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4 Years
06-12-2014, 11:59 PM

The delicate girl had decided she would stay in the fern gully for a moment. Her thoughts very much on her parents and the land they had used to reside within only a few paw steps away. The range was where she'd been born, where she'd spent the first half of her life. It was a meaningful place for her even if she couldn't step foot there. She'd been planning on calling to the alpha, hoping for information of her family's whereabouts. They would be able to tell her where they'd gotten off to right? If anyone could it would be that wolf that led what had been Seracia. After meeting with Kristopher she had come to know the place as Covari, and she was quite tempted to go and check it out for herself.
However, the wind was rather cold that day and the girl was quite content keeping herself from the cold. The gully provided a good amount of shelter, and almost held in the warmth of the day as she hunkered down into the snow, thoughts wandering as gold rimmed eyes looked into the distance. She knew she'd come no closer to her goal if she continued to hide from the winter's wrath. A sigh would utter from her dainty lips as her tail curled tighter around her. It would be a long winter if she had no one to keep her warm.

touch the stars

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3 Years
06-13-2014, 06:36 AM

Given the number of wolves and the size of the lands that Covari claimed things weren't exactly too crowded within the territory, life in Uroril had been far harder to find a moment of peace especially given the wolves there didn't seem to favour privacy all that much. Here many of them had kept their distance from him, he wasn't entirely sure he could name even half of the wolves in the pack, a fact that probably ought to be changed if he strove for a higher position but despite all of this Soliloquy found himself feeling somewhat frustrated at everything. He couldn't entirely place why he felt this was, but perhaps it had something to do with his lack of responsibility and the fact it seemed he would remain stuck in his lowly rank whilst others flew on ahead.

In the early stages already some of the highest ranks had been handed to wolves, his brother of course included in this. Others now had joined them in receiving official titles and some already had earned promotions. How had they moved through the ranks so easily, would could he do to earn one of his own? The task was especially challenging given that one Queen was still recovering and the other had suddenly left the pack lands and why wasn't entirely obvious as it seemed she had remained rather secretive about it.

A moment of leave for himself was taken instead. He was glad his brother was on his feet, and whilst of course he hadn't expected any lavish treatment some sign of approval that he'd done a good job was somewhat craved by the young Destruction. So far he'd received nothing, his brother had left to find Othello and now back was reluctant to leave the heavily pregnant female alone. It was somewhat understandable, they were apparently his children but still once more Soliloquy was starting to feel that he wasn't important to his brother these days and certainly it seemed not to the pack itself.

To be honest Soliloquy had no idea what he wished to do, realistically he didn't plan on leaving the lands for too long, he would certainly return to Covari long before anyone would notice he had slipped out but a distraction of some sort would be wonderful at the moment. And then, unless fate was taunting the boy once more, it seemed he had found a beautiful distraction. Perhaps it would have been wise to think of some form of plan, at least worked out what he wished to say before he walked up to the pretty russet female but it was too late for that, already he had arrived before her and only now was realising the flaw in his approach. "Hello" A simple greeting whilst he tried to buy some time to plan his next move.



4 Years
06-13-2014, 10:17 AM

The girl's muzzle would lay upon her delicate paws. Russet ears would swivel as snow crunched under someone's paws. She would not become alarmed yet, as her posture would not move. She was too chilled to want to do much, with the snow starting to fall upon her back the small girl would simply watch as a white suitor made his way into her line of sight. Curiosity got the better of her as fragile features were raised above her petite paws. Her royal tiara would tilt curiously as his paws carried him to her side, he'd been distracted by her. "Hello," dainty lips would pull back in a half smile as he offered her nothing but a greeting.
She had to wonder if he was of common blood. His appearance had seemed rather noble but his approach lacked in the regality she would expect from a prince. She wondered if there was just a lot on his mind, he also smelled of the Covari pack. Obviously she had chosen correctly in her place to stay, two members had found her here already. Maybe it was time to go and ask about her missing parents. "Hello," Her tiny word was curious, and unwilling to give anymore information to him than he had given her. She only knew about him what her eyes and nose would tell her. She almost asked him if she was on Covari lands, having been seen by two members so far. However he wouldn't try to escort her away, so her demeanor would calm.

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3 Years
06-13-2014, 03:37 PM

A prince Soliloquy sadly wasn't. Never had he been and it certainly seemed that he never would be either. There was ambition within the young boy but he had certainly made no real notable achievements within his life so far. At only a year of age there was plenty of time to change that, though greedily the boy sought for more right now though wasn't realistically able to achieve that it seemed. Such thoughts were clear from his mind now though, princes and princesses, kings and queens none of that mattered at all right now, he still lacked any real plan for his time here now with Isolde, it may have been a little ambitious to assume that she wished to give him any time but he would certainly try his best here now.

