
I don't know about days gone



8 Years
Extra large
06-13-2014, 05:33 PM (This post was last modified: 06-13-2014, 05:57 PM by Deviant.)
Dated before pack challenge!!!!!! Joining attempt - Valhalla

The man had been gone from his Valhallian children for too long as he had searched for more family to no avail. He had not heard a whisper on the wind and he had not found a scent trail to lead him to another lost child or sister or brother. It had irritated him the slightest bit but he knew he must return home to Valhalla with the hopes they would understand his leave. He had taken in a small breathe and his heart raced as he approached the borders he had once patrolled for another time as a loner looking for a home. He should have told someone! He should have asked for leave from Lady Erani and he should have told his two children, Jinxx and Twig, before he left.

He had a feeling he would be regretting his sudden and unannounced leave soon enough. He stood at the borders to the pack he had served under for a short time, the cold stirring his bones as he looked upon the land with a small sadness in his eyes. His endeavor had been foolish it seemed, as the family man had not accomplished anything in his time away from the pack. Would they accept him back and forgive his most grievous sins? What did Twig and Jinxx think of him now? Was he a deserter, a traitor? Was he looked down upon and disowned by his own children? He?d get the answers soon enough from them. He hoped that the answers were more good than bad. He hoped they would still accept his presence.

Perhaps he worried too much.



06-13-2014, 06:01 PM

The cross marked male would take his leave from the den. He had just gotten over the disease that plagued the lands, and he was growing restless and tired of sitting around in his den. He had been ordered to rest, but how could he when there were so many more of his Clan to find? The youth would venture towards the borders of Valhalla, fresh air his main concern along with a walk to stretch severely sore muscles. He would breath a sigh of relief, the sickness was leaving his body, and to whom he should be thankful he knew not, save for the healers of Valhalla. It was then, as the male weaved his way slowly towards the border lines, that a scent would drift towards him upon the winters cool winds. His eyes would lift, dull for a moment before growing a bit clearer as recognition set in. With an unintentional bark of hope and happiness, he would surge forward straight towards the location of the scent that could not be a lie. Unless the effects of the sickness afterwards was hallucination, he was sure that he knew who it was that was waiting.

"Father!" The boy would cry out, tail wagging madly as he made a beeline for the giant that sired him. He missed him dearly, and cared not for whatever reason he had left, he was just happy to see him back once more. "Dad! Where've you been? I missed you. Angel is here now too you know, but Twig...disappeared again." His voice was filled with happiness before dropping to a tone, a hint of sadness at his last statement. He had not seen her for a few days, and had no idea where she was. He also noted that Alpine, her friend had disappeared from the lands as well. He stopped in front of Deviant, his muzzle brushing against his fathers neck fur as he tried to draw comfort from the only one he knew he could truly depend on. His father had been there for them since Lunatik's massacre, the only one to bring the family together as one.

Talk like this

Fading Away (Acoustic Version) by Demon Hunter on Grooveshark



8 Years
Extra large
06-13-2014, 06:46 PM

The father did not have to wait long until the boy arrived, his boy, and proclaimed how he had missed his father. It warmed his heart and allowed him to relax a little to know what Jinxx thought of him despite his disappearance. The boy gave him more news before Deviant could respond to his question. Angel had joined them and the Black man was delighted to hear about it as a smile grew on his muzzle, tugging at his heart a little to know more of his family had found themselves in Valhalla? then Jinxx brought up Twig, his daughter who had been defiled by some lifeless bastard. She had disappeared and alarm hit him. Where had his beloved daughter gone?

?My dearest son, I have missed you in too in my absence! I was out in search for more of your siblings? if I had known Twig was going to disappear I never would have left. Have you any idea where she has gone.? His emotions were kept under control for fear of the answer he would hear from Jinxx. Had something happened apart from the torture and pain of being defiled? Would he have been able to prevent her leaving if he had remained in Valhalla instead of departing on his quest? The questions would plague him until his grave, even if she returned to them. ?I worry greatly for her, but at this point I must trust she will be fine.? He said in a pained voice. He could not leave Jinxx and now Angel again in search of family, even if she possibly still remained in Alacritia.

