
Admitting Failure

Suku comes to terms with the fact that he can't protect Suji alone.



1 Year
09-20-2020, 07:07 PM (This post was last modified: 09-22-2020, 11:12 PM by Suku.)


No matter what way Suku turned, it seemed that the truth of his failure was there, staring him in the eye like a disturbed reflection of himself. Suji was sick, sicker than he'd seen her since they were pups, and this time no amount of rest was making it better. She was only getting worse, and he circled around her prone form lying in the shelter of the small rock outcropping they had found, pacing with nervous energy. She wouldn't get up to eat, and even when he managed to goad her into taking a few bites, she couldn't keep it down for more than a few hours. She was weak with fever, so weak that she couldn't even argue with him as she usually did - the lack of, 'I'm fine!' or 'Stop worrying about me!' made the makeshift shelter feel empty and quiet. There was just the sound of her shallow breaths as she slept, and the almost distant calls of birds and the occasional wildlife.

The worst part was, Suku didn't even know where he'd gone wrong. They hadn't been caught in the rain, nor had they come upon any strangers on their way recently, and so it was hard to imagine those were the causes of her illness. Suji had always gotten sick easily, sometimes for no perceivable reason at all, but usually when she got as sick as this, it was because something had happened to exacerbate the illness. There was nothing like that now, no possible failure on his part to keep her safe this time. And even if she - no, when she recovered, if it happened once there was always a chance it could happen again. Did this mean there was nothing more he could do to protect her? That she would simply get worse and worse, no matter what he did?

He feared more than ever that this was the end of his precious sister.


He would not - could not - let it happen. He'd promised Suji they'd be together forever and ever and ever, and he wasn't about to go back on his word now. The other day, they'd stumbled upon a scent border of a pack in the region. At the time, they'd turned around and left to avoid a confrontation, but a pack could be useful now. Packs had healers more experienced than Suku was, for he'd never had a good teacher to show him the ways of medicine, and barely even knew that herbs could be used to treat illnesses, beyond fuzzy puppy-hood memories of the family friend they'd visited who told them of Suji's condition and gave her strange plants to make her feel better. But he'd seen pack wolves with severe injuries return to the battlefield much faster than he thought possible, for although he tried to avoid fighting whenever possible to protect Suji, he'd witnessed quite a few from the protection of shadows and dense foliage. It was only a natural assumption that they must have some sort of healing abilities that Suku himself did not possess.

So he had only one choice. He'd have to leave Suji here - as much as it pained him, she was unfit to travel. And besides, it was too dangerous when he didn't know how the alpha would respond to his plea. He'd travel to the pack border as quick as he could and request an audience with the alpha, and hopefully return with help soon.

He halted in his pacing and circled around back the few paces to where Suji lay, nudging her with his stout muzzle along her shoulder. He thought she stirred slightly, but he wasn't sure if that was just baseless optimism or if she had actually moved. He exhaled softly and spoke warmly to her, "I'm going to get you some help. I won't be long, I promise." He wasn't sure if she was awake enough to hear him, but if she wasn't then it was unlikely she'd wake anytime soon on her own, anyway. He gave her one last lick on the cheek before turning around and setting off at top speed for where he remembered the border to be. They hadn't traveled far since then, especially after Suji had gotten ill, so it wasn't long before he began to scent the smell of pack-wolves floating in the air. He slowed down to a loping trot, panting for breath but refusing to stop and rest. He continued on at that slower pace until he could make a clear distinction between the unclaimed territories he now resided on and the border of the pack territory.

He stopped then, a few paces from the border, and allowed himself a few moments to catch his breath before lifting his voice to the sky in a deep, keening howl that spoke of his request for urgent aid. When he was finished, he sat back on his haunches and waited, although it was not long before his distress had him pacing the edge of the border nervously, his wary gaze watching the surrounding trees with a sense of anxiety. He did not know anything of this pack, least of all their willingness to provide aid to a stranger. He could just as easily be attacked for daring to request such a thing, and who would protect his sister then?

Suku is almost always with his sister, Suji.