A greeting was returned, the first sign that perhaps he actually stood a chance at having any company right now. As far as he could tell she was alone and given the snow speckling her coat as it settled upon her she had been here for quite some time. Doing what exactly was beyond him, but she was his distraction and perhaps he could be hers. "You look cold." Perhaps not the most eloquent way he could have worded things and he probably should have added something else beyond that, a flirting comment or a gentlemanly offer that they find her somewhere else to rest. Neither came particularly natural to Soliloquy though, once more it seemed he was going to start a rather awkward conversation with a girl.



4 Years
06-13-2014, 05:13 PM

Isolde had never had to work for her title, she was born to a king and queen and retained her regal stature. She had no doubts within her mind that even though there was no kingdom before her she was royalty. As the cold gripped her though, it didn't much feel like she was a princess. She should have had suitors lining up to keep her warm, or at the very least a sibling or a parent. Isolde would try and banish these lonely thoughts from her mind, she had the gentleman before her to occupy her frozen thoughts. "You look cold." So far he seemed less than amusing or eloquent. The lyrics he would spin her were short, yet to the point. She would doubt his participation in anything political, but would give him a break. He was probably as out of the loop as she was. He seemed to be about her age however, the potential of a new ally was strong in him. He wouldn't move as he asked, she presumed he might be waiting for an invitation. Would he help her warm back up? His pelt looked awful plush, and the cold didn't seem to bother him at all.
To prove his point further she would shiver violently, the cold was really getting to the tiny girl. "That obvious?" her words were an attempt at confidence, but the shaking in her vocals would cause the ruse to fall flat. "I'm actually really cold.." She didn't know what he would do, she felt rude to ask a complete stranger to come and warm her. The russet girl's features would paint a different tale, there was a slight pleading in her eye. Would he come sit by her?


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3 Years
06-13-2014, 05:51 PM

Soliloquy was a rather awkward wolf in some ways. He had many of his brother's traits that led to him potentially becoming a rather powerful man once he matured a little more though one thing he currently lacked was Scorpion's charming manner. It was certainly something that didn't come naturally to him yet, with more observation and more practice however like many things he had picked up and mimicked from his brother's behaviour, it was possible that he too could pick up the silver tongue. For now though, his comment had perhaps been more of a statement, something to say than an actual offer to keep her warm and it meant that the idea that he could wouldn't actually hit him immediately. A sudden shivering would grip the girl however, certainly confirming his assumption correct and bringing forth the first feeling, the first thought that he could help her there.

Verbally she would confirm it as well, admitting that she was cold. Her pleading look was seen perhaps not completely understood though the idea was forming within the boy's mind anyway. He would take another step closer to her shivering form. "I can help you." He declared, his tone slightly warmer now, finding himself with a slightly better idea of what to do or say and falling a little easier into play. He wouldn't wait for the invitation now, moving closer and settling himself down at her side, curling his larger form around her.

It certainly wasn't often that Soliloquy had found himself cuddling up to others like this, in fact this was probably a first for him. Throughout his life though he'd observed his brother and had certainly seen the protective manner in which Scorpion would lie with Orchid and these days Othello as well. He found, somewhat surprisingly that it came rather naturally, aside from the cold it was rather comfortable to lie here beside the girl. He had certainly aspired to finding prizes of his own though he'd never felt the attachment to others, that feeling was growing now however and without giving too much thought to his next actions, he would softly nuzzle the fur upon her scruff. Often he had shown the similar affection to his sisters and it certainly came naturally to him now.



4 Years
06-13-2014, 06:30 PM

The boy was a complete stranger, but the girl would pay no mind. She was cold, a bad cold, and she was going to need some type of help. She'd never been through a winter alone, and that much was apparent. She was becoming a little thin, and she could feel effect the low temperatures were having on her tiny features. She didn't know what he was thinking, or what he was planning on doing. He would stand before her only a moment longer, his eyes taking in her shivering frame as his words were let from his mouth. "I can help you." Golden rimmed gaze would grow wider, a hopeful expression filling in her features. His voice would warm her as he made no hesitation in bringing himself to her.
His much larger frame would fall in beside her, warm fur mingling with her own as he curled around her body. She would fit into his side perfectly, she would snuggle into his belly as the curve of her neck intwined with his own. She couldn't help the sudden purr that fell from her pale lips. The last encounter with a stranger she had turned out quite like this, curling under the stars. Though Pandora had certainly caused her quite the blush, this boy was easy to be around. His sudden affection would cause her an extra breath as she found herself enjoying his gentle touch. She would mutter softly, her own features nuzzling into his plush coat. "I'm Isolde," there was no shiver from cold in her voice anymore, but an excited nervousness would fill its depths now.


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3 Years
06-14-2014, 07:30 AM

Whilst he may have had a few qualms about life within Covari there was no denying that it was treating the boy well. His form was filling out from youthful lankiness and he was certainly growing stronger. Any weight he'd lost during his brief period alone had certainly been regained now, even despite that stage of worry during the epidemic that had put many wolves off of their food and duties. He was healthy all in all and that combined with his thick coat had certainly left the male not too bothered by the winter chill, a pleasant den to sleep in each night anyway, he was incredibly comfortable with life right now.