Though he would find his way away from pack lands to search, that much was certain.




11 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-15-2014, 03:56 AM
Erani Adravendi

The cure had been found, thank Luna. Surreal and the other sick wolves had been given the trio of plants, Alfalfa, Horsetail, and the root of the Valerian plant. The effect was vast. Within just a few hours, the fevers had dropped away, breaking like so much shattered ice on stone. The vomiting had abated, and the bleeding tears had dried up, unreplenished. Erani was taking a much needed nap beside Cairo?s resting place, sparse snow flakes meandering from then sky to rest on and around her frame. However, a familiar voice cut through the restful peace she?d found.

Her head lifted from her paws, the rest of her body rising in an elegant wave, and before she headed off, she stretched each kink and stiffness from her muscles. A final shake removed the settled snow on her back, sending it flying, and she turned, heading off at a trot. She had a duty to uphold, but first, she would have a word with Deviant Black, and see what he had to say for himself about his abrupt disappearance.

Jinxx had already arrived on the scene and she cast him a gentle smile. It was good to see him alive, and getting well again. Then her eyes turned to his father, the smile cooling to a stern expectancy. ?Well?? The question was a clear demand to explain his disappearance, her deep blue gaze locking with the golden eyes of the male. She?d had quite enough of disappearances, of wolves either leaving or vanishing with no word to her to let her know. Alpine had already dug his rank?s grave into the ground since he?d received it, and he would get what was coming to him for the lack of duty he?d been having.

It wasn?t just for a sense of control. She was an alpha who cared greatly for those under her care, and not knowing where they were, whether they were well or laying in some ditch badly injured and unable to call for help made all the difference to her. Perhaps it was left over from the horrendous slaughter of her birth pack.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think


06-15-2014, 12:32 PM

The sickness was vanishing and she felt her stomach finally relax. Jinxx was safe now, she did not have to think that any minute she would be loosing her big brother. It also meant she could ask Erani to visit her sister to tell her the news and that if was safe to be in Valhalla. With hopes raised she set out to find her brother just to spend time with him. But all she found was a scent trail. A grinned lite up her face as she silently stalked after him. Maybe she could sneak up on him and surprise him!

His trail lead along the border and was growing stronger as she moved along. Just around a bend and there he was in the distance. Head lifted as she saw two others. One was Erani and she and Jinxx both were addressing someone. Ice blue eyes narrowed as she focused on the third. A glance at his shoulder and she felt like someone removed the ground from under her paws. She bursted out into a sprint with a high pitched yip. Tail raised in joy, ears perked up." Daddy! Daddy!!" She cried out as she raced the distance between them. She would not come to a stop till she was right into of him, jumping to give him a hug with her forelegs wrapping around his neck. Body was a wiggling mess of pure joy as she whimpered and whine, gently nipping his chin.

She never thought she'd see her dad again. She had thought it was a lost cause when they had first separated when they left home. Even then those events were fuzzy in her memory. Her mind had done its very best to block out everything that had happened up to the point she had lost everyone. She would calm down enough to let go and sit down right next to her father, tail wagging like crazy, her display of happiness had not been shown in such a long time it almost felt draining to her energy. She glanced at Erani, noticing the fixed gaze she gave Deviant and lowered her head in apology.



8 Years
Extra large
06-23-2014, 02:45 PM

It was not long before Lady Erani herself arrived, demanding an explanation for his disappearance like she deserved. ?I apologize with all my heart Lady Erani. I had not meant to stray so far as to leave behind the pack. I was searching for more of my children to make sure they were alright and I wandered too far. I had lost track of time and hours turned into days which turned into weeks.? He explained, his eyes filled with remorse over wandering so far until he heard the words calling out to him. DADDY! DADDY! The words were eager, an excitement that he could only match to one of his children when he saw her, Madieke.

?Madieke!? He called out with happiness as she ran up to him and wrapped her front paws around his neck in a hugging fashion. He was about to hug back when she pulled away, realizing her alpha was standing there. He gulped and waited for a sentence to be passed by the alpha. The sentence would decide his fate.