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
09-21-2020, 08:34 AM

The days had been filled with long hours of work. Each day the giantess went to bed sore and each morning she woke up sore. Resin refused to let Tamsyn do much due to her current state of pregnancy. She definitely wasn't allowed to do any heavy lifting or digging. Basically, Resin just wanted her lover to sit there and look pretty. She could observe, order others around, but she didn't want her to do anything that might harm herself or the growing children inside of her. They would be the beginning of The Hallows. Perhaps one of them would carry on what their parents had started.

Trees had been felled. Walls had begun to be built; both those outside the springs and smaller one within the springs. The scarred woman believed that some might like their privacy rather than bathing within eyesight of others. She certainly liked her privacy, so why wouldn't others? She'd learned the skill of blind building from her daughter. You placed two sturdy, thin poles a certain width apart and continued to do so around the length of your space, then you braided willow branches or other malleable saplings between. It was a tedious process, but in the end it looked nice and served its purpose well.

Leading was something that came naturally to the ash and onyx woman, so that part of this whole chapter was a breeze. It was molding the land to her will that was the hardest part. Already they had a decent member base. There were many paws in many different areas. With loose direction, she basically allowed them all to have free reign. Whatever they saw and wished to create, they could do so. Each living space would be different. Each place would be uniquely their own. All the better to make a place feel like home.

After a long morning of fence building and digging, the woman had just laid at the edge of one bubbling pool to soak her tired paws. Of course, that was when the call came. She could sense the urgency in it and so it took her but a moment to rise, shake out her thick pelt, and throw herself into a distance eating lope. The big woman picked her way through the pools and eventually through the surrounding bit of forest before coming to the edge of the territory.

Peeling from the spattering of sunlight and shadow, the massive, one-eyed woman moved towards the pale brute that seemed to be waiting for her. She could see the trouble on his face. Well, only one thing to do. Coming forward, the scarred dame stopped on her side of the border. "I am Resin, Aegis of The Hallows." Her singular golden eye scanned the young mans face. "What do you require?"


[Image: GreYdcM.gif]



1 Year
09-21-2020, 03:29 PM (This post was last modified: 09-22-2020, 11:12 PM by Suku.)

Suku's head swiveled around to locate the source of the movement he heard in the bracken. As he caught sight of the massive female, his gaze widened in initial alarm at her war-hardened appearance. If he had thought for even a moment that he could fight off any challenger that might come across the border to fight him, he realized now he was sorely mistaken. Suku was hardly a coward, but he was smarter than his single-minded obsession would lead one to believe. He knew when he was outclassed.

However, this knowledge, whilst it sent his heart pumping with adrenaline, only served to strengthen his resolve to make it back to his sister alive and in one piece, through whatever means necessary. He had stilled in his pacing upon her arrival, and he noted the wording of her greeting carefully. 'What do you require?' He was inclined to consider that a friendly greeting, for he'd expected upon seeing her appearance to be met with something more along the lines of, 'What dares to bring you to my border?!'

He dipped his head in a respectful acknowledgement of her strength and power, and he took a deep breath to calm his frayed nerves before speaking, although his panic and a hint of distrust still bled into his voice around the edges. "My sister is very ill - I fear she will not make it without your help." He swallowed thickly, barely managing to choke out the words. He could not imagine a life without Suji, and he'd gladly swallow his pride if it meant saving her, but some part of him still did not trust anyone else with her care. In his haste, the thought of introductions had completely slipping his mind - names felt like silly things when he thought of the fact that his sister was in danger.

He knew that her condition would likely need to be explained at some point, but he saw no need to attempt to explain it to the alpha when time was of the essence, and only the healer truly needed to know. "I left her not far from here, she's too weak to travel." He explained instead, raising his head from it's dipped position ever-so-slightly to meet the significantly larger wolf's single glowing eye, a desperate attempt to determine how carefully his offer was being considered.

Suku is almost always with his sister, Suji.



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
09-22-2020, 03:10 PM

The boy launched into his request and the giant woman's black ears swiveled forward to catch his panicked words. He spoke of his sister being ill and needing help. The woman's maw drew down in concern. He further explained that she wasn't too far off and that he wasn't sure if she would make it without help. The maned woman nodded. "Lead the way."