She would shift closer against him, and whilst she may have been cold, there was of course still a warmth within her that could be felt as she pressed into him. A happy sound would leave her and filling Soliloquy with a certain pride. He had brought that feeling on and in an incredibly simple manner. She would speak her name as she began to nuzzle him back, the shared attention of the moment certainly bringing a rather new feeling to the boy, sharing in her excitement though lacking the nerves she felt despite the fact that Isolde's energy was fuelling his. His confidence was certainly growing, perhaps shown in his touch. The nuzzling continued, intensifying slightly in his actions, his tongue now placing kisses upon her fur as he trailed up to her ear. There he would pause briefly and whisper his own name to her. "Soliloquy Destruction."



4 Years
06-15-2014, 02:46 PM

While her counterpart was rather pleased with his life Isolde could not say the same. She had not found her parents, she was quite alone even having met quite a few interesting wolves. Her curiosity of the world had been intensified, and her complete innocence would not show a tiny blemish. Pandora had opened the door to a different world, and her spotless actions would be transformed ever after. That was if she made it through the winter alive, unlike Soliloquy she was not so well fed and did not have a nice den to shelter herself within.
She would let herself be surrounded by the boy, she wouldn't even think twice about allowing him so close to her. She was so thankful for his actions, and would have been completely satisfied had he only sat beside her. She wasn't sure what to feel as his affections continued, there was an odd nervousness at being held so close by a stranger. At the same time she felt herself leaning into his touch, slightly surprised at the tiny kisses placed on her russet pelt. A nervous shiver would run over her skin, a feeling of vulnerability overcoming her as his breath tickled her ear. "Soliloquy Destruction." he would name himself, the lyrics whispered to her intimately.
Confusion would render her still as she tried to make up her mind on how she felt about Soliloquy. His soft touch was hypnotic, she couldn't deny how much she enjoyed it. "Nice to meet you," she would breathe as her golden rimmed eyes glanced back towards him before nuzzling back into his chest. She didn't know if he had any plans for her, but thus far she was sure she wouldn't be disappointed.


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3 Years
06-15-2014, 03:49 PM

Maybe if the boy knew more about her background he'd be all the more eager to follow his brother's lead, to claim Isolde as his own and bring her wherever he went so that he could protect and care for her. He had never had a prize of his own, Orchid despite also being his favourite sister was certainly more Scorpion's than she ever would be his though his time watching over she and their sick brother had perhaps been the closest he had come to ownership before. The idea was one that had appealed to him before though with little to do these days was growing on him more than he realised now.

The affections continued, her small trembles and leans into his touch only encouraging him further. The young Destruction had no plans for her really, he certainly aspired to mimic his brother's behaviour for himself though it was purely his and Isolde's actions now that spurred him on, Scorpion was far from his mind, the russet beauty before him now consuming his thoughts.

She was polite it seemed, remembering her manners despite the attention she was receiving now. He would smirk briefly though reciprocate the manners all the same. "And you too." He responded, the words most definitely not a lie, he was certainly enjoying her company.



4 Years
06-17-2014, 12:27 PM

The girl knew not of Soliloquy's growing desires of claiming her, or the possibility of it. She was just relieved to have found a bit of shelter from the cold. Her chilled shivers had ceased and the company she was given turned out to be rather pleasant. She would breathe in his subtle musky scent as the close proximity gave her little other choice.
She could not deny the pleasant feeling of being so close, the initial surprise slowly fading as his gentle touch caressed her petite form. His actions would slow as she offered her polite lyrics, her golden rimmed gaze would catch his tiny smirk as he replied, "And you too."
As she rest her head upon him her mind would calm, all alarming thoughts put away. Could she read his mind she might have been more cautious, worried about what his brother might have taught him. She was engrossed however, she enjoyed his warmth and his soothing voice.
Her form would still slightly as she pushed herself into his plush frame, she didn't know why he was here but she was glad he'd come to her rescue. Bloodlines didn't matter when you were freezing. "Thank you.. for laying with me. she would whisper into his fur.


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3 Years
06-20-2014, 02:18 PM

Isolde was calming slightly, settling into his touch and relaxing. It did little to change Soliloquy not sure if he favoured that nervous excitement on the content she now had to be beside him, both pleased him, he was causing this emotions after all and an ego within him loved that fact. She would be his, perhaps not right now he knew he certainly lacked the skill and experience that his brother had perhaps this would need to be a slower progress, a project to eventually get what he desired.

The little smirk would remain on his face as she thanked him, and attempted to press herself closer towards him. "My pleasure." He responded simply, smooth tones letting the words spill and he found himself feeling rather more confident with Isolde than he had with Senka. Perhaps it was the girl or perhaps he had simply already improved, whatever the reason he would simply accept the fact that this little meeting seemed to be going rather well for him so far.