
Darlin', are you ready for more?

Resin, the morning after the "party"


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
09-17-2020, 08:44 PM

Tamsyn blinked her eyes open and immediately regretted the decision. Even though not a whole lot of light got into their den, even the small amount that did make it to them made her want to close her eyes again. She groaned and covered her eyes with her paws to block out the light till she was able to roll over to face Resin who was laying behind her on their raised platform of a bed. She buried her face in Resin's fur and silently thanked the blessed darkness it provided while her head pounded with a low, throbbing head ache. She very clearly had enjoyed - or more accurately relied on - the drinks at the party the night before a little too heavily and was now definitely paying the price for it.

She couldn't exactly remember everything that had happened the night before, especially toward the end of the night. She remembered arriving, spotting Resin at some point, and drinking lots of the alcohol that had been provided for them. The time she shared with Iroh was still pretty crisp in her memory as well and she was pretty certain that there had been more men that she had spent time with after him, but... she honestly couldn't clearly remember who. As she tried to walk her way through the events of the night she slowly began to remember just how much she had indulged in the other wolves who had come to the beach party and also how much she had enjoyed it.

The thought made a flush come to her face, which was gratefully covered by her own dark fur as well as hidden away within Resin's thick fur. She snuggled her smaller frame into Resin's even more tightly and tried her best to hide away from the world till her head finally decided to stop revolting against her and her past decisions.




8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
09-17-2020, 09:38 PM
The previous night had been... fun. The scarred woman had let loose a bit, drinking a bit more than she'd intended, but not so much as to lose control of her faculties. Tamsyn, on the other paw, had more than drank her fill. Despite having her own fun, Resin was very aware of her lover as they both mingled at the gathering. Even though she only had one eye, she periodically pointed that eye at Tamsyn. Not to smother, but to make sure that she was safe and comfortable.

The night had been surprising. Resin remembered blinking in astonishment as Tam found a dark corner with the very man that had beaten her with a teapot in the raid. Well... she couldn't fault her for it. The man was very handsome. She had found her own company in an older brute. It had been... entertaining.

The moment that Tam was ready to leave though. All fun ceased. Resin broke her involvement with the party without a second thought. She collected her love and they walked home together. There were points though where she was sure she'd have to carry Tam home. Sleep had claimed them both quickly. Resin had an idea that the morning would be rough for Tam.

Black ears perked as the smaller woman stirred. Resin felt fine this morning, but Tam obviously did not. Rising gently, the giantess moved out into the main chamber. She collected a few herbs and strained them with some warm water, making a simple tea. It was a standard pain relieving drink that many warriors knew. It was nothing fancy, but it would help with Tams headache.

Back into their chamber she went, pulling the skin closed behind her. Taking Tams paw, she placed the vessel within before giving her love a gentle kiss between the eyes. The woman spoke in as soft of a voice as she could manage, "drink." It wasn't up for debate.
[Image: GreYdcM.gif]


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
09-18-2020, 01:28 AM

When Resin started to shift and move, Tamsyn whined and grumbled with discontent, but that didn't keep Resin from getting up and walking out of the chamber. Tamsyn tucked her eyes and nose under her paws and kept her back to the door while she silently cursed the alcoholic drinks and what they had done to her. At the time they had been helpful and had eventually gotten her to do what she had set out to do, but she was certainly paying the price today. Maybe if she had known how it would feel the next morning then she would have been a bit more conservative with her drinking. It had admittedly been a slippery slope and once she had gotten past a certain point, one more drink hadn't felt like much.

Her ear flicked at the sound of Resin coming back into the chamber and she noticed that her lover had thankfully closed the skin that hung over the door behind her. She opened her eyes just enough to be able to see what Resin had given her when she felt her left and place something under her paw. It was a tea of some sort, she could tell that from the fragrance of the herbs. The gentle kiss that the larger warrior placed on her forehead made a small smile pull at her face despite how awful she fell. She wouldn't have disagreed with whatever Resin gave her to drink anyway, but the gentle command she received made sure she wouldn't.

She groggily lifted her head and started lapping up the drink Resin had provided for her gratefully. It didn't really taste like much besides a slightly bitter taste of herbs, but she didn't mind. If it was going to help this irritating head ache go away then she'd take whatever was given to her to do it. When she was done she laid her head down and looked at Resin with barely opened eyes, giving her a slight smile. "Last night was... interesting," she said softly, her own voice still sounding loud in her hears, but the tea she had been given was slowly beginning to help. If she remembered correctly, they hadn't really talked about it much on the way back, but she didn't really remember what all she had said. "I... can see why you'll miss being with men." She chuckled a little at the thought and let her eyes close again just to spare herself from any small amount of light that was around them. "I still like being with you more, but it was fun."




8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
09-18-2020, 01:59 AM
The big woman curled herself gently against the smaller once more, careful not to jostle her. Tamsyn began drinking the pain relieving tea. It would soon help her with three pain in her head, but she would need to eat and drink eventually. She would especially need water. It was important to stay hydrated after drinking. Well, during drinking too, but it was too late for that

As Tam sipped at the brew, Resin placed her head on one thick foreleg. She would be content to simply lay abed all day as long as Tam was here with her. That was certainly saying something. Resin was usually up and into her patrol before the sun rose. She supposed it had something to do with knowing that this was no longer her true home.