Resin's dusty blue nose worked, picking out the scent trail and moving in the direction from which the boy had come. As they hurried along, she released a long, low howl, calling for either Luta, Meadow or both. If the situation was as urgent as the child made it out to be, then their expertise would be needed.

In time they came to the area where the girl lay prone on the ground. Resin's brows furrowed as she looked her over."I can't use my teeth, so help me get her onto my back. We'll meet the healers as they come to us." Resin's teeth were rows of serrated fangs that cut through flesh like claws through water. Crouching low, the thick woman waited for the boy to pull his sibling onto her back. Only then would they start their trek back.


[Image: GreYdcM.gif]



1 Year
09-22-2020, 08:10 PM (This post was last modified: 09-22-2020, 11:13 PM by Suku.)

Suku felt a rush of relief as the older wolf nodded to him, telling him to lead the way. He didn't waste any more time speaking as he darted off through the brush in the direction he'd come, hearing the low howl from directly behind him as they ran, calling for another wolf, presumably a member of their pack with healing experience. It was not long before they arrived, and Suku immediately found a place at Suji's side, worriedly sniffing her and nudging her side to gauge if anything had changed in her condition since he had left. She still seemed to be out cold, although the shallow rise and fall of her chest and the heat emanating from her body was the only indicator that she was still alive.

At the other wolf's suggestion that Suji ride on her back and that they meet the healers half-way, he hesitated, not certain whether he could trust this wolf, and confused about her statement that she couldn't use her teeth - he had yet to see the serrated fangs hidden behind her lips. But he had little choice but to trust her now, and he was far too small to carry her himself, although he was rather average for a wolf, and so he gently took Suji by the scruff of the neck, dragging her over to the much larger alpha and onto her back, receiving little more than a stirring of Suji's paws and a murmured word in response. "Suku..." She whispered, so low it was almost indecipherable, and the male only froze briefly before realizing she was still unconscious and continuing to position her on the larger wolf's back.

When he was finished, he boldly looked the larger wolf in her single eye, something like a threat in his yellow gaze. "Take care of her." He said sternly, knowing that if any harm should come to Suji due to the wolf's negligence, he would not hesitate to make them regret it, even if doing so meant his death.

He turned away then, leading the way back to where they'd met at the border at a slower trot as to not disturb Suji on the she-wolf's back.

Suku is almost always with his sister, Suji.



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
09-22-2020, 10:18 PM
The small healer is working on her hut, putting some finishing touches on the outside, when she hears the call. Ears swivel around and her head turns in the direction of the sound. Meadow knows what that means and quickly collects her bag. There are some common herbs and salves in the saddlebag that might be helpful and she moves to leave. Rigel takes flight and the pair quickly make their way in the direction of the howl. If anyone needs her help, the earthen hued wolf is ready to lend a paw. Anxiety causes her to increase speed as she gets closer to where the sound came from.

As she approaches the border, she picks up her sister’s scent. Meadow follows the trail until she spies Resin with two other wolves. One is unconscious and on Resin’s back and the other walks beside her. Burrows furrow as she moves to walk next her sister and examine the unconscious wolf as best she can. Moving closer to where the male wolf walks, the small healer says, "“My name is Meadow. I am healer. Can you tell me what happened?” She offers him a small, warm smile before looking back at the prone form on Resin’s back.



Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm



1 Year
09-22-2020, 11:31 PM

Suku pauses as he smells the presence of another wolf, his steps faltering until they step out of the shadows - a much smaller wolf, when compared to Resin, who claimed her name was Meadow. He bit back the surge of aggression that threatened to show itself in a growl, not liking this many wolves so close to Suji, and instead dips his head in appreciation that the healer had come to help them.

At the question, his ears perked, figuring that was his cue to tell them of his sister's condition. "Suji has been sickly for almost as long as I can remember." He explained, his gaze turning towards the pale she-wolf on Resin's back, a fondness in his eyes before he shook his head, distressed. "But not like this. Not since we were pups have I seen her this ill. Sometimes it happens without reason, but usually rest and plenty of food is enough to help her. But now she won't eat, and what little she does eat doesn't stay in her stomach for long."

