to do that? Train a lot of other wolves?  Naiche wanted to be better tomorrow than he was today and rank.  Naiche wanted to be worthy of being acknowledged that was what he had to work for.  Naiche also had to make sure he never made failed the pack.  If he did have to train someone he needed to do it correctly so they grew strong.  He’d ask Tamsyn later about how to train.

Naiche had expected to have to prove himself for the rank but the way he was going to prove it surprised him.  Naiche had expected another match with Sirius or aother wolf.  Kill a condor? Where’d that assignment come from? Who cared! If he could do this he would get to be a warrior so that bird was going to die.  If Naiche had to figure out how to climb a tree he would get it done.  

Climb a tree? There were a few in this pack who could do that. Naiche imagined those with those cat like claws but why settle for an imitation cat when you could go for the real thing.  Naiche nodded a confident grin growing with those eager eyes for a challenge.  “I’ll see you tomorrow then, we won’t keep you waiting.”  Natha was first choice, if not her then Mort.  He wouldn’t let him down if he was wrong on Natha.

No time would be wasted! He started to move away then realized he had no idea where the cat was.  He could find her scent but no harm in asking, “Do you know where Natha might be?”  Did the cat have a typical pattern?  He was trying to learn everyone’s habbits but there were enough members it did take time.  There was no time to waste on spending the day hunting her down if he didn't need too.