06-25-2014, 11:09 PM

He would stand and listen to his Father's explanation, to him making sense as he would have done the same thing. When his Father questioned Twig's whereabouts, Jinxx would only shake his head. "No...she left without a word, but I know who she might be with. He's also gone from the pack." His voice was none too pleased, not because it seemed she would elope with someone, let alone someone he didn't know, but because she disappeared without a single word to him nor anyone else. He wasn't sure if Angel knew, or maybe even Crucifix or Pulsus. But she was in the same pack as Jinxx, and she had left while he was critically sick. A voice would pull him from lingering thoughts that threatened to turn another path, when suddenly a scent of his approaching Alphess would quell the darkness, if only for a moment. He returned the smile given, and remained quiet as Erani approached with a single word of questioning directed at his Father.

Within moments, another voice would break across his hearing. Turning, he would see his sister running towards them, excitement rolling off of her in waves as she tackle hugged their father. He held in a laugh, for it had been quite a long time since he'd seen her that way. And as soon as it had happened, she fell silent as she glanced at the ground. Jinxx would walk behind Erani to approach his sister, nosing her neck as he gave her a look saying it would be alright. Their father, after all, had a purpose. And it was to bring together the Clan that had been broken apart by the hand of a sinner.

"Speech", "Thought", "You"



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-26-2014, 07:55 PM
Erani Adravendi

Deviant?s apology was accepted with a slight nod of her head. Shortly, Madieke arrived with a joyful calling, and Erani stepped away to allow the reunion. Once things had calmed slightly, she studied Deviant. ?There is a rule in this pack. One that I need everyone to follow without fail. I must know when someone intends to leave, the amount of time they intend to be, or may be gone, and where they are going. I need to know this, because after this illness, I do not know the complete death count.? Her words fell firmly, brooking no buts or loopholes.

Her eyes turned to Jinxx. ?As for your sister, I believe she is pregnant. With Alpine?s children. The last I saw of her, her scent was changed to that of an expectant female. However, they both vanished without any word to me, or a higher up. Alpine is in line to meet the Epsilon rank for his actions. This is the second time since receiving the Digamma Tertiary rank that he has vanished. However, I will spare Twig, since this is her first time. In times like these, I need to know that everyone is safe and alright. How can I protect my pack, if I can?t even be sure where they are if they need help?? She was sure the pups Twig had been carrying were Alpine?s. The day they had returned together, they had been covered in the scent of mating and ebbing heat scent, and they had hardly parted sides. While she hadn?t wanted to distress Twig, it had been tempting to tear into the white male for being so swift to jump to another female after breaking her little Lyric?s heart.

Speaking of Lyric? ?My daughter, Lyric, is missing. Alpine was originally courting her, then went back on it. She?s been missing since the last meeting. I want everyone to have their eyes open for her. She is white, with black paws, and swirls, and eyes of gold and blue, the patterns inverted.? Chrysanthe, too, was missing? But though Erani worried, she knew Chrysanthe was likely better able to take care of herself than a young female with a hurt heart. Her tail flicked, the only outward sign of her anxiety, before she brushed her nose against Deviant?s shoulder, marking him as Valhallan once more, then turned away, gently nosing Jinxx and Madieke as she passed. ?I need to check on those in recovery. Jinxx, you should get some rest soon.? Her tone was gentle and warm, but tired underneath.

With a light wave of her tail, she headed off at a slow trot.


Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



8 Years
Extra large
07-01-2014, 11:38 AM

The man who was fiercely protective over his children while he was around them took in the news about Twig and Alpine taking off without a word. It seemed like something Twig might do if she hadn't had family in Valhalla. She was a fiercely independent woman but she was also a loyal one. He'd search for her by night and bring her home. He could care less about Alpine, especially after learning that Alpine was courting Lyric before running off with Twig. He was a man who couldn't hold to his commitment and while Deviant was sure there might be some reason for them running off, he didn't like the boy.

Lady Erani left without another word, taking him back in. "Thank you Lady Erani. I will keep an eye out for my daughter, Lyric and Alpine." He said, grateful for the second chance as he smiled at Madieke. "Jinxx, Madieke, I promise I won't leave again." He told his children with a smile. He was home.