He was clearly concerned about his sister, but more than that, he seemed to feel guilty that he had let this happen to her. "Her more severe illnesses have always been preceded by some sort of cause - getting caught in the rain, or being around strangers, but this time it seemed to just develop. How can I protect her if there's nothing to protect her from?" The last question seemed to be said more to himself than anything else, the worry in his voice evident.

Suku is almost always with his sister, Suji.



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
09-23-2020, 02:28 AM
The boy pulled his sister onto the giants back. She caught the look of defiance in his gaze. Her own gleaming yellow eye hardened in return. Once. She would forgive the insolence once. Only because his sister was ill. Should it happen again, he would learn his place. Resin was a good, forgiving woman, but she demanded the respect of her position. He was begging her for help, afterall. Another wolf might leave them then and there for such behavior. Luckily, she would not.

As she moved smoothly along towards the springs, Meadow intercepted them. The Ashen fae didn't stop, but continued on until she reached Meadows hut. She listened as the boy listed what he knew of the girls illness. Resin was slightly concerned and hoped that whatever illness she had it wasn't contagious.

Gently, Resin deposited the girl onto the stack of furs in the hut. She turned her attention to her sister. "What do you need from me?" The behemoth knew nothing of healing, but she could take instruction. Hopefully Meadow could at least get the girl stable.
[Image: GreYdcM.gif]



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
09-23-2020, 02:58 AM
Walking and listening, Meadow stores the information she learns away. Suji is not keeping down food. Hmm. That is troubling. They are swift and arrive at the earthen hued wolf’s healing hut in short order. Resin deposits her charge on a pile of furs and steps back while Meadow quickly swoops in. Gently and quickly she assesses the prone wolf. Paws probe and note any place that is hard where it should give. Suji’s stomach is tender and gives when pressed on which is a good sign.

Next, she feels for a fever and the unconscious wolf does feel warmer than normal. Suddenly, she remembers the question posed by Resin and she looks up to her sister, saying, “I have a fire pit outside that is lined with rocks, can you use a piece of leather to bring in two of the big rocks and place them in the steam pit? Then you can pour water over them to generate steam. It will help her breathing and fever.” Meadow offers her sister a smile before returning her attention to the sick wolf.

Looking to the other wolf, who has not offered his name yet, Meadow informs him, “She has a fever. I will give her some herbs to help with it and, when she wakes, I will give her some teas to help stimulate her appetite. Water is key for her right now so, when she wake up, she will need to drink a lot.” A comforting smile appears on her lips and she moves to gather herbs. She prepares some boneset in a bowl and adds water. Letting the herb steep, the small healer grabs some cloth rags and a bowl of water. Placing the items near Suji, Meadow sits and dips a piece of cloth in the water.

Once it is soaked, Meadow takes the wet rag and uses it to wet the sick wolf’s nose before rubbing it along her muzzle in the hope she will lick the droplets and get some water into her system. Looking to the other wolf, she asks, “Are you alright? Are you hurt or anything?” She does not see any signs of injury but some wounds do not show on the outside.



Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm



1 Year
09-23-2020, 03:17 AM

As they arrive at the healer's hut, Suku hovered over the smaller she-wolf's shoulder, watching her closely as she worked. She prodded at Suji's stomach and various other places, and he watched with a mixture of distrust and curiosity as she proceeded to give the larger wolf who called herself Resin instructions before informing him of what Suji needed. He nodded curtly, letting the healer work but never taking his eyes off of her, watching her like a hawk as she treated his sister.

He was growing increasingly uncomfortable and, as such, irritable. He did not understand the healer's practices, and worried they were doing more harm than good. He eventually began pacing the small length of the den, still watching the healer but now his anxiety was visible, likely making everyone in the hut nervous as well.

His ears laid back against his head as she began to use a wet cloth to wet Suji's nose. Why did her nose need to be wet? He simply didn't understand it. His ears perked up as the healer suddenly asked if he was alright, and he paused in his pacing before flicking his ear dismissively, "I'm fine." He insisted, drawing closer to hover over the healer's shoulder. "What are you doing? With the rag?" He asked, concern and curiosity warring on his face for a moment before he drew his expression completely neutral.