Soft speech met her ears. Tamsyns words brought a quiet chuckle from the one-eyed wolf. It had been interesting indeed. Tams next words pulled a scoff and a grin from Resin. She rolled onto her side so that she could better see her lover. "If it's something that you would like to experience again, I'm fine with it. As long as you always come home to me." That was saying something. Again the thought entered her mind. Maybe they could just find a man to live with them. Turn their duo into a trio. He'd have to be one very special man, that was for sure.
[Image: GreYdcM.gif]


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
09-19-2020, 09:34 PM

Tamsyn gratefully reclined into Resin's larger form as she settled around her again. Her presence alone was incredibly comforting with her warmth that seemed to surround her with the plush fur that she could just sink into. Once she was done with her headache curing drink she did just that, curling her body so that her head was tucked into Resin's neck and she could hide away from the rest of the world. Perhaps once the herbs fully took affect she might be willing to get up and face the day, but for now she was happy to just hide there and use her lover as a shield against any outside responsibilities and duties. Everyone deserved to take a sick day every once in a while, right?

She chuckled as well as Resin offered for her to experience men again if she liked, as long as she came home. She was actually surprised at herself with how comfortable she felt about the idea. This really had been a test of their relationship and how trusting they were of one another. She had no doubt now that they could each independently do what they wished and would still be able to come home at the end of the day and share this love they had. "Of course I'll always come back," she replied as she pulled her head out of Resin's fur just enough to be able to look into her gaze again, letting her head lay on the bedding as well so their noses were almost touching. She smiled a little and placed a gentle lick across her lover's nose. "Doesn't mater where we go, whether it's here or our new pack. You're my home." It was ridiculous and sappy, but she meant it. Home is where the heart is and all that. Resin had her entire heart so wherever Resin went that would be her home.

Tamsyn let her eyes close again, but she was still very much awake. It just felt easier to rest her eyes while she continued to relax and recover. Her mind began to wander to the future while she thought about their new home in their soon to be pack. She had been nervous about the idea at first and uncertain about leaving the Armada when this pack had given her so much, but now that she had made her goodbyes with Sirius and had been given time to really process the idea she was actually very excited about the whole thing. "Tell me some more about your plans for the pack," she half requested and half told, opening her eyes a bit with a little smile. She mostly just wanted to listen to Resin talk and enjoy the excitement over the next step in their lives. "Has anyone else mentioned that they want to come with you? What will our titles be?"




8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
09-24-2020, 04:45 PM
Tamsyn called her 'home' and the scarred lady warmed inside. She pulled her lover close, placing another kiss on her forehead. It was nice to feel loved and wanted once more. It had been quite some time since she'd felt as though someone needed her. Resin wanted to make the future perfect for Tamsyn as well as herself and the woman's next questioned went hand in hand with that.

Tam questioned her, asking about the goals of the upcoming pack. "Mmm... short answer, I want it to be a sanctuary for those in need. Those that need a boost or a bit of extra help. Those with nowhere else to go. No place to belong." She nuzzled behind Tam's ear as she spoke softly. "We'll offer training for those with no life path. Healing for those with injuries." She wanted her pack to be a place where all, pack or no, could come to reset themselves.

The question of ranks came up and Resin chuckled. "I'll most likely continue to be The Aegis; the guardian." Raising one paw, she brushed the fur of Tamsyn's cheek gently. "You will be my Seraph, my angel. Second in command." It was a title that she didn't give lightly. "I plan on having special ranks for lead healers and warriors, then the rest will fall into line below." Resin searched Tam's face. "Thoughts?" She wanted her input on all things.
[Image: GreYdcM.gif]


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
09-25-2020, 11:29 AM

While Resin spoke and filled her in on the plans behind the pack they would soon leave the Armada to form, Tamsyn let her eyes close with a content smile as if she was listening to a bed time story. She loved thinking about their future together and hearing what her lover planed for the pack warmed her heart. It sounded exactly like the kind of place she needed back when she first came to Boreas and she was still trying to figure out her place in the world. The Armada had ended up being that place for her and had shaped her into a stronger, warrior version of herself. She was excited to be that place for others that needed a home and to be able to give others the option to shape their lives into whatever they wanted them to be. She'd be happy to teach them how to fight if they wished, but it was nice to know that it wouldn't be a requirement for them like it had been for her here.

Tamsyn opened her eyes a bit when Resin's paw brushed her cheek and she couldn't help but grin at the title she was given. The Seraph - an angel. She felt a little nervous flutter in her stomach at the thought that she would be the second in command, but she was ready and willing to help Resin with every aspect of this pack and it felt right to be assisting her lover at her side through it all. She had gotten a taste of responsibility from being the Armada's General, but this would be so much more than that and she was eager to prove that she could do it. After listening to Resin's plans for the rest of their ranks and having the floor opened to give her input, Tamsyn gently pressed her nose to Resin's with another smile.

"It sounds wonderful," she agreed, her tail wagging gently and making a soft thump against the bed. "We can always adjust the ranks as we go as well to fit whatever we need it to be. It's all a creation of our own design after all."