Suku is almost always with his sister, Suji.



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
09-23-2020, 03:48 AM
With Meadow having given instructions, Resin padded back outside to the fire pit. The flames had died down but the coals were red. She fed a few chunks of wood to the pit to keep it hot. Using the strip of prepared leather, the dame used her claws to push two hot stones onto it. Taking the edges of the leather carefully between her teeth, she moved back inside the hut. Gently, she slid the hot stones into the water of the steam dish and stepped back as they began to bubble.

The boy was pacing and it was clear that he was agitated, but it didn't phase the old wolf one bit. He could pace all that he liked as long as he remembered his manners. This was being done out of kindness. They could just as easily be escorted back over the border to fend for themselves.

Resin seated herself to the side, giving Meadow space to work, but not willing to leave her with strangers. Not with the boy acting so unstable. As he began to hover, getting too close for Resins comfort, the scarred warrior spoke in her gravely, low tones. "Give her space to work." If he distracted Meadow from her work, seeing to his sister would take longer. It was common sense.
[Image: GreYdcM.gif]



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
09-24-2020, 12:12 AM
The small healer works, trying to get water into Suji as the other wolf hovers and watches her closely. Trying to focus on the sick wolf, Meadow tunes out the other two in the hut with her. Repeating the process of soaking the rag and placing it on the unconscious wolf’s muzzle, the earthen hued wolf thinks through her next steps. Vitamins need to be given to help strengthen Suji and the best way to do that right now is with orange juice.

A voice breaks her concentration and Meadow looks to the worried wolf. A caring smile appears and she informs him, “I soak the rag with water and wet her muzzle. Hopefully, the moisture will make her lick the water off and that will hydrate her. With fevers, the body needs more water.” Looking around, Meadow gets up from her place next to Suji and fetches a container with the juice. As she passes Resin, Meadow nods her thanks and offers her a smile as steam starts to fill the hut.

Returning to the prone wolf, the small healer pours some juice into a bowl before placing the vessel down and grabbing a new rag from the pile. Soaking it in the liquid, Meadow then carefully opens Suji’s mouth and places the rag on her tongue. Gently closing her mouth, the healer massages the sick wolf’s throat in the hopes of getting her to swallow some of the liquid. If it works, the juice will not only provide precious vitamins that her starving body needs but will also raise her blood sugar.

When a wolf cannot keep food down it lowers their blood sugar which can make them lethargic and weak. Looking to the worried male, Meadow tells him, “I am giving her some orange juice. It will help her body get the vitamins it needs and, hopefully, help her wake up.” A small, tense smile is offered as she continues to work and wait. Looking back to the unconscious figure, the small healer refocuses all her attention on Suji.



Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm



1 Year
09-30-2020, 06:57 AM

Suku blinked at the older wolf's request that he give the healer space to work, and he stepped a few paces back, as if he hadn't realized he was so close. Upon hearing the healer's explanation for her actions, he blinked, before absorbing the information eagerly. He still didn't trust this so-called healer, but if Suji recovered successfully then he would be far more inclined to use her techniques in the future.

He watched as the healer poured some juice into a bowl and dipped a rag in it, and he nodded at the explanation, feeling a bit more at ease now that he could sort of follow what was happening. He wasn't sure he understood what vitamins were, but he gathered that she probably needed them. He settled onto his haunches finally, still watching with a close eye, but at least he wasn't pacing now. Still, he felt a sort of resentment as he watched her work, although it was not aimed at the healer, but rather himself. After all, had he been more knowledgeable, he might have been able to do all this himself.

Suku is almost always with his sister, Suji.



1 Year
09-30-2020, 07:10 AM

Suji began to stir, a sense of awareness reaching her as her eyes opened just a crack, feeling dazed and achy. A headache pounded at her skull, and she whimpered softly, feeling something thick and sweet-tasting in her mouth. It took her a moment to realize it was a wet cloth of some sort. She widened her eyes, fully absorbing her surroundings and realizing she was in a strange place that smelled like strangers. But she could smell her brother nearby, too, which she thought strange even in the mind-fuddle she was thinking through as her brother rarely let her near strangers, especially when she was sick.

She tried to lift her head to get a better view of what was going on around her, and hopefully spot her brother. Even now, when she was so ill she could barely walk, she worried he was fighting some stranger out of some misguided need to protect her. Yet, she heard no sounds of a battle, and she was too disoriented to lift her head enough to see him. Her eyelids felt heavy, and she closed them tiredly, whispering her brother's name through the rag in her mouth. "Suku..."

Moments later, she felt her brother's familiar tongue licking at her cheek, and she sighed, her mind put at ease knowing that he wasn't getting into trouble. She seemed near the edge of sleep again, a heavy fatigue weighing on her mind.

Suji is almost always with her brother, Suku.
She also suffers from an immune disorder that makes her rather sickly.



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
09-30-2020, 07:11 AM (This post was last modified: 09-30-2020, 07:12 AM by Resin.)

Hearing her words, the boy stepped back and seemed to realize how overbearing he was being. She couldn't blame him. He was obviously worried for his sibling. Meadow was her sibling, however, and Resin had to do her best for the smaller woman. If reminding the boy of his manners would help to set her sister at ease, then she would gladly do so. Once he sat, he seemed to calm a bit. Meadow explained the steps that she was taking and he seemed to accept her answers. Resin was proud of her sister for explaining things so clearly while being under such pressure.

"It looks as though you'll be staying here for a time. I doubt your sister will be fit to travel for a while. She needs to regain her strength." And hopefully put on some weight. The girl didn't weigh more than a feather. Hopefully the boy wouldn't put up a fight on this. If he wanted his sister to die, he could have just left her out there. He brought her here to be healed, however, so healed she would be. The giant woman continued. "I'll expect you to work for your keep. This is a new pack and there's a lot to do. The pair of you may stay as long as you wish, so long as you pull your weight." It was the contract that she would make with all that claimed the sanctuary that she offered. The woman's single, golden eye rested on the boy, waiting to see what his response might be. Her gaze rested on him only a moment, for the damaged young wolf stirred and murmured his name again.


[Image: GreYdcM.gif]



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
09-30-2020, 01:10 PM
Space is given and she continues to work, re-soaking the rag and placing back in Suji’s mouth. Listening as Resin offers them a place in the pack, the earthen hued wolf now realizes that they are siblings. Understanding dawns on her as to why the male has hovered over her so much. However, she cannot focus on that right now and instead, Meadow continues the process of giving the juice until the sick wolf starts to stir.

A soft smile appears on her lips as she hears Suji try to speak around the rag in her mouth. Gently, carefully, the small healer removes the object from her mouth and backs away so her brother can offer the sick wolf comfort. Looking to her own sister for a moment, Meadow offers her a smile and dip of her head and informs her sister, “I have enough room here for them both to stay here until Suji is well enough to leave the hut.” Offering the healing hut as their temporary home, Meadow wonders for a moment if Resin will ask Askan check on her frequently while they are here.

Glancing back at Suji, who is awake, and struggling to remain so, Meadow decides this is the best opportunity to get fever reducing herbs into her and some more vitamin filled juices. Leaving her sister’s side, she moves to gather the needed liquids. Returning quickly to the wolves, she places two bowls down near them. One is filled with water and the other has a darker juice. She tells them with a gentle voice, “Suji, I know you are very tired but I need to drink two things before you fall asleep. Okay?” First, she pulls the bowl filled with water toward her. It has been infused with boneset herbs.

Looking from Suji to her brother, she lets them know, “This is water and it has an herb called boneset in it. It will help lower your fever. Now, I also have some elderberry juice I need you to drink. It will also help with the fever and to strengthen your body.” She explains this, mostly for Suji’s brother to understand. Gently, slowly, Meadow lifts Suji’s head off the ground so that she can drink more easily. The herbs and juice will take time to work but at least Suji will have a better chance to heal with them in her system.



Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm